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Swiss mice, immunized against the malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei, were treated with antithymocyte serum (ATS) at various times before and after challenge with the homologous parasite. Strong sensitivity to ATS treatment was observed at the end of the sensitization period, and especially if administered close in time to the challenge inoculum. Sensitivity to ATS treatment was reduced again within a period of 1 to 2 days after challenge. When a breakthrough of parasitemia after ATS treatment was prevented by chemoprophylaxis, a recovery from the state of immunodepression and reestablishment of immunity occurred within a period of 1 to 2 weeks.  相似文献   

The effects of eosinophilia on the course of Plasmodium berghei infection in mice were studied. Eosinophilia was induced by intravenous injection of Ascaris suum body fluid into the mice. Results indicated that eosinophils may play a role in the suppression of murine malaria. A significant reduction in parasitemias and increased survival time in eosinophilic mice occurred compared to mice not treated with A. suum body fluid. Reduction of parasitemia was effectively achieved when the mice were challenged with P. berghei, only after the level of eosinophils reached at least 10% of total white cell counts in the circulation. These findings may offer an additional explanation for the suppression of malaria in individuals with severe ascariasis.  相似文献   

Following primary in vitro Stimulation by Plasmodium berghei, IgM titers by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) were negative in in vitro reconstituted syngeneic mouse spleen cultures containing T cells and macrophages, or B cells and macrophages, or macrophages alone, but IgM titers of 1:20 were obtained from cultures containing B cells, T cells, and macrophages. IFAT IgG titers were negative for cultures with T cells and macrophages together, or macrophages alone, but rose to 1:40 with cultures containing B cells and macrophages and 1,80 with cultures of B cells, T cells, and macrophages together. After a second in vitro challenge, IgM and IgG titers were similar to the stimulated cultures from immunized mice; the IgM titer reached only 1:20 but the IgG titer rose to 1:160. Total immunoglobulin was higher in the cultures from immunized mice than from in vitro primed cultures.  相似文献   

The carriage of oxygen by the blood and the in vivo response of the brain were investigated in mice infected with a lethal strain of Plasmodium yoelii. All mice with parasitaemia exceeding 70% were severely anaemic (Hb 3.5 +/- 1.8 g/dl; mean +/- 1 SD), acidotic (blood pH 7.04 +/- 0.06) and hypoglycaemic (blood glucose 0.6 +/- 0.76 mumol/ml). The oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) of blood from heavily infected mice was shifted right as compared to controls, but the increase in p50 was less than expected from the accompanying acidosis. The reduced shift right was due to a decrease in the 2,3-DPG/Hb ratio in infected animals (0.72 +/- 0.12, n = 17 vs 1.10 +/- 0.09, n = 12 in controls). Despite the severity of terminal infection, the cerebral pH and the relative steady-state concentrations of PCr, ATP and Pi measured in vivo by nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) were normal. Alterations in brain energy status and pH cannot account for cerebral signs or death in this proposed mouse model of cerebral malaria.  相似文献   

Subpatent persistence of parasitemia was detected for up to 7 weeks after infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium yoelii. Serum taken from recovered mice maintained parasitemias in recipient mice at a subpatent level when transferred repeatedly at 2-day intervals. Single doses of serum from convalescent donors delayed the course of infection in recipients. Small doses of transferred hyperimmune serum had the same effect, whereas large doses (>0.5 ml) totally suppressed parasitemia. Only a single secondary challenge of recovered mice was required in order to produce a maximally protective hyperimmune serum. Mice completely protected from a primary challenge with P. yoelii by transfer of hyperimmune serum were not at all resistant to a second challenge given some weeks later. After transfer of hyperimmune serum into mice with established P. yoelii infection, parasitemia fell to subpatent levels within 48 hr. During the first 21 hr after serum transfer, a progressive reduction in the proportion of ring forms present in blood smears was observed.  相似文献   

Granulocyte and macrophage progenitor cells forming colonies in vitro (GM-CFC) from bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood of BALB/c mice infected with Plasmodium berghei were cultured at various times postinfection in a viscous, 0.8% methylcellulose system. The numbers of GM-CFCs from bone marrow increased gradually during the first week of infection, reaching a maximum around the tenth day of the disease. Subsequently, a rise of GM-CFCs in cultures of nucleated cells from the peripheral blood was observed and, with some delay, in spleen cell cultures also, with a maximum around the end of the second week. After the tenth day of malaria infection a fall of colony frequency in bone marrow-derived cells took place, leading to subnormal values of GM-CFCs during the third week of infection. Subsequently, a decrease in the spleen cell cultures followed, but colony numbers did not fall to normal values. The general increase in GM-CFCs in the different organs was preceded by a rise in serum levels of colony-stimulating activity (CSA), attaining a maximum 1 week after P. berghei inoculation. During the following period the CSA levels fell and reached normal values around the seventeenth day of the disease. Chemotherapy with chloroquine started on the fifteenth day of infection, when GM-CFCs in the bone marrow have dropped to normal values, stopped their further decrease. In the spleen a gradual normalization took more than 2 weeks. A challenge infection evoked an elevation of GM-CFC numbers in the bone marrow and in the spleen during the first 10 days in only about 50% of immune mice. The reaction was immediate in some animals, but generally lower and of shorter duration than during primary infection. The results have indicated that a lethal P. berghei infection in mice caused a transient increase in production of CSA followed by a general recruitment of GM-CFCs in all hemopoietic organs.  相似文献   

The relationship between the suppression of antibody response and polyclonal B-cell activation was studied in mice treated with a cell homogenate of Trypanosoma gambiense. The cell homogenate injection in mice caused a progressive increase in splenic background plaque-forming cell response to sheep erythrocyte. In the mice with markedly increased background plaque-forming cell response, the different reactivity in the primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes was observed between the intraperitoneal and intravenous immunization with sheep erythrocytes. The intraperitoneal immunization of mice with sheep erythrocytes strongly suppressed the antibody response, while the intravenous immunization with sheep erythrocytes led to an enhancement of the antibody response. The intraperitoneal injection of silica particles, a toxic agent to macrophages, 30 min before intraperitoneal immunization with sheep erythrocytes abolished the suppression of the antibody response completely. In addition, restoration of the suppressed antibody response was found in mice immunized intraperitoneally with a high dose of sheep erythrocytes. It appears that the suppression of antibody response is not attributable to polyclonal B-cell activation, and is associated with the elevation of the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

In NIH inbred mice infected with the AS strain of Plasmodium chabaudi the erythrocytic infection shows an acute primary parasitaemia which becomes subpatent after about 2 weeks. A period (7–10 days) of subpatency follows before a short-lasting patent recrudescence appears. The appearance of the recrudescent parasitaemia was examined in relation to (1) the level of antiplasmodial antibody detected by the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, (2) the antiparasite activity of the serum measured by the passive protection test, and (3) the ability of the mice to control and eliminate a large intravenous challenge infection. In the period between the primary parasitaemia becoming subpatent and the onset of the recrudescence there was a slight drop in the IFA levels, and a steep decline in passive protective levels and in the ability of the mice to control a large intravenous challenge infection. It is suggested that a decline in the effector arm in the immune response contributes to emergence of the recrudescent parasitaemias.  相似文献   

Mixed lymphocyte reactions and in vitro antibody responses to dinitrophenol (DNP) after immunization with DNP-Ficoll were measured in spleen cells from mice following infection with 200 Trichinella spiralis larvae. A depression of the mixed lymphocyte reaction was observed at 14 through 84 days after infection. A reduced response to concanavalin A stimulation was demonstrated over a similar time period, 7 through 63 days of infection. The addition of mitomycin C-treated spleen cells from mice infected with T. spiralis to cultures of normal splenocytes suppressed the mixed lymphocyte reaction by 28% to 65%. The antibody response to DNP-Ficoll immunization was enhanced 20 days after infection, a time when the T-dependent antibody response to sheep erythrocytes was depressed.  相似文献   

Groups of lethally X-irradiated NIH mice were injected with either glass wool-filtered (g.w.) immune spleen cells or nylon wool enriched immune T cells from syngeneic mice immune to Plasmodium chabaudi, or g.w. normal spleen cells. After cell recipients were infected with P. chabaudi the three groups reached similar mean peak parasitaemias on Day 11. In passive transfer tests serum obtained from mice sacrificed at this time gave little protection compared to normal serum. On Day 14 g.w. immune spleen cell recipients had subpatent infections and enriched immune T-cell recipients had a lower mean parasitaemia than g.w. normal spleen cell recipients. Serum obtained on Day 14 from g.w. immune spleen cell recipients gave better protection after passive transfer than sera from enriched immune T-cell or g.w. normal spleen cell recipients. Day 14 serum from enriched immune T-cell recipients, but not from g.w. normal spleen cell recipients, produced some initial protection after passive transfer. These results suggest that the transferred immune spleen cells contributed to the observed humoral immunity in lethally irradiated recipient mice.  相似文献   

Nonspecific immune responses during the course of murine Trypanosoma cruzi infection were examined in mouse strains genetically resistant or susceptible to the Brazil strain of T. cruzi. Spleen cells from infected susceptible (C3H) or resistant [C57 B1/10 and FI (C3H × C57)]mice at various points during the course of infection exhibited a reduced response to concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide in vitro. Since this reduced response occurred in both susceptible and resistant mice, it was not predictive of resistance or susceptibility in vivo. We next examined the kinetics of in vivo primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) in infected C3H and C57 mice. C3H mice exhibited inhibition of the direct plaque-forming cell assay (d-PFC) which persisted until death. In contrast C57 mice exhibited no inhibition of the response at Day 5 and subsequently a markedly augmented response was observed. Other strains of mice were similarly investigated: all the susceptible mice examined (A/J, BALB/c) showed inhibition or depression of the primary antibody response and resistant mice [B10Br, C57B1/10, SJL, F1 (C3H × C57)]demonstrated either no inhibition or considerable augmentation of this response. CS7 mice resistant to the Brazil strain were susceptible to the Tulahuén strain. The mice in this latter group exhibited a markedly significant inhibition of the in vivo primary antibody response to SRBC. Culture forms of the Brazil strain protected C3H mice from a virulent challenge. This immunization resulted in a markedly augmented antibody response. The data reported herein are consistent with the notion that inhibition of the primary antibody response to SRBC correlates with susceptibility whereas no inhibition or, indeed, augmentation of the response correlates with natural as well as acquired resistance.  相似文献   

Infection of BALB/c mice with Plasmodium berghei results in an anemia which is excessive to that which can be accounted for solely by direct destruction of infected erythrocytes by the mature schizonts at the time of merozoite release. Mice infected with 104 infected erythrocytes exhibited a progressive anemia beginning on Day 7. Significant reticulocytosis was first observed on Day 9 and parasitemia tended to parallel reticulocytosis with a lag of about 1 day. In studies of erythrophagocytosis, washed erythrocytes from randomly selected mice infected with 105 infected red blood cells were phagocytized by peritoneal macrophages in vitro to a significantly greater extent on Days 3–5 postinfection than were erythrocytes taken from normal controls. The degree of erythrophagocytosis reached a peak on Day 4 and returned to control levels on Days 6 and 7. Erythrocytes taken from infected animals on Day 7 and incubated in normal plasma were phagocytized to a significantly greater extent than were normal erythrocytes incubated in normal plasma or erythrocytes from infected mice incubated in plasma from infected animals. The enhanced in vitro erythrophagocytosis observed on Days 3–5, which preceded and coincided with the beginning of the early-onset anemia on Day 5, may correlate with in vivo phenomena which may contribute to the developing anemia. Furthermore, the restoration of enhanced erythrophagocytosis by normal plasma seems to indicate that some component(s) of normal plasma may be depleted during the early stages of P. berghei infection.  相似文献   

Nine inbred strains of mice were challenged with 104 or 105 trypomastigotes of the Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. A spectrum of resistance was evident ranging from highly susceptible strains, e.g., C3H, which developed high parasitemias and died within 3 to 4 weeks, to resistant strains, e.g., C57BL/10, which developed low parasitemias and survived. Impairment of the immune system in resistant C57BL/10 mice by X-irradiation, splenectomy, or treatment with silica led to high, often fatal parasitemias. Athymic nude mice, in particular, attained exceptionally high parasitemias before dying. The immune response appears to be necessary for survival and to play a role in the natural resistance of some mouse strains by effectively eliminating parasites and minimizing parasitemia. Using congenic strains of mice, it was shown that the principal genetic determinant of resistance is not associated with their H-2 haplotype.  相似文献   

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