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We redescribe Cyrtostrombidium longisomum Lynn & Gilron, 1993, the type species of the genus Cyrtostrombidium, and describe the new species Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum n. sp. using live observation, protargol staining and molecular data. The morphological characters of these two species are clearly distinct, i.e., dikinetid numbers in the girdle and ventral kineties; however, it is difficult to separate them by 18S rDNA sequences because they differ by only 8 bp, indicating that 18S rDNA sequences are insufficient for separating different species in the genus Cyrtostrombidium. We not only observed the position of the oral primordium in the genus Cyrtostrombidium but also observed a possibly homoplasious trait, a dorsal split in the girdle kinety, in (1) Apostrombidium, (2) Varistrombidium, and (3) Cyrtostrombidium/Williophrya. This partially supports the hypothesis of somatic ciliary pattern evolution recently put forth by Agatha and Strüder‐Kypke.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudohaploporinae, Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. and Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. n., are described from intestines of the Vietnamese mullet fish Moolgarda seheli and Osteomugil cunnesius, respectively. Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. differs from two known Pseudohaploporus species, P. vietnamensis and P. planiliza, by the absence of a diverticulate hermaphroditic duct and muscular sphincters at the proximal end of the hermaphroditic sac. Metrically, P. pusitestis sp. n. is close to P. vietnamensis and differs from this species and from P. planilizum by lower maximum sizes of most parameters. Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. differs from representatives of Pseudohaploporus by the presence of a single testis and the armament of hermaphroditic duct and is morphologically close to trematodes of the genus Haploporus. However, P. elegantus n. g differs from all known Haploporus species from mugilids of the Indo-West Pacific by the structure of the armament of the hermaphroditic duct and also by size of body, organs and eggs. The validity of designating two new species and a new genus of trematodes is supported by ITS and 28S rDNA sequence data. Phylogenetic reconstructions showed that the new trematodes belong to the Pseudohaploporinae, which formed a well-supported cluster within the monophyletic Haploporidae.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the morphology of three oligotrich (s.l.) ciliates, Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov., Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015 and Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov. is characterized by its elongate obconical to obovoidal body shape and widely spaced dikinetids in the girdle and ventral kineties. Another new species, Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. is diagnosed by its small size and semi-globular body shape without mineral envelopes. Some additional morphological data of the recently described species Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015, such as the endoral membrane, are supplied based on our population. We also analysed the molecular phylogeny of each species based on small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequence data. The monophyly of Cyrtostrombidium is supported by our phylogenetic analyses, but the monophyly of Strombidinopsis and of the family Strombidinopsidae are both rejected by AU tests. In addition, Strombidium species have a tail branch separately from one another in phylogenetic trees, whereas strombidiids with a pigment spot group together, suggesting the latter character is a synapomorphy for this group of strombidiids.


http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E9D4A497-DAD6-4AA0-A044-A5A1D2C1A057  相似文献   

A new scleractinian coral species, Pachyseris inattesa sp. n., is described from the Red Sea. Despite a superficial resemblance with some species in the agariciid genus Leptoseris with which it has been previously confused, P. inattesa sp. n. has micro-morphological characters typical of the genus Pachyseris. This genus, once part of the Agariciidae, is comprised of five extant species and is widely distributed throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. It is currently incertae sedis as a result of recent molecular analysis and appears to be closely related to the Euphylliidae. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction including P. inattesa sp. n., the genus type species P. rugosa, and P. speciosa, all present in the Red Sea, was performed using the mitochondrial intergenic spacer between COI and 16S-rRNA. The results confirm that P. inattesa sp. n. is a monophyletic lineage closely related to the other Pachyseris species examined.  相似文献   

Two new species of Korotnevella Goodkov, 1988, Korotnevella hemistylolepis n. sp. and Korotnevella monacantholepis n. sp., are described from mesohaline ecosystems. The amoebae are characterized on the basis of light and electron microscopy with special emphasis on the structure of the basket scales, which have species-specific architecture. The two new species are the second and third ones recovered from environments other than freshwater. In terms of scale morphology they most closely resemble a freshwater species, Korotnevella bulla (Schaeffer, 1926) Goodkov, 1988. Two genus names, Dactylamoeba Korotnev, 1880 and Korotnevella Goodkov, 1988, are in current use. The latter name is preferred, pending rediscovery and characterization of Dactylamoeba elongata Korotnev, 1880, the type species of the genus. Korotnevella species can be divided into three groups on the basis of scale morphology, suggesting that the genus may not be monophyletic. A key to species is provided.  相似文献   

Two new marine scuticociliates, Pleuronema sinica n. sp. and P. wilberti n. sp., collected from the sand beach of Qingdao, China, were investigated in vivo and following protargol impregnation. Ciliates of the genus Pleuronema are normally recognizable by their large sail-like paroral membrane although one species, P. grolierei, has shorter cilia in the paroral membrane. Neither of the new forms has the conspicuous paroral membrane in vivo so in this respect they are not typical members of this genus. Pleuronema sinica is characterized by its large, conspicuously flattened body, the possession of only one preoral kinety, the irregular-shaped macronucleus and the rather unusual structure of the oral apparatus. By contrast P. wilberti has a medium-size broad-oval body, six to eight preoral kineties and a highly differentiated membranelle 3 that is five- or six-rowed. An identification key is supplied for the 15 species of Pleuronema for which the infraciliature is known.  相似文献   

Alloencotyllabe caranxi n. g., n. sp. is found in groups of 9–15 specimens attached close together to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body, a prohaptor with large spines, an armed penis which lies in a pouch and a vaginal pouch guarded by two sets of glands. Encotyllabe kuwaitensis n. sp. is attached individually to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body and tandem testes. E. spari is reported from the lower pharyngeal tooth plate of Plectorhynchus cinctus, P. pictus and P. schotaf. All fish hosts were caught in Kuwaiti waters in the Arabian Gulf. The subfamily Encotyllabinae is reviewed and the genus Neoencotyllabe is regarded as a genus inquirendum. The new genus is attached to the subfamily Encotyllabinae.  相似文献   

Amphidiniopsis is a benthic, heterotrophic and thecate dinoflagellate genus that has a smaller epitheca and larger hypotheca. The genus contains 24 described species, but is considered to be polyphyletic based on morphological characters and molecular phylogenetics. In this study, two new species were discovered from two distant sampling localities, Amphidiniopsis crumena sp. nov. from Japan, and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis sp. nov., from Australia. These species have a uniquely shaped, additional second postcingular plate. Both species are dorsoventrally flattened, an apical hook is present, and have six postcingular plates. The plate formula is: APC 4′ 3a 7″ ?C 4?S 6″′ 2″″. The cells of these species were examined with LM and SEM, and molecular phylogenic analyses were performed using 18S and 28S rDNA. These species are distinguished by the presence of spines on the hypotheca and touching of the sixth postcingular plate and the anterior sulcal plate. Their shape and disposition of several thecal plates also differ. Molecular phylogenetic analyses showed that the two new species formed a monophyletic clade and did not belong to any morphogroup proposed by previous studies. Considering the morphological features and the molecular phylogenetic results, a new morphogroup is proposed, Amphidiniopsis morphogroup VI (‘crumena group’).  相似文献   

A new soil ciliate, Pseudonotohymena antarctica n. g., n. sp., from King George Island, Antarctica, is described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and its 18S rRNA gene. The new genus Pseudonotohymena is morphologically similar to the genus Notohymena Blatterer and Foissner 1988 in the following characteristics: 18 fronto‐ventral‐transverse cirri, a flexible body, undulating membranes, dorsomarginal kineties, and the number of cirri in the marginal rows. However, Pseudonotohymena differs from Notohymena particularly in the dorsal ciliature, that is, in possessing a nonfragmented dorsal kinety (vs. fragmented). In addition, the molecular phylogenetic relationship of the new species differs from that of Notohymena species. On the basis of the morphological features, the genetic data, and morphogenesis, we establish P. antarctica n. g., n. sp. In addition, the cyst morphology of this species is described.  相似文献   

Hoplolaimus concaudajuvencus n. sp., of the genus Hoplolaimus Daday, 1905, characterized by larval heteromorphism, is described and illustrated as recovered from ryegrass/bermudagrass golf green turf in Florida. Females and males are closely related to H. galeatus (Cobb, 1913) Thorne, 1935, but have longer stylets with more definitely tulip-shaped stylet knobs which anteriorly tend to close upon the stylet shaft more than in H. galeatus. First and second-stage larvae have a conically-pointed tail unlike any known species of the genus. Subsequent stages, including females, have rounded tails essentially similar to other species of the genus and males possess the typical hopolaimid tail and bursa. The first molt was found to occur within the egg.  相似文献   

Nodosaurids are poorly known from the Lower Cretaceous of Europe. Two associated ankylosaur skeletons excavated from the lower Albian carbonaceous member of the Escucha Formation near Ariño in northeastern Teruel, Spain reveal nearly all the diagnostic recognized character that define nodosaurid ankylosaurs. These new specimens comprise a new genus and species of nodosaurid ankylosaur and represent the single most complete taxon of ankylosaur from the Cretaceous of Europe. These two specimens were examined and compared to all other known ankylosaurs. Comparisons of these specimens document that Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp. is a nodosaur and is the sister taxon to the Late Cretaceous nodosaurids Anoplosaurus, Hungarosaurus, and Struthiosaurus, defining a monophyletic clade of European nodosaurids– the Struthiosaurinae.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new species, Uronemita parabinucleata n. sp., isolated from intertidal sediments in a coastal region in northern China, were investigated using live observation and silver impregnation methods. The new species is characterized by an in vivo body size of about 20–50 × 10–25 μm, 22 or 23 somatic kineties, two macronuclear nodules, and one caudal cilium. Its small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) was sequenced and compared with those of other Uronemita species to reveal nucleotide differences. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that Uronemita is monophyletic and that the new species clusters with its congener Uronemita filificum, with full support provided by both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood algorithms. Based on previous studies and the present study, an improved diagnosis of the genus Uronemita is supplied, which has been absent since the establishment of this genus. A key to the Uronemita species is also provided.  相似文献   


A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Praealbonemertes whangateaunienses n. gen. and n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species is characterised by inter alia a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, and a well-developed muscle plate dorsal to the foregut and anterior intestine. The material was collected in New Zealand.  相似文献   

In the framework of the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Western Taurus during Jurassic, the study of northern and eastern boundary of the Taurids started. Detailed facies analysis evidenced the position of the Barla Dag ramp between two elevated areas: the southern rimmed shelf extension of the platform system and the northern neritic-beach-land plain. In the basal biostratigraphical and ecological characteristics of the Balcikhisar volcano-sedimentary sequence, correlated with the Fele outcrop, one genus and three new species of foraminifers have been found: Sievoides kocyigiti n. gen., n. sp. and Mesoendothyra altineriana n. sp. from neritic environment, and Kurnubia feleensis n. sp. from rimmed shelf lagoon. Both carbonate sedimentary deposits are intercalated with spilitic-basalt pillow lava flows. The age of the new three species is Kimmeridgian, controlled by some foraminifer golden hooks.  相似文献   

We describe the morphology and 18S rDNA phylogeny of Bryophryoides ocellatus n. g., n. sp., a bryophryid ciliate inhabiting in situ soil percolates from Idaho, U.S.A. The new genus is distinguished from other bryophryid genera by a combination of the following features: (1) kreyellid (irregularly meshed) silverline pattern, (2) polymorphic adoral organelles in the preoral suture, (3) absence of vestibular kineties. In phylogenetic analyses, Bryophryoides ocellatus is most closely related to Bryophrya gemmea. The 18S rDNA sequence pairwise distance of 2% between these genera, while similar to that between many colpodidan species, exceeds that between some colpodidan genera (e.g. Mykophagophrys and Pseudoplatyophrya, 1.1%), further supporting establishment of the new genus. Topology hypothesis testing strongly supports the monophyly of the Colpodida including the bryophryids. Despite weak nodal support, tests of topology constraints narrowly reject the non-monophyly of the sequenced Bryophryidae (Bryophrya + Bryophryoides + Notoxoma). Likewise, the monophyletic origin of the sequenced Bryophryidae is indicated in the phylogenetic networks though with low support.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and phylogeny of an undescribed oligotrich sensu lato (s. lat.) ciliate, Lynnella semiglobulosa n. g., n. sp., found in Daya Bay, southern China, were investigated. This species shares some features with both oligotrichs sensu stricto and choreotrichs, but most morphological and morphogenetic characters as well as the phylogenetic analysis suggest that it should be assigned into subclass Choreotrichia temporarily. Lynnella semiglobulosa is distinguished from members of all known genera and families of the subclass Choreotrichia by a unique combination of characteristics of the buccal and somatic ciliatures. Thus, a new family Lynnellidae n. fam. and a new genus Lynnella n. g. are proposed for it. The new family is distinguished by an open adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) in which, however, there are no ventral membranelles; the distal and proximal portions of the new adoral zone lie close to each other forming an open circle in stomatogenesis. The new genus Lynnella is characterized by possessing two longitudinally oriented somatic kineties, one dorsal and one ventral, several proximal membranelles progressively lengthened toward the proximal end of adoral zone, and two macronuclear nodules. In phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences, L. semiglobulosa clustered basally to all choreotrichs, but with relatively weak support; nevertheless, the possibility of a relationship with the subclass Oligotrichia was not rejected by the approximately unbiased nor Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. Based on morphological, morphogenetic, and molecular evidence of L. semiglobulosa, it is confirmed that the open AZM should be a plesiomorphic character of oligotrichs s. lat. as suggested previously.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the morphology, morphogenesis and SSU rRNA gene-based phylogeny of Apoholosticha sinica n. g., n. sp., isolated from mangrove wetland in Shenzhen, southern China. The new genus Apoholosticha is characterized by its bipartite adoral zone, clearly differentiated frontal cirri arranged in a bicorona, midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only, one marginal cirral row on each side, presence of frontoterminal and transverse cirri, and the lack of a buccal cirrus and caudal cirri. The type species, Apoholosticha sinica n. sp. is diagnosed by the elongated body shape and two kinds of cortical granules. Its main morphogenetic features are similar to that of Pseudokeronopsis except for (1) no buccal cirrus is formed and (2) its macronuclear nodules fuse into a single mass during cell division. Phylogenetic analyses for the new taxon indicate that Apoholosticha n. g. is most closely related to Nothoholosticha and Heterokeronopsis, and falls into the family Pseudokeronopsidae within the core Urostylida clade. In addition, a species that had been misidentified in previous literature is here recognized and assigned to the new genus as Apoholosticha sepetibensis (Wanick and Silva-Neto, 2004) n. comb. (basionym: Pseudokeronopsis sepetibensis Wanick and Silva-Neto, 2004).  相似文献   

Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp. is described based on fossil teeth from the middle and upper Cenomanian of northern Spain. The species Protoscyliorhinus magnusLandemaine, 1991 is withdrawn from the genus Protoscyliorhinus and placed in this new one. For the new genus, the new family Truyolsodontidae is proposed.  相似文献   

Cardicola Short, 1953 is a genus of the Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912 (Digenea), with 25 currently recognised species described from 32 species of Perciformes and Mugiliformes fishes around the world, including eight species from the Great Barrier Reef. Here, we describe two new species from this region, namely Cardicola beveridgei n. sp. from the ventricle and atrium of the mangrove jack, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) (Perciformes: Lutjanidae), and Cardicola bullardi n. sp. from the ventricle of the Australian spotted mackerel, Scomberomorus munroi Collette & Russo (Perciformes: Scombridae), from off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. These two new species are most easily distinguished from the 25 current members of Cardicola in having the combination of i) a spinous oral sucker, ii) an anteriorly intercaecal ovary, iii) a uterus that extends anteriorly from the oötype, iv) the number of spines per ventrolateral transverse row, and in v) body size and the length/width ratio, vi) the oesophagus and caecal length(s) relative to body total length, vii) the length of the posterior caeca relative to the anterior pair, viii) the testis length/width ratio and its total size relative to that of the body, ix) the postovarian field as a percentage of body length, and x) egg size. In addition, C. beveridgei n. sp. is further differentiated by possessing a female genital pore that opens anterodextral to the male pore while C. bullardi n. sp. differs further in possessing a testis that is almost entirely intercaecal and does not extend anteriorly to the level of the intestinal bifurcation. Employing genetic analysis of ITS2 rDNA sequence data, representing these species and a further 13 recognised and three putative species of Cardicola, we were able to unequivocally confirm these specimens as distinct (9–22% different over 420 nucleotide positions). Distance analysis of ITS2 showed that i) species of Cardicola from the Siganidae formed a monophyletic clade, to the exclusion of other Cardicola species reported from the Scombridae, Sparidae, Lutjanidae and Chaetodontidae, ii) a general phylogenetic isolation exists between the species of Cardicola reported from scombrid fishes, and iii) C. beveridgei n. sp. and Cardicola milleri Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from lutjanids and Cardicola chaetodontis Yamaguti, 1970 from chaetodontids are phylogenetically close, despite the evolutionary remoteness between the host groups and their highly disparate biology. Given the likelihood of many additional species being attributed to Cardicola, we predict that continued molecular analyses will indicate that this genus will prove to incorporate a series of radiations in association with particular fish taxa as well as evidence of host-switching. (Nucleotide sequences reported in this paper are available in the GenBank database under accession no. KF752497).  相似文献   

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