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医学检验专业实践教学改革与毕业生质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的:寻求医学检验专业教学改革新方案。方法:以我校检验专业2000、2001届毕业生为对照组,以2002、2003届毕业生为实验组,对实验组进行实践教学改革。毕业前分别进行综合实践技能考核,并对部分毕业生进行了追踪调查。结果:实验组的技能考核成绩明显高于对照组,毕业生质量明显提高。结论:实践教学改革有利于提高医学检验专业教学质量。  相似文献   

医学检验专业医学寄生虫学与检验课程教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改革医学寄生虫学与检验理论与实践教学方法,提高教学质量。方法框架式讲授理论与实验内容后,引入案例,通过启发式教学方法引发学生兴趣;以问题为导向,进行探究式学习,以专业需求为目标,设专题实验室,以实践性和综合性实验为主导,改革课程知识安排顺序和考核评价方法。结果学生学习主动性提高,专业重点清晰。结论教学改革取得满意的效果。  相似文献   

根据医学免疫学的特点和我国教学现状,设计了多种互动式教学方式,提高基础课的教学质量.在实施课堂教学过程中,评价问题仍将是影响其顺利实施的关键因素之一.对相应的评价应在一定层次上进行理论上的探讨和系统的构建,为今后全面实施多元化互动式课堂模式进行有益的尝试,也为全面实现素质教育提供良好的基础.  相似文献   

汪雪峰  杜久伟  卢建华 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2929-2931
本文旨在探讨医学检验专业本科生素质教育的新模式,作者从当前医患矛盾激烈,医学检验培养目标和方向出发,提出医学检验本科教学中素质教育的重要性,从师资队伍建设、教学内容改革,以及教学方法探讨三个方面提出在医学检验本科教学中加强素质教育的策略,为培养符合当今人才需要,具有高素质的医学检验人才提供借鉴、参考。  相似文献   

现代医学的发展中,医学检测技术与仪器起着日益重要的作用,已成为整个社会技术中的一个重要组成部分。在一些重要的高新技术领域。医学检测技术与仪器技术都被视为重要的学术活动舞台和创造社会与经济效益的开发方向。 长期以来,医学检测技术与医疗仪器十分落后,基本上是原始的工业测量技术与仪器技术的移植。七十年代以后,以获得诺贝  相似文献   

卢东红  李其斌 《蛇志》2011,23(3):327-329
循证医学(Evidense—based medicine,EBM)是一门新兴临床学科,著名流行病学专家David Sackett教授将循证医学定义为:慎重、准确和明智地应用能获得的最好研究依据来确定患者的治疗措施。其实质就是医生诊治患者的一个过程,是精益求精地认识疾病的本质,从而去寻求最佳证据,并联系的实际情况,取得最佳治疗效果。循征医学的3个基本要素是临床医生的个人专业技能、最好的科学证据、患者的价值和愿望。  相似文献   

张剑锋  李浩  严若谷  廖园莉  李其斌 《蛇志》2011,23(4):357-358
目的了解医学研究生对急救技能的掌握晴况和对培训的态度。方法对我校2008-2011年入学的458名医学研究生急救技能掌握情况进行调查,并对4项技术(徒手心肺复苏、止血、包扎、固定与搬运)进行技能考核。发放调查问卷,了解对急救技能培训的需求情况。结果医学研究生急救技能掌握普遍较差,4项技术平均合格率为27.3%;心肺复苏技能培训合格率为55.6%。92.3%的医学研究生认为急救技能非常重要,89.5%希望定期得到急救技能培训。结论医学研究生急救知识与技能掌握较差,应定期对他们进行急救技能培训。  相似文献   

随着生物医学技术、计算机技术、物理化学技术的迅速发展,临床医学对检验医学提出了更高的要求。作为实验室工作人员,在保证结果准确的基础上,还应对临床医生及病人提出的疑问给予合理、正确地解释。此外,还应该具备和临床医生进行交流,以及合理处理病人投诉的能力。五年制检验医学本科生是检验医学的主力军,培养高素质的检验医学本科生,对检验医学的发展将起关键性作用。  相似文献   

随着生物医学技术、计算机技术、物理化学技术的迅速发展,临床医学对检验医学提出了更高的要求。作为实验室工作人员,在保证结果准确的基础上,还应对临床医生及病人提出的疑问给予合理、正确地解释。此外,还应该具备和临床医生进行交流,以及合理处理病人投诉的能力。五年制检验医学本科生是检验医学的主力军,培养高素质的检验医学本科生,对检验医学的发展将起关键性作用。  相似文献   

胡缨 《蛇志》2012,24(3):330-331
doi10.3969j.issn.1001-5639.2012.03.052社会主义新时期,检验医学专业在医学行业已经发挥着至关重要的作用。目前医学院校的检验医学生正经历着价值观的转变。核心价值观是复杂的价值系统中的内核,影响着其他价值观的性质和发展方向。  相似文献   

王楠  李冰  马晓露 《中国微生态学杂志》2020,32(5):591-593, 597
实验诊断学是基础医学与临床医学间的桥梁性学科,实验教学是实验诊断学重要的环节之一,医学实验室是医学教学与研究的重要基地,为保障医学生的人身安全,提升实验室生物安全防范意识与能力,生物安全培训至关重要。采用情景模拟教学法设置生物暴露现场,带教老师负责教学组织的实施,学生角色扮演,针对生物安全的培训展开探讨,并在教学后进行总结与评估,从而提高医学生的学习兴趣及判别能力,有利于医学生对于生物安全的防范意识和处理能力的提高,为今后临床工作做好安全保障。  相似文献   

PurposeTo provide a guideline curriculum related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), for the education and training of European Medical Physicists (MPs).Materials and methodsThe proposed curriculum consists of two levels: Basic (introducing MPs to the pillars of knowledge, development and applications of AI, in the context of medical imaging and radiation therapy) and Advanced. Both are common to the subspecialties (diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology). The learning outcomes of the training are presented as knowledge, skills and competences (KSC approach).ResultsFor the Basic section, KSCs were stratified in four subsections: (1) Medical imaging analysis and AI Basics; (2) Implementation of AI applications in clinical practice; (3) Big data and enterprise imaging, and (4) Quality, Regulatory and Ethical Issues of AI processes. For the Advanced section instead, a common block was proposed to be further elaborated by each subspecialty core curriculum. The learning outcomes were also translated into a syllabus of a more traditional format, including practical applications.ConclusionsThis AI curriculum is the first attempt to create a guideline expanding the current educational framework for Medical Physicists in Europe. It should be considered as a document to top the sub-specialties’ curriculums and adapted by national training and regulatory bodies. The proposed educational program can be implemented via the European School of Medical Physics Expert (ESMPE) course modules and – to some extent – also by the national competent EFOMP organizations, to reach widely the medical physicist community in Europe.  相似文献   

刘惠君  刘持  向阳  谭宇蓉  秦晓群 《生物磁学》2009,(20):3949-3950
标准化管理是医学实验室发展的趋势,生物安全建设已成为医学实验室发展不可缺少的环节。实验室生物安全更是保证实验研究的科学性以及保护被实验因子免受污染的必要条件。医学研究生在实验研究过程中不可避免地会接触到生物危险因子,因此对医学研究生进行实验室生物安全知识及技能培训是实验室生物安全建设的重要组成部分。本文就医学研究生实验室生物安全知识及技能培训进行初步的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

临床微生物学检验是医学检验技术专业核心课程之一,在医学检验人才培养中具有重要地位。本课程存在内容多、课时少的矛盾,为了系统而又重点突出地讲授本学科的基础理论和发展动态,有必要构建符合实际的课程体系,重组并优化课程设计。本文从教学定位分析、教学实施设计以及教学评价设计三个方面探讨本课程创新性教学设计的实践经验与认识,并深入解析其课程体系建设意义,为今后临床微生物学检验的教学方法改革提供思路,以达到"厚基础、强能力、高素质、重应用"的人才培养目标,并为培养能够主动获取知识及富有创新能力的高素质的医学检验人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

Requests for laboratory tests are among the most relevant additional tools used by physicians as part of patient''s health problemsolving. However, the overestimation of complementary investigation may be linked to less reflective medical practice as a consequence of a poor physician-patient communication, and may impair patient-centered care. This scenario is likely to result from reduced consultation time, and a clinical model focused on the disease. We propose a new medical intervention program that specifically targets improving the patient-centered communication of laboratory tests results, the core of bioinformation in health care. Expectations are that medical students training in communication skills significantly improve physicians-patient relationship, reduce inappropriate use of laboratorial tests, and raise stakeholder engagement.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Training for cervical smear takers in primary care is well established. We aimed to assess the adequacy of training in cervical smear taking among hospital medical trainees. METHOD: An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among hospital medical trainees within the North West region of England. The questionnaire assessed the trainees' level of confidence in their knowledge and skills in the theoretical and practical aspects of cervical smear taking, and the training they had received. The standards used were as stated in the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme Resource Pack for Training Smear Takers (July 1998). These included practical smear taking, pre- and post-test counselling, the background to cervical screening, the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme, the role of the Health Authority and the laboratory, provision for women with special needs, acceptability, accountability and quality assurance. RESULTS: Seventy-eight per cent of trainees returned the questionnaires. Although all the trainees were confident about taking smears, a significant percentage was concerned about the theoretical and specific issues associated with smear taking such as the care of women with special needs. Only 60.7% had received formal training in practical smear taking. Furthermore, only 48.3% had been formally trained in the clinical management of smears. CONCLUSION: There appears to be an urgent need for formal training in the theory and practice of smear taking and for the standardization of the course content. The introduction of training in liquid-based cytology provides us with a golden opportunity to address this deficit.  相似文献   

This paper presents the situation of the profession of medical physicists in Poland. The official recognition of the profession of medical physicist in Polish legislation was in 2002. In recent years, more and more Universities which have Physics Faculties introduce a medical physics specialty. At present, there are about 15 Universities which offer such programmes. These Universities are able to graduate about 150 medical physicists per year. In 2002, the Ministry of Health introduced a programme of postgraduate specialization in medical physics along the same rules employed in the specialization of physicians in various branches of medicine. Five institutions, mostly large oncology centres, were selected as teaching institutions, based on their experience, the quality of the medical physics professionals, staffing levels, equipment availability, lecture halls, etc. The first cycle of the specialization programme started in 2006, and the first candidates completed their training at the end of 2008, and passed their official state exams in May 2009. As of January 2016, there are 196 specialized medical physicists in Poland. Another about 120 medical physicists are undergoing specialization.The system of training of medical physics professionals in Poland is well established. The principles of postgraduate training and specialization are well defined and the curriculum of the training is very demanding. The programme of specialization was revised in 2011 and is in accordance with EC and EFOMP recommendations.  相似文献   

基于网格的医学信息平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前医学信息应用模式的局限性,提出一种基于网格的平台技术,促进网络环境下的医学资源共享和互用。其中采用面向网格工具包的中间件设计,简化了服务集成和调用。实验模型的建立验证平台的可行性及实用价值。  相似文献   

本研究针对脑卒中偏瘫患者的平衡功能定量评估的需求,设计一种针对坐下站起过程中各阶段平衡功能评估及训练的系统软件,该软件配合坐位站起平衡功能训练仪使用。软件采用面向对象编程技术,应用VS2010(Microsoft Visual Studio2010)开发平台编写,可实时获得人体在坐下站起过程中的各评估参数,包括左右臀前后最大压力、左右足底平均压力、伸展期时间、伸展前期时间、左右侧最大和平均压力及站起时的最大加速度等。结合图形和数字实时显示及虚拟现实技术,对人体坐下站起的各阶段进行平衡功能评估和训练,通过视觉、听觉反馈,使训练更具趣味性。经过测试应用,结果表明,该系统软件运行稳定可靠,具有针对性的评估并结合实时可观测的压力曲线及大量的评估参数,可使评估结果更快速更有效。  相似文献   

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