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Seed-transmission in the ecology of nematode-borne viruses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virus-free populations of vector nematodes can acquire tomato black ring (TBRV), raspberry ringspot (RRV) and arabis mosaic (AMV) viruses from weed seedlings grown from virus-carrying seed. When soils from fields where nematode-borne viruses occurred naturally were air-dried to kill vector nematodes and then moistened, TBRV and RRV occurred commonly in the weed seedlings that grew, but AMV occurred only rarely. Similar tests did not detect tobacco ringspot, grapevine fanleaf or tobacco rattle viruses in weed seeds in the single soil studied in each instance, although these three viruses are also seed-borne in some of their hosts. Many weed species, when infected experimentally, readily transmit TBRV and RRV to their seed, but the viruses were much commoner in naturally occurring seed of some of these species than of others. These discrepancies between the frequency of seed-transmission of viruses from experimentally infected plants and the extent of natural occurrence of infected seed seem largely to reflect the host preferences of the vectors. Infective Longidorus elongatus kept in fallow soil retained TBRV and RRV only up to 9 weeks. When weed seeds in the soil were then allowed to germinate, the nematodes reacquired virus from the infected seedlings. Some weed species were better than others as sources of virus. Persistence of these viruses in fields through periods of fallow or fasting of the vector therefore depends on a continuing supply of infected seedlings produced by virus-containing weed seeds. This is probably less true of viruses like AMV and grapevine fanleaf, which persist for 8 months or more in their vectors (Xiphinema spp.). A few seeds containing TBRV and RRV were found in soils free of vector nematodes, suggesting that the viruses are disseminated in weed seed. This probably explains how TBRV and RRV have reached a large proportion of L. elongatus populations in eastern Scotland.  相似文献   

D. L. Jennings 《Genetica》1964,35(1):152-164
Lethal or chronic diseases of the raspberry caused by the nematodeborne viruses raspberry ringspot, arabis mosaic and tomato black ring can cause serious reductions in the productivity of raspberry plantations, but the existence of clear-cut immunities from these diseases provides a basis for control through plant breeding. The inheritance of these immunities was studied by means of graft tests on families of raspberry seedlings. Immunity from each virus was found to be dominant to susceptibility, but there was evidence that more than one gene was concerned in each case: while it was not possible to decide whether the second gene was a dominant complementary or a linked recessive affecting the viability of the immune segregates, the frequent occurrence in the raspberry of aberrant segregation ratios due to such lethal genes makes the latter explanation the more probable. There was also evidence of linkage between the genes for the three immunities. The experiment confirmed the practicability of breeding to incorporate genes for immunities from these three viruses into new raspberry varieties.  相似文献   

Viruses are divided into seven classes on the basis of differing strategies for storing and replicating their genomes through RNA and/or DNA intermediates. Despite major differences among these classes, recent results reveal that the non-virion, intracellular RNA-replication complexes of some positive-strand RNA viruses share parallels with the structure, assembly and function of the replicative cores of extracellular virions of reverse-transcribing viruses and double-stranded RNA viruses. Therefore, at least four of seven principal virus classes share several underlying features in genome replication and might have emerged from common ancestors. This has implications for virus function, evolution and control.  相似文献   

SUKHOV KS 《Mikrobiologiia》1953,22(3):316-324

Fungal viruses   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Rabies-related viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five viruses related to rabies occur in Africa. Two of these, Obodhiang from Sudan and kotonkan from Nigeria, were found in insects and are only distantly related to rabies virus. The other three are antigenically more closely related to rabies. Mokola virus was isolated from shrews in Nigeria, Lagos bat virus from fruit bats in Nigeria, and Duvenhage virus from brain of a man bitten by a bat in South Africa. The public health significance of the rabies-related viruses was emphasized in Zimbabwe where in 1981 a rabies-related virus became epizootic in the dog and cat population. It is postulated that the ancestral origin of rabies virus was Africa where the greatest antigenic diversity occurs and that the ancestor may have been an insect virus. Questions are raised why rabies has not evolved more rapidly in the New World, given the frequency and ease with which antigenic changes can be induced in the laboratory, and how the virus became so extensively established in New World bats.  相似文献   

TTV-like viruses     
Mishiro S 《Uirusu》2000,50(2):273-281

Foodborne viruses   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Foodborne and waterborne viral infections are increasingly recognized as causes of illness in humans. This increase is partly explained by changes in food processing and consumption patterns that lead to the worldwide availability of high-risk food. As a result, vast outbreaks may occur due to contamination of food by a single foodhandler or at a single source. Although there are numerous fecal-orally transmitted viruses, most reports of foodborne transmission describe infections with Norwalk-like caliciviruses (NLV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV), suggesting that these viruses are associated with the greatest risk of foodborne transmission. NLV and HAV can be transmitted from person to person, or indirectly via food, water, or fomites contaminated with virus-containing feces or vomit. People can be infected without showing symptoms. The high frequency of secondary cases of NLV illness and - to a lesser extent - of hepatitis A following a foodborne outbreak results in amplification of the problem. The burden of illness is highest in the elderly, and therefore is likely to increase due to the aging population. For HAV, the burden of illness may increase following hygienic control measures, due to a decreasing population of naturally immune individuals and a concurrent increase in the population at risk. Recent advances in the research of NLV and HAV have led to the development of molecular methods which can be used for molecular tracing of virus strains. These methods can be and have been used for the detection of common source outbreaks. While traditionally certain foods have been implicated in virus outbreaks, it is clear that almost any food item can be involved, provided it has been handled by an infected person. There are no established methods for detection of viruses in foods other than shellfish. Little information is available on disinfection and preventive measures specifically for these viruses. Studies addressing this issue are hampered by the lack of culture systems. As currently available routine monitoring systems exclusively focus on bacterial pathogens, efforts should be made to combine epidemiological and virological information for a combined laboratory-based rapid detection system for foodborne viruses. With better surveillance, including typing information, outbreaks of foodborne infections could be reported faster to prevent further spread.  相似文献   

Giant viruses     
《Current biology : CB》2020,30(19):R1108-R1110

Fungal viruses     

Oncogenic viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Viruses are increasingly being recognized as important factors in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic mental illness. Here we review clinical and epidemiologic data concerning viral infection and mental illness, as well as animal models that provide insight into the myriad of mechanisms by which infection can cause brain dysfunction.  相似文献   

T Iida 《Uirusu》1972,22(3):107-113

Ecology of prokaryotic viruses   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
The finding that total viral abundance is higher than total prokaryotic abundance and that a significant fraction of the prokaryotic community is infected with phages in aquatic systems has stimulated research on the ecology of prokaryotic viruses and their role in ecosystems. This review treats the ecology of prokaryotic viruses ('phages') in marine, freshwater and soil systems from a 'virus point of view'. The abundance of viruses varies strongly in different environments and is related to bacterial abundance or activity suggesting that the majority of the viruses found in the environment are typically phages. Data on phage diversity are sparse but indicate that phages are extremely diverse in natural systems. Lytic phages are predators of prokaryotes, whereas lysogenic and chronic infections represent a parasitic interaction. Some forms of lysogeny might be described best as mutualism. The little existing ecological data on phage populations indicate a large variety of environmental niches and survival strategies. The host cell is the main resource for phages and the resource quality, i.e., the metabolic state of the host cell, is a critical factor in all steps of the phage life cycle. Virus-induced mortality of prokaryotes varies strongly on a temporal and spatial scale and shows that phages can be important predators of bacterioplankton. This mortality and the release of cell lysis products into the environment can strongly influence microbial food web processes and biogeochemical cycles. Phages can also affect host diversity, e.g., by 'killing the winner' and keeping in check competitively dominant species or populations. Moreover, they mediate gene transfer between prokaryotes, but this remains largely unknown in the environment. Genomics or proteomics are providing us now with powerful tools in phage ecology, but final testing will have to be performed in the environment.  相似文献   

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