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鸟苷发酵过程代谢流迁移的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以典型的代谢控制发酵产品鸟苷为例说明了一种基于过程参数的相关分析来研究发酵过程中代谢流迁移的方法。通过对发酵过程多参数的相关性分析,结合生物合成代谢途径、氨基酸和有机酸积累的分析,确认了发酵过程代谢流向EMP途径的迁移,认为造成这种代谢流迁移的原因可能是过程铵离子积累。在此基础上,通过对过程参数实时检测分析和及时调整EMP和HMP代谢通量使产率提高了35%。   相似文献   

陈秋彤  刘骏杰  覃子浏  明霜  姬翔  杜钦 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9920-9931
廊道构建是减少栖息地破碎化负面影响的重要策略之一。目前,已经有许多模型用于动物廊道的选址,而"选址模型是否能准确预测动物迁移的实际发生位置"一直是保护生物学最为关注的问题。最小成本路径模型(LCP)和条件最小成本廊道模型(CMTC)是两种较为常用的廊道选址模型。以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为目标物种,分别运用LCP和CMTC模拟生成白头叶猴迁移廊道,将模拟结果与野外观测廊道进行对比,检验两种方法的准确性。结果表明:与野外观测实际廊道相比,LCP模型模拟结果的完全准确率为46.7%,部分准确率为20%,完全不准确率为33.3%;CMTC模型模拟结果的完全准确率为26.7%,其余73.3%为部分准确,无完全不准确的结果;总体上看,CMTC廊道的准确率较LCP高,因而CMTC模型模拟白头叶猴实际迁移廊道位置的准确性优于LCP模型。输入"源"要素类型、阻力面栅格尺度设定、栖息地土地利用类型变化以及动物迁移行为复杂性4个因素是影响该模拟结果准确性的主要原因。  相似文献   

藏羚的分布与迁移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年7月至8月调查了藏羚的分布区及其生活习性,并对藏羚的迁移活动进行了总结。提出雌藏羚的迁移是以昆仑山为中心,分布在昆仑山南面的雌藏羚夏季至秋初在北方产仔,其它季节在南方交配栖息,因此两地间存在往返迁移。分布在昆仑山北面的雌藏羚的迁移活动正好与之相反。同时,讨论了人类活动对藏羚栖息造成的影响,认为遏制“沙图什”的消费,禁止藏羚分布区的一切人类活动是保护藏羚的有效措施。  相似文献   

肿瘤细胞迁移特性及细胞迁移能力表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞运动特征及其变化主要受细胞自身状况和微环境二方面的影响,细胞适应不同环境的运动响应方式存在差异,在二维培养基质上细胞迁移方式主要分为个体迁移和群体迁移,而在三维培养基质中其迁移模式主要为间充质迁移和阿米巴迁移.肿瘤细胞因其结构功能状况异常,在上述环境中的迁移特征出现不同程度的异化,其主要倾向为顽固、无目的和侵袭性的迁移运动.对细胞的迁移能力进行量化表征,有助于对细胞迁移本质的进一步认识.根据细胞培养环境的不同,分别介绍了二维和三维培养基质上细胞的不同迁移模式及肿瘤细胞的迁移运动特征,以及测量细胞迁移能力的体外测试手段和方法,并分析总结了这些方法的优缺点.  相似文献   

云豹心电图测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
章开训 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):69-70
云豹心电图测定云豹(Neofelisnebulosagriffith)属国家一类保护动物,对其心电图进行研究,可为科学养殖及疾病诊断提供理论依据,现将我们在杭州市动物园对5只成年云豹进行心电图测定和分析结果报道如下。1.材料与方法测试云豹3雌2雄,平...  相似文献   

土壤优先水流及溶质优先迁移的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过土壤原状土柱和填充土柱实验,研究了土壤优先水流的特征和非吸附性离子Br^-和NO3^-在土壤中的优先迁移。结果表明,土壤优先水流存在优先穿透、穿透曲线不对称性、偶向入渗和拖尾等特征,原状土柱中Br^-标记的优先水流在实验开始后24h出现穿透,穿透时的孔隙体积仅0.04,在原状土柱中以Br^-标记的土壤优先水流占土壤出流总量的26%,所引起的Br^-累积淋出量占总淋出量的86.7%,说明土壤优先水流虽只占出流总量较小的比例,却可造成较大比例的溶质迁移,优先水流可使NO3^-快速向下迁移,在仅1倍孔隙体积时,其出流中可收获投加量的11%,优先水流可使Br^-和NO3^-向土壤较深层次迁移的同时,发生径向扩散。  相似文献   

细胞迁移在多种生理、病理过程中扮演着重要角色。在细胞迁移研究中,琼脂糖平板法、transwell小室法等因操作简单、重现性好被广泛运用于细胞迁移的体外建模。但传统方法大多是检测单因素条件下的细胞迁移情况,却忽略了血流这一重要因素对细胞迁移的影响。微流控芯片的出现不仅解决了上述难题,并能保证迁移试验在多参数条件下一步到位的完成并及进行实时观测。因此,微流控芯片将带来一场细胞迁移技术及相关领域的革命。对近10年微流控技术在细胞迁移研究中运用进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于“HY-LM”的生态廊道与生态节点综合识别研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的生态网络或生态安全格局构建研究中,多基于最小累积阻力模型(MCR)提取最小费用路径作为生态廊道,并人工判别生态节点,这种方式缺少对生态过程中能量流、信息流等交换过程的考虑,导致生态网络在结构、功能上存在一定的缺失。以福建省上杭县为例,以上杭县森林公园、湿地保护区、自然保护区等为主要生态源地,从陆生动物迁移特征出发选取土地覆被类型、距道路距离、地形起伏度、坡度、距水域距离、NDVI植被指数等因素为阻力因子,利用熵权法获得权重加权叠加生成综合阻力面,运用水文分析原理Hydrology (HY)和Linkage Mapper工具箱(LM)中电路理论等方法综合识别生态廊道和生态节点,运用重力模型对生态廊道重要性进行评价并对生态廊道和生态节点划分等级。研究结果如下:(1)基于LM方法共提取187条生态廊道,生态夹点52个,生态障碍点55个,基于HY方法共提取生态廊道240条,生态节点133个;(2) LM和HY提取的生态廊道和生态节点进行叠加,共提取生态廊道197条,辐射道30条,生态节点283个;(3)运用重力模型提取关键生态廊道103条(含辐射道30条),一般生态廊道124条,同时判别关键生态节点97个,一般生态节点186个,关键生态廊道和关键生态节点主要集中在高阻力和较高阻力值集中的区域,关键生态节点多分布在生态源地周围;(4)对关键生态廊道、关键生态节点缓冲区所在区域土地覆被类型构成进行分析,森林、耕地和草地等土地覆被类型占比具有绝对优势,并从生态连通性和生境质量角度针对各土地覆被类型提出了优化及生态建设策略。研究结果可为区域生态网络安全格局构建、国土空间规划与生态系统修复等研究提供参考,同时也为生物多样性保护与生态文明建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

骨髓间充质干细胞在大鼠体内的迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:将体外预先标记的骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymalstemcells,MSCs)移植到大鼠脑内观察细胞的存活和转归,从在体(invivo)角度阐明MSCs在中枢神经系统疾病细胞治疗中的潜在应用前景。首先用DiI在体外标记MSCs。将标记后的MSCs分别移植到大鼠纹状体和侧脑室,在移植后2w和4w灌杀动物,进行脑组织及脊髓的冰冻切片,在荧光显微镜下观察细胞的存活与转归。结果:移植到纹状体的MSCs可沿针道向周围实质迁移,迁移的最远距离可达0.2mm。并且,在大脑皮层及其他脑实质的血管壁、血管中以及血管周围还可见到标记细胞;而移植到侧脑室的MSCs则主要沿脑室系统迁移,细胞主要分布在移植侧侧脑室,对侧脑室与第四脑室也有分布,也有少量细胞沿侧脑室向周围实质迁移,迁移的最远距离为0.23mm。还可见到沿胼胝体向对侧脑室迁移的细胞流,甚至有个别细胞迁移至脊髓腰段。所有动物在细胞移植后4周均未发现肿瘤形成。结论:MSCs脑内移植后可以在中枢神经系统内存活并迁移,无致瘤性。结果提示骨髓间充质细胞是很多疾病细胞与基因治疗的有力工具。  相似文献   

西双版纳社区村民对亚洲象保护廊道建设的认知与态度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用条件价值评估法(CVM),2007年11月至2008年3月,调查分析了地处西双版纳的2条亚洲象保护廊道内5个村寨196户村民对廊道建设的认知与态度.结果表明:研究区80.61%的村民愿意有条件地支持廊道建设;影响村民支持意愿的因素包括村民的文化程度、人均年收入以及村民就亚洲象保护、人象关系、廊道利用方式和受益群体的认知;该区村民对亚洲象的保护意识、廊道的利用方式和受益群体对村民支持意愿的影响较大,其影响系数分别为0.231、0.236和-0.304.拥有土地使用权的社区村民在生物保护廊道建设中扮演着重要角色,有效的廊道设计与规划必须深入了解社区村民对生物保护廊道的认知和态度,并获得他们的支持和参与.  相似文献   

The knowledge of migration systems in long-distance regular migrants is in many cases extensive. Our understanding of the migratory characteristics of partial migrants, on the other hand, is far more rudimentary. We investigated migratory characteristics of partially migratory Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus using ringing recoveries of Swedish birds, to answer questions about geographic migration patterns, age-specific migrations, migration speeds and synchrony of movements. Median migration distance of Swedish Blue Tits was 82 km, with a main autumn direction in the sector between S and W (large directional scatter). Northerly and southerly populations did not differ in migration directions or distances, suggesting chain migration to be the general pattern. A larger proportion of adult Blue Tits remained near the breeding grounds during winter than was the case for juveniles. Some of the migrating birds (17%) seemed not to return in spring but stayed to breed closer to the winter area. Swedish Blue Tits show an exceptionally slow migration speed (median 13 km/day), among the slowest speeds recorded for any migrant bird. The Blue Tit represents an extreme case of diffuse, short and slow bird migration.  相似文献   

Migrating animals should optimise time and energy use when migrating, travelling directly to their destination. Detours from the most direct route may arise however because of barriers and weather conditions. Identifying how such situations arise from variable weather conditions is crucial to understand population response in the light of increased anthropogenic climate change. Here we used light-level geolocators to follow Cyprus wheatears for their full annual cycle in two separate years migrating between Cyprus, over the Mediterranean and the Sahara to winter in north–east sub-Saharan Africa. We predicted that any route detours would be related to wind conditions experienced during migration. We found that spring migration for all birds included an eastern detour, whilst autumn migrations were direct across the Sahara. The direct autumn migration was likely a consequence of consistent tail-winds, whilst the eastern detour in spring is likely to be more efficient given the wind conditions which are against a direct route. Such variable migration routes shaped by coincidence with prevailing winds are probably common suggesting that some birds may be able to adapt to future changes in wind conditions.  相似文献   

Jeff Clerc  Liam P. McGuire 《Oikos》2021,130(10):1739-1749
Optimal migration theory has been used for three decades to generate predictions of stopover behavior and understand migration ecology. Yet, to date, there have been no attempts to understand the impacts of thermoregulation on migration theory predictions of stopover behavior. Though most migrants are homeothermic, a diverse group of migrants from bats to hummingbirds and warblers make use of some degree of heterothermy. We consider how thermoregulation influences stopover fuel deposition rates, and thus alters optimal migration theory predictions of stopover behavior using a hypothetical migratory bat as a model organism. We update the analytical models of optimal migration theory by considering scenarios of fixed metabolic rate (the current assumption of optimal migration theory) and three different mass-specific metabolic rates including homeothermy, shallow torpor heterothermy and deep torpor heterothermy. Our results predict that heterotherms will make shorter stopovers, have a decreased departure fuel load, and reduce the overall time and energy costs associated with stopovers relative to homeotherms, highlighting that thermoregulation can drastically influence stopover behavior and ultimately play a critical role in population level patterns of migration.  相似文献   

Migration is fundamental in the life of many birds and entails significant energetic and time investments. Given the importance of arrival time in the breeding area and the relatively short period available to reproduce (particularly at high latitudes), it is expected that birds reduce spring migration duration to a greater extent than autumn migration, assuming that pressure to arrive into the wintering area might be relaxed. This has previously been shown for several avian groups, but recent evidence from four tracked Icelandic whimbrels Numenius phaeopus islandicus, a long distance migratory wader, suggests that this subspecies tends to migrate faster in autumn than in spring. Here, we 1) investigate differences in seasonal migration duration, migration speed and ground speed of whimbrels using 56 migrations from 19 individuals tracked with geolocators and 2) map the migration routes, wintering and stopover areas for this population. Tracking methods only provide temporal information on the migration period between departure and arrival. However, migration starts with the fuelling that takes place ahead of departure. Here we estimate the period of first fuelling using published fuel deposition rates and thus explore migration speed using tracking data. We found that migration duration was shorter in autumn than in spring. Migration speed was higher in autumn, with all individuals undertaking a direct flight to the wintering areas, while in spring most made a stopover. Wind patterns could drive whimbrels to stop in spring, but be more favourable during autumn migration and allow a direct flight. Additionally, the stopover might allow the appraisal of weather conditions closer to the breeding areas and/or improve body condition in order to arrive at the breeding sites with reserves.  相似文献   

Migratory hoverflies are long-range migrants that, in the Northern Hemisphere, move seasonally to higher latitudes in the spring and lower latitudes in the autumn. The preferred migratory direction of hoverflies in the autumn has been the subject of radar and flight simulator studies, while spring migration has proved to be more difficult to characterize owing to a lack of ground observations. Consequently, the preferred migratory direction during spring has only been inferred from entomological radar studies and patterns of local abundance, and currently lacks ground confirmation. Here, during a springtime arrival of migratory insects onto the Isles of Scilly and mainland Cornwall, UK, we provide ground proof that spring hoverfly migrants have an innate northward preference. Captured migratory hoverflies displayed northward vanishing bearings when released under sunny conditions under both favourable wind and zero-wind conditions. In addition, and unlike autumn migrants, spring individuals were also able to orientate when the sun was obscured. Analysis of winds suggests an origin for insects arriving on the Isles of Scilly as being in western France. These findings of spring migration routes and preferred migration directions are likely to extend to the diverse set of insects found within the western European migratory assemblage.  相似文献   

Cell migration during morphogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Trade-offs inDaphnia vertical migration strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Planktonic animals performing diel vertical migration (DVM) experience a tradeoff between reduced mortality and reduced reproductive output due to lower food availability in their refuge. Models of DVM as an evolutionarily stable strategy predict that, under certain conditions, strategies of both migration and non-migration can coexist. Vertical profiles of animal abundances during day and night, however, do not allow any discrimination between the behaviour of individuals or subpopulations. We used length-body protein regressions as a measure of the nutritional state ofDaphnia to distinguish possible sub-populations differing in their migration strategy. An overwhelming part of the population migrated downwards during the day. However, the few daphnids in the epilimnion during the day had significantly higher protein content than the animals in the deep water, indicating that these daphnids did not migrate randomly but remained in the surface food-rich water all day. This shows that migrating animals gain no metabolic advantage over non-migrating ones.Supported by a F.P.U. grant (Spanish Goverment)  相似文献   

An international workshop on animal migration was held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, The Netherlands, 2–6 March 2009, bringing together leading theoreticians and empiricists from the major migratory taxa, aiming at the identification of cutting-edge questions in migration research that cross taxonomic borders.  相似文献   

Nocturnal avian migration flyways remain an elusive concept, as we have largely lacked methods to map their full extent. We used the network of European weather radars to investigate nocturnal bird movements at the scale of the European flyway. We mapped the main migration directions and showed the intensity of movement across part of Europe by extracting biological information from 70 weather radar stations from northern Scandinavia to Portugal, during the autumn migration season of 2016. On average, over the 20 nights and all sites, 389 birds passed per 1 km transect per hour. The night with highest migration intensity showed an average of 1621 birds km–1 h–1 passing the radar stations, but there was considerable geographical and temporal variation in migration intensity. The highest intensity of migration was seen in central France. The overall migration directions showed strong southwest components. Migration dynamics were strongly related to synoptic wind conditions. A wind‐related mass migration event occurred immediately after a change in wind conditions, but quickly diminished even when supporting winds continued to prevail. This first continental‐scale study using the European network of weather radars demonstrates the wealth of information available and its potential for investigating large‐scale bird movements, with consequences for ecosystem function, nutrient transfer, human and livestock health, and civil and military aviation.  相似文献   

This review discusses the known features of diurnal vertical migration in the opossum shrimpMysis relicta. Field observations describe a noctural pattern which is correlated to changing patterns of illumination. Hypothesis that offer evolutionary origins of vertical migration are presented which link trophic interactions of the migrator to their predators and prey. These couplings are examined for the case ofMysis relicta. All of the hypotheses are partially supported byMysis behavior.  相似文献   

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