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Abstract Leaf water relations characteristics of creosote bush, Larrea tridentata, were studied in view of previous reports that its leaves commonly experience zero or negative turgor under dry conditions. Leaf turgor loss point () was determined by a pressure-volume method for samples subjected to a hydration procedure and for untreated samples. Hydration caused to increase by as much as 3 M Pa. Hydration of samples also caused changes in other leaf water relations characteristics such as symplastic solute content, tissue elasticity and symplasmic water fraction, but total leaf solute content was unchanged. Comparison of our field plant water potential data with values of obtained by the two methods resulted in predictions of turgor loss during part or all of a diurnal cycle based on hydrated samples, and turgor maintenance (at least 0.3 MPa) based on untreated samples. Pooled data for obtained from both partially hydrated and untreated samples showed that L. tridentata maintains fairly constant levels of turgor over a wide range of leaf water potential. Dilution of cell contents by apoplastic water introduced significant errors in psychrometric determinations of osmotic potential in both frozen and thawed leaf tissue and expressed cell sap. Use of these values of osmotic potential resulted in predictions of zero turgor at all plant water potentials measured in the field.  相似文献   

Larrea tridentata is a xerophytic evergreen shrub, dominant in the arid regions of the southwestern United States. We examined relationships between gasexchange characteristics, plant and soil water relations, and growth responses of large versus small shrubs of L. tridentata over the course of a summer growing season in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, USA. The soil wetting front did not reach 0.6 m, and soils at depths of 0.6 and 0.9 m remained dry throughout the summer, suggesting that L. tridentata extracts water largely from soil near the surface. Surface soil layers (<0.3 m) were drier under large plants, but predawn xylem water potentials were similar for both plant sizes suggesting some access to deeper soil moisture reserves by large plants. Stem elongation rates were about 40% less in large, reproductively active shrubs than in small, reproductively inactive shrubs. Maximal net photosynthetic rates (Pmax) occurred in early summer (21.3 mol m-2 s-1), when pre-dawn xylem water potential (XWP) reached ca. -1 MPa. Although both shrub sizes exhibited similar responses to environmental factors, small shrubs recovered faster from short-term drought, when pre-dawn XWP reached about -4.5 MPa and Pmax decreased to only ca. 20% of unstressed levels. Gas exchange measurements yielded a strong relationship between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, and the relationship between leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit and stomatal conductance was found to be influenced by pre-dawn XWP. Our results indicate that stomatal responses to water stress and vapor pressure deficit are important in determining rates of carbon gain and water loss in L. tridentata.  相似文献   

Summary In the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, both water and nitrogen limit the primary productivity of Larrea tridentata, a xerophytic evergreen shrub. Net photosynthesis was positively correlated to leaf N, but only in plants that received supplemental water. Nutrient-use efficiency, defined as photosynthetic carbon gain per unit N invested in leaf tissue, declined with increasing leaf N. However, water-use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration, increased with increasing leaf N, and thus these two measures of resource-use efficiency were inversely correlated. Resorption efficiency was not significantly altered over the nutrient gradient, nor was it affected by irrigation treatments. Leaf longevity decreased significantly with fertilization although the absolute magnitude of this decrease was fairly small, in part due to a large background of insect-induced mortality. Age-specific gas exchange measurements support the hypothesis that leaf aging represents a redistribution of resources, rather than actual deterioration or declining resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

The success of the desert shrub Larrea tridentata (creosotebush) has been largely attributed to temperature acclimation and stomatal control of photosynthesis (A) under drought stress. However, there is a paucity of field data on these relationships. To address this void, we conducted a joint field and modelling study that encompassed a diverse set of environmental conditions. At a Larrea‐dominated site in southern New Mexico we manipulated soil moisture during the growing season over a 2‐year period and measured plant pre‐dawn water potential (Ψpd), stomatal conductance (g) and A of individual shrubs. We used these data to develop a semi‐mechanistic photosynthesis model (A–Season) that explicitly couples internal CO2 (Ci) and g. Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and Ψpd affect instantaneous g in a manner that is consistent with a biophysical model of stomatal regulation of leaf water potential. Ci is modelled as a function of g, derived from a simplification of a typical ACi curve. After incorporating the effects of growing temperature on stomatal behaviour, the model was able to capture the large diurnal fluctuations in A, g and Ci and the observed hysteresis in g versus Ci dynamics. Our field data and application of the A–Season model suggest that dogma attributed to Larrea's success is supported with regard to stomatal responses to VPD and Ψpd, but not for mechanisms of temperature acclimation and CO2 demand.  相似文献   

Theoretical predictions regarding fine root production are needed in many ecosystem models but are lacking. Here, we expand the classic pipe model to fine roots and predict isometric scaling relationships between leaf and fine root biomass and among all major biomass production components of individual trees. We also predict that fine root production scales more slowly against increases in leaf production across global forest ecosystems at the stand level. Using meta‐analysis, we show fine root biomass scales isometrically against leaf biomass both at the individual tree and stand level. However, despite isometric scaling between stem and coarse root production, fine root production scales against leaf production with a slope of about 0.8 at the stand level, which probably results from more rapid increase of turnover rate in leaves than in fine roots. These analyses help to improve our understandings of allometric theory and controls of belowground C processes.  相似文献   

  • 1 A classic biogeographic pattern is the alignment of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid races of creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) across the Chihuahuan, Sonoran and Mohave Deserts of western North America. We used statistically robust differences in guard cell size of modern plants and fossil leaves from packrat middens to map current and past distributions of these ploidy races since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
  • 2 Glacial/early Holocene (26–10 14C kyr bp or thousands of radiocarbon years before present) populations included diploids along the lower Rio Grande of west Texas, 650 km removed from sympatric diploids and tetraploids in the lower Colorado River Basin of south‐eastern California/south‐western Arizona. Diploids migrated slowly from lower Rio Grande refugia with expansion into the northern Chihuahuan Desert sites forestalled until after ~4.0 14C kyr bp . Tetraploids expanded from the lower Colorado River Basin into the northern limits of the Sonoran Desert in central Arizona by 6.4 14C kyr bp . Hexaploids appeared by 8.5 14C kyr bp in the lower Colorado River Basin, reaching their northernmost limits (~37°N) in the Mohave Desert between 5.6 and 3.9 14C kyr bp .
  • 3 Modern diploid isolates may have resulted from both vicariant and dispersal events. In central Baja California and the lower Colorado River Basin, modern diploids probably originated from relict populations near glacial refugia. Founder events in the middle and late Holocene established diploid outposts on isolated limestone outcrops in areas of central and southern Arizona dominated by tetraploid populations.
  • 4 Geographic alignment of the three ploidy races along the modern gradient of increasingly drier and hotter summers is clearly a postglacial phenomenon, but evolution of both higher ploidy races must have happened before the Holocene. The exact timing and mechanism of polyploidy evolution in creosote bush remains a matter of conjecture.

Summary Water and nitrogen regimes of Larrea tridentata shrubs growing in the field were manipulated during an annual cycle. Patterns of leaf water status, leaf water relations characteristics, and stomatal behavior were followed concurrently. Large variations in leaf water status in both irrigated and nonirrigated individuals were observed. Predawn and midday leaf water potentials of nonirrigated shrubs were lowest except when measurements had been preceded by significant rainfall. Despite the large seasonal variation in leaf water status, reasonably constant, high levels of turgor were maintained. Pressure-volume curve analysis suggested that changes in the bulk leaf osmotic potential at full turgor were small and that nearly all of the turgor adjustment was due to tissue elastic adjustment. The increase in tissue elasticity with increasing water deficit manifested itself as a decrease in the relative water content at zero turgor and as a decrease in the tissue bulk elastic modulus. Because of large hydration-induced displacement in the osmotic potential and relative water content at zero turgor, it was necessary to use shoots in their natural state of hydration for pressure-volume curve determinations. Large diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance were observed, but could not easily be attributed to variations in leaf water potential or leaf water relations characteristics such as the turgor loss point. The single factor which seemed to account for most of the diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance between individual shrubs was an index of soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. Daily maximum stomatal conductance was found to decrease with increasing soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. This pattern was most consistent if the hydraulic resistance calculation was based on an estimate of total canopy transpiration rather than the more commonly used transpiration per unit leaf area. The reasons for this are discussed. It is suggested that while stomatal aperture necessarily represents a major physical resistance controlling transpiration, plant hydraulic resistance may represent the functional resistance through its effects on stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

Summary In a phytotron study of the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply ratio on nutrient uptake and use by Larrea tridentata, seedlings responded to increases in N and P availability with increases in leaf size, total biomass, and leaf nutrient concentration, and with decreases in root: shoot ratio. N and P use efficiency decreased with increasing N and P availability, respectively, but increased with increasing availability of the other nutrient, suggesting that Larrea responds both to the absolute and to the relative availability of limiting nutrients. Absolute amounts of N and P resorption, as well as N and P resorption efficiencies did not demonstrate a significant trend with nutrient availability, and there was no evidence of significant interactions between the two nutrients. More studies of the effects of nutrient interactions in the cycling and use of nutrients by different plant species are needed before more general conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

Residential mobility is a key aspect of hunter‐gatherer foraging economies and therefore is an issue of central importance in hunter‐gatherer studies. 1 - 7 Hunter‐gatherers vary widely in annual rates of residential mobility. Understanding the sources of this variation has long been of interest to anthropologists and archeologists. The vast majority of hunter‐gatherers who are dependent on terrestrial plants and animals move camp multiple times a year because local foraging patches become depleted and food, material, and social resources are heterogeneously distributed through time and space. In some environments, particularly along coasts, where resources are abundant and predictable, hunter‐gatherers often become effectively sedentary. But even in these special cases, a central question is how these societies have maintained viable foraging economies while reducing residential mobility to near zero.  相似文献   

Carbon emissions from fires in tropical and subtropical ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Global carbon emissions from fires are difficult to quantify and have the potential to influence interannual variability and long‐term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We used 4 years of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) satellite data and a biogeochemical model to assess spatial and temporal variability of carbon emissions from tropical fires. The TRMM satellite data extended between 38°N and 38°S and covered the period from 1998 to 2001. A relationship between TRMM fire counts and burned area was derived using estimates of burned area from other satellite fire products in Africa and Australia and reported burned areas from the United States. We modified the Carnegie‐Ames‐Stanford‐Approach (CASA) biogeochemical model to account for both direct combustion losses and the decomposition from fire‐induced mortality, using both TRMM and Sea‐viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite data as model drivers. Over the 1998–2001 period, we estimated that the sum of carbon emissions from tropical fires and fuel wood use was 2.6 Pg C yr?1. An additional flux of 1.2 Pg C yr?1 was released indirectly, as a result of decomposition of vegetation killed by fire but not combusted. The sum of direct and indirect carbon losses from fires represented 9% of tropical and subtropical net primary production (NPP). We found that including fire processes in the tropics substantially alters the seasonal cycle of net biome production by shifting carbon losses to months with low soil moisture and low rates of soil microbial respiration. Consequently, accounting for fires increases growing season net flux by ~12% between 38°N and 38°S, with the greatest effect occurring in highly productive savanna regions.  相似文献   

以青海海北高寒区域金露梅(PotentillafruticosaLinn.)灌丛草甸为研究对象,分析了6月至9月金露梅灌丛草甸灌木和草本植物不同部位的生物碳量,并据此对灌木及草本植物的年净初级生产碳量进行了比较。结果显示:金露梅灌丛草甸灌木植物地上部和地下部不同层次的生物量和碳含量均有明显差异,根据生物量所占比例确定其地上部和地下部的平均碳含量分别为0.50和0.48。依据不同月份灌丛冠面最大长度、最小宽度和最大高度,采用方程“Wij=e〔aln(A·B·H)+b〕”计算灌木地上当年新生生物碳量、地上多年累积生物碳量和地下多年累积生物碳量,相关性均极显著(P〈0.01),表明利用该方程评估金露梅灌丛草甸灌木不同部位的生物碳量是可行的。不同月份金露梅灌丛草甸灌木地上当年新生生物碳量、地上多年累积生物碳量和地下多年累积生物碳量分别为9.36-21.15、78.07-90.12和74.37-101.22g·m-2,差异不明显;其地上部和地下部净初级生产碳量分别为33.20和26.85g·m-2,总计为60.05g·m-2。金露梅灌丛草甸草本植物地上部和地下部净初级生产碳量分别为111.41和445.41g·m-2,总计为556.82g·m-2。如果根据草本和灌木占地面积78%和22%进行加权计算,则金露梅灌丛草甸当年的总净初级生产碳量为447.53g·m-2,其中灌木的净初级生产碳量仅占2.95%,且金露梅灌丛草甸地下部与地上部净初级生产碳量的比值为3.75。研究结果显示:青海高寒区域金露梅灌丛草甸以草本固碳为主,且地下部净初级生产碳量明显高于其地上部。  相似文献   

Leaf-level CO2 assimilation (A(area)) can largely be predicted from stomatal conductance (g(s)), leaf morphology (SLA) and nitrogen (N) content (N(area)) in species across biomes and functional groups. The effects of simulated global change scenarios, increased summer monsoon rain (+H2O), N deposition (+N) and the combination (+H2O +N), were hypothesized to affect leaf trait-photosynthesis relationships differently in the short- and long-term for the desert shrub Larrea tridentata. During the spring, +H2O and +H2O +N plants had lower A(area) and g(s), but similar shoot water potential (Psi(shoot)) compared with control and +N plants; differences in A(area) were attributed to lower leaf N(area) and g(s). During the summer, +H2O and +H2O +N plants displayed higher A(area) than control and +N plants, which was attributed to higher Psi(shoot), g(s) and SLA. Throughout the year, A(area) was strongly correlated with g(s) but weakly correlated with leaf N(area) and SLA. We concluded that increased summer monsoon had a stronger effect on the performance of Larrea than increased N deposition. In the short term, the +H2O and +H2O +N treatments were associated with increasing A(area) in summer, but also with low leaf N(area) and lower A(area) in the long term the following spring.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: An overarching but vigorously debated plant model proposed by the West, Brown, Enquist (WBE) theory predicts the scaling relationships for numerous botanical phenomena. However, few studies have evaluated this model's basic assumptions, one of which is that natural selection has resulted in hierarchal networks that minimize the energy required to distribute nutrients internally and have thus produced highly efficient organisms. ? Methods: If these core assumptions are correct, an "idealized" plant complying with all of the scaling relationships emerging from the WBE plant model should rapidly outcompete other plants, even those that differ slightly from it. To test this reasoning, a computer model was used to simulate competition between an idealized WBE plant, a generic "average" angiosperm (GA), and one of seven variants of the idealized WBE plant, each being similar to the GA in one of the GA's scaling parameters. ? Key results: Replicate simulations show that the idealized WBE plant rapidly outcompetes all other plants under light-shade and open-field conditions. However, changing only one of the WBE's scaling parameters results in death or in the coexistence of WBE and GA plants. ? Conclusions: These simulations support a core assumption of the WBE plant model and suggest why this idealized plant has not evolved.  相似文献   

Summary At sites in the United States, creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Cov.) orient foliage clusters predominantly toward the southeast. Foliage of bushes at the southernmost distribution extreme in Mexico shows no predominant orientation. Clusters at all sites are inclined between 33° and 71° from the horizontal. Inclinations are steeper in the drier and hotter Mojave Desert than in the Chihuahuan Desert. Individual leaflets, though not measured, appear more randomly oriented than foliage clusters. In several populations studied, branches were shorter in the southeastern sectors of the crown, reducing self-shading early in the morning. Measurements of direct beam radiation interception by detached branches, using digital image processing, indicated that foliage clusters oriented toward the southeast exhibited less self-shading during spring mornings than clusters oriented northeast. This effect was not apparent at the summer solstice. This type of canopy architecture may tend to minimize self-shading during the morning hours when conditions are more favorable for photosynthesis, resulting in an improved daily water use efficiency.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle modulates climate change, via the regulation of atmospheric CO2, and it represents one of the most important services provided by ecosystems. However, considerable uncertainties remain concerning potential feedback between the biota and the climate. In particular, it is unclear how global warming will affect the metabolic balance between the photosynthetic fixation and respiratory release of CO2 at the ecosystem scale. Here, we present a combination of experimental field data from freshwater mesocosms, and theoretical predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology to investigate whether warming will alter the capacity of ecosystems to absorb CO2. Our manipulative experiment simulated the temperature increases predicted for the end of the century and revealed that ecosystem respiration increased at a faster rate than primary production, reducing carbon sequestration by 13 per cent. These results confirmed our theoretical predictions based on the differential activation energies of these two processes. Using only the activation energies for whole ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration we provide a theoretical prediction that accurately quantified the precise magnitude of the reduction in carbon sequestration observed experimentally. We suggest the combination of whole-ecosystem manipulative experiments and ecological theory is one of the most promising and fruitful research areas to predict the impacts of climate change on key ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Feedback between global carbon (C) cycles and climate change is one of the major uncertainties in projecting future global warming. Coupled carbon–climate models all demonstrated a positive feedback between terrestrial C cycle and climate warming. The positive feedback results from decreased net primary production (NPP) in most models and increased respiratory C release by all the models under climate warming. Those modeling results present interesting hypotheses of future states of ecosystems and climate, which are yet to be tested against experimental results. In this study, we examined ecosystem C balance and its major components in a warming and clipping experiment in a North America tallgrass prairie. Infrared heaters have been used to elevate soil temperature by approximately 2 °C continuously since November 1999. Clipping once a year was to mimic hay or biofuel feedstock harvest. On average of data over 6 years from 2000 to 2005, estimated NPP under warming increased by 14% without clipping (P<0.05) and 26% with clipping (P<0.05) in comparison with that under control. Warming did not result in instantaneous increases in soil respiration in 1999 and 2000 but significantly increased it by approximately 8% without clipping (P<0.05) from 2001 to 2005. Soil respiration under warming increased by 15% with clipping (P<0.05) from 2000 to 2005. Warming‐stimulated plant biomass production, due to enhanced C4 dominance, extended growing seasons, and increased nitrogen uptake and use efficiency, offset increased soil respiration, leading to no change in soil C storage at our site. However, biofuel feedstock harvest by biomass removal resulted in significant soil C loss in the clipping and control plots but was carbon negative in the clipping and warming plots largely because of positive interactions of warming and clipping in stimulating root growth. Our results demonstrate that plant production processes play a critical role in regulation of ecosystem carbon‐cycle feedback to climate change in both the current ambient and future warmed world.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant gaseous end products of the remineralization of organic carbon and also the two largest contributors to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. We investigated whether warming altered the balance of CH4 efflux relative to gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) in a freshwater mesocosm experiment. Whole ecosystem CH4 efflux was strongly related to temperature with an apparent activation energy of 0.85 eV. Furthermore, CH4 efflux increased faster than ER or GPP with temperature, with all three processes having sequentially lower activation energies. Warming of 4 °C increased the fraction of GPP effluxing as CH4 by 20% and the fraction of ER as CH4 by 9%, in line with the offset in their respective activation energies. Because CH4 is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas, relative to CO2, these results suggest freshwater ecosystems could drive a previously unknown positive feedback between warming and the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

The theory of metabolic ecology predicts specific relationships among tree stem diameter, biomass, height, growth and mortality. As demographic rates are important to estimates of carbon fluxes in forests, this theory might offer important insights into the global carbon budget, and deserves careful assessment. We assembled data from 10 old-growth tropical forests encompassing censuses of 367 ha and > 1.7 million trees to test the theory's predictions. We also developed a set of alternative predictions that retained some assumptions of metabolic ecology while also considering how availability of a key limiting resource, light, changes with tree size. Our results show that there are no universal scaling relationships of growth or mortality with size among trees in tropical forests. Observed patterns were consistent with our alternative model in the one site where we had the data necessary to evaluate it, and were inconsistent with the predictions of metabolic ecology in all forests.  相似文献   

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