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MALINA is a web service for bioinformatic analysis of whole-genome metagenomic data obtained from human gut microbiota sequencing. As input data, it accepts metagenomic reads of various sequencing technologies, including long reads (such as Sanger and 454 sequencing) and next-generation (including SOLiD and Illumina). It is the first metagenomic web service that is capable of processing SOLiD color-space reads, to authors’ knowledge. The web service allows phylogenetic and functional profiling of metagenomic samples using coverage depth resulting from the alignment of the reads to the catalogue of reference sequences which are built into the pipeline and contain prevalent microbial genomes and genes of human gut microbiota. The obtained metagenomic composition vectors are processed by the statistical analysis and visualization module containing methods for clustering, dimension reduction and group comparison. Additionally, the MALINA database includes vectors of bacterial and functional composition for human gut microbiota samples from a large number of existing studies allowing their comparative analysis together with user samples, namely datasets from Russian Metagenome project, MetaHIT and Human Microbiome Project (downloaded fromhttp://hmpdacc.org). MALINA is made freely available on the web athttp://malina.metagenome.ru. The website is implemented in JavaScript (using Ext JS), Microsoft .NET Framework, MS SQL, Python, with all major browsers supported.  相似文献   

A specific segment of mitochondrial DNA from 18 people was examined by two methods of direct DNA sequencing. This segment includes a small noncoding region (V) shown before by restriction analysis to exhibit length polymorphism. All 11 of the human mtDNAs previously reported to have a deletion in this region proved to lack one of the two adjacent copies of a 9-base-pair sequence normally present in human mtDNAs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this deletion occurred only once during the evolution of modern types of human mtDNA and that it will be a valuable anthropological marker for peoples of East Asian origin. The one human mtDNA reported to have an addition in region V differs from the wild type by two mutations in the first copy of the 9-base-pair sequence: one transition and an addition of four cytosines, thereby producing a run of 11 cytosines. One of the direct DNA sequencing methods uses a single oligonucleotide primer to facilitate dideoxy sequencing from purified mtDNA templates. The second, more successful, method first amplifies this mtDNA segment enzymatically with two flanking primers (the "polymerase chain reaction") and then uses a third primer for DNA sequencing. This latter method, which works on the DNA extracted from small amounts of blood as well as on purified mtDNA, is shown to be a rapid means of defining sequence variants without purifying and cloning the same DNA segment from many individuals.  相似文献   

The ability to genotype multiple loci of single cells would be of significant benefit to investigations of cellular processes such as oncogenesis, meiosis, fertilization, and embryogenesis. We report a simple two-step, single-tube protocol for whole-genome amplification (WGA) from single human cells using components of the GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification kit. For the first time, we demonstrate reliable generation of 4-7 microg amplified DNA from a single human cell within 4 h with a minimum amount of artifactual DNA synthesis. DNA amplified from single cells was genotyped for 13 heterozygous short tandem repeats (STRs) and 7 heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and the genotyping results were compared with purified genomic DNA. Accuracy of genotyping (percent of single-cell amplifications genotyped accurately for any particular STR or SNP) varied from 37% to 100% (with an average of 80%) for STRs and from 89% to 100% (averaging 94%) for SNPs. We suggest that the method described in this report is suitable for WGA from single cells, the product of which can be subsequently used for many applications, such as preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD).  相似文献   

The isolation and multiple genotyping of long individual DNA fragments are needed to obtain haplotype information for diploid organisms. Limiting dilution of sample DNA followed by multiple displacement amplification is a useful technique but is restricted to short (<5 kb) DNA fragments. In the current study, a novel modification was applied to overcome these problems. A limited amount of cellular DNA was carefully released from intact cells into a mildly heated alkaline agarose solution and mixed thoroughly. The solution was then gently aliquoted and allowed to solidify while maintaining the integrity of the diluted DNA. Exogenously provided Phi29 DNA polymerase was used to perform consistent genomic amplification with random hexameric oligonucleotides within the agarose gels. Simple heat melting of the gel allowed recovery of the amplified materials in a solution of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-ready form. The haplotypes of seven SNPs spanning 240 kb of the DNA surrounding the human ATM gene region on chromosome 11 were determined for 10 individuals, demonstrating the feasibility of this new method.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme analysis of 241 human mtDNAs revealed polymorphism in the electrophoretic mobility of a fragment corresponding to part of the ND4 gene. Enzymatic amplification and direct sequencing of this fragment demonstrates that a single T--C transition correlates with the faster mobility exhibited by the fragment in seven mtDNAs from Papua New Guinea. The enhanced mobility caused by this transition could result from disrupting an AT-rich region near the middle of the fragment that might make it curve. An analogous mutation at an adjacent position in a European mtDNA causes a similar but more pronounced alteration in mobility. The seven New Guineans with this substitution are all from the Eastern Highlands Province and constitute one clade in a genealogical tree based upon restriction analysis. The additional information provided by sequencing allows refinement of the genealogical tree but does not require modification of higher order branching structure.  相似文献   

Many replicative DNA polymerases couple DNA replication and unwinding activities to perform strand displacement DNA synthesis, a critical ability for DNA metabolism. Strand displacement is tightly regulated by partner proteins, such as single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding proteins (SSBs) by a poorly understood mechanism. Here, we use single-molecule optical tweezers and biochemical assays to elucidate the molecular mechanism of strand displacement DNA synthesis by the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase, Polγ, and its modulation by cognate and noncognate SSBs. We show that Polγ exhibits a robust DNA unwinding mechanism, which entails lowering the energy barrier for unwinding of the first base pair of the DNA fork junction, by ∼55%. However, the polymerase cannot prevent the reannealing of the parental strands efficiently, which limits by ∼30-fold its strand displacement activity. We demonstrate that SSBs stimulate the Polγ strand displacement activity through several mechanisms. SSB binding energy to ssDNA additionally increases the destabilization energy at the DNA junction, by ∼25%. Furthermore, SSB interactions with the displaced ssDNA reduce the DNA fork reannealing pressure on Polγ, in turn promoting the productive polymerization state by ∼3-fold. These stimulatory effects are enhanced by species-specific functional interactions and have significant implications in the replication of the human mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Comprehensive identification of the acquired mutations that cause common cancers will require genomic analyses of large sets of tumor samples. Typically, the tissue material available from tumor specimens is limited, which creates a demand for accurate template amplification. We therefore evaluated whether phi29-mediated whole genome amplification introduces false positive structural mutations by massive mate-pair sequencing of a normal human genome before and after such amplification. Multiple displacement amplification led to a decrease in clone coverage and an increase by two orders of magnitude in the prevalence of inversions, but did not increase the prevalence of translocations. While multiple strand displacement amplification may find uses in translocation analyses, it is likely that alternative amplification strategies need to be developed to meet the demands of cancer genomics.  相似文献   

The challenge presented by high-throughput sequencing necessitates the development of novel tools for accurate alignment of reads to reference sequences. Current approaches focus on using heuristics to map reads quickly to large genomes, rather than generating highly accurate alignments in coding regions. Such approaches are, thus, unsuited for applications such as amplicon-based analysis and the realignment phase of exome sequencing and RNA-seq, where accurate and biologically relevant alignment of coding regions is critical. To facilitate such analyses, we have developed a novel tool, RAMICS, that is tailored to mapping large numbers of sequence reads to short lengths (<10 000 bp) of coding DNA. RAMICS utilizes profile hidden Markov models to discover the open reading frame of each sequence and aligns to the reference sequence in a biologically relevant manner, distinguishing between genuine codon-sized indels and frameshift mutations. This approach facilitates the generation of highly accurate alignments, accounting for the error biases of the sequencing machine used to generate reads, particularly at homopolymer regions. Performance improvements are gained through the use of graphics processing units, which increase the speed of mapping through parallelization. RAMICS substantially outperforms all other mapping approaches tested in terms of alignment quality while maintaining highly competitive speed performance.  相似文献   

Fossil rodent middens are powerful tools in paleoecology. In arid parts of western North America, packrat (Neotoma spp.) middens preserve plant and animal remains for tens of thousands of years. Midden contents are so well preserved that fragments of endogenous ancient DNA (aDNA) can be extracted and analyzed across millennia. Here, we explore the use of shotgun metagenomics to study the aDNA obtained from packrat middens up to 32,000 C14 years old. Eleven Illumina HiSeq 2500 libraries were successfully sequenced, and between 0.11% and 6.7% of reads were classified using Centrifuge against the NCBI “nt” database. Eukaryotic taxa identified belonged primarily to vascular plants with smaller proportions mapping to ascomycete fungi, arthropods, chordates, and nematodes. Plant taxonomic diversity in the middens is shown to change through time and tracks changes in assemblages determined by morphological examination of the plant remains. Amplicon sequencing of ITS2 and rbcL provided minimal data for some middens, but failed at amplifying the highly fragmented DNA present in others. With repeated sampling and deep sequencing, analysis of packrat midden aDNA from well‐preserved midden material can provide highly detailed characterizations of past communities of plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi present as trace DNA fossils. The prospects for gaining more paleoecological insights from aDNA for rodent middens will continue to improve with optimization of laboratory methods, decreasing sequencing costs, and increasing computational power.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Molecular typing of Helicobacter spp. in clinical biopsy specimens has become increasingly important. By means of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and Southern blot analysis of the PCR amplicons, we have shown that Helicobacter spp. DNA is present in human gallstones. In this study we have investigated the possibility of using multiple displacement amplification (MDA) of isolated gallstone DNA and pyrosequencing analysis for the molecular identification of Helicobacter spp. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA isolated from the nucleus of 33 human gallstones and one control strain were used in a MDA assay. Subsequently, pyrosequencing analysis was performed either directly on MDA-DNA using primers flanking the Helicobacter spp. 16S rDNA variable V3 region or on PCR amplicons derived from broad-range primers flanking the 16S rDNA variable V3, V4, and V9 regions. RESULTS: Pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rDNA derived from MDA-DNA revealed that Helicobacter spp.-like DNA was present in 25 of 33 (approximately 76%) gallstones. Using an H. pylori-specific Southern blot analysis, Helicobacter spp.-like DNA was present in 20 of 33 [approximately 61%] of the gallstones. Using MDA-DNA directly in pyrosequencing analysis, Helicobacter spp.-like DNA was present in 13 of 33 [approximately 39%] gallstones. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that multiple displacement amplification combined with pyrosequencing enables a rapid and accurate molecular typing of Helicobacter spp. from small and precious biopsy specimens.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of genomic sequences altered in cancer cells is believed to lead to the identification of new genes involved in the initiation and progression of the malignant phenotype. DNA amplification is a frequent molecular alteration in tumor cells, and is a mode of proto-oncogene activation. The cytologic manifestation of this phenomenon is the appearance of chromosomal homogeneously staining regions (HSRs) or double minute bodies (DMs). The gastric carcinoma cell line KATO III is characterized by a large HSR on chromosome 11. In-gel renaturation analysis confirmed the amplification of DNA sequences in this cell line, yet none of 42 proto-oncogenes that we tested is amplified in KATO III DNA. We employed the phenol-enhanced reassociation technique (PERT) to isolate 21 random DNA fragments from the amplified domain, and used 6 of them to further clone some 150 kb from that genomic region. While in situ hybridization performed with some of these sequences indicated that in KATO III they are indeed amplified within the HSR on chromosome 11, somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ hybridization to normal lymphocyte chromosomes showed that they are derived from chromosome 10, band q26. The same sequences were found to be amplified in another gastric carcinoma cell line, SNU-16, which contains DMs, but were not amplified in other 70 cell lines representing a wide variety of human neoplasms. One of these sequences was highly expressed in both KATO III and SNU-16. Thus, the cloned sequences supply a starting point for identification of novel genes which might be involved in the pathogenesis of gastric cancers, and are located in a relatively unexplored domain of the human genome.  相似文献   

Correction to Chakrabarti S, Lanczycki CJ, Panchenko AR, Przytycka TM, Thiessen PA and Bryant SH: State of the art: refinement of multiple sequence alignments. BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:499.  相似文献   

IStrons are chimeric genetic elements composed of a group I intron associated with an insertion sequence (IS). The group I intron is a catalytic RNA providing the IStron with self-splicing ability, which renders IStron insertions harmless to the host genome. The IS element is a DNA transposon conferring mobility, and thus allowing the IStron to spread in genomes. IStrons are therefore a striking example of a molecular symbiosis between unrelated genetic elements endowed with different functions. In this study, we have conducted the first comprehensive survey of IStrons in sequenced genomes that provides insights into the distribution, diversity, origin and evolution of IStrons. We show that IStrons have a restricted phylogenetic distribution limited to two bacterial phyla, the Firmicutes and the Fusobacteria. Nevertheless, diverse IStrons representing two major groups targeting different insertion site motifs were identified. This taken with the finding that while the intron components of all IStrons belong to the same structural class, they are fused to different IS families, indicates that multiple intron–IS symbioses have occurred during evolution. In addition, introns and IS elements related to those that were at the origin of IStrons were also identified.  相似文献   

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