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描述了产于内蒙古宁城中-上侏罗统道虎沟化石层的两块魔蜂科雌蜂化石。根据其中一块标本建立1新种——拉氏冠腹魔蜂(Stephanogaster rasnitsyni Ding and Zhang sp.nov.),归入魔蜂亚科冠腹魔蜂属。另外一块标本归入原翅蜂亚科柔弱卡魔蜂(Karataus exilis Zhang,Zhang and Rasnitsyn,2014),这是首次发现该种的雌性标本,进一步证明了卡魔蜂属(Karataus)存在明显的性双型现象。道虎沟生物群和哈萨克斯坦晚侏罗世卡拉套生物群中魔蜂科有很大的相似性,表明这两个生物群的时代可能相差不远。  相似文献   

根据产自内蒙古宁城中侏罗世道虎沟化石层中一块昆虫化石,建立新种——宁城冠腹魔蜂(Stephanogaster ningchengensis sp.nov.),归入膜翅目魔蜂科冠腹魔蜂属。根据中侏罗世的新材料对冠腹魔蜂属属征进行了修订。  相似文献   

侧沟茧蜂属二新种记述(膜翅目,茧蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自福建武夷山、浙江(龙王山、百山祖)、湖北神农架、山东崂山和黑龙江镜泊湖等地的侧沟茧蜂属Microplitis Foerster 2新种。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicol-oratus sp.nov.(♀)和长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis sp.nov.(♀)。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus与M.obscuripennis Xu and He相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长(后者小于单眼直径);2)中胸盾片具一宽而深的中纵沟,且内具小脊(后者无中纵沟);3)后翅后小脉直(后者明显弯向翅基);4)翅半透明,淡烟褐色,前翅翅痣下方具一暗色斑(后者翅不透明,一致暗烟褐色);5)后足胫节中部具1黄白色环(后者为一致黑色)。采自福建、浙江、湖北和山东。长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis与M.marshalli Kokujev相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)后单眼间距与单复眼间距等长(后者短于单复眼间距);2)腹部第2~3背板红黄色(后者黑色);3)后足基节红黄色(后者黑色);4)前翅r脉短于2-SR脉(后者与2-SR脉等长);5)前翅1-R1脉特别短,约与翅痣等长(后者明显长于翅痣长)。采自黑龙江。本文附中国侧沟茧蜂属种类检索表。模式标本均保存在浙江大学植保系寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自云南省和浙江省小腹茧蜂属MicrogasterLatreille ,180 4二新种 :采自云南的长管小腹茧蜂M .longiterabra ,sp .nov .(♀ )与M .subcompletus相似 ,但以下特征可以区别 :1)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长 (后者长于单眼直径 ) ;2 )中胸盾片前方 2 / 3具刻点 (后者前方 1/ 2具刻点 ) ;3)r脉短于翅痣宽 (后者与翅痣宽等长 ) ;4 )后小脉弯向翅基 (后者直 ) ;5)肛下板顶端超过腹部末端 (后者未达腹部末端 )。采自浙江天目山的长尾小腹茧峰M .longicaudatussp .nov .(♀ )与M .ductilis相似 ,但以下特征可以区别 :1)中后足腿节红黄色 ,仅末端黑褐色 (后者黑色 ) ;2 ) 1 RS脉长为 1 M脉 1/ 2 (后者为 1/ 3) ;3)产卵管鞘长为后足胫节 1/ 2 (后者为 2 / 3) ;4 )腹部第 3背板具皱纹 (后者光滑 )。模式标本保存在浙江大学植保系寄生峰标本室。  相似文献   

湖南省节甲茧蜂属二新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科, 甲腹茧蜂亚科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
游兰韶  周至宏 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):225-229
本文报道湖南省节甲茧蜂属 Sigalphus Latreille,1802两新种。节甲茧蜂属隶茧蜂科,甲腹茧蜂亚科 Chloninae(Shenefelt,1973),该属在我国为首次记录。主要特征是头横置,下颚须4节;胸部粗壮,不宽于头,中胸盾片盾纵沟深;前翅肘室3个,径脉终止在翅尖端之前,第2肘室矩形,肘脉自基脉伸出,迥脉前叉式,小脉后叉式,前翅臀叶基部具横脉,后翅径室横脉弱;腹部长于头胸之和,3节,第1、2节背板之间能活动,第3背板侧缘后方有2齿状突;产卵管短。该属已知7种,分布在新北区(美国)1种、非洲区(马达加  相似文献   

记述了采自黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和湖北省小腹茧蜂属M.icrogaster Latreille,18042新种,短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.和长距小腹茧蜂M.longicalcar sp.nov.。短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.(♀)与M.grandis相似,但以下特征可以区别:1)翅痣下方具暗斑(后者无);2)触角端前节长为宽的1.2倍(后者为2倍);3)头顶光滑(后者具皱纹);4)腹部第3背板光滑(后者具皱状刻点);5)后足胫节黑色(后者红黄色)。采自黑龙江镜泊湖、吉林长春、辽宁(阜新、大连、沈阳)。长距小腹茧蜂M.longicalcar sp.nov.(♀)与短管小腹茧蜂M.breviterebrae sp.nov.相似,但以下特征可以区别:1)1—RS脉长为1—M脉1/2(后者为1/3);2)r脉与翅痣宽等长(后者明显短于翅痣宽);3)后足胫节内距长为基跗节6/7(后者为1/2);4)产卵管鞘长为后足胫节1/2(后者为1/3);5)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长(后者短于单眼直径)。采自湖北房县。本文附中国小腹茧蜂属分种检索表。模式标本均保存在浙江大学植保系寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

侧沟茧蜂属二新种记述(膜翅目:茧蜂科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了采自甘肃、陕西杨凌、浙江松阳和福建福州等地的侧沟茧蜂属MicroplitisFoerster 186 2二新种 :赵氏侧沟茧蜂Microplitiszhaoi,sp .nov .,该新种与分布于古北区的MicroplitismalimbaPapp相似 ,但以下特征与之区别 :①前翅 1 R1脉短于翅痣长 ;②腹部第 1— 3腹片黄白色 ;③后肘室长为基宽的 2倍 ;④前翅r脉与 2 SR脉等长。其学名以我国著名寄生蜂分类学家赵修复教授姓氏命名。周氏侧沟茧蜂Microplitischoui ,sp .nov .,该新种与分布于东洋区的Microplitiszhaoi,sp .nov .相似但以下特征与之区别 ;①触角短于体长 ;②腹部第 1— 3腹片黑褐色 ;③腹部背板黑色 ;④前翅r脉短于 2 SR脉 ;⑤后翅cu a脉下端明显弯向翅基。其学名以我国著名昆虫分类学家周尧教授姓氏命名。模式标本保存在浙江大学植保系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国黑龙江的并腹茧蜂属Hylcalosia Fischer 1新种——沟腹并腹茧蜂H.ventisulcata sp.nov..该新种与海氏并腹茧蜂Hylcalosia hymaenei Belokobylskij最为相似,但新种的如下特征容易与后者相区别:1)下颚须相当长,可达后足基节处;2)腹部第2-3节背板具1条宽而浅的中纵沟,几乎纵贯2、3背板;3)前翅2-SR脉基部弯曲,后翅m-cu脉对叉式;4)腹部第1背板中长等于端宽。文中修订了该属全世界已知种的检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所。  相似文献   

李龙凤  史宗冈  任东 《生物学通报》2013,(10):1-7,F0004
魔蜂科(Ephiahitidae)被认为是昆虫纲膜翅目细腰亚目(Insect,Hymenoptera,Apocri—ta)无腹柄的原始类群,属于寄生蜂类。1903年,Meunier最早报道了魔蜂科产于西班牙晚侏罗世的一个新属种(侏罗魔蜂Ephialtitesjurassicus),拉开了魔蜂科化石研究的序幕。迄今为止,该科被发表描述已有21属84种.分布于9个国家。本文统计了世界上已记载的魔蜂科化石记录、地理分布及地质年代,初步总结魔蜂科昆虫化石的组成特征和系统演化关系,并提出魔蜂科化石研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

记述采自我国云南的拟犁沟茧蜂属Aulosaphoides van Achterberg 1新种:黄痣拟犁沟茧蜂A. flavistigmus, sp. nov.,并制定了该属中国已知种的检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究室。黄痣拟犁沟茧蜂 Aulosaphoides flavistigmus,新种(图 1~6) 新种外形似拖氏拟犁沟茧蜂 Aulosaphoides topali(Papp),但新种:1)翅痣单色,黄色;2)背面观复眼长度约为上颊长度的1.2倍;3)颚眼距长度为上颚基宽的2.0倍;4)腹部第3背板鳃叶状端缘的中央凹入浅(图4);5)基节前沟仅中段存在(图2)等特征可与后者区别。正模:♀,云南勐仑,1988-Ⅸ-14,黄居昌采。  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation, distributed in the Daohugou area, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China, is famous for yielding abundant, well-preserved fossil vertebrates and invertebrates. However, only a few fossil plants have been reported to date. In this paper, one new species of Czekanowskiales, Phoenicopsis (Windwardia) daohugouensis n. sp. is described based upon leaf morphology and epidermal characters. The new species represents the first record of Czekanowskiales from the Daohugou Biota. The discovery of the new species reveals the significance of the Daohugou flora as one of the deciduous forests in the temperate-warm temperate zone of Eurasia during the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The new damsel-dragonflies Zygokaratawia incompleta nov. sp. and Parazygokaratawia azari nov. gen., nov. sp., closely related to the campterophlebiid genus Zygokaratawia, are described from the Middle Jurassic locality of the Daohugou and Chentaizi villages, respectively (Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, NE China). Parazygokaratawia nov. gen. and Zygokaratawia share a narrowly reduced cubito-anal area, unique synapomorphy in the Isophlebioptera. Campterophlebiids with this character are only known from the Daohugou biota.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(4):205-209
The Middle Jurassic Ashangopsis daohugouensis, gen. et sp. n., of the prophalangopsid subfamily Chifengiinae is described based on two well-preserved specimens collected from the fossil locality near Daohugou at Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. The new genus is characterized by the particular shape of its pronotum, its hind leg, and stridulatory veins that only concern the cubital area but not the anal area, unlike in other Chifengiinae.  相似文献   

The genus Arnoldibelus is reviewed. Two new species, A. zherichini and A. gratshevi, closely related to A. karatavicus, from the Middle-Late Jurassic of the Karatau Mountains are described. An identification key to species of the genus Arnoldibelus is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two new genera with six new species of hangingflies (Mecoptera: Raptipedia: Cimbrophlebiidae) are described. They were collected from the Middle Jurassic nonmarine sedimentary strata of the Jiulongshan Formation in Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, north‐eastern China. This report of Cimbrophlebiidae from the Yanliao Biota provides detailed morphological information and evidence of a broad diversity of Cimbrophlebiidae during the Middle Jurassic. A key to the known species of Cimbrophlebiidae is provided.  相似文献   

中国化石两栖类和有鳞类研究进展:过去15年回顾   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
过去15年中,我国的化石两柄类和有鳞类研究取得了加速进展。共报道了16种两栖类和22种有鳞类,其中15种两栖类和11种有鳞类为新种,包括我国最古老的四足动物宁夏晚泥盆世的潘氏中国螈,湖北中三叠世的大型全椎两栖类宽头远安鲵,东北晚侏罗世/早白垩世的多种滑体两栖类(如无尾类三燕丽蟾和北票中蟾,有尾类奇异热河螈和东方塘螈),华北占近纪的蜥蜴类(如淅川短齿蜥和垣曲响蜥),以及内蒙古晚白垩世的多种蜥蜴类等。部分旧属种被修订,多与热河生物群的种类有关,如细小矢部龙过去依据幼年个体被认为是一种小型细弱的蜥蜴,新材料显示它实为大型强壮的种类。一批新的两栖类和有鳞类重要化石点被发现,如辽宁北票市四合屯、陆家屯和葫芦岛市水口子,河北丰宁县炮仗沟以及内蒙古宁城县道虎沟和乌拉特后旗巴彦满达呼。我国晚侏罗世/早白垩世两栖类和有鳞类对研究滑体两栖类和有鳞类相关类群的起源和早期演化提供了重要信息,但系统发育研究工作尚处于初级阶段。  相似文献   

A complete well-preserved male fly from the Jurassic of Daohugou locality (Northeastern China) is described as Proptychopterina opinata sp. nov. The distribution of Proptychopterina is discussed, this genus is re-diagnosed, and a key to species is provided based on the wings.  相似文献   

The diversity of praeaulacid wasps in Kachin amber is relatively poorly documented. Here, a new genus and species of praeaulacid wasp are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber as Archeogastrinus kachinensis gen. et sp. nov., and placed in the subfamily Praeaulacinae. This new genus is distinguishable from the other Praeaulacidae because of its particular tibial spurs formula 1-2-2; its forewings with a long and thin pterostigma, a 1-M longer than 1-Rs, a 1-Rs longer than its distance to pterostigma, a crossvein 2r-rs aligned (or nearly) with 2rs-m and originating near the middle of pterostigma, a 2rs-m present, a cell 3rm long, a 1cu-a postfurcal to 1-M, a vein 2-M distinct; its hind wings cu-a reaching Cu distad M + Cu fork; and its metasoma with a first segment petiole-like (i.e., long and thin) and ventrally inflated in its distal half. The position of the genus Mesevania is briefly discussed, as well as the validity of the genus Paleosyncrasis, both described from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Tuchengzi Formation is widespread in North China. Its clastic deposits indicate a tropical, dry, and hot paleoclimate, different from the subtropical, humid, and seasonal climate in the early Middle Jurassic. The sudden environmental change from the Middle to Late Jurassic resulted in a rapid disappearance of the Yanliao/Daohugou Biota, with more than 90% of the species of the Yanliao/Daohugou Biota dying out and replaced by the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota. Eolian sandstones with large-scale cross-bedding occur within the uppermost part of the Tuchengzi Formation in North China. The sandstones are stratigraphically higher than the tuff previously dated as 139 Ma. We obtained two SHRIMP zircon U/Pb ages from the tuff beds. One sample was collected from the tuff in the basal Tuchengzi Formation in northern Hebei and the other from the tuff intercalated in the eolian cross-bedded sandstones in the uppermost Tuchengzi Formation in western Liaoning. Our results show that 154 Ma is the oldest age constraint for the Tuchengzi Formation and 137 Ma is the youngest age estimate of the formation, providing an age constraint for the transition from the Yanliao Biota to the Jehol Biota.  相似文献   

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