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Microtubules form arrays with parallel and antiparallel bundles and function in various cellular processes, including subcellular transport and cell division. The antiparallel bundles in phragmoplasts, plant-unique microtubule arrays, are mostly unexplored and potentially offer new cellular insights. Here, we report that the Physcomitrella patens kinesins KINID1a and KINID1b (for kinesin for interdigitated microtubules 1a and 1b), which are specific to land plants and orthologous to Arabidopsis thaliana PAKRP2, are novel factors indispensable for the generation of interdigitated antiparallel microtubules in the phragmoplasts of the moss P. patens. KINID1a and KINID1b are predominantly localized to the putative interdigitated parts of antiparallel microtubules. This interdigitation disappeared in double-deletion mutants of both genes, indicating that both KINID1a and 1b are indispensable for interdigitation of the antiparallel microtubule array. Furthermore, cell plates formed by these phragmoplasts did not reach the plasma membrane in ∼20% of the mutant cells examined. We observed that in the double-deletion mutant lines, chloroplasts remained between the plasma membrane and the expanding margins of the cell plate, while chloroplasts were absent from the margins of the cell plates in the wild type. This suggests that the kinesins, the antiparallel microtubule bundles with interdigitation, or both are necessary for proper progression of cell wall expansion.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying microtubule (MT) generation in plants has been primarily studied using the cortical MT array, in which fixed-angled branching nucleation and katanin-dependent MT severing predominate. However, little is known about MT generation in the endoplasm. Here, we explored the mechanism of endoplasmic MT generation in protonemal cells of Physcomitrella patens. We developed an assay that utilizes flow cell and oblique illumination fluorescence microscopy, which allowed visualization and quantification of individual MT dynamics. MT severing was infrequently observed, and disruption of katanin did not severely affect MT generation. Branching nucleation was observed, but it showed markedly variable branch angles and was occasionally accompanied by the transport of nucleated MTs. Cytoplasmic nucleation at seemingly random locations was most frequently observed and predominated when depolymerized MTs were regrown. The MT nucleator γ-tubulin was detected at the majority of the nucleation sites, at which a single MT was generated in random directions. When γ-tubulin was knocked down, MT generation was significantly delayed in the regrowth assay. However, nucleation occurred at a normal frequency in steady state, suggesting the presence of a γ-tubulin-independent backup mechanism. Thus, endoplasmic MTs in this cell type are generated in a less ordered manner, showing a broader spectrum of nucleation mechanisms in plants.  相似文献   

Plant disease resistance gene (R gene)-like sequences were screened from the Physcomitrella patens genome. We found 603 kinase-like, 475 Nucleotide Binding Site (NBS)-like and 8594 Leucine Rich Repeat (LRR)-like sequences by homology searching using the respective domains of PpC24 (Accession No. BAD38895), which is a candidate kinase-NBS-LRR (kinase-NL) type R-like gene, as a reference. The positions of these domains in the genome were compared and 17 kinase-NLs were predicted. We also found four TIR-NBS-LRR (TIR-NL) sequences with homology to Arabidopsis TIR-NL (NM_001125847), but three out of the four TIR-NLs had tetratricopeptide repeats or a zinc finger domain in their predicted C-terminus. We also searched for kinase-LRR (KLR) type sequences by homology with rice OsXa21 and Arabidopsis thaliana FLS2. As a result, 16 KLRs with similarity to OsXa21 were found. In phylogenetic analysis of these 16 KLRs, PpKLR36, PpKLR39, PpKLR40, and PpKLR43 formed a cluster with OsXa21. These four PpKLRs had deduced transmembrane domain sequences and expression of all four was confirmed. We also found 14 homologs of rice OsXB3, which is known to interact with OsXa21 and is involved in signal transduction. Protein–protein interaction was observed between the four PpKLRs and at least two of the XB3 homologs in Y2H analysis.  相似文献   

Tip growth is a mode of cell expansion in which all growth is restricted to a small area that forms a tip in an elongating cell. In green plants, tip growth has been shown to occur in root hairs, pollen tubes, rhizoids, and caulonema. Each of these cell types has a longitudinally elongated shape, longitudinally oriented microtubules and actin microfilaments, and a characteristic cytoplasmic organization at the growing tip which is required for growth. Chloronema are elongated cylindrical shaped cells that form during the development of the moss protonema. Since there are no published reports on the precise mode of chloronema elongation and conflicting interpretations of its cytology, the mechanism of cell growth has remained unclear. To determine if chloronema elongate by tip or diffuse growth, time-lapse light microscopy was employed to follow the movement of fluorescent microspheres attached to the surface of growing cells. It is shown here that chloronemal cells elongate by a form of tip growth. However, the slower growth of chloronema compared with caulonema is probably the result of differences in cytological organization of the growing tip.  相似文献   

The Hof1 protein (Homologue of Fifteen) regulates formation of the primary septum during cytokinesis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas the orthologous Cdc15 protein in fission yeast regulates the actomyosin ring by using its F-BAR domain to recruit actin nucleators to the cleavage site. Here we show that budding yeast Hof1 also contributes to actin ring assembly in parallel with the Rvs167 protein. Simultaneous deletion of the HOF1 and RVS167 genes is lethal, and cells fail to assemble the actomyosin ring as they progress through mitosis. Although Hof1 and Rvs167 are not orthologues, they both share an analogous structure, with an F-BAR or BAR domain at the amino terminus, capable of inducing membrane curvature, and SH3 domains at the carboxyl terminus that bind to specific proline-rich targets. The SH3 domain of Rvs167 becomes essential for assembly of the actomyosin ring in cells lacking Hof1, suggesting that it helps to recruit a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton. This new function of Rvs167 appears to be independent of its known role as a regulator of the Arp2/3 actin nucleator, as actin ring assembly is not abolished by the simultaneous inactivation of Hof1 and Arp2/3. Instead we find that recruitment to the bud-neck of the Iqg1 actin regulator is defective in cells lacking Hof1 and Rvs167, though future studies will be needed to determine if this reflects a direct interaction between these factors. The redundant role of Hof1 in actin ring assembly suggests that the mechanism of actin ring assembly has been conserved to a greater extent across evolution than anticipated previously.  相似文献   

Extant eukaryotes are highly compartmentalized and have integrated endosymbionts as organelles, namely mitochondria and plastids in plants. During evolution, organellar proteomes are modified by gene gain and loss, by gene subfunctionalization and neofunctionalization, and by changes in protein targeting. To date, proteomics data for plastids and mitochondria are available for only a few plant model species, and evolutionary analyses of high-throughput data are scarce. We combined quantitative proteomics, cross-species comparative analysis of metabolic pathways, and localizations by fluorescent proteins in the model plant Physcomitrella patens in order to assess evolutionary changes in mitochondrial and plastid proteomes. This study implements data-mining methodology to classify and reliably reconstruct subcellular proteomes, to map metabolic pathways, and to study the effects of postendosymbiotic evolution on organellar pathway partitioning. Our results indicate that, although plant morphologies changed substantially during plant evolution, metabolic integration of organelles is largely conserved, with exceptions in amino acid and carbon metabolism. Retargeting or regulatory subfunctionalization are common in the studied nucleus-encoded gene families of organelle-targeted proteins. Moreover, complementing the proteomic analysis, fluorescent protein fusions revealed novel proteins at organelle interfaces such as plastid stromules (stroma-filled tubules) and highlight microcompartments as well as intercellular and intracellular heterogeneity of mitochondria and plastids. Thus, we establish a comprehensive data set for mitochondrial and plastid proteomes in moss, present a novel multilevel approach to organelle biology in plants, and place our findings into an evolutionary context.Endosymbiosis has enabled and shaped eukaryotic evolution. The engulfment of an ancestral α-proteobacterium by a presumably archaebacterial host cell stands at the origin of mitochondrial and eukaryotic evolution over 1.5 billion years ago (Dyall et al., 2004). In plants, the subsequent uptake of a photosynthetic bacterium between 1.5 and 1.2 billion years ago led to the formation of chloroplasts (Dyall et al., 2004). Plants thereby evolved by the integration of three distinct genetic compartments. After the establishment of endosymbiosis, genes were transferred to a great extent, mainly from mitochondria and plastids to the nucleus (Bock and Timmis, 2008), necessitating an orchestrated flux of information in the form of proteins and metabolites between the compartments of eukaryotic cells to ensure homeostasis, growth, and development. This communication between organelles is facilitated by physical interactions (Kornmann et al., 2009), control of protein import (Ling et al., 2012), and retrograde signaling (Nargund et al., 2012). During radiation and diversification, especially of land plants, nuclear genomes substantially changed due to endosymbiotic and horizontal (Yue et al., 2012) gene transfer, genome duplication, and gene gain and loss (Duarte et al., 2006; Lang et al., 2010; Martin, 2010), obtruding the question of whether these phenomena are linked to alterations in metabolic pathway partitioning between organelles. Retained paralogs can either introduce a new function (neofunctionalization) or reconstitute existing functions (subfunctionalization; Duarte et al., 2006), for example by distinct spatiotemporal expression profiles or distinct subcellular localizations, resulting in the modulation or introduction of metabolic functions in the respective cellular compartments. Moreover, proteins can localize to several subcellular compartments, a phenomenon called dual or multiple targeting (Yogev and Pines, 2011; Xu et al., 2013). Consequently, many eukaroytic metabolic pathways, as well as the plastid and mitochondrial proteomes, are constituted of a mosaic of proteins of diverse evolutionary origins (Szklarczyk and Huynen, 2010), and evolution has shaped variable organellar functionalities across taxa. To date, the evolution and variability of postendosymbiotic metabolic partitioning is largely not characterized on a high-throughput level. So far, large-scale mitochondrial proteome data sets are only available for the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Atteia et al., 2009), rice (Oryza sativa; Huang et al., 2009), and the model flowering plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Millar et al., 2001; Heazlewood et al., 2004), whereas plastid proteomics in plants is on an advanced level and covers more species (Polyakov et al., 2010; van Wijk and Baginsky, 2011).While higher plants diversified relatively recently but massively, simple moss plants can be traced back 330 million years (Hubers and Kerp, 2012), identifying them as prime candidates for an evolutionary view of organellar proteomes and organelle biology at a genome-wide scale. In contrast to specialized flowering plants, mosses are generalists with few tissues, high metabolic variability, and ancestral features such as high abiotic stress tolerance (Frank et al., 2007) and few plastid types (Cove, 2005).By integrating quantitative proteomics, multivariate analysis, metabolic pathway maps, phylogenomics, and localization with fluorescent proteins, we reliably characterize subcellular proteomes and gene family diversification. Key characteristics of postendosymbiotic organellar proteome evolution are identified by cross-species comparative analysis. In support of our high-throughput analyses, we conduct single-protein analyses and identify proteins that mark microcompartments within organelles and localize to dynamic contact sites between organelles. These proteins may facilitate the exchange of proteins and metabolites, while others influence the dynamics of individual chloroplasts and mitochondria. This study characterizes the mitochondrial and plastid proteomes of moss and reveals the heterogeneity of organelles within a single cell.  相似文献   

Observations made on the effects of auxin, of cytokinin and of various light treatments on cultures of wild-type Physcomitrella patens , grown either on solid medium or in continuously-replaced liquid medium, have allowed us to suggest probable roles for these factors during the early stages of normal gametophyte development. Further data obtained by studying mutants affected in their responses to one or both types of hormones or to light have supported our model of gametophyte development and enabled us to elaborate it.  相似文献   

The moss Physcomitrella patens has been used as a model organism to study the induction of desiccation tolerance (DT), but links between dehydration rate, the accumulation of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and DT remain unclear. In this study, we show that prolonged acclimation of P. patens at 89% relative humidity (RH) [?16 MPa] can induce tolerance of desiccation at 33% RH (?153 MPa) in both protonema and gametophore stages. During acclimation, significant endogenous ABA accumulation occurred after 1 day in gametophores and after 2 days in protonemata. Physcomitrella patens expressing the ABA‐inducible EARLY METHIONINE promoter fused to a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) reporter gene revealed a mostly uniform distribution of the CFP increasing throughout the tissues during acclimation. DT was measured by day 6 of acclimation in gametophores, but not until 9 days of acclimation for protonemata. These results suggest that endogenous ABA accumulating when moss cells experience moderate water loss requires sufficient time to induce the changes that permit cells to survive more severe desiccation. These results provide insight for ongoing studies of how acclimation induces metabolic changes to enable DT in P. patens.  相似文献   

Abstract. We report two situations in which the polarity of gravitropism of single protonemal cells of the moss Physcomitrella patens is reversed. Dark-grown protonemata of wild-type P. patens grow negatively gravitropically. Time-lapse video-microscopy reveals that a temporary reversal of growth polarity occurs during mitotic division which is independent of the cells' growth rate. A transitory reversal of growth direction is also observed when the unidirectional gravitropic stimulus is interrupted by a period of growth on a clinostat. A third situation, in which a mutant class responds by growing positively gravitropically, has been described previously (Jenkins, Courtice & Cove, 1986). These observations are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms for cell morphogenesis and tropic growth.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline O‐arabinosyltransferases (HPATs) are members of a small, deeply conserved family of plant‐specific glycosyltransferases that add arabinose sugars to diverse proteins including cell wall‐associated extensins and small signaling peptides. Recent genetic studies in flowering plants suggest that different HPAT homologs have been co‐opted to function in diverse species‐specific developmental contexts. However, nothing is known about the roles of HPATs in basal plants. We show that complete loss of HPAT function in Arabidopsis thaliana and the moss Physcomitrella patens results in a shared defect in gametophytic tip cell growth. Arabidopsis hpat1/2/3 triple knockout mutants suffer from a strong male sterility defect as a consequence of pollen tubes that fail to fully elongate following pollination. Knocking out the two HPAT genes of Physcomitrella results in larger multicellular filamentous networks due to increased elongation of protonemal tip cells. Physcomitrella hpat mutants lack cell‐wall associated hydroxyproline arabinosides and can be rescued with exogenous cellulose, while global expression profiling shows that cell wall‐associated genes are severely misexpressed, implicating a defect in cell wall formation during tip growth. Our findings point to a major role for HPATs in influencing cell elongation during tip growth in plants.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the α/β hydrolase DWARF14 (D14), along with the F-box protein MORE AXILLARY GROWTH2 (MAX2), perceives strigolactones (SL) to regulate developmental processes. The key SL biosynthetic enzyme CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE8 (CCD8) is present in the moss Physcomitrium patens, and PpCCD8-derived compounds regulate moss extension. The PpMAX2 homolog is not involved in the SL response, but 13 PpKAI2LIKE (PpKAI2L) genes homologous to the D14 ancestral paralog KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 (KAI2) encode candidate SL receptors. In Arabidopsis thaliana, AtKAI2 perceives karrikins and the elusive endogenous KAI2-Ligand (KL). Here, germination assays of the parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa suggested that PpCCD8-derived compounds are likely noncanonical SLs. (+)-GR24 SL analog is a good mimic for PpCCD8-derived compounds in P. patens, while the effects of its enantiomer (−)-GR24, a KL mimic in angiosperms, are minimal. Interaction and binding assays of seven PpKAI2L proteins pointed to the stereoselectivity toward (−)-GR24 for a single clade of PpKAI2L (eu-KAI2). Enzyme assays highlighted the peculiar behavior of PpKAI2L-H. Phenotypic characterization of Ppkai2l mutants showed that eu-KAI2 genes are not involved in the perception of PpCCD8-derived compounds but act in a PpMAX2-dependent pathway. In contrast, mutations in PpKAI2L-G, and -J genes abolished the response to the (+)-GR24 enantiomer, suggesting that PpKAI2L-G, and -J proteins are receptors for moss SLs.

The study of moss PpKAI2L receptors for strigolactones and related compounds highlights MORE AXILLARY GROWTH2-dependent and -independent pathways for the perception of these compounds.  相似文献   

RecA protein is widespread in bacteria, and it plays a crucial role in homologous recombination. We have identified two bacterial-type recA gene homologs (PprecA1, PprecA2) in the cDNA library of the moss Physcomitrella patens. N-terminal fusion of the putative organellar targeting sequence of PpRecA2 to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) caused a targeting of PpRecA2 to the chloroplasts. Mutational analysis showed that the first AUG codon acts as initiation codon. Fusion of the full-length PpRecA2 to GFP caused the formation of foci that were colocalized with chloroplast nucleoids. The amounts of PprecA2 mRNA and protein in the cells were increased by treatment with DNA damaging agents. PprecA2 partially complemented the recA mutation in Escherichia coli. These results suggest the involvement of PpRecA2 in the repair of chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

小立碗藓冷驯化相关基因Pp-LIM only A的克隆与表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物经历冷驯化后抗冻能力会有所提高.利用cDNA-AFLP方法从经过0℃冷驯化处理的小立碗藓中筛选到差异表达的Pp-LIM only A基因片段.cDNA和基因序列比较分析表明此基因含有7个内含子和8个外显子,编码由345个氨基酸残基组成的蛋白质,其中只含有一个LIM结构域,与动物蛋白质PDZ/LIM家族有很高的同源性,推测是一种新的植物LIM蛋白.实时定量PCR分析显示其在冷驯化6 h后表达量即开始明显增加,并随着冷驯化时间的延长表达量大幅度提高.Pp-LIM only A蛋白可能通过LIM结构域对细胞骨架的作用而影响了细胞膜的稳定性,本研究对其在抗冻中的作用作了进一步讨论.  相似文献   

Strigolactones are a novel class of plant hormones controlling shoot branching in seed plants. They also signal host root proximity during symbiotic and parasitic interactions. To gain a better understanding of the origin of strigolactone functions, we characterised a moss mutant strongly affected in strigolactone biosynthesis following deletion of the CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 8 (CCD8) gene. Here, we show that wild-type Physcomitrella patens produces and releases strigolactones into the medium where they control branching of protonemal filaments and colony extension. We further show that Ppccd8 mutant colonies fail to sense the proximity of neighbouring colonies, which in wild-type plants causes the arrest of colony extension. The mutant phenotype is rescued when grown in the proximity of wild-type colonies, by exogenous supply of synthetic strigolactones or by ectopic expression of seed plant CCD8. Thus, our data demonstrate for the first time that Bryophytes (P. patens) produce strigolactones that act as signalling factors controlling developmental and potentially ecophysiological processes. We propose that in P. patens, strigolactones are reminiscent of quorum-sensing molecules used by bacteria to communicate with one another.  相似文献   

RecA protein is widespread in bacteria, and it plays a crucial role in homologous recombination. We have identified two bacterial-type recA gene homologs (PprecA1, PprecA2) in the cDNA library of the moss Physcomitrella patens. N-terminal fusion of the putative organellar targeting sequence of PpRecA2 to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) caused a targeting of PpRecA2 to the chloroplasts. Mutational analysis showed that the first AUG codon acts as initiation codon. Fusion of the full-length PpRecA2 to GFP caused the formation of foci that were colocalized with chloroplast nucleoids. The amounts of PprecA2 mRNA and protein in the cells were increased by treatment with DNA damaging agents. PprecA2 partially complemented the recA mutation in Escherichia coli. These results suggest the involvement of PpRecA2 in the repair of chloroplast DNA.  相似文献   

The moss Physcomitrella patens contains high levels of arachidonic acid. For its synthesis from linoleic acid by desaturation and elongation, novel D5- and D6- desaturases are required. To isolate one of these, PCR-based cloning was used, and resulted in the isolation of a full-length cDNA coding for a putatively new desaturase. The deduced amino acid sequence has three domains: a N-terminal segment of about 100 amino acids, with no similarity to any sequence in the data banks, followed by a cytochrome b5-related region and a C-terminal sequence with low similarity (27% identity) to acyl-lipid desaturases. To elucidate the function of this protein, we disrupted its gene by transforming P. patens with the corresponding linear genomic sequence, into which a positive selection marker had been inserted. The molecular analysis of five transformed lines showed that the selection cartridge had been inserted into the corresponding genomic locus of all five lines. The gene disruption resulted in a dramatic alteration of the fatty acid pattern in the knockout plants. The large increase in linoleic acid and the concomitant disappearance of γ-linolenic and arachidonic acid in all knockout lines suggested that the new cDNA coded for a D6-desaturase. This was confirmed by expression of the cDNA in yeast and analysis of the resultant fatty acids by GC–MS. Only the transformed yeast cells were able to introduce a further double bond into the D6-position of unsaturated fatty acids. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a successful gene disruption in a multicellular plant resulting in a specific biochemical phenotype.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms support cell metabolism by harvesting sunlight and driving the electron transport chain at the level of thylakoid membranes. Excitation energy and electron flow in the photosynthetic apparatus is continuously modulated in response to dynamic environmental conditions. Alternative electron flow around photosystem I plays a seminal role in this regulation contributing to photoprotection by mitigating overreduction of the electron carriers. Different pathways of alternative electron flow coexist in the moss Physcomitrella patens, including cyclic electron flow mediated by the PGRL1/PGR5 complex and pseudo‐cyclic electron flow mediated by the flavodiiron proteins FLV. In this work, we generated P. patens plants carrying both pgrl1 and flva knock‐out mutations. A comparative analysis of the WT, pgrl1, flva, and pgrl1 flva lines suggests that cyclic and pseudo‐cyclic processes have a synergic role in the regulation of photosynthetic electron transport. However, although both contribute to photosystem I protection from overreduction by modulating electron flow following changes in environmental conditions, FLV activity is particularly relevant in the first seconds after a light change whereas PGRL1 has a major role upon sustained strong illumination.  相似文献   

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