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DNA interstrand cross-links (ICL)-inducing agents such as cisplatin, mitomycin C (MMC) and nitrogen mustards are widely used as potent antitumor drugs. Although ICL repair mechanism is not yet well characterized in mammalian cells, this pathway is thought to involve a sequential action of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination (HR). The importance of unraveling ICL repair pathways is highlighted by the hypersensitivity to ICL-inducing agents in cells of patients with the genetic disease Fanconi anemia (FA) and in cells mutated in the Breast Cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. To better characterize the involvement of HR in the sensitivity to ICL-inducing agents, we examined spontaneous and ICL-induced HR in rodent FA-like V-H4 cells. In this report, we show that MMC-hypersensitive V-H4 cells exhibit an increased spontaneous homology-directed repair (HDR) activity compared to the resistant V79 parental cells. Elevated HDR activity results mainly in increased conservative Rad51-dependent recombination, without affecting non-conservative single-strand annealing process (SSA). We also show that HDR activity is enhanced following MMC treatment in parental cells, but not in rodent FA-like V-H4 cells. Moreover, our data indicate that Rad51 foci formation is significantly delayed in these FA-like cells in response to crosslinking agent. These findings provide evidence for an impairment of HR control in V-H4 cells and emphasize the involvement of the FA pathway in HR-mediated repair.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic single-stranded DNA-binding protein, replication protein A (RPA), is essential for DNA replication, and plays important roles in DNA repair and DNA recombination. Rad52 and RPA, along with other members of the Rad52 epistasis group of genes, repair double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs). Two repair pathways involve RPA and Rad52, homologous recombination and single-strand annealing. Two binding sites for Rad52 have been identified on RPA. They include the previously identified C-terminal domain (CTD) of RPA32 (residues 224-271) and the newly identified domain containing residues 169-326 of RPA70. A region on Rad52, which includes residues 218-303, binds RPA70 as well as RPA32. The N-terminal region of RPA32 does not appear to play a role in the formation of the RPA:Rad52 complex. It appears that the RPA32CTD can substitute for RPA70 in binding Rad52. Sequence homology between RPA32 and RPA70 was used to identify a putative Rad52-binding site on RPA70 that is located near DNA-binding domains A and B. Rad52 binding to RPA increases ssDNA affinity significantly. Mutations in DBD-D on RPA32 show that this domain is primarily responsible for the ssDNA binding enhancement. RPA binding to Rad52 inhibits the higher-order self-association of Rad52 rings. Implications for these results for the "hand-off" mechanism between protein-protein partners, including Rad51, in homologous recombination and single-strand annealing are discussed.  相似文献   

Genome instability, primarily caused by faulty DNA repair mechanisms, drives tumorigenesis. Therapeutic interventions that exploit deregulated DNA repair in cancer have made considerable progress by targeting tumor-specific alterations of DNA repair factors, which either induces synthetic lethality or augments the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The study of Fanconi anemia (FA), a rare inherited blood disorder and cancer predisposition syndrome, has been instrumental in understanding the extent to which DNA repair defects contribute to tumorigenesis. The FA pathway functions to resolve blocked replication forks in response to DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs), and accumulating knowledge of its activation by the ubiquitin-mediated signaling pathway has provided promising therapeutic opportunities for cancer treatment. Here, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of FA pathway regulation and its potential application for designing tailored therapeutics that take advantage of deregulated DNA ICL repair in cancer.  相似文献   

The SLX4/FANCP tumor suppressor has emerged as a key player in the maintenance of genome stability, making pivotal contributions to the repair of interstrand cross-links, homologous recombination, and in response to replication stress genome-wide as well as at specific loci such as common fragile sites and telomeres. SLX4 does so in part by acting as a scaffold that controls and coordinates the XPF–ERCC1, MUS81–EME1, and SLX1 structure-specific endonucleases in different DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. It also interacts with other important DNA repair and cell cycle control factors including MSH2, PLK1, TRF2, and TOPBP1 as well as with ubiquitin and SUMO. This review aims at providing an up-to-date and comprehensive view on the key functions that SLX4 fulfills to maintain genome stability as well as to highlight and discuss areas of uncertainty and emerging concepts.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is a conserved molecular process that has primarily evolved for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks and stalled replication forks. However, the recombination machinery in mitochondria is poorly understood. Here, we show that the yeast mitochondrial nucleoid protein, Mgm101, is related to the Rad52-type recombination proteins that are widespread in organisms from bacteriophage to humans. Mgm101 is required for repeat-mediated recombination and suppression of mtDNA fragmentation in vivo. It preferentially binds to single-stranded DNA and catalyzes the annealing of ssDNA precomplexed with the mitochondrial ssDNA-binding protein, Rim1. Transmission electron microscopy showed that Mgm101 forms large oligomeric rings of ~14-fold symmetry and highly compressed helical filaments. Specific mutations affecting ring formation reduce protein stability in vitro. The data suggest that the ring structure may provide a scaffold for stabilization of Mgm101 by preventing the aggregation of the otherwise unstable monomeric conformation. Upon binding to ssDNA, Mgm101 is remobilized from the rings to form distinct nucleoprotein filaments. These studies reveal a recombination protein of likely bacteriophage origin in mitochondria and support the notion that recombination is indispensable for mtDNA integrity.  相似文献   

Analysis of Mgm101p isolated from mitochondria shows that the mature protein of 27.6 kDa lacks 22 amino acids from the N-terminus. This mitochondrial targeting sequence has been incorporated in the design of oligonucleotides used to determine a functional core of Mgm101p. Progressive deletions, although retaining the targeting sequence, reveal that 76 N-terminal and six C-terminal amino acids of Mgm101p can be removed without altering the ability to complement an mgm101-1(ts) temperature-sensitive mutant. However, this active core is unable to complement mgm101 null mutants, suggesting that the Mgm101p might need to form a dimer or multimer to be functional in vivo. The active core, enriched in basic residues, contains 165 amino acids with a pI of 9.2. Alignment with 22 Mgm101p sequences from other lower eukaryotes shows that a number of amino acids are highly conserved in this region. Random mutagenesis confirms that certain critical amino acids required for function are invariant across the 23 proteins. Searches in the PFAM database revealed a low level of structural similarity between the active core and the Rad52 protein family.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is an autosomal or X-linked recessive disorder characterized by chromosomal instability, bone marrow failure, cancer susceptibility, and a profound sensitivity to agents that produce DNA interstrand cross-link (ICL). To date, 15 genes have been identified that, when mutated, result in FA or an FA-like syndrome. It is believed that cellular resistance to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents requires all 15 FA or FA-like proteins. Here, we review our current understanding of how these FA proteins participate in ICL repair and discuss the molecular mechanisms that regulate the FA pathway to maintain genome stability.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare recessive genetic disease characterized by congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure and heightened cancer susceptibility in early adulthood. FA is caused by biallelic germ-line mutation of any one of 16 genes. While several functions for the FA proteins have been ascribed, the prevailing hypothesis is that the FA proteins function cooperatively in the FA-BRCA pathway to repair damaged DNA. A pivotal step in the activation of the FA-BRCA pathway is the monoubiquitination of the FANCD2 and FANCI proteins. Despite their importance for DNA repair, the domain structure, regulation, and function of FANCD2 and FANCI remain poorly understood. In this review, we provide an overview of our current understanding of FANCD2 and FANCI, with an emphasis on their posttranslational modification and common and unique functions.  相似文献   

The Rad52 protein plays a crucial role in repairing DNA damage and homologous recombination, possibly by virtue of its ability to catalyze annealing of single-stranded DNA. In agreement with recent genetic data, we here present results based on the two-hybrid system, demonstrating that mouse Rad52p is able to form homomeric complexes. A small domain necessary and sufficient for the self-interaction is located in the conserved N-terminus of the protein. These data contribute to the important insights into the architecture of the multi-protein complex involved in recombinational DNA repair.  相似文献   

A pool of PTEN localizes to the nucleus. However, the exact mechanism of action of nuclear PTEN remains poorly understood. We have investigated PTEN’s role during DNA damage response. Here we report that PTEN undergoes chromatin translocation after DNA damage, and that its translocation is closely associated with its phosphorylation on S366/T370 but not on S380. Deletional analysis reveals that the C2 domain of PTEN is responsible for its nuclear translocation after exposure to genotoxin. Both casein kinase 2 and GSK3β are involved in the phosphorylation of the S366/T370 epitope, as well as PTEN’s association with chromatin after DNA damage. Significantly, PTEN specifically interacts with Rad52 and colocalizes with Rad52, as well as γH2AX, after genotoxic stress. Moreover, PTEN is involved in regulating Rad52 sumoylation. Combined, our studies strongly suggest that nuclear/chromatin PTEN mediates DNA damage repair through interacting with and modulating the activity of Rad52.  相似文献   

Human Rad52 (HsRad52) is a DNA-binding protein (418 residues) that promotes the catalysis of DNA double strand break repair by the Rad51 recombinase. HsRad52 self-associates to form ring-shaped oligomers as well as higher order complexes of these rings. Analysis of the structural and functional organization of protein domains suggests that many of the determinants of DNA binding lie within the N-terminal 85 residues. Crystal structures of two truncation mutants, HsRad52(1-212) and HsRad52(1-209) support the idea that this region makes up an important part of the DNA binding domain. Here, we report the results of saturating alanine scanning mutagenesis of the N-terminal domain of full-length HsRad52 in which we identify residues that are likely involved in direct contact with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Our results largely agree with the position of side-chains seen in the crystal structures but also suggest that certain DNA binding and cross-subunit interactions differ between the 11 subunit ring in the crystal structures of the truncation mutant proteins versus the seven subunit ring formed by full-length HsRad52.  相似文献   

DNA damage tolerance relies on homologous recombination (HR) and translesion synthesis (TLS) mechanisms to fill in the ssDNA gaps generated during passing of the replication fork over DNA lesions in the template. Whereas TLS requires specialized polymerases able to incorporate a dNTP opposite the lesion and is error‐prone, HR uses the sister chromatid and is mostly error‐free. We report that the HR protein Rad52—but not Rad51 and Rad57—acts in concert with the TLS machinery (Rad6/Rad18‐mediated PCNA ubiquitylation and polymerases Rev1/Pol ζ) to repair MMS and UV light‐induced ssDNA gaps through a non‐recombinogenic mechanism, as inferred from the different phenotypes displayed in the absence of Rad52 and Rad54 (essential for MMS‐ and UV‐induced HR); accordingly, Rad52 is required for efficient DNA damage‐induced mutagenesis. In addition, Rad52, Rad51, and Rad57, but not Rad54, facilitate Rad6/Rad18 binding to chromatin and subsequent DNA damage‐induced PCNA ubiquitylation. Therefore, Rad52 facilitates the tolerance process not only by HR but also by TLS through Rad51/Rad57‐dependent and ‐independent processes, providing a novel role for the recombination proteins in maintaining genome integrity.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a fascinating, rare genetic disorder marked by congenital defects, bone marrow failure, and cancer susceptibility. Research in recent years has led to the elucidation of FA as a DNA repair disorder and involved multiple pathways as well as having wide applicability to common cancers, including breast, ovarian, and head and neck. This review will describe the clinical aspects of FA as well as the current state of its molecular pathophysiology. In particular, work from the Kupfer laboratory will be described that demonstrates how the FA pathway interacts with multiple DNA repair pathways, including the mismatch repair system and signal transduction pathway of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

The plant mitochondrial DNA‐binding protein ODB1 was identified from a mitochondrial extract after DNA‐affinity purification. ODB1 (organellar DNA‐binding protein 1) co‐purified with WHY2, a mitochondrial member of the WHIRLY family of plant‐specific proteins involved in the repair of organellar DNA. The Arabidopsis thaliana ODB1 gene is identical to RAD52‐1, which encodes a protein functioning in homologous recombination in the nucleus but additionally localizing to mitochondria. We confirmed the mitochondrial localization of ODB1 by in vitro and in vivo import assays, as well as by immunodetection on Arabidopsis subcellular fractions. In mitochondria, WHY2 and ODB1 were found in large nucleo‐protein complexes. Both proteins co‐immunoprecipitated in a DNA‐dependent manner. In vitro assays confirmed DNA binding by ODB1 and showed that the protein has higher affinity for single‐stranded than for double‐stranded DNA. ODB1 showed no sequence specificity in vitro. In vivo, DNA co‐immunoprecipitation indicated that ODB1 binds sequences throughout the mitochondrial genome. ODB1 promoted annealing of complementary DNA sequences, suggesting a RAD52‐like function as a recombination mediator. Arabidopsis odb1 mutants were morphologically indistinguishable from the wild‐type, but following DNA damage by genotoxic stress, they showed reduced mitochondrial homologous recombination activity. Under the same conditions, the odb1 mutants showed an increase in illegitimate repair bypasses generated by microhomology‐mediated recombination. These observations identify ODB1 as a further component of homologous recombination‐dependent DNA repair in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

Precise genome editing with desired point mutations can be generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated homology-directed repair (HDR) and is of great significance for gene function study, gene therapy and animal breeding. However, HDR efficiency is inherently low and improvements are necessitated. Herein, we determined that the HDR efficiency could be enhanced by expressing Rad52, a gene that is involved in the homologous recombination process. Both the Rad52 co-expression and Rad52-Cas9 fusion strategies yielded approximately 3-fold increase in HDR during the surrogate reporter assays in human HEK293T cells, as well as in the genome editing assays. Moreover, the enhancement effects of the Rad52-Cas9 fusion on HDR mediated by different (plasmid, PCR and ssDNA) donor templates were confirmed. We found that the HDR efficiency could be significantly improved to about 40% by the combined usage of Rad52 and Scr7. In addition, we also applied the fusion strategy for modifying the IGF2 gene of porcine PK15 cells, which further demonstrated a 2.2-fold increase in HDR frequency. In conclusion, our data suggests that Rad52-Cas9 fusion is a good option for enhancing CRISPR/Cas9-mediated HDR, which may be of use in future studies involving precise genome editing.  相似文献   

Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) during cell division is required for progeny to be respiratory competent. Maintenance involves the replication, repair, assembly, segregation, and partitioning of the mitochondrial nucleoid. MGM101 has been identified as a gene essential for mtDNA maintenance in S. cerevisiae, but its role is unknown. Using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, we identified Mgm101p as a component of highly enriched nucleoids, suggesting that it plays a nucleoid-specific role in maintenance. Subcellular fractionation, indirect immunofluorescence and GFP tagging show that Mgm101p is exclusively associated with the mitochondrial nucleoid structure in cells. Furthermore, DNA affinity chromatography of nucleoid extracts indicates that Mgm101p binds to DNA, suggesting that its nucleoid localization is in part due to this activity. Phenotypic analysis of cells containing a temperature sensitive mgm101 allele suggests that Mgm101p is not involved in mtDNA packaging, segregation, partitioning or required for ongoing mtDNA replication. We examined Mgm101p's role in mtDNA repair. As compared with wild-type cells, mgm101 cells were more sensitive to mtDNA damage induced by UV irradiation and were hypersensitive to mtDNA damage induced by gamma rays and H2O2 treatment. Thus, we propose that Mgm101p performs an essential function in the repair of oxidatively damaged mtDNA that is required for the maintenance of the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

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