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Nramp1 is one of the few host resistance genes that have been characterized at the molecular level. Nramp1 is an integral membrane protein expressed in the lysosomal compartment of macrophages and is recruited to the membrane of bacterial phagosomes where it affects intracellular microbial replication. Nramp1 is part of a very large gene family conserved from bacteria and man that codes for transporters of divalent cations transporters. We propose that Nramp1 affects the intraphagosomal microbial replication by modulating divalent cations content in this organelle. Both mammalian and bacterial transporters may compete for the same substrate in the phagosomal space.  相似文献   

Slc11a1 (solute carrier family 11 member 1) (formerly Nramp1) modulation of iron metabolism in macrophages plays an important role in early phase macrophage activation, and therefore host innate immunity. This review focuses on the role of Nramp1 in intramacrophage iron metabolism, with emphasis on the two prevailing mechanisms of Nramp1 modulation of iron metabolism in macrophages.  相似文献   

The natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (Nramp) defines a conserved family of secondary metal transporters. Molecular evolutionary analysis of the Nramp family revealed the early duplication of an ancestral eukaryotic Nramp gene, which was likely derived from a bacterial ortholog and characterized as a proton-dependent manganese transporter MntH (Makui, H., Roig, E., Cole, S. T., Helmann, J. D., Gros, P., and Cellier, M. F. (2000) Mol. Microbiol. 35, 1065-1078). Escherichia coli MntH represents a model of choice to study structure function relationship in the Nramp protein family. Here, we report E. coli MntH transmembrane topology using a combination of in silico predictions, genetic fusion with cytoplasmic and periplasmic reporters, and MntH functional assays. Constructs of the secreted form of beta-lactamase (Blam) revealed extra loops between transmembrane domains 1/2, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10, and placed the C terminus periplasmically; chloramphenicol acetyltransferase constructs indicated cytoplasmic loops 2/3, 6/7, 8/9, and 10/11. Two intra loops for which no data were produced (N terminus, intra loop 4/5) both display composition bias supporting their deduced localization. The extra loops 5/6 and 6/7 and periplasmic exposure of the C terminus were confirmed by targeted reporter insertion. Three of them preserved MntH function as measured by a disk assay of divalent metal uptake and a fluorescence assay of divalent metal-dependent proton transport, whereas a truncated form lacking transmembrane domain 11 was inactive. These results demonstrate that EcoliA is a type III integral membrane protein with 11 transmembrane domains transporting both divalent metal ions and protons.  相似文献   

High throughput genome wide associations studies (GWAS) are now identifying a large number of genome loci related to risk of common human disease. Each such locus presents a challenge in identifying the relevant underlying mechanism. Here we report the experimental characterization of a proposed causal single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in a locus related to risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The SNP lies in the MST1 gene encoding Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP), and results in an R689C amino acid substitution within the β-chain of MSP (MSPβ). MSP binding to the RON receptor tyrosine kinase activates signaling pathways involved in the inflammatory response. We have purified wild-type and mutant MSPβ proteins and compared biochemical and biophysical properties that might impact the MSP/RON signaling pathway. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding studies showed that MSPβ R689C affinity to RON is approximately 10-fold lower than that of the wild-type MSPβ and differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) showed that the thermal stability of the mutant MSPβ was slightly lower than that of wild-type MSPβ, by 1.6 K. The substitution was found not to impair the specific Arg483-Val484 peptide bond cleavage by matriptase-1, required for MSP activation, and mass spectrometry of tryptic fragments of the mutated protein showed that the free thiol introduced by the R689C mutation did not form an aberrant disulfide bond. Together, the studies indicate that the missense SNP impairs MSP function by reducing its affinity to RON and perhaps through a secondary effect on in vivo concentration arising from reduced thermodynamic stability, resulting in down-regulation of the MSP/RON signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a major mortality concern with burned patients, who have an increased susceptibility to infectious complications. PBMC from 41 of 45 severely burned patients (91%) failed to produce macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha (MIP-1alpha) in cultures, while 2355-6900 pg/ml MIP-1alpha were produced by healthy donor PBMC, stimulation with anti-human CD3 mAb. Healthy chimeras (SCID mice inoculated with healthy donor PBMC) treated with anti-human MIP-1alpha mAb and patient chimeras (SCID mice reconstituted with burned patient PBMC) were susceptible (0% survival) to infectious complications induced by well-controlled cecal ligation and puncture. In contrast, patient chimeras treated with human recombinant MIP-1alpha and healthy chimeras were resistant ( approximately 77-81% survival). Similarly, after anti-mouse CD3 mAb stimulation, splenic mononuclear cells from burned mice (6 h to 3 days after thermal injury) did not produce significant amounts of MIP-1alpha in their culture fluids. Normal mice treated with anti-murine MIP-1alpha mAb and burned mice were susceptible to cecal ligation- and puncture-induced infectious complications, while burned mice treated with murine recombinant MIP-1alpha and normal mice were resistant. Burned patients seemed to be more susceptible to infectious complications when the production of MIP-1alpha was impaired.  相似文献   

将近期引起传染性法氏囊病(IBD)免疫预防失败的传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)vp2基因,定向克隆入杆状病毒表达系统的供体质粒pFastBacHTA中,构建重组供体质粒pFastBacHTA-VP2,转化Escherichia coli DH10Bac感受态,筛选重组杆状病毒表达质粒pBac-VP2。用pBac-VP2转染Sf9昆虫细胞,获得重组杆状病毒vBac-VP2。对重组杆状病毒vBac-VP2感染的Sf9细胞,用间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)检测,具有特异性荧光;用IBDV抗体夹心ELISA检测,呈阳性反应,抗原效价达到1.6×103;用Western blotting分析,在53kDa处出现一条特异蛋白条带;电镜观察,重组Vp2蛋白能够自组装成病毒样颗粒,在感染细胞中发现了"包涵体样"结构。用HisTrap HP亲和层析柱纯化的重组Vp2蛋白作为包被抗原,建立的IBDV抗体间接ELISA检测方法具有良好的特异性。用重组杆状病毒感染的Sf9昆虫细胞裂解物,免疫2周龄SPF鸡,一次免疫14d后,ELISA检测抗体效价为8×102,中和抗体效价为1106,攻毒实验的存活率为30%;二次免疫14d后,ELISA抗体效价为3.2×103,中和抗体效价为2536,存活率为100%。在实验观察7d内,重组Vp2蛋白免疫保护鸡未显任何临床症状和病理变化,法氏囊/体重比高于对照组(P0.05)。本实验制备的病毒样颗粒重组Vp2蛋白在研制新型IBD基因工程疫苗和检测试剂方面显示出了应用前景。  相似文献   

We have investigated whether naturally induced immunity to Plasmodium falciparum thrombospondin related adhesive protein contributes to protection against malaria in humans. We have carried out a case control study in children living in an endemic region of West Africa to reveal associations between PfTRAP seroprevalence and the risk of cerebral malaria. Sera collected from the case and control groups were analysed by ELISA to compare their serum reactivity against PfTRAP, the circumsporozoite protein and the merozoite surface protein 1. Children with uncomplicated malaria had a significantly higher PfTRAP seroprevalence when compared to children with cerebral malaria. The risk of developing cerebral malaria appeared to depend on the reciprocal relationship between sporozoite inoculation rates and humoral immunity against PfTRAP. Our results suggest that naturally induced humoral immunity against PfTRAP contributes to the development of protection against severe malaria. Experimentally induced immunity against TRAP in different rodent models has consistently proven to elicit a high degree of protection against malaria. This together with the functional properties of TRAP and data describing CD4 and CD8 epitopes for PfTRAP indicate that this molecule could increase the protective efficiency of available sporozoite malaria vaccines.  相似文献   

Zebrafish as a model for infectious disease and immune function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish, Danio rerio, has come to the forefront of biomedical research as a powerful model for the study of development, neurobiology, and genetics of humans. In recent years, use of the zebrafish system has extended into studies in behaviour, immunology and toxicology, retaining the concept that it will serve as a model for human disease. As one of the most thoroughly studied teleosts, with a wealth of genetic and genomic information available, the zebrafish is now being considered as a model for pathogen studies in finfishes. Its genome is currently being sequenced and annotated, and gene microarrays and insertional mutants are commercially available. The use of gene-specific knockdown of translation through morpholino oligonucleotides is widespread. As a result, several laboratories have developed bacterial and viral disease models with the zebrafish to study immune responses to infection. Although many of the zebrafish pathogen models were developed to address human infectious disease, the results of these studies should provide important clues for the development of effective vaccines and prophylactic measures against bacterial and viral pathogens in economically important fishes. In this review, the capabilities and potential of the zebrafish model system will be discussed and an overview of information on zebrafish infectious disease models will be presented.  相似文献   

IRG proteins, or immunity-related GTPases (also known as p47 GTPases), are a group of IFN-regulated proteins that are highly expressed in response to infection. The proteins localize to intracellular membranes including vacuoles that contain pathogens in infected macrophages and other host cells. Current data indicate that the IRG protein Irgm1 (LRG-47) is critical for resistance to intracellular bacteria. This function is thought to be a consequence of regulating the survival of vacuolar bacteria in host cells. In the current work, the role of Irgm1 in controlling resistance to Salmonella typhimurium was explored to further define the mechanism through which the protein regulates host resistance. Irgm1-deficient mice displayed increased susceptibility to this bacterium that was reflected in increased bacterial loads in spleen and liver and decreased maturation of S. typhimurium granulomas. The mice also displayed an inability to concentrate macrophages at sites of bacterial deposition. In vitro, the ability of Irgm1-deficient macrophages to suppress intracellular growth of S. typhimurium was impaired. Furthermore, adhesion and motility of Irgm1-deficient macrophages after activation with IFN-gamma was markedly decreased. Altered adhesion/motility of those cells was accompanied by changes in cell morphology, density of adhesion-associated proteins, and actin staining. Together, these data suggest that in addition to regulating the maturation of pathogen-containing vacuoles, Irgm1 plays a key role in regulating the adhesion and motility of activated macrophages.  相似文献   

The NRAMP 1 gene is a major candidate gene influencing the outcome of infections with intracellular pathogens in numerous species. NRAMP 1 is highly conserved in many mammalian species and the NRAMP 1 gene shows considerable conservation in structure between mice and humans. The association of NRAMP 1 gene polymorphisms with disease in cattle has been limited to a single microsatellite located within the 3'-non coding region of the bovine NRAMP 1 gene. In order to facilitate further studies on this important gene, we now report the nearly complete structure of the bovine NRAMP 1 gene, including sizes and positions of 13 introns relative to the bovine NRAMP 1 gene coding sequence and the DNA sequence of intron-exon junctions. Comparison of the bovine, murine and human NRAMP 1 gene structures revealed a high degree of conservation in intron placement, though the lengths of several introns were less-well conserved. In general, the greatest divergence in intron lengths occurred in regions of the NRAMP 1 gene displaying the lowest coding sequence conservation. In addition, mutations near intron-exon junctions could account for 25 of the 75 total amino acid differences between murine and bovine NRAMP 1. Using information gained through this study, it was possible to rapidly identify a novel polymorphism within the bovine NRAMP 1 gene intron X. This polymorphism was shown by direct DNA sequence analysis to consist of insertion of three guanine nucleotides at positions 37,40 and 98 relative to the intron X start point. Initial scans of several cattle breeds suggest that the two intron X alleles identified here are stable and widespread in the Bos taurus population.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the Lowe syndrome protein OCRL1   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL) is an X-linked disorder with the hallmark features of congenital cataracts, mental retardation and Fanconi syndrome of the kidney proximal tubules. OCRL was first described in 1952, and exactly four decades later, the gene responsible was identified and found to encode a protein highly homologous to inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase. This suggested that Lowe syndrome may represent an inborn error of inositol phosphate metabolism, and subsequent studies confirmed that such metabolism is indeed perturbed in Lowe syndrome cells. However, the mechanism by which loss of function of the OCRL1 protein brings about Lowe syndrome remains ill defined. In this review, I will discuss our understanding of OCRL1, including where it is localized, what it interacts with and what its possible functions might be. I will then discuss possible mechanisms by which loss of OCRL1 may bring about cellular defects that manifest themselves in the pathology of Lowe syndrome.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of autoimmune pancreatitis is unknown. In the present study we used high-throughput sequencing with next generation sequencing to identify the candidate genes associated with AIP. A total of 27 type 1 AIP patients and 30 healthy blood donors were recruited, and DNA samples were isolated from their mononuclear cells. A high-throughput sequencer with an original custom panel of 1031 genes was used to detect the genetic variants in each sample. Polymorphisms of CACNA1S (c.4642C>T), rs41554316, rs2231119, rs1042131, rs2838171, P2RX3 (c.195delG), rs75639061, SMAD7 (c.624delC) and TOP1 (c.2007delG), were identified as candidate genetic variants in patients with type 1 AIP. P2RX3 and TOP1 were significantly associated with AIP, even after adjusting bay means of Bonferroni's correction. In addition, we also identified eight candidate genetic variants that were associated with the relapse of type 1 AIP, namely: rs1143146, rs1050716, HLA-C (c.759_763delCCCCCinsTCCCG), rs1050451, rs4154112, rs1049069, CACNA1C (c.5996delC) and CXCR3 (c.630_631delGC). Finally polymorphisms of rs1050716 and rs111493987 were identified as candidate genetic variants associated with extra-pancreatic lesions in patients with type 1 AIP. These candidates might be used as markers of AIP susceptibility and could contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 AIP.  相似文献   

The important role of the serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in various cellular processes requires a precise and dynamic regulation of PP2A activity, localization, and substrate specificity. The regulation of the function of PP2A involves the reversible methylation of the COOH group of the C-terminal leucine of the catalytic subunit, which, in turn, controls the enzyme's heteromultimeric composition and confers different protein recognition and substrate specificity. We have determined the structure of PPM1, the yeast methyltransferase responsible for methylation of PP2A. The structure of PPM1 reveals a common S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent methyltransferase fold, with several insertions conferring the specific function and substrate recognition. The complexes with the S-adenosyl-l-methionine methyl donor and the S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine product and inhibitor unambiguously revealed the co-substrate binding site and provided a convincing hypothesis for the PP2A C-terminal peptide binding site. The structure of PPM1 in a second crystal form provides clues to the dynamic nature of the PPM1/PP2A interaction.  相似文献   

Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is an integral membrane protein with 12 putative transmembrane domains. As a proton-coupled divalent metal cation transporter, it is involved in defense against intracellular pathogens. Disease-causing mutation in Nramp1 occurring at glycine 169 located within the fourth transmembrane domain (TM4) suggests functional importance of this domain. In this paper, we study the three-dimensional structures of a peptide, corresponding to the TM4 of the wild-type Nramp1, in SDS micelles and 2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol solvent using CD and NMR spectroscopies. We have found that an α-helix is predominantly induced in membrane-mimetic environments and the folding of the C-terminal residues is regulated by pH in SDS micelles. The peptide is embedded in SDS micelles and self-associated by coiled-coil interactions. The helix of the peptide in TFE is lengthened towards the N-terminus compared with those in SDS micelles at acidic pH and the self-association of the peptide is also observed in TFE. The fact that Mn2+ ions are accessible to Asp-14 located in the interior of SDS micelles is found and the binding affinity is increased with increasing pH. The self-association of the peptide may provide a path by which Mn2+ ions pass through the membrane.  相似文献   

刘革修 《生命科学》2005,17(5):387-391
PDK1可调节AGC激酶家族中一些重要蛋白激酶。这些激酶包括蛋白激酶B(PKB/Akt)、p70核小体S6激酶(p70 ribosomal S6 kinase,S6K)、血清和糖皮质激素诱导激酶(SGK)和蛋白激酶C(PKC)等,它们在细胞代谢、生长、增殖和存活等生理过程中具有重要作用。因此,了解PDK1生物学特性可能对其调节的AGC激酶持续活化的癌症治疗具有一定推动作用。本文对PDK1的结构、遗传和生化特点进行了综述。  相似文献   

The rat strain COP is resistant to spontaneous and carcinogen-induced mammary cancer, whereas the strain WF is susceptible. Using genetic linkage analysis of (WF × COP) F1× WF backcrosses, LC Hsu, LA Shepel and co-workers showed that a region at the centromeric end of Chromosome (Chr) 2 (2q1) segregates with the sensitivity to mammary cancer development. The responsible locus was named Mcs1 (for mammary cancer susceptibility 1). We have developed the chromosome map of the 2q1 region by localizing 18 genes, 4 ESTs, and several anonymous markers, using radiation hybrids and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The region containing Mcs1 was delineated to 2q12–q14. Five of the genes (Mef2c, Map1b, Ccnh, Rasa, Rasgrf2) were assigned to this region and were shown to be expressed in the rat mammary glands, while three possible functional candidate genes, Pi3kr1, Rad17, and Naip, were excluded from the critical region. Since cyclin H, encoded by Ccnh, plays an important role in the control of the cell cycle and since the proteins encoded by Rasa and Rasgrf2 control the activity of the RAS oncoprotein, the corresponding genes appeared as both functional and positional Mcs1 candidates. RT-PCR experiments on RNA extracted from mammary glands of the two rat strains (COP, WF) was done. No amino acid sequence difference was found between the two strains. These results argue against the hypothesis that any of these three genes is Mcs1. Received: 25 September 2000 / Accepted: 15 November 2000  相似文献   

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