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Existing models for the accumulation of photoperiodic information (the photoperiodic "counter") cannot explain satisfactorily the various effects of temperature on diapause induction in insects and mites, nor the observation that in several insect species the so-called "required day number" has a high degree of temperature compensation. In the model presented in this paper the effect of temperature has been incorporated in such a way that both the rate of increase of the "induction sum" (or "diapause titre") and the level of the "minimally required induction sum" (or "threshold level") are temperature dependent. The proposed model is in accordance with observed temperature effects, and gives an explanation for a temperature-compensated "required day number".  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sensitive period for the induction of pupal diapause in Sarcophaga argyrostoma (R.-D.) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) extends from the intra-uterine embryos to puparium formation, although the degree of 'sensitivity' declines during that period. Embryos and larvae 'add up' both long and short nights to a threshold. The incidence of diapause may also be influenced by the photoperiodic manipulation of female flies containing ovarian eggs. High temperatures eliminate or override the diapause response, whilst lower temperatures enhance it. Still lower temperatures (10–12°C) bring about a high larval and pupal mortality and a failure to pupate which is more marked in long than in short nights. The results are discussed in terms of the external coincidence model and the concept of the 'photoperiodic counter'.  相似文献   

Induction of larval diapause is a photoperiodically controlled event in the life history of the moth Pseudopidorus fasciata. In the present study, the photoperiodic counter of diapause induction has been systematically investigated. The required day number (RDN) for a 50% response was determined by transferring from a short night (LD 16:8) to a long night (LD 12:12) or vice versa at different times after hatching, The RND differed significantly between short- and long-night cycles at different temperatures. The RDN for long-night cycles at 20, 22, 25 and 28 degrees C was 11.5, 9.5, 7.5 and 8.5 days, respectively. The RDN for short-night cycles was 3 days at 22 degrees C and 5 days at 20 degrees C indicating that the effect of one short night was equivalent to the effect of 2-3 long nights effect. Night-interruption experiments of 24h photoperiods by a 1 h light pulse showed that the most crucial event for the photoperiodic time measurement in this moth was whether the length of pre-interruption (D(1)) or the post-interruption (D(2)) scotophases exceeded the critical night length (10.5 h). If D(1) or D(2) exceeded 10.5 h diapause was induced. The diapause-averting effect of a single short-night cycle (LD 16:8) against a background of long nights (LD 12:12) showed that the photoperiodic sensitivity was greatest during the first 7 days of the larval period and the highest sensitivity was on the fourth day. Both non-24 and 24 h light-dark cycle experiments revealed that the photoperiodic counter in P. fasciata is able to accumulate both long and short nights during the photosensitive period, but in different ways. The information from short-night cycles seems to be accumulated one by one in contrast to long-night cycles where six successive cycles were necessary for about 50% diapause induction and eight cycles for about 90% diapause. These results suggest the accumulation of long-night and short-night cycles may be based on different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to elucidate the mechanism regulating its seasonal life cycle, the photoperiodic response of Achaearanea tepidariorum has been analysed. Nymphal development was faster in long-day and slower in short-day photoperiods. The combined action of low temperature, poor food supply and short daylength induced diapause at an earlier developmental stage than short days alone. Thus, photoperiod is a primary factor inducing nymphal diapause, but the diapausing instar is influenced by both temperature and food supply. Hibernating nymphs became unresponsive to photoperiod in late December. After hibernation, however, sensitivity was restored and the nymphs remained sensitive to photoperiod throughout their life. This spider could also enter an imaginal or reproductive diapause. Photoperiod was again a primary inducing factor and temperature modified the photoperiodic response to some extent. The induction of the reproductive diapause was almost temperature-compensated whereas development was not. So the involvement of a photoperiodic counter system was suggested. Irrespective of whether the nymph had experienced diapause or not, the imaginal diapause was induced in response to a short-day photoperiod after adult moult. Based on these observations, the seasonal life cycle and the adaptive significance of nymphal and imaginal diapause are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the functional involvement of melatonin and dopamine in photoperiodism to terminate pupal diapause in the Chinese oak silkmoth, Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Diapause in this long‐day (short‐night) species is maintained during long nights and can be terminated by exposure to a short‐night photoperiod. We observed the effects of melatonin and dopamine and their receptor antagonists on diapause pupae. Melatonin and flupentixol, a dopamine receptor antagonist, terminated pupal diapause even under long‐night photoperiods. Dopamine and luzindole, a melatonin receptor antagonist, retarded adult emergence during short nights, whereas melatonin advanced the timing of adult emergence under the short‐night photoperiod in a manner dependent on the number of injections. The results of the day‐length extension experiment indicated that a change in the photoperiod was immediately detected as mRNA expression of the rate‐limiting enzyme of melatonin production. These findings suggest that the melatonin pathway transmits information on the photoperiod to terminate the pupal diapause of A. pernyi. The melatonin pathway also inhibited the dopamine production system, and the dopamine pathway inhibited the melatonin production system. We propose an insect model of the photoperiodic counter driven by mutual inhibition between the melatonin and dopamine pathways.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic control of diapause induction was investigated in the short-day species, Colaphellus bowringi, which enters summer and winter diapause as adult in the soil. Photoperiodic responses at 25 and 28 degrees C revealed a critical night length between 10 and 12 h; night lengths > or =12 h prevented diapause, whereas night lengths <12 h induced summer diapause in different degree. Experiments using non-24-h light-dark cycles showed that the duration of scotophase played an essential role in the determination of diapause. Night-interruption experiments with T=24 h showed that diapause was effectively induced by a 2-h light pulse in most scotophases; whereas day-interruption experiments by a 2-h dark break had a little effect on the incidence of diapause. The experiments of alternating short-night cycles (LD 16:8) and long-night cycles (LD 12:12) during the sensitive larval period showed that the information of short nights as well as long nights could be accumulated. Nanda-Hamner experiments showed three declining peaks of diapause at 24 h circadian intervals. Bünsow experiments showed two very weak peaks for diapause induction, one being 8 h after lights-off, and another 8 h before lights-on, but it did not show peaks of diapause at a 24 h interval. These results suggest that the circadian oscillatory system constitutes a part of the photoperiodic clock of this beetle but plays a limited role in its photoperiodic time measurement.  相似文献   

1.  Larval cultures of Sarcophaga argyrostoma, preconditioned for a low incidence of pupal diapause by embryonic exposure to continuous light, were transferred from sequences of diapause-inducing long nights into terminal sequences of either diapause-averting short nights or darkness. Conversely, other groups preconditioned for a high incidence of diapause by embryonic exposure to long nights were transferred from short nights into terminal long nights or darkness.
2.  The inductive effects of long nights (diapause) and short nights (non-diapause) were accumulated during the larval sensitive period which continued until puparium formation. Since the larvae in any one group formed puparia over a number of days it follows that late pupariaters experienced a greater number of inductive light cycles (or days in DD) than those that pupariated early.
3.  Analysis of diapause incidence in cultures transferred from long nights to DD at different temperatures, as a function of the day of pupariation, showed that the daily increase in diapause was a temperature-compensated process beginning after 9–10 cycles and reaching 10% after about 15 cycles. Cultures transferred from a series of short nights into DD at different temperature showed no evidence of temperature-compensation.
4.  The results are interpreted in terms of the external coincidence model for photoperiodic time measurement.

Although maternal photoperiodic and maternal thermal effects on the progeny diapause have been demonstrated in a number of insect species, their interaction has been rarely studied. We investigated this interaction in Trichogramma telengai. In a series of experiments, maternal females were reared at day lengths of 12–18 h and at temperatures of 17, 20, 25 and 30°C. Their progeny developed under day length of 12 h and temperatures of 13, 14 and 15°C. The experiments showed that both short day and low temperature experienced by the maternal generation significantly increased the proportion of diapausing progeny. In particular, the threshold of the maternal photoperiodic response decreased with temperature. Under combinations of photoperiod with daily thermoperiod, the role of the “night” temperature in the induction of diapause in the progeny was much more important than that of the “day” temperature. We conclude that the interaction pattern between the photoperiodic and thermal maternal effects in T. telengai is generally the same as that between the photoperiodic and thermal responses directly influencing diapause induction in other long‐day insects. The threshold temperature of the maternal thermal response of T. telengai was about 25–27°C, while diapause can be induced if larvae develop at temperatures not higher than 15–16°C. This suggests that, at least in the studied Trichogramma species, the maternal thermal effect has no ecological value. In the practice of biocontrol, however, rearing of Trichogramma wasps at high temperature can drastically reduce the proportion of diapausing progeny.  相似文献   

To explain photoperiodic induction of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acarina: Tetranychidae) a theoretical model was developed, consisting of two components, viz. a “clock” and a photoperiodic “counter” mechanism. The clock executes photoperiodic time measurement according to hourglass kinetics; the counter accumulates the photoperiodic information contained in a number of successive lightdark cycles by adding up the number of “long” and “short” nights experienced by the developmental stages of the mites sensitive to the photoperiod. The influence of the circadian system on photoperiodic induction is interpreted as an inhibitory effect exerted on the expression of the photoperiodic response; this effect is encountered only in certain photoperiodic regimes, where the circadian system and the photoperiod are out of “resonance” with each other. This “hourglass timer oscillator counter model”, devised to give a theoretical explanation of photoperiodic time measurement, the summation of photoperiodic information, and the influence of the circadian system on photoperiodic induction, proved to be consistent with experimental results obtained with T. urticae in both symmetrical and asymmetrical “skeleton” photoperiods, the latter based on diel as well as non-diel lightdark cycles.  相似文献   

The flesh fly Sarcophaga similis enters pupal diapause in response to short days, but averts diapause under long days. This species shows a sexual difference in the photoperiodic induction of diapause, with females having shorter critical daylength than males. Here, we proposed two hypotheses to explain this sexual difference. First, we proposed a sexual difference in the qualitative evaluation of photoperiods. This hypothesis assumes under the external coincidence model that although the photoinducible phase of both sexes locates at late scotophase, in males, it locates at a slightly earlier phase. However, the results of night interruption experiments clearly ruled out this hypothesis. Because we verified that S. similis evaluated photoperiods quantitatively, we next proposed a sexual difference in the quantitative evaluation of photoperiods. This hypothesis incorporates concepts of a hypothetical substance accumulation that shows a diapause‐inducing effect and an internal threshold that serves as a reference to determine the diapause/nondiapause developmental program. In long‐day exposure experiments and night interruption experiments, females consistently showed a lower incidence of diapause than males. Thus, the present study data satisfactorily meet the second hypothesis, that is a sexual difference in the quantitative evaluation of photoperiods exists in S. similis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The photoperiodic mechanism governing larval diapause in the blowfly Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera: Calliphoridac) is largely maternal. The critical daylength for adult flies at 20C, and larvae derived from day 12 eggs and maintained in darkness at 11C, is about 14.5 h/24. At short daylength (LD 12:12 h) and a range of temperatures, eggs laid on or before day 9 gave rise to a low incidence of diapause, whereas those laid on day 10 and later gave rise to a high incidence; the photoperiodic 'counter' therefore shows a temperature-compensated mechanism for 'accumulating' successive short days. The rate of switching from non-diapause to diapause progeny is hardly affected by the timing of protein meals, although an early supply of meat accelerates egg development and leads to an increasing proportion of early, non-diapausing progeny. There is no evidence for a maternal effect preventing diapause induction in the first post-diapause ('spring') generation of flies. Diapausing larvae terminate diapause spontaneously in darkness at 11C after a variable period which is positively correlated with the incidence of diapause in the group. Diapause incidence and duration therefore are both determined maternally.  相似文献   

Abstract The Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) diapauses as a last‐instar (fifth) larva. At 30 °C, no larvae enter diapause under any photoperiodic conditions; at 25 °C, the photoperiodic response curve is a long‐day type with a critical length of approximately 13 h light; at 20 °C, diapause is induced moderately even under long days (> 13 h). Cumulative effects of short days or long days on diapause induction are determined by alternate, stepwise and gradually changing regimes of photoperiod at 25 °C. When the larvae are repeatedly exposed to LD 16 : 8 h and LD 12 : 12 h photoperiods every other day, the incidence of diapause is 37%. When the larvae are placed under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod for 2 days and then under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod for 1 day, it is 38 %. Exposure to an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod for 1 day and then to an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod for 2 days induces only 15% diapause. This may indicate that the photoperiodic information is not accumulated in a simple fashion despite the generally accepted hypothesis (i.e. photoperiodic counter). Larvae exposed to an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod for 5 days after oviposition express a very high incidence of diapause even under short days between an LD 2 : 22 h and LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod. After 10 days exposure to an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod, however, the short day does not induce diapause strongly. On the other hand, an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod in the early larval life is highly effective in the induction of diapause. A gradual increase or decrease of photoperiod (2 min day?1) shows that the direction of photoperiodic change does not affect the diapause determination.  相似文献   

The pine caterpillar, Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), is a multivoltine pest of pine trees in China, overwintering as larvae. Winter diapause was induced by short day length. The critical night length was about 10 h 40 min at 25, 28, and 31 °C in the field, showing a temperature‐compensated diapause induction. Transfer experiments from a short night (L16:D8) to a long night (L12:D12) or vice versa at different times after hatching showed that sensitivity to day length was restricted to the first 14 days; the required day number for a 50% response at 25 °C was about 3.5 days for short nights but 7.5 days for long nights, indicating that short nights are photoperiodically more effective. When four successive short nights (L16:D8) were used to interrupt the long‐night regime (L12:D12) at different development stages and vice versa, the results showed that the highest sensitivity to photoperiod occurred on the 4th?8th day, corresponding to the second larval instar. Experiments of alternating short‐night (L16:D8) and long‐night (L12:D12) cycles during the larval period showed that the information of short nights as well as long nights could be accumulated. By rearing the larvae under conditions other than 24‐h light–dark cycles, we clearly showed that the dark period (scotophase) played a major role in the determination of diapause. The Nanda‐Hamner and Bünsow experiments failed to reveal rhythmic fluctuations with a period of about 24 h in the occurrence of diapause. Therefore, the photoperiodic clock in D. punctatus is an hourglass timer or a damped circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

The yellow peach moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée), a multivoltine species that overwinters as diapausing larvae, is one of the most serious insect pests on maize in China. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on larval diapause was examined under empirical laboratory conditions. Short‐day treatments caused larval diapause at 25°C, and the critical photoperiod was between 12 and 13 h (or 12 h 51 min) light per day. No sensitive instar was identified for diapause induction under alternated short‐ (L : D 11 : 13 h) and long‐day (L : D 14 : 10 h) treatments at different larval stages. However, accumulative treatment of three instars and 10 d under short‐day treatment was required for the induction of 50% larval diapause. All larvae entered diapause at 20°C, whereas less than 3% did so at 30°C, irrespective of the long‐ or short‐day treatment. Furthermore, under the short‐day treatment, more than 90% of larvae went into diapause with temperatures ≤ 25°C, but less than 17% did so at 28°C. In contrast, under the long‐day treatment, less than 19% of larvae went into diapause with temperatures ≥ 23°C. The forward shift (5°C) of critical temperature under the long‐day regime demonstrated the compensatory effect of temperature and photoperiod on diapause induction. In conclusion, C. punctiferalis had a temperature‐dependent type I photoperiodic diapause response; there was no sensitive instar for diapause determination, but the photoperiodic accumulation time countermeasures both of the short‐day cycles and the number of instars exposed, and the photoperiodic diapause response, was a temperature‐compensated phenomenon.  相似文献   

1. Unchilled, diapausing larvae of Toxorhynchites rutilus rely on photoperiod for the maintenance of diapause. The photoperiodic clock is temperature-compensated between 16.5 degrees and 25 degrees C, maintaining both a similar set-joint and inherent accuracy over this range. The rates of development among larvae terminating diapause are dependent upon both temperature and photoperiod. 2. Chilling of dormant Toxorhynchites rutilus can promote response to progressively shorter daylengths, thus decreasing the critical photoperiod. Chilling can also accelerate response to long days, thereby decreasing the depth of diapause and, after prolonged exposure, can eventually terminate diapause directly, leaving subsequent morphogenesis independent of photoperiod. 3. The optimal temperature for these effects of chilling is above 4 degrees C, below 16.5 degrees C, and may lie around 7 degrees C. 4. Temperatures between 5 degrees and 15 degrees C are vernal and autumnal rather than hibernal. The interaction between chilling and photoperiod may then represent an adaptive compromise between selection due to long-term climatic trends and the vagaries of spring weather.  相似文献   

Chrysopa downesi reproduces only in the spring and the resulting adults enter an aestival-autumnal-hibernal diapause which is primarily controlled by photoperiod. In the laboratory, constant photoperiods result in diapause induction and maintenance, whereas a series of short days followed by long days prevents or terminates diapause and promotes reproduction. The stages most sensitive to the diapause-averting stimulus are the free-living third instar, the third instar within the cocoon, and the pupa.C. downesi responds in different ways to three aspects of photoperiod: (a) an all-or-none response (diapause prevention or induction) to a sequence of two critical photoperiods, (b) an all-or-none response (diapause prevention or induction) to the difference between the long and short daylengths (a 4 hr difference is sufficient to avert diapause but a 2 hr difference is not), and (c) a quantitative response to the absolute duration of day (or night) length (after the short day requirement is fulfilled the rate of diapause termination is related to daylength).Differences and similarities in phenological adaptations and in photoperiodic responses of C. downesi, C. carnea, and C. harrisii reflect the degree of phylogenetic relationship between these closely related species.  相似文献   

To understand the geographical differences between diapause systems and synchronization of adult occurrence in the soybean pod borer Leguminivora glycinivorella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), we examined the timing of winter diapause termination and intensity of summer diapause using univoltine and potentially bivoltine individuals in Iwate, Japan. In laboratory rearing experiments of mature larvae maintained at constant temperature (20 °C), winter diapause intensity weakened by January without photoperiodic responses. Meanwhile, summer diapause was maintained by the long day length and presumably terminated with the photoperiodic transition from long to short day length. The intensity of summer diapause was stronger for cocoons that transitioned from a 16 h light to 8 h dark (LD 16:8) to a LD 15:9 photoperiod than for those that transitioned from LD 15:9 to LD 14:10. These results suggest that populations distributed in relatively low-latitude areas, with partly or potentially bivoltine individuals, would have a weaker summer diapause or none at all. Moreover, sexual differences in the number of days to emergence were not detected when individuals experienced a photoperiodic transition from long to short day length, suggesting that the summer diapause system may function to synchronize the emergence of males and females in the population examined.  相似文献   

The small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) enters the photoperiodic induction of diapause as 3rd or 4th instar nymphs. The photoperiodic response curves in this planthopper showed a typical long-day response type with a critical daylength of approximately 11 h at 25°C, 12 h at 22 and 20°C and 12.5 h at 18°C, and diapause induction was almost abrogated at 28°C. The third stage was the most sensitive stage to photoperiod. The photoperiodic response curve at 20°C showed a gradual decline in diapause incidence in ultra-long nights, and continuous darkness resulted in 100% development. The required number of days for a 50% response was distinctly different between the short- and long-night cycles, showing that the effect of one short night was equivalent to the effect of three long nights at 18°C. The rearing day length of 12 h evoked a weaker intensity of diapause than did 10 and 11 h. The duration of diapause was significantly longer under the short daylength of 11 h than it was under the long daylength of 15 h. The optimal temperature for diapause termination was 26 and 28°C. Chilling at 5°C for different times did not shorten the duration of diapause but significantly lengthened it when chilling period was included. In autumn, 50% of the nymphs that hatched from late September to mid-October entered diapause in response to temperatures below 20°C. The critical daylength in the field was between 12 h 10 min and 12 h 32 min (including twilight), which was nearly identical to the critical daylength of 12.5 h at 18°C. In spring, overwintering nymphs began to emerge in early March-late March when the mean daily temperature rose to 10°C or higher.  相似文献   

The ants L. semenovi has been found to belong to species with endogenous-heterodynamic seasonal life cycles with the obligate diapause induced predominantly by factors internal for a colony, whereas external ecological factors (photoperiods and temperature) produce merely modifying effects by accelerating or delaying the diapause onset. The photoperiodic and temperature regulation of diapause induction in larvae and queens is shown. Under effect of short days and low temperature the periods of larval pupation and queen oviposition in a colony are shortened markedly, i.e., the diapause of larvae and queens occurs earlier. The daily rhythms of temperature 15/25°C and particularly 20/30°C as compared with constant temperatures 20 and 25°C that correspond to the mean circadian temperatures of the thermorhythm, inhibit manifestations of the short day effects by stimulating the non-diapause development and increasing duration of the seasonal development cycle of ant colonies. The L. semenovi photoperiodic reaction is quantitative, as development and pupation of larvae and egg-laying of queens cease sooner or later under both the short and the long days, but in the latter case significantly later. Thus L. semenovi is one more example among very rare ant species that are revealed to have the photoperiodic regulation of the colony development seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic response of diapause induction is studied in females of five subtropical and warm‐temperate zone populations of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Japan (26.4–34.7°N; 127.4–135.7°E). Laboratory tests at 25 °C demonstrate that both warm‐temperate and subtropical populations have pronounced photoperiodic responses of adult diapause induction. Under short‐day conditions (LD 10 : 14 h), 73–100% of females enter diapause, whereas, under long‐day conditions (LD 15 : 9 h), 87–100% of females are nondiapause and reproduce. When the critical photoperiod for diapause induction is plotted against the latitude of origin of each population, the data points do not show the expected tendency of increasing critical photoperiod northwards but, instead, vary between 12 h 15 min and 13 h 30 min. It is suggested that adults from different populations of such a highly migratory species move often among subtropical islands (by themselves or being assisted by typhoons), thus constantly destabilizing the photoperiodic responses. Although important for general synchronization of seasonal development in the tropics and subtropics, winter diapause might not be so critical for survival in mild winters in these zones. Such circumstances might make the selective pressure over the photoperiodic response less severe in the tropics and subtropics than in the temperate zone. It is suggested that the current climate warming might contribute to this situation as well by promoting polewards migrations and lessening the selective pressure of overwintering conditions.  相似文献   

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