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The Ad2++hey hybrid virus population produces simian virus 40 (SV40) efficiently during lytic infection, whereas Ad2++ley does not, although both hybrids contain a complete SV40 genome. In this report, we demonstrate the synthesis of nonhydrid SV40 DNA in Ad2++HEY-infected Vero cells, but only early SV40 RNA is transcribed efficiently in Ad2++LEY-infected cells. Ad2++HEY induces SV40 U, T, and V antigens during lytic infection of African green monkey kidney cells, whereas Ad2++LEY induces only SV40 U and T antigens. These variations in the behavior of Ad2++HEY and Ad2++LEY regarding expression of SV40 functions probably reflect differences in the rate of SV40 excision from the hybrid genomes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of simian virus 40 (SV40)-specific proteins in HeLa cells infected with the nondefective adenovirus 2 (Ad2)-SV40 hybrid viruses, Ad2+ND2, Ad2+ND3, Ad2+ND4, and Ad2+ND5, was investigated. Infected-cell proteins were labeled with radioactive amino acids late after infection, when host protein synthesis was shut off, and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. All polypeptides normally seen in Ad2-infected cells were found in cells infected by the hybrid viruses. In addition to the Ad2-specific proteins, cells infected with Ad2+ND2 contain two SV40-specific proteins with apparent molecular weights of 42,000 and 56,000, cells infected with Ad2+ND4 contain one protein with an apparent molecular weight of 56,000, and cells infected with Ad2+ND5 contain one protein with an apparent molecular weight of 42,000. Cells infected with Ad2+ND3 do not contain detectable amounts of proteins not seen during Ad2 infection. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrate that the SV40-specific proteins induced by Ad2+ND2, Ad2+ND4, and Ad2+ND5 are metabolically unstable. These proteins are not present in purified virions. Two nonstructural Ad2-specific proteins have been demonstrated in Ad2 and hybrid virus-infected cells which have a smaller apparent molecular weight after a short pulse than after a pulse followed by a chase. The molecular weight increase during the chase may be caused by the addition of carbohydrate to a polypeptide backbone.  相似文献   

The Ad2+ND4 virus is an adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-simian virus 40 (SV40) recombination. The Ad2 genome of this recombinant has a rearrangement within early region 3; Ad2 DNA sequences between map positions 81.3 and 85.5 have been deleted, and the SV40 DNA sequences between map positions 0.11 and 0.626 have been inserted into the deletion in an 81.3-0.626 orientation. Nonhybrid Ad2 is defective in monkey cells; however, the Ad2+ND4 virus can replicate in monkey cells due to the expression of the SV40-enhancing function encoded by the DNA insert. Stocks of the Ad2+ND4 hybrid were produced in primary monkey cells by using the progeny of a three-step plaque purification procedure and were considered to be homogeneous populations of Ad2+ND4 virions because they induced plaques in primary monkey cells by first-order kinetics. By studying the kinetics of plaque induction in continuous lines (BSC-1 and CV-1) of monkey cells, we have found that stocks (prepared with virions before and after plaque purification) of Ad2+ND4 are actually heterogeneous populations of Ad2+ND4 virions and Ad2+ND4 deletion variants that lack SV40 and frequently Ad2 DNA sequences at the left Ad2-SV40 junction. Due to the defectiveness of the Ad2+ND4 virus, the production of progeny in BSC-1 and CV-1 cells requires complementation between the Ad2+ND4 genome and the genome of an Ad2+ND4 deletion variant. Since the deletion variants that have been obtained from Ad2+ND4 stocks do not express the SV40-enhancing function in that they cannot produce progeny in monkey cells, we conclude that they are providing an Ad2 component that is essential for the production of Ad2+ND4 progeny. These data imply that the Ad2+ND4 virus is incapable of replicating in singly infected primary monkey cells without generating deletion variants that are missing various amounts of DNA around the left Ad2-SV40 junction in the hybrid genome. As the deletion variants that arise from the Ad2+ND4 virus are created by nonhomologous DNA recombination, the generation of deletion variants in monkey cells infected with Ad2+ND4 may be a useful model for studying this process.  相似文献   

Four independent, spontaneous mutants of the adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid Ad2+ND3 that allow efficient growth in monkey cells were isolated previously (C. W. Anderson, Virology 111:263-269, 1981). All four mutations have been mapped within the coding sequence for the adenovirus DNA-binding protein by marker rescue analysis. DNA sequence analysis of a region of ca. 1,000 base pairs shown by marker rescue to contain the host range mutations demonstrated that the host range mutant hr602 differs from its parent, Ad2+ND3, at only a single nucleotide. Mutant hr602 has a thymine in place of a cytosine at the first position of the 130th codon, as measured from the initiation site for the DNA-binding protein. This change results in the replacement of a histidine by a tyrosine in mutant hr602 DNA-binding protein. Each of the other three Ad2+ND3 host range mutants have exactly the same nucleotide alteration as does hr602. This same nucleotide change was recently reported for a similarly derived host range mutant of adenovirus 5.  相似文献   

HeLa cells infected with adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid viruses produce several SV40-specific proteins. These include the previously reported 28,000-dalton protein of Ad2+ND1, and 42,000- and 56,000-dalton proteins of Ad2+ND2, the 56,000-dalton protein of Ad2+ND4, and the 42,000-dalton protein of Ad2+ND5. In this report, we extend the list of SV40-specific proteins induced by Ad2+ND4 to include proteins of apparent molecular weights of 28,000 42,000, 60,000, 64,000, 72,000, 74,000, and a doublet of 95,000. Cell fractionation studies demonstrate that the SV40-specific proteins are detectable in the nuclear, cytoplasmic, and plasma membrane fractions. By pulse-chase and cell fractionation experiments, three classes of SV40-specific proteins can be distinguished with regard to metabolic stability: (i) unstable in the cytoplasmic but stable in the nuclear and plasma membrane fractions; (ii) stable in the nuclear, cytoplasmic, and plasma membrane fractions; and (iii) unstable in all subcellular fractions. Immunoprecipitation of infected cell extracts demonstrates that most of the above proteins share antigenic determinants with proteins expressed in hamsters bearing SV40-induced tumors. Only the 42,000-dalton protein of Ad2+ND5 is not immunoprecipitable.  相似文献   

The antigenic binding sites of two monoclonal antibodies are located in the COOH-terminal region (clone 412) and probably in an internal region (clone 7) of simian virus 40 large T antigen. A third monoclonal antibody (clone 122), which has been shown to bind nonviral T antigen, does not react with HeLa cells infected with nondefective adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-simian virus 40 hybrid viruses Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, or Ad2+ND4.  相似文献   

The distribution of simian virus 40 (SV40)-specific proteins in nuclear subfractions of pulse-chase-labeled HeLa cells infected with nondefective adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-SV40 hybrid viruses was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The SV40-specific proteins of Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND5 specifically associate with the nuclear matrix and are virtually absent from the high-salt nuclear extract. In Ad2+ND4-infected HeLa cells, the SV40-specific proteins with molecular weights of 64,000 (64K) and lower also specifically associate with the nuclear matrix. The SV40-specific 72K, 74K, and 95K proteins were found both in the nuclear matrix and in the high-salt nuclear extract. Analyses of the nuclear matrices isolated from hybrid virus-infected cells by immunofluorescence microscopy showed that SV40 U-antigen-positive sera from SV40 tumor-bearing hamsters react with SV40-specific proteins integrated into nuclear matrices of HeLa cells infected by Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND4, but not with nuclear matrices of HeLa cells infected by Ad2+ND5. This suggests that SV40-specific proteins of Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND4 integrated into the nuclear matrix carry SV40 U-antigen determinants. The apparent discrepancy in the subcellular localization of SV40-specific proteins in hybrid virus-infected cells when analyzed by biochemical cell fractionation procedures and when analyzed by immunofluorescence staining is discussed.  相似文献   

HeLa cells infected with the nondefective adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid viruses Ad2+ND1 or Ad2+ND2 were analyzed for cell surface location of the SV40-specific hybrid virus proteins by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Two different batches of sera from SV40 tumor-bearing hamsters, serum from SV40 tumor-bearing mice, or two different antisera prepared against purified sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured SV40 T-antigen, respectively, were used. All sera were shown to exhibit comparable T- and U-antibody titers and to specifically immunoprecipitate the SV40-specific proteins from cell extracts of Ad2+ND2-infected cells. Whereas analysis of living, hybrid virus-infected HeLa cells did not yield conclusive results, analysis of Formalin-fixed cells resulted in positive cell surface fluorescence with both Ad2+ND1- and Ad2+ND2-infected HeLa cells when antisera prepared against sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured SV40 T-antigen were used as first antibody. In contrast, sera from SV40 tumor-bearing animals were not or only very weakly able to stain the surfaces of these cells. The fact that the tumor sera had comparable or even higher T- and U-antibody titers than the antisera against sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured T-antigen but were not able to recognize SV40-specific proteins on the cell surface suggests that SV40 tumor-specific transplantation antigen may be an antigenic entity different from T- or U-antigen.  相似文献   

T-antigen-positive transformation revertant cell lines were isolated from fully simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed Fisher rat embryo fibroblast cells (REF 52 cells) by methionine starvation. Reversion of the transformed cells (SV-52 cells) was caused by a mutation within the cellular genome. To demonstrate this, we isolated SV40 DNA from the host genome, inserted it into plasmid pSPT18 DNA, cloned it in Escherichia coli, and microinjected it into the nuclei of the REF 52 cells. Fully transformed cells were obtained with the same efficiency (20 to 25%) as after microinjection of wild-type SV40 DNA I. Furthermore, the revertant cells were resistant to retransformation by SV40. Following microinjection of wild-type SV40 DNA I, 42 independent cell lines were isolated. Cells of all analyzed lines acquired additional SV40 DNA copies, but changes in the cell morphology or growth characteristic were not demonstrable. However, the revertants were retransformable with a high efficiency after polyomavirus and adenovirus type 2 infections or microinjection. Also, fusion of the revertant cells with the grandparental REF 52 cells led to restoration of the transformed state.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional peptide maps of the methionine-containing tryptic peptides of the 100,000-molecular-weight (100K) and 17K T antigens of simian virus 40 (SV40) have been compared. The two proteins share nine methionine-containing tryptic peptides in common. The 17K T antigen has two peptides not found in the 100K T antigen, and the 100K T antigen has 14 unique peptides. The peptide maps of the 100 K and 17K T antigens were also compared with those of the SV40-specific proteins found in cells infected by the nondefective adenovirus type 2-SV40 hybrid viruses, which we have previously shown are encoded by defined sequences within the early region of SV40 (K. Mann, T. Hunter, G. Walter, and H.K. Linke, J. Virol. 24:151-169, 1977). This comparison shows that the 100K and 17K T antigens share common N-terminal sequences coded for between 0.65 and 0.59 map units on the SV40 genome. Furthermore, none of the sequences in the 17K T antigen arises from the region between 0.54 and 0.18 map units. We deduce that the sequences unique to the 17K T antigen originate between 0.59 and 0.54 map units. This type of structural relationship between the 100K and 17K T antigens fits well with the proposed model (L.V. Crawford, C.N. Cole, A. E. Smith, E. Paucha, P. Tegtmeyer, K. Rundell, and P. Berg, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75:117-121, 1978) for the expression of the early region of SV40.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) grows 1,000 times less well in monkey cells than in human cells. This defect can be overcome, not only upon co-infection of cells with simian virus 40 (SV40), but also when the relevant part of the SV40 genome is integrated into the adenovirus genome to form an adenovirus-SV40 hybrid virus. We have used the nondefective Ad2-SV40 hybrid virus Ad2+ND1, which contains an insertion of 17% of the SV40 genome, to isolate host-range mutants which are defective in growth on monkey cells although they grow normally on human cells. Like Ad2, these mutants are defective in the synthesis of late proteins in monkey cells. A 30,000-molecular-weight protein (30K), unique to Ad2+ND1-infected cells, can be synthesized in vitro, using Ad2+ND1 mRNA that contains SV40 sequences. 30K is not seen in cells infected with those host-range mutants that are most defective in growth on monkey cells, and translation in vitro of SV40-specific mRNA from these cells produces new unique polypeptides, instead of 30K. Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that these mutants carry point mutations rather than deletions.  相似文献   

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