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Experiments have revealed much about top‐down and bottom‐up control in ecosystems, but manipulative experiments are limited in spatial and temporal scale. To obtain a more nuanced understanding of trophic control over large scales, we explored long‐term time‐series data from 13 globally distributed lakes and used empirical dynamic modelling to quantify interaction strengths between zooplankton and phytoplankton over time within and across lakes. Across all lakes, top‐down effects were associated with nutrients, switching from negative in mesotrophic lakes to positive in oligotrophic lakes. This result suggests that zooplankton nutrient recycling exceeds grazing pressure in nutrient‐limited systems. Within individual lakes, results were consistent with a ‘seasonal reset’ hypothesis in which top‐down and bottom‐up interactions varied seasonally and were both strongest at the beginning of the growing season. Thus, trophic control is not static, but varies with abiotic conditions – dynamics that only become evident when observing changes over large spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

1. Using data from 71, mainly shallow (an average mean depth of 3 m), Danish lakes with contrasting total phosphorus concentrations (summer mean 0.02–1.0 mg P L?l), we describe how species richness, biodiversity and trophic structure change along a total phosphorus (TP) gradient divided into five TP classes (class 1–5: <0.05, 0.05–0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.4,> 0.4 mg P L?1).
2. With increasing TP, a significant decline was observed in the species richness of zooplankton and submerged macrophytes, while for fish, phytoplankton and floating‐leaved macrophytes, species richness was unimodally related to TP, all peaking at 0.1–0.4 mg P L?1. The Shannon–Wiener and the Hurlbert probability of inter‐specific encounter (PIE) diversity indices showed significant unimodal relationships to TP for zooplankton, phytoplankton and fish. Mean depth also contributed positively to the relationship for rotifers, phytoplankton and fish.
3. At low nutrient concentrations, piscivorous fish (particularly perch, Perca fluviatilis) were abundant and the biomass ratio of piscivores to plankti‐benthivorous cyprinids was high and the density of cyprinids low. Concurrently, the zooplankton was dominated by large‐bodied forms and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton and the calculated grazing pressure on phytoplankton were high. Phytoplankton biomass was low and submerged macrophyte abundance high.
4. With increasing TP, a major shift occurred in trophic structure. Catches of cyprinids in multiple mesh size gill nets increased 10‐fold from class 1 to class 5 and the weight ratio of piscivores to planktivores decreased from 0.6 in class 1 to 0.10–0.15 in classes 3–5. In addition, the mean body weight of dominant cyprinids (roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bream, Abramis brama) decreased two–threefold. Simultaneously, small cladocerans gradually became more important, and among copepods, a shift occurred from calanoid to cyclopoids. Mean body weight of cladocerans decreased from 5.1 μg in class 1 to 1.5 μg in class 5, and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton from 0.46 in class 1 to 0.08–0.15 in classes 3–5. Conversely, phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a increased 15‐fold from class 1 to 5 and submerged macrophytes disappeared from most lakes.
5. The suggestion that fish have a significant structuring role in eutrophic lakes is supported by data from three lakes in which major changes in the abundance of planktivorous fish occurred following fish kill or fish manipulation. In these lakes, studied for 8 years, a reduction in planktivores resulted in a major increase in cladoceran mean size and in the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton, while chlorophyll a declined substantially. In comparison, no significant changes were observed in 33 ‘control’ lakes studied during the same period.  相似文献   


Copepods are important contributors to the zooplankton community in lakes. Being “sandwiched” between predators and resources, they are sensitive to changes in the environment. It has been proposed that the proportion of calanoids of total copepod abundance or biomass could be a valuable indicator of eutrophication. We investigated relationships between environmental factors and the abundance, biomass and size of calanoid and cyclopoid copepods as well as their proportions in summer in 68 Danish freshwater lakes (587 lake years) with contrasting nutrient levels and pH. When lake pH was?<?6.0, mean lake depth and trophic state were the most important factors and calanoids completely dominated the copepod community. In shallow lakes with a mean depth?<?2.5 m and with pH?>?6.0, the proportion of calanoids in terms of biomass decreased substantially with increasing phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations but stayed around 50% at?>?2.5 m depth irrespective of nutrient level. Time series of the lakes, recovering from eutrophication, confirmed this multi-lake pattern although the trajectory varied from lake to lake. We conclude that the proportion of calanoids in terms of biomass might be a valuable indicator of trophic state in shallow but not deep lakes and only when pH?>?6.


1. Responses of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish predation were studied in 1998 and 1999 by carrying out parallel mesocosm experiments in six lakes across Europe. 2. Zooplankton community structure, biomass and responses to nutrient and fish manipulation showed geographical and year‐to‐year differences. Fish had a greater influence than nutrients in regulating zooplankton biomass and especially the relative abundances of different functional groups of zooplankton. When fish reduced the biomass of large crustaceans, there was a complementary increase in the biomasses of smaller crustacean species and rotifers. 3. High abundance of submerged macrophytes provided refuge for zooplankton against fish predation but this refuge effect differed notably in magnitude among sites. 4. Large crustacean grazers (Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Sida and Simocephalus) were crucial in controlling algal biomass, while smaller crustacean grazers and rotifers were of minor importance. Large grazers were able to control phytoplankton biomass even under hypereutrophic conditions (up to 1600 μg TP L?1) when grazer biomass was high (>80–90 μg dry mass L?1) or accounted for >30% of the grazer community. 5. The littoral zooplankton community was less resistant to change following nutrient enrichment in southern Spain, at high temperatures (close to 30 °C), than at lower temperatures (17–23 °C) characterising the other sites. This lower resistance was because of a greater importance of nutrients than zooplankton in controlling algal biomass. 6. Apart from the reduced role of large crustacean grazers at the lowest latitude, no consistent geographical patterns were observed in the responses of zooplankton communities to nutrient and fish manipulation.  相似文献   

To explore whether trophic status is involved in identifying the denitrifier communities in shallow freshwater lakes, comparative studies regarding the variation of nirS-denitrifier communities were performed in water columns of six shallow freshwater lakes, ranging from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic status, in Jiangsu province of China. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and cloning, followed by sequence analysis of selected samples were performed to examine the nirS-denitrifier communities. Results showed that a same predominant nirS unique operational taxonomic unit (OTU) appeared in mesotrophic, light eutrophic and middle eutrophic lakes, while a different nirS OTU appeared in the hypereutrophic lake. The nirS dendrogram could be divided into four clusters, and suggested a habitat-specific observation. The nirS libraries from lakes having mesotrophic and light eutrophic statuses grouped together, while those from lakes having middle eutrophic and hypereutrophic statuses diverged. The hypereutrophic lake had the lowest richness and evenness of nirS. Thus, the observed variation of nirS distribution and diversity was mainly affected by the trophic status, via some environmental factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and chlorophyll-a concentrations.  相似文献   

1. The impacts of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) and planktivorous fish on phytoplankton composition and biomass were studied in six shallow, macrophyte‐dominated lakes across Europe using mesocosm experiments. 2. Phytoplankton biomass was more influenced by nutrients than by densities of planktivorous fish. Nutrient addition resulted in increased algal biomass at all locations. In some experiments, a decrease was noted at the highest nutrient loadings, corresponding to added concentrations of 1 mg L?1 P and 10 mg L?1 N. 3. Chlorophyll a was a more precise parameter to quantify phytoplankton biomass than algal biovolume, with lower within‐treatment variability. 4. Higher densities of planktivorous fish shifted phytoplankton composition toward smaller algae (GALD < 50 μm). High nutrient loadings selected in favour of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, while biovolumes of diatoms and dinophytes decreased. High temperatures also may increase the contribution of cyanobacteria to total phytoplankton biovolume in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation causes reduced growth of organisms, which can translate into far-reaching consequences for populations, communities, and ecosystems. Phosphorus (P) limitation, in particular, is associated with reductions in organismal growth because ribosomes, upon which growth depends, require abundant phosphorus to be produced. Chromosomes are also relatively rich in P, meaning that organisms with relatively high chromosome complements (e.g. polyploids) might be especially dependent on abundant environmental P. Here we address the likelihood of nutrient limitation in multiple populations of Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand freshwater snail featuring wide ploidy variation. We found that some form of P limitation is very likely in many, but not all, populations of this snail that we surveyed. We also detected extensive across-population variation in P and nitrogen (N) content and N and P limitation and co-limitation in the algae that P. antipodarum eat. Accordingly, we then experimentally evaluated how P and N alone and together influenced growth rate in P. antipodarum. We found that response to nutrients differed by lineage and that dietary P content was more important than dietary N content as a determinant of growth rate, a trait closely tied to fitness in P. antipodarum. The widespread likelihood of (1) P limitation and (2) variation in dietary P availability across New Zealand lakes, along with (3), evidence for lineage-level variation in sensitivity to P limitation, sets the stage for the possibility that variation in nutrient availability contributes to the distribution and maintenance of ploidy variation in P. antipodarum.  相似文献   

1. Results are analysed from 11 experiments in which effects of fish addition and nutrient loading on shallow lakes were studied in mesocosms. The experiments, five in 1998, six in 1999, were carried out in six lakes, distributed from Finland to southern Spain, according to a standard protocol. 2. Effects of the treatments on 29 standard chemical, phytoplankton and zooplankton variables are examined to assess the relative importance of bottom‐up (nutrient enrichment) and top‐down (fish predation) effects. For each year, the experiments in different locations are treated as replicates in a meta‐analysis. Results of individual experiments are then compared in terms of the patterns of significant influences of nutrient addition and fish predation with these overall results (the baseline), and between years in the same location. 3. The overall meta‐analysis gave consistent results across the 2 years, with nutrient loading influencing all of the chemical variables, and on average 31% of primary producer and 39% of zooplankton variables. In contrast, fish influenced none of the chemical variables, 11% of the primary producer and 44% of the zooplankton variables. Nutrient effects on the system were thus about three times greater than fish effects, although fish effects were not inconsiderable. 4. The relative importance of nutrients and fish in individual experiments often differed between years at the same location and effects deviated to varying degrees from the baseline. These deviations were treated as measures of consistency (predictability) of conclusions in repeat experiments. Consistency increased southwards and this is interpreted as a consequence of more variable annual weather northwards. 5. The influence of nutrient loading was greater southwards and this was probably manifested through naturally greater annual macrophyte abundance in warmer locations in consequence of the longer plant growing‐season. There was no trend in the relative importance of fish effects with latitude but this may partly be an artefact of the simple fish community used. These findings suggest that nutrient control should be a greater priority than biomanipulation in the restoration of eutrophicated shallow lakes in warm temperate regions. 6. Starting conditions affected the outcome of experiments. High initial concentrations of total phosphorus and planktonic chlorophyll a concentration (created by local conditions prior to the experiment) led to de‐emphasis of the importance of nutrient loading in the experiment.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lake ecosystems are normally dominated by submerged and emergent plants. Biological stabilising mechanisms help preserve this dominance. The systems may switch to dominance by phytoplankton, however, with loss of submerged plants. This process usually takes place against a background of increasing nutrient loadings but also requires additional switch mechanisms, which damage the plants or interfere with their stabilising mechanisms. 2. The extent to which the details or even major features of this general model may change with geographical location are not clear. Manipulation of the fish community (biomanipulation) has often been used to clear the water of algae and restore the aquatic plants in northerly locations, but it is again not clear whether this is equally appropriate at lower latitudes. 3. Eleven parallel experiments (collectively the International Mesocosm Experiment, IME) were carried out in six lakes in Finland, Sweden, England, the Netherlands and Spain in 1998 and 1999 to investigate the between‐year and large‐scale spatial variation in relationships between nutrient loading and zooplanktivorous fish on submerged plant and plankton communities in shallow lakes. 4. Comparability of experiments in different locations was achieved to a high degree. Cross‐laboratory comparisons of chemical analyses revealed some systematic differences between laboratories. These are unlikely to lead to major misinterpretations. 5. Nutrient addition, overall, had its greatest effect on water chemistry then substantial effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Fish addition had its major effect on zooplankton and did not systematically change the water chemistry. There was no trend in the relative importance of fish effects with latitude, but nutrient addition affected more variables with decreasing latitude. 6. The relative importance of top‐down and bottom‐up influences on the plankton differed in different locations and between years at the same location. The outcome of the experiments in different years was more predictable with decreasing latitude and this was attributed to more variable weather at higher latitudes that created more variable starting conditions for the experiments.  相似文献   

The impact of the fish population on trophic properties of lake water, was experimentally studied in an oligotrophic Swedish forest lake. Biotic changes following fish removal resulted in a development in oligotrophic direction as shown by the drop in limnetic primary production, pH, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and the increased transparency.  相似文献   

While the structuring role of fish in lakes is well studied for the summer season in North temperate lakes, little is known about their role in winter when fish activity and light irradiance potentially are lower. This is unfortunate as the progressing climate change may have strong effects on lake winter temperature and possibly on trophic dynamics too. We conducted an enclosure experiment with and without the presence of fish throughout winter in two shallow lakes with contrasting phosphorus concentrations. In hypertrophic Lake Søbygård, absence of fish led to higher biomass of zooplankton, higher grazing potential (zooplankton:phytoplankton ratio) and, accordingly, lower biomass of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a (Chl a), while the concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), oxygen and pH decreased. The average size of egg-bearing Daphnia and Bosmina and the minimum size of egg-bearing specimens of the two genera rose. In the less eutrophic Lake Stigsholm, zooplankton and their grazing potential were also markedly affected by fish. However, the decrease in Chl a was slight, and phytoplankton biovolume, pH and the oxygen concentration were not affected. TN was higher when fish were absent. Our results indicate that: (i) there is a notable effect of fish on zooplankton community structure and size during winter in both eutrophic and hypertrophic North temperate lakes, (ii) Chl a can be high in winter in such lakes, despite low light irradiance, if fish are abundant, and (iii) the cascading effects on phytoplankton and nutrients in winter may be more pronounced in hypertrophic lakes. Climate warming supposedly leading to reduced winter mortality and dominance of small fish may enhance the risk of turbid state conditions in nutrient-enriched shallow lakes, not only during the summer season, but also during winter.  相似文献   

1. Fish play a key role in the functioning of temperate shallow lakes by affecting nutrient exchange among habitats as well as lake trophic structure and dynamics. These processes are, in turn, strongly influenced by the abundance of submerged macrophytes, because piscivorous fish are often abundant at high macrophyte density. Whether this applies to warmer climates as well is virtually unknown. 2. To compare fish community structure and dynamics in plant beds between subtropical and temperate shallow lakes we conducted experiments with artificial submerged and free‐floating plant beds in a set of 10 shallow lakes in Uruguay (30°–35°S) and Denmark (55°–57°N), paired along a gradient of limnological characteristics. 3. The differences between regions were more pronounced than differences attributable to trophic state. The subtropical littoral fish communities were characterised by higher species richness, higher densities, higher biomass, higher trophic diversity (with predominance of omnivores and lack of true piscivores) and smaller body size than in the comparable temperate lakes. On average, fish densities were 93 ind. m−2 (±10 SE) in the subtropical and 10 ind. m−2 (±2 SE) in the temperate lakes. We found a twofold higher total fish biomass per unit of total phosphorus in the subtropical than in the temperate lakes, and as fish size is smaller in the former, the implication is that more energy reaches the littoral zone fish community of the warmer lakes. 4. Plant architecture affected the spatial distribution of fish within each climate zone. Thus, in the temperate zone fish exhibited higher densities among the artificial free‐floating plants while subtropical fish were denser in the artificial submerged plant beds. These patterns appeared in most lakes, regardless of water turbidity or trophic state. 5. The subtropical littoral fish communities resembled the fish communities typically occurring in temperate eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes. Our results add to the growing evidence that climate warming may lead to more complex and omnivory‐dominated food webs and higher density and dominance of smaller‐sized fish. This type of community structure may lead to a weakening of the trophic cascading effects commonly observed in temperate shallow lakes and a higher risk of eutrophication.  相似文献   

Shallow eutrophic lakes commonly exist in two alternative stable states: a clear-water state and a turbid water state. A number of mechanisms, including both abiotic and biotic processes, buffer the respective states against changes, whereas other mechanisms likely drive transitions between states. Our earlier research shows that a large proportion of zooplanktivorous fish populations in shallow lakes undertake seasonal migrations where they leave the lake during winter and migrate back to the lake in spring. Based on our past research, we propose a number of scenarios of how feedback processes between the individual and ecosystem levels may affect stability of alternative stable states in shallow lakes when mediated by fish migration. Migration effects on shallow lakes result from processes at different scales, from the individual to the ecosystem. Our earlier research has shown that ecosystem properties, including piscivore abundance and zooplankton productivity, affect the individual state of zooplanktivorous fish, such as growth rate or condition. Individual state, in turn, affects the relative proportion and timing of migrating zooplanktivorous fish. This change, in turn, may stabilize states or cause runaway processes that eventually lead to state shifts. Consequently, such knowledge of processes coupled to seasonal migration of planktivorous fish should increase our understanding of shallow lake dynamics.  相似文献   

Hadal trench sediments are hotspots of biogeochemical activity in the deep sea, but the biogeochemical and ecological factors that shape benthic hadal microbial communities remain unknown. Here, we sampled ten hadal sites from two trench regions with a vertical resolution of down to 1 cm. We sequenced 16S rRNA gene amplicons using universal and archaea-specific primer sets and compared the results to biogeochemical parameters. Despite bathymetric and depositional heterogeneity we found a high similarity of microbial communities within each of the two trench axes, while composition at the phylum level varied strongly with sediment depth in conjunction with the redox stratification into oxic, nitrogenous, and ferruginous zones. As a result, communities of a given sediment horizon were more similar to each other across a distance of hundreds of kilometers within each trench, than to those of adjacent horizons from the same sites separated only by centimeters. Total organic carbon content statistically only explained a small part of the variation within and between trenches, and did not explain the community differences observed between the hadal and adjacent shallower sites. Anaerobic taxa increased in abundance at the top of the ferruginous zone, seeded by organisms deposited at the sediment surface and surviving burial through the upper redox zones. While an influence of other potential factors such as geographic isolation, hydrostatic pressure, and non-steady state depositional regimes could not be discerned, redox stratification and diagenesis appear to be the main selective forces that structure community composition in hadal sediments.Subject terms: Water microbiology, Microbial ecology, Microbiome, Biogeochemistry, Biogeochemistry  相似文献   

1. Brown and rainbow trout have been introduced to many inland waters in New Zealand, but research on the impacts on native communities has focused mainly on streams. The purpose of this study was to compare the benthic communities of trout and troutless lakes. Based on previous studies in North America and Europe, we predicted that the benthic biomass, and especially the abundance of large invertebrates, would be lower in lakes with trout as compared to those without. We surveyed the invertebrate fauna of 43 shallow, high‐elevation lakes (26 with and 17 without trout) in four geographic clusters on the central South Island and then conducted a detailed quantitative study of invertebrate biomass and community structure in 12 of these lakes. 2. Benthic community composition and diversity of lakes with and without trout were nearly identical and biomass was as high or higher in the lakes with as without trout. There was no evidence that trout have caused local extinctions of benthic invertebrates. Although the proportional abundance of large‐bodied aquatic was slightly lower in lakes with than without trout, the abundance of several groups of large‐bodied benthic taxa (dragonflies, caddisflies and water bugs) did not differ. 3. Our findings are in contrast to those in North American and Europe where trout introductions into previously troutless lakes have led to declines in the abundance of benthic invertebrates, especially large‐bodied taxa. We propose that the modest effects of trout in New Zealand could be explained by (i) the high areal extent of submergent vegetation that acts as a benthic refuge, (ii) low intensity of trout predation on benthic communities and/or (iii) characteristics of the benthic invertebrates that make them relatively invulnerable to fish predation. 4. Regardless of the relative importance of these hypotheses, our results emphasise that the same invertebrates occurred in all of the lakes, regardless of size, elevation and presence of trout, suggesting habitat generalists dominate the benthic fauna in shallow New Zealand lakes.  相似文献   

While extensive knowledge exists on the relationship between nutrient loading and nutrient concentrations in lakes in the cold temperate region, few studies have been conducted in warm lakes, not least in warm arid lakes. This is unfortunate as a larger proportion of the world’s lakes will be situated in arid climates in the future due to climate change and a larger proportion will suffer from a higher frequency of intensive drought. We conducted a comprehensive 11–13 year mass balance study in two interconnected shallow Mediterranean lakes in Turkey, covering a period with substantial changes in climate conditions. The upstream lake was only affected by natural changes in nutrient loading, while the downstream lake was additionally influenced by sewage diversion and restoration by fish removal. Contrasting to experience from north temperate lakes we found an increase in in-lake concentrations of total phosphorus and inorganic nitrogen (ammonia as well as nitrate) in dry years despite lower external nutrient loading, and submerged macrophytes did not increase the nitrogen retention capacity of the lakes. In contrast, fish removal modulated the nitrogen concentration as in north temperate lakes, but the effect was not long-lasting. Our results suggest that climate warming reduces the nutrient retention capacity of shallow lakes in the Mediterranean and exacerbates eutrophication. Lower thresholds of nutrient loading for shifting turbid shallow lakes to a clear water state are therefore to be expected in arid zones in a future warmer climate, with important management implications.  相似文献   

The loss of submerged macrophytes during eutrophication of shallow lakes is a commonly observed phenomenon. The proximate reason for this decline is a reduction of available light due to increasing phytoplankton and/or epiphyton biomass. Here we argue that the ultimate cause for the transition from a macrophyte-dominated state to a phytoplankton-dominated state is a change in fish community structure. A catastrophic disturbance event (e.g. winterkill) acting selectively on piscivores, cascades down food chains, eventually reducing macrophyte growth through shading by epiphyton, an effect that is reinforced by increasing phytoplankton biomass. The transition back from the phytoplankton to the macrophyte state depends on an increase in piscivore standing stock and a reduction of planktivores. A conceptual model of these mechanisms is presented and supported by literature data and preliminary observations from a field experiment.  相似文献   

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