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Large-conductance, calcium-activated K+ (BK) channels are widely distributed throughout the nervous system and play an essential role in regulation of action potential duration and firing frequency, along with neurotransmitter release at the presynaptic terminal. We have previously demonstrated that select mutations in cysteine string protein (CSPα), a presynaptic J-protein and co-chaperone, increase BK channel expression. This observation raised the possibility that wild-type CSPα normally functions to limit neuronal BK channel expression. Here we show by Western blot analysis of transfected neuroblastoma cells that when BK channels are present at elevated levels, CSPα acts to reduce expression. Moreover, we demonstrate that the accessory subunits, BKβ4 and BKβ1 do not alter CSPα-mediated reduction of expressed BKα subunits. Structure-function analysis reveals that the N-terminal J-domain of CSPα is critical for the observed regulation of BK channels levels. Finally, we demonstrate that CSPα limits BK current amplitude, while the loss-of-function homologue CSPαHPD-AAA increases BK current. Our observations indicate that CSPα has a role in regulating synaptic excitability and neurotransmission by limiting expression of BK channels.  相似文献   

Cysteine string protein (CSPα) is a presynaptic J protein co-chaperone that opposes neurodegeneration. Mutations in CSPα (i.e., Leu115 to Arg substitution or deletion (Δ) of Leu116) cause adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (ANCL), a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disease. We have previously demonstrated that CSPα limits the expression of large conductance, calcium-activated K+ (BK) channels in neurons, which may impact synaptic excitability and neurotransmission. Here we show by western blot analysis that expression of the pore-forming BKα subunit is elevated ~2.5 fold in the post-mortem cortex of a 36-year-old patient with the Leu116∆ CSPα mutation. Moreover, we find that the increase in BKα subunit level is selective for ANCL and not a general feature of neurodegenerative conditions. While reduced levels of CSPα are found in some postmortem cortex specimens from Alzheimer’s disease patients, we find no concomitant increase in BKα subunit expression in Alzheimer’s specimens. Both CSPα monomer and oligomer expression are reduced in synaptosomes prepared from ANCL cortex compared with control. In a cultured neuronal cell model, CSPα oligomers are short lived. The results of this study indicate that the Leu116∆ mutation leads to elevated BKα subunit levels in human cortex and extend our initial work in rodent models demonstrating the modulation of BKα subunit levels by the same CSPα mutation. While the precise sequence of pathogenic events still remains to be elucidated, our findings suggest that dysregulation of BK channels may contribute to neurodegeneration in ANCL.  相似文献   

The electromotive force E and the conductance G of the Characorallina plasmalemma were measured under voltage clamp conditions.In the depolarized voltage range less negative than –60mV, E changed according to the Nerhst equation for K+, and Gincreased with the external K+ concentration [K+]o and alsowith the depolarization of the membrane potential. This is attributedto the voltage-dependent opening of the K+ channels in the largelydepolarized voltage region. The voltage-dependent increase ofG was due to the increase of the number of open K+ channelsper unit area. The density of the total K+ channels in the C. corallina plasmalemmawas estimated to be about 6.50/(10 µm)2. The single K+channel conductance K changed with the external [K+]o; it was79.3, 86.1, 105.9, 119.0 pS for external [K+]o of 0.2, 0.5,2.0 and 5.0 mu respectively. (Received May 22, 1986; Accepted August 22, 1986)  相似文献   

We have recently documented that the Ca2+-permeable TRPV4 channel, which is abundantly expressed in distal nephron cells, mediates cellular Ca2+ responses to elevated luminal flow. In this study, we combined Fura-2-based [Ca2+]i imaging with immunofluorescence microscopy in isolated split-opened distal nephrons of C57BL/6 mice to probe the molecular determinants of TRPV4 activity and subcellular distribution. We found that activation of the PKC pathway with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly increased [Ca2+]i responses to flow without affecting the subcellular distribution of TRPV4. Inhibition of PKC with bisindolylmaleimide I diminished cellular responses to elevated flow. In contrast, activation of the PKA pathway with forskolin did not affect TRPV4-mediated [Ca2+]i responses to flow but markedly shifted the subcellular distribution of the channel toward the apical membrane. These actions were blocked with the specific PKA inhibitor H-89. Concomitant activation of the PKA and PKC cascades additively enhanced the amplitude of flow-induced [Ca2+]i responses and greatly increased basal [Ca2+]i levels, indicating constitutive TRPV4 activation. This effect was precluded by the selective TRPV4 antagonist HC-067047. Therefore, the functional status of the TRPV4 channel in the distal nephron is regulated by two distinct signaling pathways. Although the PKA-dependent cascade promotes TRPV4 trafficking and translocation to the apical membrane, the PKC-dependent pathway increases the activity of the channel on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   



In rat middle cerebral and mesenteric arteries the KCa2.3 component of endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (EDH) is lost following stimulation of thromboxane (TP) receptors, an effect that may contribute to the endothelial dysfunction associated with cardiovascular disease. In cerebral arteries, KCa2.3 loss is associated with NO synthase inhibition, but is restored if TP receptors are blocked. The Rho/Rho kinase pathway is central for TP signalling and statins indirectly inhibit this pathway. The possibility that Rho kinase inhibition and statins sustain KCa2.3 hyperpolarization was investigated in rat middle cerebral arteries (MCA).


MCAs were mounted in a wire myograph. The PAR2 agonist, SLIGRL was used to stimulate EDH responses, assessed by simultaneous measurement of smooth muscle membrane potential and tension. TP expression was assessed with rt-PCR and immunofluorescence.


Immunofluorescence detected TP in the endothelial cell layer of MCA. Vasoconstriction to the TP agonist, U46619 was reduced by Rho kinase inhibition. TP receptor stimulation lead to loss of KCa2.3 mediated hyperpolarization, an effect that was reversed by Rho kinase inhibitors or simvastatin. KCa2.3 activity was lost in L-NAME-treated arteries, but was restored by Rho kinase inhibition or statin treatment. The restorative effect of simvastatin was blocked after incubation with geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate to circumvent loss of isoprenylation.


Rho/Rho kinase signalling following TP stimulation and L-NAME regulates endothelial cell KCa2.3 function. The ability of statins to prevent isoprenylation and perhaps inhibit of Rho restores/protects the input of KCa2.3 to EDH in the MCA, and represents a beneficial pleiotropic effect of statin treatment.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-activated maxi K+ channel is predominant in the basolateral membrane of the surface cells in the distal colon. It may play a role in the regulation of the aldosterone-stimulated Na+ reabsorption from the intestinal lumen. Previous measurements of these basolateral K+ channels in planar lipid bilayers and in plasma membrane vesicles have shown a very high sensitivity to Ca2+ with a K 0.5 ranging from 20 nm to 300 nm, whereas other studies have a much lower sensitivity to Ca2+. To investigate whether this difference could be due to modulation by second messenger systems, the effect of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation was examined. After addition of phosphatase, the K+ channels lost their high sensitivity to Ca2+, yet they could still be activated by high concentrations of Ca2+ (10 μm). Furthermore, the high sensitivity to Ca2+ could be restored after phosphorylation catalyzed by a cAMP dependent protein kinase. There was no effect of addition of protein kinase C. In agreement with the involvement of enzymatic processes, lag periods of 30–120 sec for dephosphorylation and of 10–280 sec for phosphorylation were observed. The phosphorylation state of the channel did not influence the single channel conductance. The results demonstrate that the high sensitivity to Ca2+ of the maxi K+ channel from rabbit distal colon is a property of the phosphorylated form of the channel protein, and that the difference in Ca2+ sensitivity between the dephosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the channel protein is more than one order of magnitude. The variety in Ca2+ sensitivities for maxi K+ channels from tissue to tissue and from different studies on the same tissue could be due to modification by second messenger systems. Received: 28 February 1995/Revised: 22 December 1995  相似文献   

Emerging evidences suggest that Ca2+activated-K+-(BK) channel is involved in the regulation of cell viability. The changes of the cell viability observed under hyperkalemia (15 mEq/L) or hypokalemia (0.55 mEq/L) conditions were investigated in HEK293 cells expressing the hslo subunit (hslo-HEK293) in the presence or absence of BK channel modulators. The BK channel openers(10-11-10-3M) were: acetazolamide(ACTZ), Dichlorphenamide(DCP), methazolamide(MTZ), bendroflumethiazide(BFT), ethoxzolamide(ETX), hydrochlorthiazide(HCT), quercetin(QUERC), resveratrol(RESV) and NS1619; and the BK channel blockers(2x10-7M-5x10-3M) were: tetraethylammonium(TEA), iberiotoxin(IbTx) and charybdotoxin(ChTX). Experiments on cell viability and channel currents were performed using cell counting kit-8 and patch-clamp techniques, respectively. Hslo whole-cell current was potentiated by BK channel openers with different potency and efficacy in hslo-HEK293. The efficacy ranking of the openers at -60 mV(Vm) was BFT> ACTZ >DCP ≥RESV≥ ETX> NS1619> MTZ≥ QUERC; HCT was not effective. Cell viability after 24 h of incubation under hyperkalemia was enhanced by 82+6% and 33+7% in hslo-HEK293 cells and HEK293 cells, respectively. IbTx, ChTX and TEA enhanced cell viability in hslo-HEK293. BK openers prevented the enhancement of the cell viability induced by hyperkalemia or IbTx in hslo-HEK293 showing an efficacy which was comparable with that observed as BK openers. BK channel modulators failed to affect cell currents and viability under hyperkalemia conditions in the absence of hslo subunit. In contrast, under hypokalemia cell viability was reduced by -22+4% and -23+6% in hslo-HEK293 and HEK293 cells, respectively; the BK channel modulators failed to affect this parameter in these cells. In conclusion, BK channel regulates cell viability under hyperkalemia but not hypokalemia conditions. BFT and ACTZ were the most potent drugs either in activating the BK current and in preventing the cell proliferation induced by hyperkalemia. These findings may have relevance in disorders associated with abnormal K+ ion homeostasis including periodic paralysis and myotonia.  相似文献   

Activity of an inwardly rectifying K+ channel with inward conductance of about 40 pS in cultured human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTECs) is regulated at least in part by protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. In this study, we examined involvement of calcineurin (CaN), a Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)–dependent phosphatase, in modulating K+ channel activity. In cell-attached mode of the patch-clamp technique, application of a CaN inhibitor, cyclosporin A (CsA, 5 μM) or FK520 (5 μM), significantly suppressed channel activity. Intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ) estimated by fura-2 imaging was elevated by these inhibitors. Since inhibition of CaN attenuates some dephosphorylation with increase in [Ca2+] i , we speculated that inhibiting CaN enhances Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation, which might result in channel suppression. To verify this hypothesis, we examined effects of inhibitors of PKC and Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase-II (CaMKII) on CsA-induced channel suppression. Although the PKC inhibitor GF109203X (500 nM) did not influence the CsA-induced channel suppression, the CaMKII inhibitor KN62 (20 μM) prevented channel suppression, suggesting that the channel suppression resulted from CaMKII-dependent processes. Indeed, Western blot analysis showed that CsA increased phospho-CaMKII (Thr286), an activated CaMKII in inside–out patches, application of CaM (0.6 μM) and CaMKII (0.15 U/ml) to the bath at 10?6 M Ca2+ significantly suppressed channel activity, which was reactivated by subsequent application of CaN (800 U/ml). These results suggest that CaN plays an important role in supporting K+ channel activity in RPTECs by preventing CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Mutations that alter the phenotypic behavior of the Escherichia coli mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS) have been identified; however, most of these residues play critical roles in the transition between the closed and open states of the channel and are not directly involved in lipid interactions that transduce the tension response. In this study, we use molecular dynamic simulations to predict critical lipid interacting residues in the closed state of MscS. The physiological role of these residues was then investigated by performing osmotic downshock assays on MscS mutants where the lipid interacting residues were mutated to alanine. These experiments identified seven residues in the first and second transmembrane helices as lipid-sensing residues. The majority of these residues are hydrophobic amino acids located near the extracellular interface of the membrane. All of these residues interact strongly with the lipid bilayer in the closed state of MscS, but do not face the bilayer directly in structures associated with the open and desensitized states of the channel. Thus, the position of these residues relative to the lipid membrane appears related to the ability of the channel to sense tension in its different physiological states.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was used to study effect of the Ca2+on K+ channels in the plasma membrane of protoplasts isolatedfrom tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv. Bright Yellow) culturedcells in suspension. The outward rectifying whole-cell K+ currentswere not affected by in-tracellular Ca2+, but they were reducedwith increasing extracellular Ca2+. Neither extracellular norintracellular Ca2+ affected the permeability ratios (pK+/PNa+)of the plasma membrane. These results suggest that the inhibitionof outward-rectifying K+ channels by extracellular Ca2+may partiallycontribute towards the mitigation of detrimental effects ofsalinity on growth by extracellular Ca2+. (Received January 19, 1998; Accepted July 30, 1998)  相似文献   

The serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase SGK1 and the protein kinase PKB/Akt presumably phosphorylate and, by this means, activate the mammalian phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-5-kinase PIKfyve (PIP5K3), which has in turn been shown to regulate transporters and channels. SGK1-regulated channels include the Ca2+ channel TRPV6, which is expressed in a variety of epithelial and nonepithelial cells including tumor cells. SGK1 and protein kinase B PKB/Akt foster tumor growth. The present study thus explored whether TRPV6 is regulated by PIKfyve. TRPV6 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with or without additional coexpression of constitutively active S422DSGK1, constitutively active T308D,S473DPKB, wild-type PIKfyve, and S318APIKfyve lacking the SGK1 phosphorylation site. TRPV6 activity was determined from the current (ICa) resulting from TRPV6-induced Ca2+ entry and subsequent activation of Ca2+-sensitive endogenous Cl? channels. TRPV6 protein abundance in the cell membrane was determined utilizing immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. In TRPV6-expressing oocytes IH was increased by coexpression of S422DSGK1 and by T308D,S473DPKB. Coexpression of wild-type PIKfyve further increased IH in TRPV6 + S422DSGK1-expressing oocytes but did not significantly modify ICa in oocytes expressing TRPV6 alone. S318APIKfyve failed to significantly modify ICa in the presence and absence of S422DSGK1. S422DSGK1 increased the TRPV6 protein abundance in the cell membrane, an effect augmented by additional expression of wild-type PIKfyve. We conclude that PIKfyve participates in the regulation of TRPV6.  相似文献   

Processes underlying mechanotransduction and its regulation are poorly understood. Inhibitors of Ca2+-activated K+ channels cause a dramatic increase in afferent output from stretched muscle spindles. We used immunocytochemistry to test for the presence and location of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SK1-3) in primary endings of muscle spindles and lanceolate endings of hair follicles in the rat. Tissue sections were double immunolabelled with antibodies to one of the SK channel isoforms and to either synaptophysin (SYN, as a marker of synaptic like vesicles (SLV), present in many mechanosensitive endings) or S100 (a Ca2+-binding protein present in glial cells). SK channel immunoreactivity was also compared to immunolabelling for the Na+ ion channel ASIC2, previously reported in both spindle primary and lanceolate endings. SK1 was not detected in sensory terminals of either muscle spindles or lanceolate endings. SK2 was found in the terminals of both muscle spindles and lanceolate endings, where it colocalised with the SLV marker SYN (spindles and lanceolates) and the satellite glial cell (SGC) marker S100 (lanceolates). SK3 was not detected in muscle spindles; by contrast it was present in hair follicle endings, expressed predominantly in SGCs but perhaps also in the SGC: terminal interface, as judged by colocalisation statistical analysis of SYN and S100 immunoreactivity. The possibility that all three isoforms might be expressed in pre-terminal axons, especially at heminodes, cannot be ruled out. Differential distribution of SK channels is likely to be important in their function of responding to changes in intracellular [Ca2+] thereby modulating mechanosensory transduction by regulating the excitability of the sensory terminals. In particular, the presence of SK2 throughout the sensory terminals of both kinds of mechanoreceptor indicates an important role for an outward Ca2+-activated K+ current in the formation of the receptor potential in both types of ending.  相似文献   

An apical membrane ouabain-sensitive H-K exchange and a barium-sensitive basolateral membrane potassium channel are present in colonic crypt cells and may play a role in both K absorption and intracellular pH (pHi) regulation. To examine the possible interrelationship between apical membrane H-K exchange and basolateral membrane K movement in rat distal colon in the regulation of pHi, experiments were designed to assess whether changes in extracellular potassium can alter pHi. pHi in isolated rat crypts was determined using microspectrofluorimetric measurements of the pH-sensitive dye BCECF-AM (2′,7′-bis(carboxyethyl-5(6)-carboxy-fluorescein acetoxy methylester). After loading with the dye, crypts were superfused with a Na-free solution which resulted in a rapid and reversible fall in pHi (7.36 ± 0.02 to 6.98 ± 0.03). Following an increase in extracellular [K] to 20 mm, in the continued absence of Na, there was a further decrease in pHi (0.20 ± 0.02, P < 0.01). K-induced acidification was blocked both by 2 mm bath barium, a K channel blocker, and by 0.5 mm lumen ouabain. K-induced acidification was also observed when intracellular acidification was induced by a NH4Cl prepulse. These observations suggest that increased basolateral K movement increases intracellular [K] resulting in a decrease in pHi that is mediated by a ouabain-sensitive apical membrane H,K-ATPase. Our results demonstrate an interrelationship between basolateral K movement and apical H-K exchange in the regulation of pHi and apical K entry in rat distal colon. Received: 31 March 1998/Revised: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

The loss of function of the basolateral K channels in the distal nephron causes electrolyte imbalance. The aim of this study is to examine the role of Src family protein tyrosine kinase (SFK) in regulating K channels in the basolateral membrane of the mouse initial distal convoluted tubule (DCT1). Single-channel recordings confirmed that the 40-picosiemen (pS) K channel was the only type of K channel in the basolateral membrane of DCT1. The suppression of SFK reversibly inhibited the basolateral 40-pS K channel activity in cell-attached patches and decreased the Ba2+-sensitive whole-cell K currents in DCT1. Inhibition of SFK also shifted the K reversal potential from −65 to −43 mV, suggesting a role of SFK in determining the membrane potential in DCT1. Western blot analysis showed that KCNJ10 (Kir4.1), a key component of the basolateral 40-pS K channel in DCT1, was a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein. LC/MS analysis further confirmed that SFK phosphorylated KCNJ10 at Tyr8 and Tyr9. The single-channel recording detected the activity of a 19-pS K channel in KCNJ10-transfected HEK293T cells and a 40-pS K channel in the cells transfected with KCNJ10+KCNJ16 (Kir.5.1) that form a heterotetramer in the basolateral membrane of the DCT. Mutation of Tyr9 did not alter the channel conductance of the homotetramer and heterotetramer. However, it decreased the whole-cell K currents, the probability of finding K channels, and surface expression of KCNJ10 in comparison to WT KCNJ10. We conclude that SFK stimulates the basolateral K channel activity in DCT1, at least partially, by phosphorylating Tyr9 on KCNJ10. We speculate that the modulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of KCNJ10 should play a role in regulating membrane transport function in DCT1.  相似文献   

In different species and tissues, a great variety of hormones modulate Na+,K+-ATPase activity in a short-term fashion. Such regulation involves the activation of distinct intracellular signaling networks that are often hormone- and tissue-specific. This minireview focuses on our own experimental observations obtained by studying the regulation of the rodent proximal tubule Na+,K+-ATPase. We discuss evidence that hormones responsible for regulating kidney proximal tubule sodium reabsorption may not affect the intrinsic catalytic activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase, but rather the number of active units within the plasma membrane due to shuttling Na+,K+-ATPase molecules between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane. These processes are mediated by different isoforms of protein kinase C and depend largely on variations in intracellular sodium concentrations.  相似文献   

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