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半滑舌鳎胚胎发育组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对半滑舌鳎Cynoglossus semilaevis胚胎发育进行了组织学观察,首次描述了半滑舌鳎胚胎发育过程中脊索、眼囊、中胚层、脊髓底板、神经管、肠、耳囊、脑、口咽膜和心管等组织结构.半滑舌鳎眼原基出现后,肌节在胚体后部开始分化.随后神经管前端不断膨大形成脑原基,脑形成之后在后脑的后面形成耳囊.胚体形成后,脊索位于脑的腹面,在胚胎发育过程中脊索细胞空泡化.肠位于脊索腹面.脊索背部有一排立方体细胞,为脊髓底板,脊髓底板位于神经管腹面并延伸到后脑前端.心脏是含有红血球的一个薄壁管,位于胚体头部腹面,且与中脑平行.  相似文献   

谢翔  胡建军  王贵学 《遗传》2012,34(9):1123-1132
胚胎血管系统发育是一个复杂的过程, 其进程受多种刺激和抑制信号的调控, 这些信号必须协调作用, 以确保血管发育的每个阶段得以正常进行。血管发育过程在一定程度上是由基因控制的, 而且其研究也在很广的范围展开。但是近年研究发现, 生物力学作用是胚胎血管发育的必要因素, 胚胎血管发育过程中涉及到不同的细胞生物力学机制。文章主要就生物力学因素在血管系统发育过程中所起的作用及最新相关研究进展作一概述。  相似文献   

陈蓉芳  张天宝  印木泉 《生命科学》2001,13(3):142-144,F003
综述了反义研究中的几个关键问题,提出严格的ODNs设计,有效的ODNs转运和设计合理的对照等是获得良好实验结果的关键;介绍该技术在各种体外胚胎试验中的应用。  相似文献   

One of hypotheses of atherosclerosis is based on a presumption that the zones prone to the development of atherosclerosis contain lysosomes which are characterized by enzyme deficiency and thus, are unable to dispose of lipoproteins. The present study was undertaken to investigate the characteristics and changes of lysosomes in the earliest stages of the development of atherosclerosis. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed that there were certain changes in the distribution of CD68 antigen in lysosomes along the ‘normal intima‐initial lesion‐fatty streak’ sequence. There were no significant changes found in the key mRNAs encoding for the components of endosome/lysosome compartment in initial atherosclerotic lesions, but in fatty streaks, the contents of EEA1 and Rab5a mRNAs were found to be diminished while the contents of CD68 and p62 mRNAs were increased, compared with the intact tissue. The study reinforces a view that changes occurring in lysosomes play a role in atherogenesis from the very earlier stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Autotaxin (ATX) is a secreted lysophospholipase D that generates the multifunctional lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). LPA signals through six distinct G protein-coupled receptors, acting alone or in concert to activate multiple effector pathways. The ATX–LPA signaling axis is implicated in a remarkably wide variety of physiological and pathological processes and plays a vital role in embryonic development. Disruption of the ATX-encoding gene (Enpp2) in mice results in intrauterine death due to vascular defects in the extra-embryonic yolk sac and embryo proper. In addition, Enpp2 (−/−) embryos show impaired neural development. The observed angiogenic defects are attributable, at least in part, to loss of LPA signaling through the Gα12/13-linked RhoA-ROCK-actin remodeling pathway. Studies in zebrafish also have uncovered a dual role for ATX in both vascular and neural development; furthermore, they point to a key role for ATX–LPA signaling in the regulation of left–right asymmetry. Here we discuss our present understanding of the role of ATX–LPA signaling in vertebrate development. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in Lysophospholipid Research.  相似文献   

To study the effects of ultrasound on development it is important to have a system which provides reliable results. We have designed a system which allows for reproducible irradiations of chick embryos in ovo. The irradiation system includes a heated sonation tank with ultrasound absorbers and a PC/AT computer-based data acquisition system for on-line monitoring of irradiations. The ultrasound detection microprobe and irradiation transducers were calibrated against an NBS traceable balance meter. An acoustic spacer was utilized to provide a more uniform profile of the irradiation beam. At the position of the embryo the ultrasound field geometry was determined. To maintain the chick embryo in its natural physiological state while minimizing ultrasonic reflections and standing-wave generation, two diametrically opposed windows were made in the eggshell along the ultrasound pathway and covered with polyethylene membranes. Using this irradiation system at intensity levels as high as 1.1 W/cm2 (spatial average, temporal average) for 10 min, the temperature rise is minimal.  相似文献   

Real-time B-mode ultrasonography was used to evaluate uterine changes associated with the estrous cycle in 22 ovulatory periods in 12 nulliparous heifers. Irregular, nonechogenic (black) areas were seen on the images of uterine horns during the periovulatory period. These nonechogenic areas were presumably due to intraluminal fluids since they coincided with the discharge of clear, viscous mucus preceding ovulation and blood-tinged mucus after ovulation. Eight heifers were bred until five pregnant heifers were obtained for study of the ultrasonic morphology of the conceptus. Ultrasound examinations were done daily to day 50 of pregnancy. Discrete, nonechogenic areas were first visible within the uterus between days 12 and 14, when they were approximately 2 mm in diameter. These discrete nonechogenic structures were identified as the embryonic vesicle, since they were observed only in heifers later confirmed to be pregnant and were always in the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum. The presence of an embryo within the embryonic vesicle was confirmed by observing an echogenic (white) area with rhythmic pulsations (heartbeat). The embryonic vesicle gradually increased in length from the day of first observation until day 26 when it extended past the curvature of the horn and began to encroach into the contralateral horn. In all heifers, by day 32 the vesicle extended to the tip of the contralateral horn. The embryo was first visible between days 26 and 29 when the mean length was 10 mm. The embryo increased in length an average of 1.1 mm per day. A heartbeat was detectable in the embryo on the first day observed. In one superovulated heifer, five vesicles were visible in the uterine horns by day 14 and by day 33 seven embryos were observed; two of the seven embryos apparently resorbed by day 43.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the rat carotid body was studied with electron microscopy. In the 11 mm embryo a cell aggregation consisting of undifferentiated cells and unmyelinated nerve fibers appears on the anterior wall of the third branchial artery. Granule-containing cells appear in the 12 mm embryo and continue to increase in number as the cellular aggregation increases in size and becomes separated from the wall of the third branchial artery. Synapse formation and the appearance of fenestrated capillaries occur almost simultaneously at the 17 mm stage. There are two types of synapses, one with membrane densification and vesicles clustered inside the nerve endings, the other with dense material and vesicles inside the granule-containing cells. At the 20 mm stage the undifferentiated cells send enveloping cytoplasmic processes toward adjacent granule-containing cells and the carotid body anlage displays rudimentary lobules.  相似文献   

Neurovascular development in the embryonic zebrafish hindbrain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The brain is made of billions of highly metabolically active neurons whose activities provide the seat for cognitive, affective, sensory and motor functions. The cerebral vasculature meets the brain's unusually high demand for oxygen and glucose by providing it with the largest blood supply of any organ. Accordingly, disorders of the cerebral vasculature, such as congenital vascular malformations, stroke and tumors, compromise neuronal function and survival and often have crippling or fatal consequences. Yet, the assembly of the cerebral vasculature is a process that remains poorly understood. Here we exploit the physical and optical accessibility of the zebrafish embryo to characterize cerebral vascular development within the embryonic hindbrain. We find that this process is primarily driven by endothelial cell migration and follows a two-step sequence. First, perineural vessels with stereotypical anatomies are formed along the ventro-lateral surface of the neuroectoderm. Second, angiogenic sprouts derived from a subset of perineural vessels migrate into the hindbrain to form the intraneural vasculature. We find that these angiogenic sprouts reproducibly penetrate into the hindbrain via the rhombomere centers, where differentiated neurons reside, and that specific rhombomeres are invariably vascularized first. While the anatomy of intraneural vessels is variable from animal to animal, some aspects of the connectivity of perineural and intraneural vessels occur reproducibly within particular hindbrain locales. Using a chemical inhibitor of VEGF signaling we determine stage-specific requirements for this pathway in the formation of the hindbrain vasculature. Finally, we show that a subset of hindbrain vessels is aligned and/or in very close proximity to stereotypical neuron clusters and axon tracts. Using endothelium-deficient cloche mutants we show that the endothelium is dispensable for the organization and maintenance of these stereotypical neuron clusters and axon tracts in the early hindbrain. However, the cerebellum's upper rhombic lip and the optic tectum are abnormal in clo. Overall, this study provides a detailed, multi-stage characterization of early zebrafish hindbrain neurovascular development with cellular resolution up to the third day of age. This work thus serves as a useful reference for the neurovascular characterization of mutants, morphants and drug-treated embryos.  相似文献   

Novel approaches to bio-imaging and automated computational image processing allow the design of truly quantitative studies in developmental biology. Cell behavior, cell fate decisions, cell interactions during tissue morphogenesis, and gene expression dynamics can be analyzed in vivo for entire complex organisms and throughout embryonic development. We review state-of-the-art technology for live imaging, focusing on fluorescence light microscopy techniques for system-level investigations of animal development, and discuss computational approaches to image segmentation, cell tracking, automated data annotation, and biophysical modeling. We argue that the substantial increase in data complexity and size requires sophisticated new strategies to data analysis to exploit the enormous potential of these new resources.  相似文献   

The study of staphylococcal infection in chick embryo fibroblasts, carried out by electron-histochemical and morphometric methods, has revealed the presence of correlation between the degree of fibroblast destruction and the permeability of lysosomal membranes. The development of bacterial infection, depending on the presence of homologous bacteriophages in the medium, has also been studied.  相似文献   

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