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Predicting the impacts of an invasive species solely by its abundance is common, yet it ignores other potentially important moderating factors. One such factor is injury. Severe injury can lead to mortality, which can directly reduce the abundance of the invader. However, more moderate, sublethal injury can also temper the impact of invasive species. Therefore, to predict impacts, it may be useful to examine not only abundance, but also moderating factors (e.g., injury) and predictors of these factors (e.g., density, size). We documented the density, injury (i.e., limb loss), and size of two conspicuous invaders, the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus), at thirty sites from Shinnecock County Park, New York to Lubec, Maine. In addition, we used a field experiment to determine how injury influenced the consumption rate of mussels (Mytilus edulis) by each crab species. 31.6% of all C. maenas (1,493/4,721) and 30.7% of H. sanguineus (2,003/6,523) were missing appendage(s). Of the crabs injured, 38.4% (573/1,493) and 30.5% (611/2,003) were missing cheliped(s) for C. maenas and H. sanguineus, respectively. In our experiments, cheliped loss reduced consumption of both species on M. edulis. Injured C. maenas consumed 21% fewer mussels than uninjured crabs. Injury completely eliminated mussel consumption by H. sanguineus. Previous studies have highlighted the detrimental impacts of these two invaders on native bivalve prey. While the loss of a single cheliped can greatly reduce or even eliminate the ability of C. maenas and H. sanguineus to consume M. edulis, our results suggest that injury has a relatively minor role in reducing overall population-level impacts on prey such as mussels. However, injury on an individual-level can play a role in moderating the consumptive impacts of these invaders.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS) from Lotus japonicus was fused in the antisense orientation relative to the nodule-specific LBC3 promoter of soybean (Glycine max) and introduced into L. japonicus via transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Among the 12 independent transformed lines into which the construct was introduced, some of them showed diminished levels of GS1 mRNA and lower levels of GS activity. Three of these lines were selected and their T(1) progeny was further analyzed both for plant biomass production and carbon and nitrogen (N) metabolites content under symbiotic N-fixing conditions. Analysis of these plants revealed an increase in fresh weight in nodules, roots and shoots. The reduction in GS activity was found to correlate with an increase in amino acid content of the nodules, which was primarily due to an increase in asparagine content. Thus, this study supports the hypothesis that when GS becomes limiting, other enzymes (e.g. asparagine synthetase) that have the capacity to assimilate ammonium may be important in controlling the flux of reduced N in temperate legumes such as L. japonicus. Whether these alternative metabolic pathways are important in the control of plant biomass production still remains to be fully elucidated.  相似文献   

A microcosm experiment was conducted using a replicated factorial design to determine if a benthic fish modifies the effects of sediment-bound contaminants (diesel fuel and two levels of a Cu, Cr, Pb, Hg and Cd mixture) on saltmarsh benthic primary producers and consumers. The naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, a burrowing fish that preys on small macrofauna, was added to experimental microcosms. Goby burrowing and foraging significantly increased turbidity and disrupted the sediment surface. Results were typified by complex and varied responses with many statistically significant effects and interactions among treatments. Although G. bosc modified the responses to both diesel and metal pollution in invertebrates (but not microalgae), bioturbation did not increase or decrease the toxic effects of metals or diesel, and diesel-metal interactions did not vary in response to G. bosc. Specifically, G. bosc inhibited a trend toward diesel-induced increases in nematode abundance, and diesel toxicity inhibited increases in ostracod abundance stimulated by G. bosc. Diatoms, nematodes and the copepod Pseudostenhelia wellsi decreased in treatments with G. bosc. However, G. bosc lead to increases in cyanobacteria and ostracods and a trend toward increases in the copepod Pseudobradya sp. Our findings suggest that microcosm experiments are potentially poor mimics of natural systems without bioturbation. Conclusions about the direct and indirect effects of contaminants may differ with and without bioturbation. Finally, our work suggests that the direct effects of toxicants may inhibit or mask bioturbation effects that stimulate population growth of some meiofauna.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are marine flowering plants with hydrophilous pollination. This abiotic pollination by water assumes absence of flower-animal interaction, but animals can interfere in this process through consumption of reproductive structures. We studied predation on male flowers by fish for three dioecious seagrass species (Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme and Halodule wrightii) in the Mexican Caribbean. Seagrass flowers have a highly reduced or absent corolla and florivores directly consumed the anthers with pollen. The foliar structures (tepals, bracts or sheaths) protecting the male flower buds were removed by hand in situ. The floral buds were followed by videos or taking pictures at regular intervals and most (56–100 %, depending on seagrass species and experimental setting) artificially denuded male flower buds were consumed within 24 h by juvenile fish of various species. Histochemical analysis showed that the pollen and embedding mucilage were rich in polysaccharides and proteins, thus potentially nutritious. The seagrasses had copious production of pollen (between 0.2 and 1.2 × 106 pollen per flower, depending on the species). But T. testudinum and S. filiforme were often pollen limited, and the probability of fruit set was reduced ~50 % when the females were at the distance of 1 and 5–6 m from the males flowers, respectively. Under natural conditions, depredation on pre-anthesis male flowers in the three species was low because flower bud emergence (few hours) and pollen release (1–4 h) were ephemeral processes. In addition, the release of pollen of T. testudinum occurred at dusk when herbivorous fish became inactive. These life-cycle characteristics aid to avoid excessive pollen consumption by fish, however, whether they are anti-predator strategies or mere adaptations for submarine pollination remains to be established.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate whether countries tend to relocate their ecological footprint as they grow richer. The analysis is carried out for a panel of 116 countries by employing the production and import components of the ecological footprint data of the Global Footprint Network for the period 2004–2008. With few exceptions, the existing Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) literature concentrates only on the income-environmental degradation nexus in the home country and neglects the negative consequences of home consumption spilled out. Controlling for the effects of openness to trade, biological capacity, population density, industry share and energy per capita as well as stringency of environmental regulation and environmental regulation enforcement, we detect an EKC-type relationship only between per capita income and footprint of domestic production. Within the income range, import footprint is found to be monotonically increasing with income. Moreover, we find that domestic environmental regulations do not influence country decisions to import environmentally harmful products from abroad; but they do affect domestic production characteristics. Hence, our findings indicate the importance of environmental regulations and provide support for the “Pollution Haven” and “Race-to-the-Bottom” hypotheses.  相似文献   

Fish cover a large size range, from milligrams to tonnes, and many of them are regularly exposed to large variations in ambient oxygen levels. For more than half a century, there have been various, often divergent, claims regarding the effect of body size on hypoxia tolerance in fish. Here, we attempt to link old and new empirical data with the current understanding of the physiological mechanisms behind hypoxia tolerance. Three main conclusions are drawn: (1) body size per se has little or no impact on the ability to take up oxygen during hypoxic conditions, primarily because the respiratory surface area matches metabolic rate over a wide size range. If size-related differences are seen in the ability for oxygen uptake in a species, these are likely to reflect adaptation to different life-styles or habitat choice. (2) During severe hypoxia and anoxia, where fish have to rely on anaerobic ATP production (glycolysis) for survival, large individuals have a clear advantage over smaller ones, because small fish will run out of glycogen or reach lethal levels of anaerobic end-products (lactate and H(+)) much faster due to their higher mass-specific metabolic rate. (3) Those fish species that have evolved extreme adaptations to hypoxia, including haemoglobins with exceptionally high oxygen affinities and an alternative anaerobic end-product (ethanol), reveal that natural selection can be a much more powerful determinant of hypoxia tolerance than scaling of physiological functions.  相似文献   

Both IGF-I and its receptor (IGF-IR) are specifically expressed in various cell types of the endocrine pancreas. IGF-I has long been considered a growth factor for islet cells as it induces DNA synthesis in a glucose-dependent manner, prevents Fas-mediated autoimmune β-cell destruction and delays onset of diabetes in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Islet-specific IGF-I overexpression promotes islet cell regeneration in diabetic mice. However, in the last few years, results from most gene-targeted mice have challenged this view. For instance, combined inactivation of insulin receptor and IGF-IR or IGF-I and IGF-II genes in early embryos results in no defect on islet cell development; islet β-cell-specific inactivation of IGF-IR gene causes no change in β-cell mass; liver- and pancreatic-specific IGF-I gene deficiency (LID and PID mice) suggests that IGF-I exerts an inhibitory effect on islet cell growth albeit indirectly through controlling growth hormone release or expression of Reg family genes. These results need to be evaluated with potential gene redundancy, model limitations, indirect effects and ligand-receptor cross-activations within the insulin/IGF family. Although IGF-I causes islet β-cell proliferation and neogenesis directly, what occur in normal physiology, pathophysiology or during development of an organism might be different. Locally produced and systemic IGF-I does not seem to play a positive role in islet cell growth. Rather, it is probably a negative regulator through controlling growth hormone and insulin release, hyperglycemia, or Reg gene expression. These results complicate the perspective of an IGF-I therapy for β-cell loss.  相似文献   

Although the growth and development of tissues and organs of extinct species cannot be directly observed, their fossils can record and preserve evidence of these mechanisms. It is generally accepted that bone architecture is the result of genetically based biomechanical constraints, but what about osteoderms? In this article, the influence of physical constraints on cranial osteoderms growth is assessed. Comparisons among lepidosaurs, synapsids, and archosaurs are performed; according to these analyses, lepidosaur osteoderms growth is predicted to be less energy demanding than that of synapsids and archosaurs. Obtained results also show that, from an energetic viewpoint, ankylosaurid osteoderms growth resembles more that of mammals than the one of reptilians, adding evidence to debate whether dinosaurs were hot or cold blooded. J. Morphol. 275:923–932, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Animals often exhibit accelerated or “compensatory” growth (CG) after periods of environmentally induced growth depression, raising important questions about how they cope with environmental variability. We tested an underexplored hypothesis regarding the evolutionary consequences of CG; namely, that natural populations differ in CG responses. Common-garden experiments were used to compare subadult growth following food restriction between groups (control, treatment) of two Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations and their first-generation (F1) hybrids. The populations are found at similar latitudes but characterized by differences in migration distance. We predicted that long-distance migrants would better maintain growth trajectories following food restriction than short-distance migrants because they: (1) require larger body sizes to offset energetic costs of migration and (2) face greater time constraints for growth as they must leave non-breeding areas earlier to return to breeding areas. Long-distance migrants grew faster, achieved quicker CG (relative to controls), and their overall body morphology was more streamlined (a trait known to improve swimming efficiency) than slower growing short-distance migrants. F1 hybrids were generally intermediate in “normal” growth, CG, and body morphology. We concluded that CG responses may differ considerably among populations and that the conditions generating them are likely interconnected with selection on a suite of other traits.  相似文献   

Adult height partly reflects childhood exposures, and we hypothesise that some exposures impairing growth may also increase susceptibility to coronary heart disease--angina pectoris (angina)--risks, such that shorter adults may be more susceptible to some exposures in adulthood that are risks for heart disease. This hypothesis is tested among all adults who participated in the National Health Interview Survey (USA), 1997-2000 [The National Health Survey, 1997-2000. Data file documentation, National Health Interview Survey (machine-readable data file and documentation). National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland, ]. In the entire study population, height was negatively associated with angina and after adjustment for potential confounding factors; the odds ratio (and 95% confidence interval) for angina risk associated with the tallest height fifth compared with the shortest fifth is 0.77 (0.97, 0.88). The association of low income (less than US 20,000 dollars) with angina was assessed separately in each of five height strata defined by fifths of the height distribution. The magnitude of this association is lower in the shortest than the tallest height fifth, with odds ratios of 1.18 and 1.60, respectively (effect modification). The unexpected results may be explained by the following: childhood adversity resulting in shorter stature may confer resilience against adult economic adversity; the relative disadvantage of low income may be perceived more keenly by those of taller stature thereby increasing stress and thus disease risk; or health-promoting characteristics associated with taller stature may be less effective in the face of adult economic adversity in the low-income group.  相似文献   

Does light intensity modify the effect mayfly grazers have on periphyton?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A factorial experiment was conducted in artificial outdoor streams to quantify the effects of irradiance (two levels) and two mayfly grazers (four densities of each) on periphytic community structure. The mayflies were Ecdyonurus venosus (Heptageniidae), a grazer using brushing mouthparts, and Baetis spp. (Baetidae) a grazer which uses mandibles and maxilla to scrape and gather periphyton. The experiment ran for 16 days. 2. Grazer densities in channels approximated those existing in a shoreline habitat in the River Sihl, Switzerland. Light treatments were natural (daily mean = 810 μmol m–2 s–1) and shaded (daily mean = 286 μmol m–2 s–1). 3. Higher irradiance increased total algal abundance by a factor of 4. Algae most affected were prostrate/motile and erect diatoms, filamentous chlorophytes and Hydrurus foetidus. 4. Both species of mayfly reduced periphytic and algal biomass. Mayfly–mayfly interactions, however, were associated with statistical increases in algal biovolume and chlorophyll-a content, indicating that the two grazers may have interfered with one another as their densities increased. The mayfly–mayfly interaction did not influence periphytic ash-free dry mass (AFDM). Light modified the influence of Ecdyonurus such that this mayfly produced greater reductions in algal biovolume under high irradiance. 5. Despite efforts to exclude other grazers, chironomids colonized experimental channels. Chironomid biomass was approximately eight times less than mayflies across treatments and was positively correlated with all measures of periphytic abundance, suggesting that these grazers were responding to periphyton rather than controlling it. Chironomids were also associated with an increase in the abundance of diatoms having a prostrate/motile physiognomy. The only physiognomy to show a negative relationship with chironomid biomass was the thallus type, a form which comprised less than 1% of the algal biovolume across channels. 6. Ecdyonurus and Baetis had distinct influences on algal physiognomy. Ecdyonurus, for example, reduced adnate, stalked and Achnanthes-type physiognomies, but was associated with a significant increase in the abundance of filamentous chlorophytes (primarily Ulothrix sp.). Baetis reduced erect, Achnanthes-type and thallus physiognomies. Neither mayfly influenced the abundance of prostrate/motile diatoms; a physiognomy that comprised 21% of the algae in channels. 7. Light and mayfly interactions affected algal community structure. The interaction of Ecdyonurus with light had a negative effect on erect diatoms, filamentous chlorophytes and the thallus physiognomy, but a positive effect on stalked and Achnanthes-type physiognomies. Baetis interacting with light had a positive effect on adnate diatoms. 8. Although both mayfly taxa influenced periphytic community structure, physiognomy was not a good predictor of algal susceptibility to grazing. The type of substratum to which an alga is attached (detritus or algal filaments vs hard surfaces) and location within the periphytic matrix may be better indicators of vulnerability to grazing than physiognomy.  相似文献   

Development within a population is known to vary with abiotic and biotic factors. However, instances of slow and fast development, i.e. different development rates within the same egg batch or cohort, have not yet been rigorously investigated in many organisms. The present study was undertaken to assess the influence of an exogenous cue, temperature (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C), on slow and fast development and its effect on reproductive attributes in two ladybird species, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius) and Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). A clear bimodal pattern of distribution with two peaks was found at each temperature where the first peak represented the fast developers and the second peak slow developers. Variation in ratio and development of slow and fast developers within a cohort at different temperatures was observed to ascertain whether the phenomenon has a purely genetic basis or is environmentally influenced. The ratio of slow and fast developers in a cohort differed with temperature but not with species. Slow developers showed a female biased sex ratio and low body mass. Fast developing females laid higher numbers of eggs with higher egg viability than slow developing ones. More slow developers were found at low temperature (15 and 20 °C), equal numbers at medium temperature (25 °C) and less at higher temperature (30 and 35 °C). Results of the study are indicative of stability of the slow and fast development in the egg batch and the likelihood that the variation observed at emergence was owing to exogenous cues influenced differential rates of mortality.  相似文献   

The proper development of fruits is important for the sexual reproduction and propagation of many plant species. The fruit of Arabidopsis derives from the fertilized gynoecium, which initiates at the center of the flower and obtains its final shape, size, and functional tissues through progressive stages of development. Hormones, specially auxins, play important roles in gynoecium and fruit patterning. Cytokinins, which act as counterparts to auxins in other plant tissues, have been studied more in the context of ovule formation and parthenocarpy. We recently studied the role of cytokinins in gynoecium and fruit patterning and found that they have more than one role during gynoecium and fruit patterning. We also compared the cytokinin response localization to the auxin response localization in these organs, and studied the effects of spraying cytokinins in young flowers of an auxin response line. In this addendum, we discuss further the implications of the observed results in the knowledge about the relationship between cytokinins and auxins at the gynoecium.  相似文献   

Human development, such as construction of roads and trails, can affect several animal behaviour traits and is increasing worldwide. Despite the importance of scent marking for communication and social organization in many mammals, it is not clearly understood how scent marking is affected by human habitat modification. We used snow tracking data collected across six winters to study the effects of road infrastructure on the marking behaviour of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in a human-dominated landscape. We found that lynx marked at higher rates (11.2 urine sprays/km) on human routes (forest roads and logging trails) than when walking in natural habitat (5.8 sprays/km). This pattern was noted in both sexes, although males walked on human routes more frequently and scent marked more often than females. Compared to previous studies the mean marking rates we observed were the highest documented so far for wild felids. This may mainly be due to regular use of human routes (42% of all lynx movement) and the high scent marking rates found thereon. Human routes channelize lynx movement, and scent marking on these routes likely increases the probability of the chemical message being received by a conspecific; therefore human routes might enable more effective communication in territorial felids. Since most of the landscapes worldwide are covered by road networks and various human objects, the marking behaviour of wild mammals may be profoundly changed due to human-caused habitat modifications.  相似文献   

Life-history studies provide a global framework for comparison of fish species responses and trade-offs facing ecological and environmental constrains. A broad comparison among fishes’ early growth and condition traits is performed in order to determine ecological patterns of early development regarding latitudinal distribution, habitat use and life-history strategies. Based on Winemiller and Rose (1992) classification of life-history strategies, data on early growth and condition indices of 46 fish species worldwide was analysed. Available information on fishes’ early features, namely first year length percentage (relative to species maximum theoretical length), age at maturation and Fulton’s condition index (K), provided a good segregation of species by latitudinal distribution and habitat use, and evidenced the categories of the three-endpoint model. Higher larvae and juvenile growth rates and condition indices (K, mean RNA–DNA ratios and protein contents) were associated with tropical and temperate fish species that occur in complex or variable habitats (respectively coral reefs and estuaries). These species selected for the opportunistic and periodic strategies, investing highly in rapid growth in order to increase survival probability to counter high mortality rates during early stages or unstable habitat conditions. Later age at maturation, slower larvae and juvenile growth as well as lower mean condition indices were consistent with fish species from more stable or predictable environments, as polar regions and freshwater habitats, which selected for the equilibrium strategy. Nonetheless, differences in energy allocation strategies during early stages were not observed, evidencing the scarcity of available data regarding condition indices and/or the importance of integrating life-history intermediate strategies. Future research into condition indices and other physiological processes, for a broader set of species and for a wider latitudinal and habitat range including seasonal variability (particularly for species from tropical and polar regions), is essential to better understand or test current theories of species ecological patterns. The use of direct quantitative measures of young fishes’ metabolic investment and fitness constitutes a new approach for life-history studies, and should be fundamental for predicting species’ responses to acute environmental or human constrains, especially in a global climate change scenario that is expected to affect distribution and abundance of fish species worldwide.  相似文献   

Several factors lead to expectations that the scale of larval dispersal and population connectivity of marine animals differs with latitude. We examine this expectation for demersal shorefishes, including relevant mechanisms, assumptions and evidence. We explore latitudinal differences in (i) biological (e.g. species composition, spawning mode, pelagic larval duration, PLD), (ii) physical (e.g. water movement, habitat fragmentation), and (iii) biophysical factors (primarily temperature, which could strongly affect development, swimming ability or feeding). Latitudinal differences exist in taxonomic composition, habitat fragmentation, temperature and larval swimming, and each difference could influence larval dispersal. Nevertheless, clear evidence for latitudinal differences in larval dispersal at the level of broad faunas is lacking. For example, PLD is strongly influenced by taxon, habitat and geographical region, but no independent latitudinal trend is present in published PLD values. Any trends in larval dispersal may be obscured by a lack of appropriate information, or use of ‘off the shelf’ information that is biased with regard to the species assemblages in areas of concern. Biases may also be introduced from latitudinal differences in taxa or spawning modes as well as limited latitudinal sampling. We suggest research to make progress on the question of latitudinal trends in larval dispersal.  相似文献   

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