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Sleep and Biological Rhythms - The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 30-min nap, during a simulated night shift environment, when a prophylactic daytime sleep was...  相似文献   

Lau H  Alger SE  Fishbein W 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27139
It is increasingly evident that sleep strengthens memory. However, it is not clear whether sleep promotes relational memory, resultant of the integration of disparate memory traces into memory networks linked by commonalities. The present study investigates the effect of a daytime nap, immediately after learning or after a delay, on a relational memory task that requires abstraction of general concept from separately learned items. Specifically, participants learned English meanings of Chinese characters with overlapping semantic components called radicals. They were later tested on new characters sharing the same radicals and on explicitly stating the general concepts represented by the radicals. Regardless of whether the nap occurred immediately after learning or after a delay, the nap participants performed better on both tasks. The results suggest that sleep--even as brief as a nap--facilitates the reorganization of discrete memory traces into flexible relational memory networks.  相似文献   

Although napping is commonly used as a strategy to improve numerous physical and cognitive performances, the efficacy of this strategy for improving postural balance has not yet been elucidated. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive examination of the effect of a 60 min nap opportunity (N60) on different components of postural control. Ten highly active individuals (age = 27 ± 3.5 y, height = 1.75 ± 0.52 m, weight = 66.02 ± 8.63 kg) performed, in a randomized order, two afternoon test sessions following no nap (NN) and N60. Postural balance was assessed using the sensory organisation test (SOT), the unilateral stance test (UST), and the limits of Stability Test performed on NeuroCom® Smart Balance Master. The subjective rating of sleepiness before and after the nap conditions was also assessed. Compared to NN, N60 improved the composite balance score (p < 0.05, ES = 0.75, Δ = 5.3%) and the average and maximum percentage balance in the most challenging postural conditions of the SOT (p < 0.05 for SOT-4 and 5 and p < 0.0005 for SOT-6; ES range between 0.58 and 1.1). This enhanced postural balance in N60 was accompanied with improved visual (p < 0.05; ES = 0.93; Δ = 8.9%) and vestibular (p < 0.05; ES = 0.81; Δ = 10.5%) ratios and a reduced level of sleepiness perception (p < 0.001, ES = 0.87). However, no significant differences were found in any of the UST and LOS components’ scores (p > 0.05). Overall, a 60 min post lunch nap opportunity may be viable for improving static balance, although further work, involving larger samples and more complex motor activities, is warranted.  相似文献   

We studied effects of a daytime nap (1 hour) with including only NREM sleep on performance of declarative memory task (60 semantically unrelated word pairs) and general functional state. During training, procedure of learning of 30 word pairs was presented once, and that of the other 30 pairs was repeated twice. Strength of the task acquisition was tested. Subjects participated in two experiments: basic and control one. After learning participants either took a nap (basic experiment) or kept awake looking movies (control experiment). In 4.5 hours after the training session all the subjects were retested. As compared to the subjects who stayed awake during the training-retesting interval, subjects who had a NREM nap demonstrated enhanced performance. Concerning the strength of task acquisition, sleep-dependent performance was observed only for the word pairs learned once. Naps did not affect the functional state assessed by the reaction time dynamics and psychological testing.  相似文献   

Exogenous melatonin administration in humans is known to exert both chronobiotic (phase shifting) and soporific effects. In a previous study in our lab, young, healthy, subjects worked five consecutive simulated night shifts (23:00 to 07:00 h) and slept during the day (08:30 to 15:30 h). Large phase delays of various magnitudes were produced by the study interventions, which included bright light exposure during the night shifts, as assessed by the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) before (baseline) and after (final) the five night shifts. Subjects also ingested either 1.8 mg sustained-release melatonin or placebo before daytime sleep. Although melatonin at this time should delay the circadian clock, this previous study found that it did not increase the magnitude of phase delays. To determine whether melatonin had a soporific effect, we controlled the various magnitudes of phase delay produced by the other study interventions. Melatonin (n=18) and placebo (n=18) groups were formed by matching a melatonin participant with a placebo participant that had a similar baseline and final DLMO (±1 h). Sleep log measurements of total sleep time (TST) and actigraphic measurements of sleep latency, TST, and three movement indices for the two groups were examined. Although melatonin was associated with small improvements in sleep quality and quantity, the differences were not statistically significant by analysis of variance. However, binomial analysis indicated that melatonin participants were more likely to sleep better than their placebo counterparts on some days with some measures. It was concluded that, the soporific effect of melatonin is small when administered prior to 7 h daytime sleep periods following night shift work.  相似文献   

The authors compared diurnal growth hormone (GH) secretion with GH secretion during sleep in 24 children with delayed growth. In group I (children with normal response to provocative tests), the level of daytime secretion was lower than that of nocturnal secretion. In 3 of 9 cases, daytime secretion was abnormal, whereas nocturnal secretion was normal. In 2 cases, both diurnal and nocturnal secretion were abnormal, but response to provocative stimuli was normal. In group II (children with a false partial GH deficiency, i.e. with inadequate response to provocative tests, GH peak less than 11 ng/ml and normal nocturnal secretion), the results were comparable with those of group I, with extremely low diurnal secretion in 6 of 9 cases. In group III (children presenting true partial GH deficiency, i.e. GH less than 11 ng/ml in response to provocative tests together with abnormal nocturnal secretion), both diurnal and nocturnal GH secretion were insufficient, with nonexistent diurnal secretion in 5 of 6 cases. Diurnal secretion does not seem to be a reliable indicator of 24-hour spontaneous secretion.  相似文献   

While napping has previously been shown to alleviate the effects of sleep loss, before advocating the use of naps in transport accident campaigns it is necessary to consider whether a nap opportunity in a noisy uncomfortable environment can produce the same benefits as a nap opportunity in conditions that are conducive to sleep. To examine this, eight participants drove a driving simulator for 50 min at 11:00 h on three different test days. The simulator used has previously been found to be sensitive to the effects of sleep loss, alcohol consumption, and time of day. All three sessions were conducted after one night of sleep loss. Prior to driving during each session the participants either had a 60 min nap opportunity in a quiet or noisy environment, or no nap opportunity. Driving performance and reaction time while driving were measured, as were subjective sleepiness and ratings of sleep quality. No significant benefits of nap opportunities on driving performance were found. Levels of subjective sleepiness were not affected by the nap opportunity condition; however, sleep was rated as more refreshing and restful after a nap in a quiet environment compared to noisy environment. The measures of effect size reported suggest further research is required to unequivocally test the effects of nap opportunities on driving ability.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the duration and the frequency of night and nap sleep of children aged from 2.5 to 4.5 years. Correlation factors and temporal patterning of these parameters were studied throughout 9 months, from September 1981 to June 1982.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the link between poor sleep and ADHD symptomatology. The effects of extending versus restricting sleep on subjective (questionnaires) and objective (actigraphy) measures of daytime movement were examined in 25 typically developing children aged 8–12 years. Subjective measures demonstrated an increase in ADHD symptomology following sleep restriction, with follow-up analyses indicating that findings were due to poorer attention, not changes in hyperactivity. The results of actigraphy data indicated that there were no differences found for mean or median daytime activity, but the standard deviation of activity was found to be significantly higher following sleep restriction. Contrary to the popular belief that sleep restriction results in increased overall activity, this study instead found an increase in variability of activity. This suggests that a sleep-restricted child’s activity level may appear as alternating periods of high and low activity levels throughout the day.  相似文献   

Sleep enhances memory consolidation. Bearing in mind that food intake produces many metabolic signals that can influence memory processing in humans (e.g., insulin), the present study addressed the question as to whether the enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation is affected by the amount of energy consumed during the preceding daytime. Compared to sleep, nocturnal wakefulness has been shown to impair memory consolidation in humans. Thus, a second question was to examine whether the impaired memory consolidation associated with sleep deprivation (SD) could be compensated by increased daytime energy consumption. To these aims, 14 healthy normal-weight men learned a finger tapping sequence (procedural memory) and a list of semantically associated word pairs (declarative memory). After the learning period, standardized meals were administered, equaling either ~50% or ~150% of the estimated daily energy expenditure. In the morning, after sleep or wakefulness, memory consolidation was tested. Plasma glucose was measured both before learning and retrieval. Polysomnographic sleep recordings were performed by electroencephalography (EEG). Independent of energy intake, subjects recalled significantly more word pairs after sleep than they did after SD. When subjects stayed awake and received an energy oversupply, the number of correctly recalled finger sequences was equal to those seen after sleep. Plasma glucose did not differ among conditions, and sleep time in the sleep conditions was not influenced by the energy intake interventions. These data indicate that the daytime energy intake level affects neither sleep's capacity to boost the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, nor sleep's quality. However, high energy intake was followed by an improved procedural but not declarative memory consolidation under conditions of SD. This suggests that the formation of procedural memory is not only triggered by sleep but is also sensitive to the fluctuations in the energy state of the body.  相似文献   

The levels of urinary epinephrine during daytime REM sleep deprivation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urinary excretion of epinephrine during REM sleep deprivation in the daytime was examined in an attempt to determine whether epinephrine excretion during sleep is related to the structure of disturbed sleep. Six healthy males were subjected to two experimental conditions: 1) day sleep without interruption, as a control condition, and 2) day sleep with REM sleep deprivation. Under both conditions, epinephrine excretion levels of five of the subjects were found to be distributed along a basal regression line, expressing the relationship of epinephrine excretion and percent of waking time, as calculated in a previous study. The epinephrine levels of the one remaining subject exceeded the values predicted by the regression line. His sleep structure was not only distorted under REM deprivation conditions but also under control conditions as well. These results suggest that the basal regression line is useful for observing the existence of sleep disturbance; indeed, a subject with epinephrine excretion levels much higher than those predicted by the regression line was found to have spontaneously disturbed sleep. More study is needed to clarify the relationship between high epinephrine levels and disturbed sleep.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Fasting during Ramadan is distinct from regular voluntary or experimental fasting. This project was conducted to objectively assess the effect of Ramadan fasting on...  相似文献   

Due to the mixed findings of previous studies, it is still difficult to provide guidance on how to best manage sleep inertia after waking from naps in operational settings. One of the few factors that can be manipulated is the duration of the nap opportunity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the magnitude and time course of sleep inertia after waking from short (20-, 40- or 60-min) naps during simulated night work and extended operations. In addition, the effect of sleep stage on awakening and duration of slow wave sleep (SWS) on sleep inertia was assessed. Two within-subject protocols were conducted in a controlled laboratory setting. Twenty-four healthy young men (Protocol 1: n = 12, mean age = 25.1 yrs; Protocol 2: n = 12, mean age = 23.2 yrs) were provided with nap opportunities of 20-, 40-, and 60-min (and a control condition of no nap) ending at 02:00 h after ~20 h of wakefulness (Protocol 1 [P1]: simulated night work) or ending at 12:00 h after ~30 h of wakefulness (Protocol 2 [P2]: simulated extended operations). A 6-min test battery, including the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and the 4-min 2-Back Working Memory Task (WMT), was repeated every 15 min the first hour after waking. Nap sleep was recorded polysomnographically, and in all nap opportunities sleep onset latency was short and sleep efficiency high. Mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures were calculated and included the factors time (time post-nap), nap opportunity (duration of nap provided), order (order in which the four protocols were completed), and the interaction of these terms. Results showed no test x nap opportunity effect (i.e., no effect of sleep inertia) on KSS. However, WMT performance was impaired (slower reaction time, fewer correct responses, and increased omissions) on the first test post-nap, primarily after a 40- or 60-min nap. In P2 only, performance improvement was evident 45 min post-awakening for naps of 40 min or more. In ANOVAs where sleep stage on awakening was included, the test x nap opportunity interaction was significant, but differences were between wake and non-REM Stage 1/Stage 2 or wake and SWS. A further series of ANOVAs showed no effect of the duration of SWS on sleep inertia. The results of this study demonstrate that no more than 15 min is required for performance decrements due to sleep inertia to dissipate after nap opportunities of 60 min or less, but subjective sleepiness is not a reliable indicator of this effect. Under conditions where sleep is short, these findings also suggest that SWS, per se, does not contribute to more severe sleep inertia. When wakefulness is extended and napping occurs at midday (i.e., P2), nap opportunities of 40- and 60-min have the advantage over shorter duration sleep periods, as they result in performance benefits ~45 min after waking.  相似文献   

Man remains sensitive to acoustic stimuli during sleep but his sensitivity depends on his own biological characteristics, his sleep state, and the type of noise. Some of the measurable effects of noise are immediate while others occur afterwards. The global psychophysiological approach of the effects of noise on sleep appears to be satisfactory, although complex.  相似文献   

Nurses frequently care for sleepless elderly patients on bed rest in a hospital environment. Our previous study with young adults showed that bright light exposure during the daytime affected the induction of nocturnal deep sleep. The purpose of this study is aimed at finding whether similar research could be observed with hospitalized elderly patients. Seven patients (mean age 67; range 57-77 yrs, males 3: females 4) served as participants and their informed written consent was obtained. A fluorescent lamp fixed in the bed frame near the head of the patient was turned on at 10:00 h and off at 15:00 h each day for 1 week (BL). Moreover, each patient was required to stay near this light during this period. The patients lived in a room facing north, where the ambient light intensities ranged from 50 to 300 lx during the daytime. Their activities were continuously measured using an Actiwatch (model-AWL, Mini-Mitter, USA). Salivary samples were collected at midnight for the measurement of melatonin. The findings were compared between 2 days before BL exposure (baseline) and the last 2 days during BL exposure, respectively. The bright light exposure during the daytime prolonged "Time in Bed" (p < 0.05), increased "Immobile Minutes" (p < 0.05), and delayed "Get up Time" (p < 0.01). The average melatonin secretion at midnight in four patients increased from 7.5 +/- 2.6 pg/ml to 13.3 +/- 9.2 pg/ml. These findings suggest that diurnal bright light exposure for hospitalized elderly patients lying in bed under dark condition during the daytime may favor clinically the induction of nocturnal deep sleep. Attention should be given to the illumination conditions for elderly patients in hospitals to improve their impaired sleep.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to understand the relationship between the components of the three-process model of sleepiness regulation (homeostatic, circadian, and sleep inertia) and the thermoregulatory system. This was achieved by comparing the impact of a 40-h sleep deprivation vs. a 40-h multiple nap paradigm (10 cycles with 150/75 min wakefulness/sleep episodes) on distal and proximal skin temperatures, core body temperature (CBT), melatonin secretion, subjective sleepiness, and nocturnal sleep EEG slow-wave activity in eight healthy young men in a "controlled posture" protocol. The main finding of the study was that accumulation of sleep pressure increased subjective sleepiness and slow-wave activity during the succeeding recovery night but did not influence the thermoregulatory system as measured by distal, proximal, and CBT. The circadian rhythm of sleepiness (and proximal temperature) was significantly correlated and phase locked with CBT, whereas distal temperature and melatonin secretion were phase advanced (by 113 +/- 28 and 130 +/- 30 min, respectively; both P < 0.005). This provides evidence for a primary role of distal vasodilatation in the circadian regulation of CBT and its relationship with sleepiness. Specific thermoregulatory changes occur at lights off and on. After lights off, skin temperatures increased and were most pronounced for distal; after lights on, the converse occurred. The decay in distal temperature (vasoconstriction) was significantly correlated with the disappearance of sleep inertia. These effects showed minor and nonsignificant circadian modulation. In summary, the thermoregulatory system seems to be independent of the sleep homeostat, but the circadian modulation of sleepiness and sleep inertia is clearly associated with thermoregulatory changes.  相似文献   

The relation between the duration of prior wakefulness and EEG power density during sleep in humans was assessed by means of a study of naps. The duration of prior wakefulness was varied from 2 to 20 hr by scheduling naps at 1000 hr, 1200 hr, 1400 hr, 1600 hr, 1800 hr, 2000 hr, and 0400 hr. In contrast to sleep latencies, which exhibited a minimum in the afternoon, EEG power densities in the delta and theta frequencies were a monotonic function of the duration of prior wakefulness. The data support the hypothesis that EEG power density during non-rapid eye movement sleep is only determined by the prior history of sleep and wakefulness and is not determined by clock-like mechanisms.  相似文献   

Daan et al. (1984) have proposed that sleep and wakefulness are regulated, in part, by a "Process S" that increases during wakefulness and declines during sleep. Data derived from several studies were taken to determine the time course of Process S during both wakefulness and sleep. As required by the model, slow-wave-sleep (SWS; an index of Process S) was found to increase exponentially as a function of prior wake time (equation 1) and to decline exponentially as a function of time asleep (equation 2). The equations accounted for 91% and 96% of the variance, respectively. In addition, equation 1 accurately predicted the amount the amount of SWS in the first hour of nocturnal sleep.  相似文献   

Abstract: The response of four singly caged baboons to radio music was measured using behavioral and physiological indices. Heart rate and blood pressure, measured through a tether system, as well as behavior, were recorded during a two-week period in which radio music was available in half of the samples. The behavior of the subjects, as well as their blood pressure, did not vary in relation to radio music. Heart rate was significantly lower when the radio was on.  相似文献   

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