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We studied planktic and small benthic foraminifera from the Fuente Caldera section, southern Spain, across the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Benthic foraminifera indicate lower bathyal depths for the late Eocene and earliest Oligocene. Detailed high-resolution sampling and biostratigraphical data allowed us to date precisely layers with evidence for meteorite impact (Ni-rich spinel), which occur in the lower part of the planktic foraminiferal Globigerapsis index Biozone and in the middle part of the small benthic foraminiferal Cibicidoides truncanus (BB4) Biozone (middle Priabonian, late Eocene). Major turnovers of foraminifera occur at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, only. The impact did not occur at a time of planktic or benthic foraminiferal extinction events, and the late Eocene meteorite impacts did thus not cause extinction of foraminifera. The most plausible cause of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary extinctions is the significant cooling, which generated glaciation in Antarctica and eliminated most of the warm and surface-dwelling foraminifera.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifera is used to characterize the paleoenvironments of the Upper Coniacian-Lower Campanian succession in the Jbil section of north-western Tunisia. Foraminiferal parameters and benthic foraminiferal assemblages show that the studied section includes four distinct paleoenvironmental phases. From oldest to youngest, these are as follows: (1) an interval with a Praebulimina reussi assemblage with infaunal ratios as high as 96.1%. High abundances of P. reussi, reflecting an increase in organic matter flux to the seafloor (meso-to eutrophic) under oxygenated bottom-water conditions. (2) An interval characterized by a Gavelinella costulata assemblage with mixed infaunal/epifaunal foraminifera with higher Fisher's alpha values (ranging from 4 to 15.2), reflecting mesotrophic conditions in an outer shelf environment. (3) An interval with a Gaudryina laevigata assemblage indicative of a middle to outer shelf environment; there is a considerable increase in infaunal agglutinated foraminifera, as well as a relatively abundant and moderately diversified oxic/suboxic foraminifera. (4) The final interval occurs in the lower Campanian (the Globotruncana ventricosa Zone) and includes a Bolivinoides decoratus assemblage reflecting an outer shelf to upper bathyal environment. It contains a higher planktonic percentage and biodiversity with a slight increase in dysoxic species; the mixed infaunal/epifaunal content (57.6 to 73.3%) reflects mesotrophic conditions. Four well-recognized major sea-level falls are matched by the dual signatures of eustatic sea-level changes. These are coincident with the results of this study, which represent the first documentation of these events in Tunisian faunal and paleoenvironmental changes, at the following boundaries: Coniacian/Santonian, intra-Santonian, Santonian/Campanian, and intra-early Campanian.  相似文献   

The Messinian pre-evaporitic sedimentary succession of Gavdos Island (Metochia section) is a nearly uninterrupted succession of marine sediments, dominated by finely laminated diatomaceous marls, which are cyclically alternating with clayey diatomites and white diatomites. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna allowed the recognition of nine bioevents, which have been astronomically dated for the Mediterranean. The base of the diatomitic succession in Gavdos Island is dated at 6.722 Ma and the top at 6.015 Ma. The studied section contains benthic foraminiferal genera characteristic of an outer shelf to slope environment. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of this microfauna revealed three benthic foraminiferal fossil assemblages and the occurrence of allochthonous species transported into the bathyal environment by current activity. The cyclical pattern of the benthic foraminifera assemblages indicates that the studied sediments have been affected by repeated episodes of basin restriction characterized by low diversity benthic foraminifera populations, and a limited planktonic foraminifer association typified by shallow, surface-dwelling forms. This restriction was partly due to Antarctic cooling, which produced palaeo-Mediterranean sea-level oscillations during the Early Messinian, as a prelude to closure of the Atlantic connections. The relative impact of climatic versus tectonic control on sedimentation patterns within this basin is discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution biostratigraphic and quantitative studies of subtropical Pacific planktonic foraminiferal assemblages (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 198 Shatsky Rise, Sites 1209 and 1210) are performed to analyse the faunal changes associated with the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at about 55.5 Ma. At Shatsky Rise, the onset of the PETM is marked by the abrupt onset of a negative carbon isotope excursion close to the contact between carbonate-rich ooze and overlying clay-rich ooze and corresponds to a level of poor foraminiferal preservation as a result of carbonate dissolution. Lithology, planktonic foraminiferal distribution and abundances, calcareous plankton and benthic events, and the negative carbon isotope excursion allow precise correlation of the two Shatsky Rise records. Results from quantitative analyses show that Morozovella dominates the assemblages and that its maximum relative abundance is coincident with the lowest δ13C values, whereas subbotinids are absent in the interval of maximum abundance of Morozovella. The excursion taxa (Acarinina africana, Acarinina sibaiyaensis, and Morozovella allisonensis) first appear at the base of the event. Comparison between the absolute abundances of whole specimens and fragments of genera demonstrate that the increase in absolute abundance of Morozovella and the decrease of Subbotina are not an artifact of selective dissolution. Moreover, the shell fragmentation data reveal Subbotina to be the more dissolution-susceptible taxon. The upward decrease in abundance of Morozovella species and the concomitant increase in test size of Morozovella velascoensis are not controlled by dissolution. These changes could be attributed to the species' response to low nutrient supply in the surface waters and to concomitant changes in the physical and chemical properties of the seawater, including increased surface stratification and salinity.Comparison of the planktonic foraminiferal changes at Shatsky Rise to those from other PETM records (Sites 865 and 690) highlights significant similarities, such as the decline of Subbotina at the onset of the event, and discrepancies, including the difference in abundance of the excursion taxa. The observed planktonic foraminifera species response suggests a warm–oligotrophic scenario with a high degree of complexity in the ocean structure.  相似文献   

The analysis of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Site 1090 (ODP Leg 177), located in the central part of the Subantarctic Zone south of South Africa, provided a geochronology of a 330-m-thick sequence spanning the Middle Eocene to Early Pliocene. A sequence of discrete bioevents enables the calibration of the Antarctic Paleogene (AP) Zonation with lower latitude biozonal schemes for the Middle–Late Eocene interval. In spite of the poor recovery of planktic foraminiferal assemblages, a correlation with the lower latitude standard planktic foraminiferal zonations has been attempted for the whole surveyed interval. Identified bioevents have been tentatively calibrated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale following the biochronology of Berggren et al. (1995). Besides planktic foraminiferal bioevents, the disappearance of the benthic foraminifera Nuttallides truempyi has been used to approximate the Middle/Late Eocene boundary. A hiatus of at least 11.7 Myr occurs between 78 and 71 m composite depth extending from the Early Miocene to the latest Miocene–Early Pliocene. Middle Eocene assemblages exhibit a temperate affinity, while the loss of several planktic foraminiferal species by late Middle to early Late Eocene time reflects cooling. During the Late Eocene–Oligocene intense dissolution caused impoverishment of planktic foraminiferal assemblages possibly following the emplacement of cold, corrosive bottom waters. Two warming peaks are, however, observed: the late Middle Eocene is marked by the invasion of the warmer water Acarinina spinuloinflata and Hantkenina alabamensis at 40.5 Ma, while the middle Late Eocene experienced the immigration of some globigerinathekids including Globigerinatheka luterbacheri and Globigerinatheka cf. semiinvoluta at 34.3 Ma. A more continuous record is observed for the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene where planktic foraminiferal assemblages show a distinct affinity with southern mid- to high-latitude faunas.  相似文献   

This paper documents changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages compared with high resolution ammonite biozonation along the lower Toarcian to upper Toarcian marine succession of Southern Beaujolais in southeastern France. Eight ammonite and three benthic foraminiferal zones including five subzones are distinguished based on the occurrence of twelve foraminiferal events. Each benthic foraminiferal subzone is characterized by its taxonomic and morphogroup composition, which represents the paleoecological response of these taxa and morphotypes of benthic foraminifera in the Early Jurassic and early Middle Jurassic. Major changes in abundance and diversity occur at the end of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) and near the Early-Middle Jurassic transition. The low-abundance foraminiferal assemblages recorded in the Serpentinus ammonite Zone are interpreted as reflecting adverse environmental conditions after the T-OAE. The later recovery and development of the foraminiferal assemblages is documented in the Bifrons up to the Aalensis zones and is attributed to improved bottom water oxygenation. Common occurrences of agglutinated foraminifera represented mostly by Trochammina pulchra Ziegler in the Dispensum Zone point to an influx of cooler water masses during the late Toarcian. The morphogroup analysis carried out on the foraminifera and their paleoecological interpretations shed light on the changes in the stratigraphic record at the end of the T-OAE up to the Toarcian/Aalenian boundary.  相似文献   

The pore-water geochemistry and benthic foraminiferal assemblages of sediments from two slope sites and within the central portion of the Santa Barbara Basin were characterized between February 1988 and July 1989. The highest foraminiferal numerical densities (1197 cm–3 as determined by an ATP assay) occurred at a slope site in June 1988 (550 m) in partially laminated sediments. In continuously laminated sediments from the central basin, foraminifera were found living (as determined by ATP assay) in October 1988 to depths of 4 cm, and specimens prepared for transmission electron microscopy were found with intact organelles to 3 cm, indicating their inhabitation of anoxic pore waters. Ultrastructural data from Nonionella stella is consistent with the hypothesis that this species can survive by anaerobic respiration. However, the benthic foraminifera appear unable to survive prolonged anoxia. The benthic foraminiferal population was completely dead in July 1989 when bottom water O2 was undetectable.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages extracted with the cold acetolyse method together with high resolution geochemical and mineralogical investigations across the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary of the classical succession at Contessa Road (western Tethys), allowed to recognize and document the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) interval, the position of the Benthic Extinction Event (BEE) and the early recovery of benthic faunas in the aftermath of benthic foraminiferal extinction. The stratigraphical interval spanning the P/E boundary consists of dominantly pelagic limestones and two prominent marly beds. Benthic foraminifera indicate that these sediments were deposited at lower bathyal depth, not deeper than 1000–1500 m. The Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) interval is characterized by high barite abundance with a peak at the base of the same stratigraphic interval, indicating a complete, although condensed record of the early CIE. A succession of events and changes in the taxonomic structure of benthic foraminifera has been recognized that may be of use for supra-regional stratigraphic correlation across the P/E boundary interval. The composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, dominated by infaunal taxa, indicates mesotrophic and changing conditions on the sea floor during the last  45 kyr of the Paleocene. The BEE occurs at the base of the CIE within the lower marly bed and it is recorded by the extinction of several deep-water cosmopolitan taxa. Then, the lysocline/CCD rose and severe carbonate dissolution occurred. Preservation deteriorated, the faunal density and simple diversity dropped to minimum values and a peak of Glomospira spp. has been observed. Stress-tolerant and opportunistic groups, represented mainly by bi-and triserial taxa, dominate the low-diversity post-extinction assemblages, indicating a benthic foraminiferal recovery under environmental unstable conditions, probably within a context of sustained food transfer to the bottom. A three-phase pattern of faunal recovery is recognizable. At first the lysocline/CCD started to descend and then recovered. Small-sized “Bulimina”, Oridorsalis umbonatus, and Tappanina selmensis rapidly repopulated the severely stressed environment. Later on, Siphogenerinoides brevispinosa massively returns, dominating the assemblage together with other buliminids, Nuttallides truempyi, and Anomalinoides sp.1. Finally, a marked drop in abundance of S. brevispinosa is followed by a bloom of the opportunistic and recolonizer agglutinated Pseudobolivina that, for the first time, is recorded within the main CIE. A second interval of dissolution, but less severe than the previous one, has been recognized within the upper marly bed (uppermost part of the main CIE interval) and it is interpreted as a renewed, less pronounced shoaling of the lysocline/CCD that interrupted the recovery of benthic faunas. This further rise likely represents a response to persistent instability of ocean geochemistry in this sector of the Tethys before the end of the CIE. In the CIE recovery and post CIE intervals, the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggests mesotrophic and unstable conditions at the sea floor. According to the geochemical proxy for redox conditions, the deposition of the PETM sediments at Contessa Road occurred in well-oxygenated waters, leading out a widespread oxygen depletion as major cause of the BEE. Changing oceanic productivity, carbonate corrosivity and global warming appear to have played a much more important role in the major benthic foraminiferal extinction at the P/E boundary.  相似文献   

Marker events to define the stratotype for the base of the Lutetian Stage are poorly defined. To elucidate such markers and characterize palaeoenvironmental turnovers, we conducted an integrated study of the Ypresian–Lutetian (Y–L; early-middle Eocene) transition at the continuous Agost section (southeastern Spain). This 115-m-thick section, which consists of hemipelagic marls intercalated with hemipelagic limestones and turbidity sandstones, spans from planktic foraminiferal Zones P9 to P12 (E7 to E10) and calcareous nannofossil Zones CP11 to CP14a (NP13 to NP16). We report quantitative analyses of planktic and benthic foraminifera and characterization of trace fossil assemblages that are integrated with mineralogical analyses.Relative to benthic forms, planktic foraminifera constitute more than 80% of the foraminiferal assemblage. We found that the most abundant planktic species belong to the genera Acarinina, Morozovella, Subbotina, and Pseudohastigerina. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are strongly dominated by calcareous taxa, with bolivinids being the most abundant group. Trace fossils showed the succession Nereites–Zoophycos–Cruziana ichnofacies throughout the Agost section. In addition to changes in palaeobathymetry, we deduced that quantity and quality of organic matter flux influenced by turbidity currents are the main factors controlling benthic assemblages. We distinguished several mineralogical boundaries at the Agost section, each associated with lithological facies changes suggesting a change in provenance rather than changes in weathering conditions. We made three observations that indicate an increase in sea water temperatures or a possible hyperthermal event related to the first occurrence (FO) of hantkeninids (i.e., the P9/P10 boundary): 1) a distinct peak in abundance of the benthic foraminifera Aragonia aragonensis; 2) the low-diversity of benthic foraminiferal assemblages; and 3) the occurrence of the planktic foraminifera Clavigerinella eocenica and Clavigerinella jarvisi. Benthic foraminiferal and trace fossil assemblages also suggest an associated relative fall of sea level from upper-middle bathyal to sublittoral depths. These characteristic indicators point to this boundary as a promising feature for defining the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Lutetian Stage. However, complementary magnetobiostratigraphic studies carried out at the Agost section point to the FO of calcareous nannofossil Blackites inflatus (base of CP12b), which occurred 3–5 Myr before the P9/P10 boundary, as the most suitable primary marker event. Whatever the marker event chosen, all the successive events recognized at the Agost section allow a complete characterization of the Y–L transition, and thus this section may be a suitable candidate to locate the GSSP for the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary.  相似文献   

We studied Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene benthic foraminifera from the Agost section (southeastern Spain) to infer paleobathymetrical changes and paleoenvironmental turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) transition. Benthic foraminifera indicate uppermost bathyal depths at Agost during the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Biochron (from about 400 kyr before the K/P boundary) through the early Plummerita hantkeninoides Biochron (about 120–150 kyr before that boundary). The depth increased to middle bathyal for the remainder of the Cretaceous, and remained so for the Danian part of the studied section (Parasubbotina pseudobulloides Biochron, at least 200 kyr after the K/P boundary). There were no perceivable bathymetrical changes at the K/P boundary, where 5% of the species became extinct, and the species composition of the benthic foraminiferal fauna changed considerably. Below the boundary, infaunal morphogroups constitute up to 65–73% of the faunas. Directly above the boundary, in the black clays of the lower Guembelitria cretacea Biozone, benthic foraminifera are rare. Several opportunistic taxa (e.g. the agglutinant Haplophragmoides sp.) have short peaks in relative abundance, possibly reflecting low-oxygen conditions as well as environmental instability, with benthos receiving food from short-lived, local blooms of primary producers. Above the clays through the end of the studied interval, epifaunal morphogroups dominate (up to 70% of the assemblages) or there is an even mixture or epifaunal and infaunal morphogroups. Infaunal groups do not recover to pre-extinction relative abundances, indicating that the food supply to the benthos did not recover fully over the studied interval (about 200 kyr after the K/P boundary). The benthic foraminiferal faunal changes are compatible with the direct and indirect effects of an asteroid impact, which severely destabilized primary producers and the oceanic food web that was dependent upon them.  相似文献   

Thanetian–Ilerdian carbonate deposits from the Lakadong Limestone in Assam Shelf, Meghalaya, northeast India, are studied with respect to microfacies distributions and controlling ecological factors on dominant biogenic components. Palaeoenvironmental implications are inferred following the detailed analysis of microfacies characterized by rich assemblages of coralline red algae and benthic foraminifera. The carbonate sediments have been interpreted as lagoonal to outer shelf facies. It is envisaged that the analysed benthic communities thrived in a meso‐oligotrophic regime above the fair‐weather wave base. The Lakadong Limestone constitutes a well‐preserved record of Late Palaeocene–earliest Eocene shallow marine carbonate ecosystem and has high potential to decipher its response to an interval of distinct changes in climate and tectonic settings. The abundance of oligotrophic larger benthic foraminifera in the Lakadong Limestone is comparable to the foraminiferal assemblages of west Tethys. The phylogenetic changes (‘Larger Foraminiferal Turnover’, LFT) and subsequent rapid radiation of typical Eocene larger benthic foraminifera (Alveolina, Nummulites) usually observed in the west Tethys have also been observed in the upper part of the Lakadong Limestone. The eastward migration of Eocene foraminifera from the west coincided with the India‐Asia collision and global warming events at the Palaeocene–Eocene boundary that may have produced a wide array of modifications in biogeography, seasonal run‐offs and ocean circulation pathways. The data indicate that rapid rate of migration from west before the onset of geographic barriers and/or timely restoration of pan‐Tethyan environmental conditions ensured the incidence of these forms in the earliest Eocene sediments.  相似文献   

We present the paleobiogeography and ecology of benthic and planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton during the Karpatian (Latest  Burdigalian) in the Austrian part of the Central Paratethys. Results are based on quantitative data of assemblages from the Molasse and Styrian Basins. Our data suggest that, although adjacent, the two basins underwent different paleoceanographic evolution during the Karpatian. Dysoxic bottom waters characterized the Molasse Basin, together with reducing environments, which produced the formation of pyritized levels. In the Styrian Basin, intense volcanic activity enriched surface waters in nutrient and produced strong primary productivity. Reduced planktonic foraminiferal abundance and dominance of agglutinated benthic forms in the Styrian Basin can be attributed to paleoceanographic conditions. The planktonic-depleted assemblages bias the paleodepth estimation by 100P(P + B) in the Styrian Basin and new tools for assessing paleodepth are needed. This study shows that paleobiogeography of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton is strictly related to local ecological conditions in enclosed basins and demonstrates that quantitative ecological studies are the best way to monitor the biogeographic evolution of enclosed basins.  相似文献   

This study is based on Cenomanian to lower Turonian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1258, 1259, 1260, and 1261 from the Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Suriname) that are oriented along a paleodepth transect. Studied sediments include the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) or Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) and consist of laminated black shales with TOC values between 5% and 10% below and above OAE 2 and up to 29% within the OAE 2 interval. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this eutrophic environment are generally characterized by low diversities and strong fluctuations of abundances, indicating oxygen depletion and high organic matter fluxes. Dominant taxa at all sites are Bolivina anambra, Gavelinella dakotensis, Tappanina sp., Praebulimina prolixa, and Neobulimina albertensis. Based on the positive stable carbon isotope excursion characteristics of OAE 2 we subdivided the studied successions into three intervals: (1) the interval below OAE 2; (2) the carbon isotope excursion reflecting OAE 2; and (3) the interval above OAE 2. In the bathymetrically shallower Sites 1260 and 1261 benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate anoxic to sometimes slightly dysoxic bottom-water conditions below the OAE 2 interval. The bathymetrically deepest Site 1258, in contrast, reflects more oxygenated bottom waters with an almost continuous occurrence of benthic foraminifera. It is therefore suggested that the shallower sites were located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), whereas Site 1258 was below the OMZ. During OAE 2 anoxic conditions prevailed at the shallower sites. At Site 1258 benthic foraminifera indicate severe dysoxic but not anoxic conditions. This pattern is proposed to reflect a strengthening of the OMZ possibly related to increased primary production during OAE 2. A short-term repopulation event of benthic foraminifera in the lower third of the OAE 2 interval was observed at all sites, reflecting a brief bottom-water oxygenation event. This short-lived event parallels a surface-water cooling and is probably equivalent to the “Plenus Cool Event” in Europe and the “benthonic zone” in the U.S. Western Interior. The benthic foraminifera of a ~0.5 Ma interval following OAE 2 still indicate oxygen depletion of bottom waters. Subsequently, however, a strong increase in benthic foraminiferal abundance and diversity reflects better oxygenation of the bottom-water masses, probably related to a weakening of the OMZ due to decreasing organic matter flux.  相似文献   

Hantkenina is a distinctive planktonic foraminiferal genus characterized by the presence of tubulospines (robust hollow projections) on each adult chamber, from Middle and Upper Eocene marine sediments worldwide. Here we illustrate its evolutionary origin using c. 150 specimens from 30 stratigraphic intervals in two sediment cores from Tanzania. The specimens, which span an estimated time interval of 300 ka, show four intermediate steps in the evolution of the tubulospines that amount to a complete intergradation from Clavigerinella caucasica, which does not possess them, to Hantkenina mexicana, which does. Stable isotope analyses indicate that the transitional forms evolved in a deep planktonic habitat not occupied at that time by other species of planktonic foraminifera. We discuss the morphogenetic constraints involved in the evolutionary transition and propose an ecological/adaptive model for the selective pressures that resulted in the evolution of tubulospines. We compare our record with similar, recently described assemblages from Austria and Italy, and we update the biostratigraphy and systematic taxonomy of the key morphospecies involved in the transition.  相似文献   

Sixty-one species belonging to 32 foraminiferal genera are reported from the Paleocene to Early Eocene Muthaymimah Formation at different localities in the western flank of the Northern Oman Mountains of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. Several of the discovered species provide precise ages for the Paleocene series (Bolivinoides curtus and Neoflabellina jarvisi). A prominent conglomerate bed marks the K–T boundary between the Late Cretaceous Simsima Formation and Muthaymimah Formation in the study area. Occurrences of planktonic foraminiferal Morozovella inconstans (Subbotina, 1947) and Morozovella trinidadensis (Bolli, 1957) of Early Paleocene age (P1–P2 zones) are recorded for the first time in some locations in the study area.

http://zoobank.org/2266E0F1-0C0F-428F-B18C-F8347F0CEE07  相似文献   

Foraminiferal and clay mineral records were studied in the upper Paleocene to lower Eocene Dababiya section (Egypt). This section hosts the GSSP for the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and as such provides an expanded and relatively continuous record across the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Deposition of illite–smectite clay minerals is interpreted as a result of warm and arid conditions in the southern Tethys during the latest Paleocene. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are indicative of seasonal variation of oxygen and food levels at the seafloor. A sea-level fall occurred in the latest Paleocene, followed by a rise in the earliest Eocene. Foraminiferal diversity and densities decreased strongly at the P/E boundary, coinciding with the level of global extinction of benthic foraminifera (BEE) and start of the Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) and PETM. In the lower CIE, the seafloor of the stratified basin remained (nearly) permanently anoxic and azoic. A sudden increase in mixed clay minerals (kaolinite and others) suggests that warm and perennial humid conditions prevailed on the continent. High levels of TOC and phosphathic concretions in the middle CIE are evidence for increased organic fluxes to the sea floor, related to upwelling and to augmented continental runoff. Low densities of opportunistic taxa appeared, indicating occasional ephemeral oxygenation and repopulation of the benthic environment. The planktic community diversified, although conditions remained poor for deep-dwelling taxa. An increase in illite–smectite dominated clay association is considered to mark the return of a seasonal signature on climatic conditions. During the late CIE environmental conditions changed to seasonally fluctuating mesotrophic conditions and diverse and rich benthic and planktic foraminiferal communities developed. Post-CIE planktic faunas consisted of both deep and shallow-dwelling taxa and buliminid-dominated benthic assemblages reflect fluctuating mesotrophic conditions.The frequent environmental perturbations during the CIE/PETM at Dababiya provided a rather specialized group of foraminiferal taxa (i.e., Anomalinoides aegyptiacus) the opportunity to repopulate, survive and subsequently dominate by a hypothesized capacity to switch to an alternative life strategy (population dynamics, habitat shift) or different metabolic pathway. The faunal record of Dababiya provides insight into the cause and development of the BEE: various severe global changes during the PETM (e.g., ocean circulation, CaCO3-dissolution, productivity and temperature changes) disturbed a wide range of environments on a geologically brief timescale, explaining together the geographically and temporally variable character of the BEE. This allowed a number of specific but different foraminiferal assemblages composed of stress-tolerant and opportunistic taxa to be successful during and after the periods of environmental perturbations associated with the PETM.  相似文献   

Gallitellia vivans is the only Recent representative of the triserial planktonic foraminiferal family Guembelitriidae. The origin and evolution of this interesting albeit poorly known family are enigmatic. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships between G. vivans and other planktonic foraminifera, we sequenced the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) for comparison to our extensive database of planktonic and benthic species. Our analyses suggest that G. vivans represents a separate lineage of planktonic foraminifera, which branches close to the benthic rotaliids Stainforthia and Virgulinella. Both genera resemble Gallitellia in general morphological appearance, having elongate triserial tests at least in their early ontogenic stages. The divergence time of G. vivans is estimated at ca. 18 Ma (early Miocene), suggesting an origin independent from the Cretaceous and Paleogene triserial planktonic foraminifera. Our study thus indicates that modern triserial planktonic foraminifera are not related to the Cretaceous–Paleogene triserial species, and that the sporadic occurrences in the fossil record are not the result of poor preservation, but reflect multiple transitions from benthic to planktonic mode of life.  相似文献   

Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   

Massive sedimentation of mats of the diatom Thalassiothrix longissima forming laminated diatom mat deposits (LDM) occurred intermittently in the equatorial Pacific throughout the Neogene from at least 15 to 4.8 m.y. ago. The background deposition was otherwise calcareous nannofossil diatom ooze (NO). Benthic foraminifera have been used to reconstruct the benthic environment of deposition and the role of both surface waters (as a source of food) and bottom waters (including their corrosivity) during LDM deposition. Three LDM events were studied: Site 844 (11.4 Ma, early Tortonian), Site 849 (4.8 Ma, early Zanclian and 6.6–6.8 Ma, early Messinian). A control section of NO spanning the 4.8 Ma event was studied from Site 851. In addition, the carbonate high NO immediately preceding the 4.8 Ma event was examined in Site 849. From the foraminiferal evidence it can be shown that the LDM was deposited under conditions of normal oxygenation because infaunal taxa are present throughout and there was an increase in epifaunal taxa such as Cibicides spp. However, there was a reduction in test size probably because only those smaller than 250 μm were able to move through the restricted sediment pore spaces caused by the diatom mat meshwork. The rate of accumulation of tests is highest in LDM interval and may reflect reduced predation from macrofaunal endobenthos. Among the epifaunal taxa, Nuttallides spp. show a decrease in abundance in the LDM and even immediately preceding it. This may be linked to a greater influence of corrosive AABW. Species known to feed opportunistically on phytodetritus (Epistominella exigua and Alabaminella weddellensis) are common in both NO and LDM. The increased relative abundance of A. weddellensis in the LDM may be due to this species being smaller than E. exigua and better able to exploit the food resource within the restrictive mat meshwork. The foraminiferal results corroborate the previous interpretation that preservation of lamination in the LDM is due to the physical exclusion of macro endobenthos rather than oxygen depletion of the bottom waters.  相似文献   

A major turnover in planktonic foraminifera occurred across the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary. New drill holes through the E/O boundary in southern Tanzania contain extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblages of planktonic foraminifera. Here we document a 1.2 million year record of assemblages, diversity and stable isotope fluctuations through this critical interval, which is often dissolved and/or recrystallised in carbonate-rich facies. The E/O boundary is marked by the abrupt extinction of all five remaining species of the family Hantkeninidae and a distinct size reduction in the genus Pseudohastigerina. The boundary is preceded over a short stratigraphic interval by the extinction of Turborotalia cerroazulensis, Turborotalia cocoaensis and Turborotalia cunialensis. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages reveals significant changes in the abundance of certain species and the composition of the assemblages. We compare diversity fluctuations to the stable isotope record of Pseudohastigerina naguewichiensis and use multispecies stable isotope analyses to determine the life habitats of the most important species. A major shift in the evenness occurs at ~ 33.8 Ma associated with the extinction of the T cerroazulensis group suggesting acute ecological disturbance. We propose that the extinction of the T. cerroazulensis group at ~ 33.8 Ma was directly related to cooling of sea surface temperatures, while the extinction of Hantkeninidae was due to modifications in the thermal structure of the oceans and associated productivity changes. After the extinctions, renewed origination and diversification occurred, leading to a characteristic Oligocene planktonic foraminifer assemblage.  相似文献   

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