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It is becoming increasingly clear that signals generated in tumor microenvironments are crucial to tumor cell behavior, such as survival, progression and metastasis. The establishment of these malignant behaviors requires that tumor cells acquire novel adhesion and migration properties to detach from their original sites and to localize to distant organs. CD44, an adhesion/homing molecule, is a major receptor for the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan, which is one of the major components of the tumor extracellular matrix. CD44, a multistructural and multifunctional molecule, detects changes in extracellular matrix components, and thus is well positioned to provide appropriate responses to changes in the microenvironment, i.e. engagement in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, cell trafficking, lymph node homing and the presentation of growth factors/cytokines/chemokines to co-ordinate signaling events that enable the cell responses that change in the tissue environment. The potential involvement of CD44 variants (CD44v), especially CD44v4-v7 and CD44v6-v9, in tumor progression has been confirmed for many tumor types in numerous clinical studies. The downregulation of the standard CD44 isoform (CD44s) in colon cancer is postulated to result in increased tumorigenicity. CD44v-specific functions could be caused by their higher binding affinity than CD44s for hyaluronan. Alternatively, CD44v-specific functions could be caused by differences in associating molecules, which may bind selectively to the CD44v exon. This minireview summarizes how the interaction between hyaluronan and CD44v can serve as a potential target for cancer therapy, in particular how silencing CD44v can target multiple metastatic tumors.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a subpopulation of tumor cells endowed with self-renewal capacity and are considered as an underlying cause of tumor recurrence and metastasis. The metabolic signatures of CSCs and the mechanisms involved in the regulation of their stem cell-like properties still remain elusive. We utilized nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) CSCs as a model to dissect their metabolic signatures and found that CSCs underwent metabolic shift and mitochondrial resetting distinguished from their differentiated counterparts. In metabolic shift, CSCs showed a greater reliance on glycolysis for energy supply compared with the parental cells. In mitochondrial resetting, the quantity and function of mitochondria of CSCs were modulated by the biogenesis of the organelles, and the round-shaped mitochondria were distributed in a peri-nuclear manner similar to those seen in the stem cells. In addition, we blocked the glycolytic pathway, increased the ROS levels, and depolarized mitochondrial membranes of CSCs, respectively, and examined the effects of these metabolic factors on CSC properties. Intriguingly, the properties of CSCs were curbed when we redirected the quintessential metabolic reprogramming, which indicates that the plasticity of energy metabolism regulated the balance between acquisition and loss of the stemness status. Taken together, we suggest that metabolic reprogramming is critical for CSCs to sustain self-renewal, deter from differentiation and enhance the antioxidant defense mechanism. Characterization of metabolic reprogramming governing CSC properties is paramount to the design of novel therapeutic strategies through metabolic intervention of CSCs.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a subpopulation of tumor cells endowed with self-renewal capacity and are considered as an underlying cause of tumor recurrence and metastasis. The metabolic signatures of CSCs and the mechanisms involved in the regulation of their stem cell-like properties still remain elusive. We utilized nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) CSCs as a model to dissect their metabolic signatures and found that CSCs underwent metabolic shift and mitochondrial resetting distinguished from their differentiated counterparts. In metabolic shift, CSCs showed a greater reliance on glycolysis for energy supply compared with the parental cells. In mitochondrial resetting, the quantity and function of mitochondria of CSCs were modulated by the biogenesis of the organelles, and the round-shaped mitochondria were distributed in a peri-nuclear manner similar to those seen in the stem cells. In addition, we blocked the glycolytic pathway, increased the ROS levels, and depolarized mitochondrial membranes of CSCs, respectively, and examined the effects of these metabolic factors on CSC properties. Intriguingly, the properties of CSCs were curbed when we redirected the quintessential metabolic reprogramming, which indicates that the plasticity of energy metabolism regulated the balance between acquisition and loss of the stemness status. Taken together, we suggest that metabolic reprogramming is critical for CSCs to sustain self-renewal, deter from differentiation and enhance the antioxidant defense mechanism. Characterization of metabolic reprogramming governing CSC properties is paramount to the design of novel therapeutic strategies through metabolic intervention of CSCs.  相似文献   

The glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA) modulates cell proliferation and migration, and it is involved in several human vascular pathologies including atherosclerosis and vascular restenosis. During intima layer thickening, HA increases dramatically in the neointima extracellular matrix. Aging is one of the major risk factors for the insurgence of vascular diseases, in which smooth muscle cells (SMCs) play a role by determining neointima formation through their migration and proliferation. Therefore, we established an in vitro aging model consisting of sequential passages of human aortic smooth muscle cells (AoSMCs). Comparing young and aged cells, we found that, during the aging process in vitro,HA synthesis significantly increases, as do HA synthetic enzymes (i.e. HAS2 and HAS3), the precursor synthetic enzyme (UDP-glucose dehydrogenase), and the HA receptor CD44. In aged cells, we also observed increased CD44 signaling that consisted of higher levels of phosphorylated MAP kinase ERK1/2. Further, aged AoSMCs migrated faster than young cells, and such migration could be modulated by HA, which alters the ERK1/2 phosphorylation. HA oligosaccharides of 6.8 kDa and an anti-CD44 blocking antibody prevented ERK1/2 phosphorylation and inhibited AoSMCs migration. These results indicate that, during aging, HA can modulate cell migration involving CD44-mediated signaling through ERK1/2. These data suggest that age-related HA accumulation could promote SMC migration and intima thickening during vascular neointima formation.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic transformation of somatic cells resembles nuclear reprogramming toward the generation of pluripotent stem cells.These events share eternal escape from cellular senescence,continuous self-renewal in limited but certain population of cells,and refractoriness to terminal differentiation while maintaining the potential to differentiate into cells of one or multiple lineages.As represented by several oncogenes those appeared to be first keys to pluripotency,carcinogenesis and nuclear reprogramming seem to share a number of core mechanisms.The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor product retinoblastoma(RB)seems to be critically involved in both events in highly complicated manners.However,disentangling such complicated interactions has enabled us to better understand how stem cell strategies are shared by cancer cells.This review covers recent findings on RB functions related to stem cells and stem cell-like behaviors of cancer cells.  相似文献   

The role of hyaluronan (HA) in periodontal healing has been speculated via its interaction with the CD44 receptor. While HA-CD44 interactions have previously been implicated in numerous cell types; effect and mechanism of exogenous HA on periodontal ligament (PDL) cells is less clear. Herein, we examine the effect of exogenous HA on contractility and migration in human and murine PDL cells using arrays of microposts and time-lapse microscopy. Our findings observed HA-treated human PDL cells as more contractile and less migratory than untreated cells. Moreover, the effect of HA on contractility and focal adhesion area was abrogated when PDL cells were treated with Y27632, an inhibitor of rho-dependent kinase, but not when these cells were treated with ML-7, an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase. Our results provide insight into the mechanobiology of PDL cells, which may contribute towards the development of therapeutic strategies for periodontal healing and tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Osteoclast (OC) precursors migrate to putative sites of bone resorption to form functionally active, multinucleated cells. The preOC FLG 29.1 cells, known to be capable of irreversibly differentiating into multinucleated OC-like cells, displayed several features of primary OCs, including expression of specific integrins and the hyaluronan (HA) receptor CD44. OC-like FLG 29.1 cells adhered to and extensively migrated through membranes coated with fibronectin, vitronectin, and laminins, but, although strongly binding to HA, totally failed to move on this substrate. Moreover, soluble HA strongly inhibited OC-like FLG 29.1 cell migration on the permissive matrix substrates, and this behavior was dependent on its engagement with CD44, as it was fully restored by function-blocking anti-CD44 antibodies. HA did not modulate the cell-substrate binding affinity/avidity nor the expression levels of the corresponding integrins. MMP-9 was the major secreted metalloproteinase used by OC-like FLG 29.1 cells for migration, because this process was strongly inhibited by both TIMP-1 and GM6001, as well as by MMP-9-specific antisense oligonucleotides. After HA binding to CD44, a strong down-regulation of MMP-9 mRNA and protein was detected. These findings highlight a novel role of the HA-CD44 interaction in the context of OC-like cell motility, suggesting that it may act as a stop signal for bone-resorbing cells.  相似文献   

Leung EL  Fiscus RR  Tung JW  Tin VP  Cheng LC  Sihoe AD  Fink LM  Ma Y  Wong MP 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14062


The cancer stem cell theory hypothesizes that cancers are perpetuated by cancer stem cells (CSC) or tumor initiating cells (TIC) possessing self-renewal and other stem cell-like properties while differentiated non-stem/initiating cells have a finite life span. To investigate whether the hypothesis is applicable to lung cancer, identification of lung CSC and demonstration of these capacities is essential.

Methodology/Principal Finding

The expression profiles of five stem cell markers (CD34, CD44, CD133, BMI1 and OCT4) were screened by flow cytometry in 10 lung cancer cell lines. CD44 was further investigated by testing for in vitro and in vivo tumorigenecity. Formation of spheroid bodies and in vivo tumor initiation ability were demonstrated in CD44+ cells of 4 cell lines. Serial in vivo tumor transplantability in nude mice was demonstrated using H1299 cell line. The primary xenografts initiated from CD44+ cells consisted of mixed CD44+ and CD44 cells in similar ratio as the parental H1299 cell line, supporting in vivo differentiation. Semi-quantitative Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) showed that both freshly sorted CD44+ and CD44+ cells derived from CD44+-initiated tumors expressed the pluripotency genes OCT4/POU5F1, NANOG, SOX2. These stemness markers were not expressed by CD44 cells. Furthermore, freshly sorted CD44+ cells were more resistant to cisplatin treatment with lower apoptosis levels than CD44 cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of 141 resected non-small cell lung cancers showed tumor cell expression of CD44 in 50.4% of tumors while no CD34, and CD133 expression was observed in tumor cells. CD44 expression was associated with squamous cell carcinoma but unexpectedly, a longer survival was observed in CD44-expressing adenocarcinomas.


Overall, our results demonstrated that stem cell-like properties are enriched in CD44-expressing subpopulations of some lung cancer cell lines. Further investigation is required to clarify the role of CD44 in tumor cell renewal and cancer propagation in the in vivo environment.  相似文献   

In spite of the extensive potential of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in cell therapy, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate their therapeutic properties. We aimed to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) involved in controlling the transition between the resting and reparative phenotypes of hMSCs, hypothesizing that these miRNAs must be present in the undifferentiated cells and downregulated to allow initiation of distinct activation/differentiation programs. Differential miRNA expression analyses revealed that miR-335 is significantly downregulated upon hMSC differentiation. In addition, hMSCs derived from a variety of tissues express miR-335 at a higher level than human skin fibroblasts, and overexpression of miR-335 in hMSCs inhibited their proliferation and migration, as well as their osteogenic and adipogenic potential. Expression of miR-335 in hMSCs was upregulated by the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, a positive regulator of MSC self-renewal, and downregulated by interferon-γ (IFN-γ), a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has an important role in activating the immunomodulatory properties of hMSCs. Differential gene expression analyses, in combination with computational searches, defined a cluster of 62 putative target genes for miR-335 in hMSCs. Western blot and 3'UTR reporter assays confirmed RUNX2 as a direct target of miR-335 in hMSCs. These results strongly suggest that miR-335 downregulation is critical for the acquisition of reparative MSC phenotypes.  相似文献   

Both hyaluronan [HA, the major glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix (ECM)] and CD44 (a primary HA receptor) are associated with astrocyte activation and tissue repair following central nervous system (CNS) injury. In this study we investigated the question of whether HA-CD44 interaction influences astrocyte signaling and migration. Our data indicated that HA binding to the cultured astrocytes stimulated Rac1 signaling and cytoskeleton-mediated migration. To determine the cellular and molecular basis of these events, we focused on PKN gamma, a Rac1-activated serine/threonine kinase in astrocytes. We determined that HA binding to astrocytes stimulated Rac1-dependent PKN gamma kinase activity which, in turn, up-regulated the phosphorylation of the cytoskeletal protein, cortactin, and attenuated the ability of cortactin to cross-link F-actin. Further analyses indicated that the N-terminal antiparallel coiled-coil (ACC) domains of PKN gamma interacted with Rac1, and transfection of astrocytes with PKN gamma-ACCcDNA inhibited PKN gamma activity. Over-expression of the PKN gamma-ACC domain also functions as a dominant-negative mutant to block HA/CD44-mediated PKN gamma activation of cortactin and astrocyte migration. Taken together, these findings strongly suggest that hyaluronan/CD44 interaction with Rac1-PKN gamma plays a pivotal role in cytoskeleton activation and astrocyte migration. These newly discovered HA/CD44-induced astrocyte function may provide important insight into novel therapeutic treatments for tissue repair following CNS injury.  相似文献   



Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) reside within a complex and dynamic extracellular microenvironment, or niche. This niche regulates fundamental aspects of their behavior during normal neural development and repair. Precise yet dynamic regulation of NSPC self-renewal, migration, and differentiation is critical and must persist over the life of an organism.

Scope of review

In this review, we summarize some of the major components of the NSPC niche and provide examples of how cues from the extracellular matrix regulate NSPC behaviors. We use proteoglycans to illustrate the many diverse roles of the niche in providing temporal and spatial regulation of cellular behavior.

Major conclusions

The NSPC niche is comprised of multiple components that include; soluble ligands, such as growth factors, morphogens, chemokines, and neurotransmitters, the extracellular matrix, and cellular components. As illustrated by proteoglycans, a major component of the extracellular matrix, the NSPC, niche provides temporal and spatial regulation of NSPC behaviors.

General significance

The factors that control NSPC behavior are vital to understand as we attempt to modulate normal neural development and repair. Furthermore, an improved understanding of how these factors regulate cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, crucial for malignancy, may reveal novel anti-tumor strategies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Matrix-mediated cell behaviour and properties.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cell deficiencies cause a severe macrocytic anemia in W/Wv mice. W44/W44 mice, on the other hand, are not anemic, but, since they accept marrow implants without prior total body irradiation, they have inherited a stem cell lesion. In an attempt to identify the aberrant stem cell(s), we have determined the concentration in W44/W44 marrow of hematopoietic precursors known to be deficient in W/Wv marrow. The in vitro erythroid burst-forming units (BFU-E), the in vivo spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S), and the cells that repopulate the erythroid compartment of stem cell-deficient mice were examined. The progenitors of 7-day bursts are dramatically reduced in W/Wv marrow but are present in normal concentrations in W44/W44 marrow. W44/W44 marrow CFU-S, unlike W/Wv, generate visible spleen colonies 10 days after injection into lethally irradiated recipients. The colonies are, however, smaller and at least 2 times less numerous than those produced from equivalent numbers of +/+ marrow. An additional defect was the inability of W44/W44 stem cells to compete with genetically marked +/+ cells during erythroid repopulation. An estimate of the number of W44/W44 stem cells needed to compete with +/+ cells was provided by enriching W44/W44 progenitors fivefold. Twice as many enriched W44/W44 marrow cells as unfractionated +/+ cells were required to replace competitor cells. This suggests that there are up to 10 times fewer stem cells somewhere in the W44/W44 erythrogenerative pathway. The data support the conclusion that an erythroid progenitor less mature than the BFU-E is one of the cells most severely affected by expression of the mutant gene.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are subpopulations of tumor cells that are responsible for tumor initiation, maintenance and metastasis. Recent studies suggested that lung cancer arises from CSCs. In this study, the expression of potential CSC markers in cell line A549 was evaluated. We applied flow cytometry to assess the expression of putative stem cell markers, including aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), CD24, CD44, CD133 and ABCG2. Cells were then sorted according to the expression of CD44 and CD24 markers by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) Aria II and characterized using their clonogenic and sphere-forming capacity. A549 cells expressed the CSC markers CD44 and CD24 at 68.16% and 54.46%, respectively. The expression of the putative CSC marker ALDH1 was 4.20%, whereas the expression of ABCG2 and CD133 was 0.93%. Double-positive CD44/133 populations were rare. CD44+/24+ and CD44+/CD24?/low subpopulations respectively exhibited 64% and 27.92% expression. The colony-forming potentials in the CD44+/CD24+ and CD44+/CD24?/low subpopulations were 84.37 ± 2.86% and 90 ± 3.06%, respectively, while the parental A549 cells yielded 56.65 ± 2.33% using the colony-formation assay. Both isolated subpopulations formed spheres in serumfree medium supplemented with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). CD44 and CD24 cannot be considered potential markers for isolating lung CSCs in cell line A549, but further investigation using in vivo assays is required.  相似文献   

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