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Allozyme variability of 91 brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from seven regions in Greece was compared to existing data of Bulgarian populations to test the hypothesis of the occurrence of specific alleles in Greece, likely stemming from an isolated Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans. This hypothesis is particularly suggested by some subfossil Late Pleistocene hare remains in Greece and the reported high mtDNA diversity in Greek hares. Allozymic diversity could be higher in Greek hares than in hares from neighboring regions as a result of the accumulation of variants in a long-lasting Pleistocene refugium. Conversely, Greek hares could exhibit reduced genetic diversity because of long-lasting low effective population sizes during the Late Glacial Maximum and a lower chance of postglacial gene flow from other populations into this rather marginal part in the southern Balkans. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins from 35~loci revealed three alleles (Es-1 –162, Pep-2 114, Mpi 88) at low frequencies, which were not found in Bulgarian or any other brown hare population. In contrast, some alleles from the populations from Bulgaria and other regions of Europe were absent in the Greek samples. Population genetic statistics indicated only a slight tendency of increased gene pool diversity in Greek hares, little substructuring in Greek and Bulgarian populations, respectively, as well as an only slightly lower level of gene flow between the two neighboring regions, as compared to the gene flow within each region. The results conform to the hypothesis of a Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans, with some few specific nuclear gene pool characteristics, but little effect on the overall genetic differentiation between Greek and Bulgarian hares.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish artificial insemination (AI) protocols to predictably initiate pregnancy during the breeding season in the European brown hare (EBH) (Lepus europaeus PALLAS, 1778). Semen was collected from seven captive and eight free-ranging males by means of electroejaculation. Semen from the free-ranging males was cryopreserved using directional freezing. Total motility/integrity of fresh and frozen-thawed semen was 91.6%/87.7% and 46.9%/53.8%, respectively. Ovulation was induced in ultrasonographically preselected females using a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. Each female was inseminated with 1 mL fresh (Group A, n = 16) or frozen-thawed semen (Group B, n = 9) at a concentration of 100 × 106 spermatozoa/mL. The use of ultrasonography (10 to 22 MHz) confirmed the intracervical semen deposit, the success of artificial ovulation induction (formation of postovulatory corpus luteum), and permitted the monitoring of individual pregnancies. Although sperm motility/integrity was significantly different between groups, no significant difference was detected in conception rates (A, 87.50%; B, 77.78%). Because of embryonic resorption, there was a slight difference in fertility rate between groups (A, 62.5%; B, 77.78%). Overall, AI in captive EBH using fresh and frozen-thawed semen achieved successful fertility rates. Long-term cryopreserved semen was used to bring new genetic material from the wild into a genetically limited captive population without extensive animal transport. Therefore, AI has the potential to enhance breeding programs for EBH especially when cryopreserved semen from wild donors is used.  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic diversity in a local population of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni was determined within and between individual wild rats at a microspatial geographic scale of a standing water transmission site. Using RAPD markers, molecular variance and canonical correspondence analysis were performed to test the significance of genetic differentiation between infrapopulations. Of total gene diversity, 8 and 11% was partitioned between hosts trapped at few metres distance from each other. Significant temporal differentiation (2%) was also detected among schistosomes sampled at 6 month intervals with more infrapopulation pairs differentiated during the dry season of parasite transmission than during the rainy season (45 and 12%, respectively). A combination of factors such as restricted displacement of rats, patchy spatial aggregation of infected snails and limited cercarial dispersion in standing water are likely to promote the genetic differentiation observed between infrapopulations at this microgeographic scale.  相似文献   

Conventionally, Lepus capensis is considered to range across large parts of Africa, the Middle East, Central and Far East Asia. However, a recent morphological study restricts cape hares tentatively to a small range in the Western Cape Region of South Africa and groups all other L. capensis-type hares from South Africa into a new species: L. centralis. Here, we studied molecular relationships among L. capensis-type hares from South Africa. Phenotypically and morphologically the individuals matched either the newly described L. capensis or L. centralis. We examined 66 hares for allelic variation at 13 microsatellite loci and for sequence variation of the hypervariable domain 1 of the mitochondrial control region. All tree-generating analyses of the currently obtained sequences and all South African cape hare sequences downloaded from GenBank revealed monophyly when compared to sequences of various other Lepus species. A network analysis indicated close evolutionary relationships between hares of the “L. capensis-phenotype” and the “L. centralis-phenotype” (according to Palacios et al. 2008) from the southwest of the Western Cape, relative to their pronounced evolutionary divergence from all other more central, northern, and north-eastern L. capensis-type hares. F-statistics, a Bayesian admixture STRUCTURE model, as well as a principal coordinate analysis of microsatellite data indicated close genetic relationships among all South African L. capensis-type hares studied presently. A coalescence model-based migration analysis for microsatellite alleles indicated gene flow between most of the considered subspecies of cape hare, including L. capensis capensis and L. capensis centralis, theoretically sufficient to balance stochastic drift effects. Concordantly, AMOVA models revealed only little effects of partitioning microsatellite variation into the two suggested morpho-species “L. capensis” and “L. centralis”. Under an “Interbreeding Species Concept” (e.g. a strict or relaxed Biological Species Concept), the current molecular data demonstrate conspecificity of the two proposed morpho-species “L. capensis” and “L. centralis”. Based on the present molecular data the differentiation of subspecies of cape hares from southern Africa is discussed.  相似文献   

Many herbivore species prefer to forage on patches of intermediate biomass. Plant quality and forage efficiency are predicted to decrease with increasing plant standing crop which explains the lower preference of the herbivore. However, often is ignored that on the long-term, plant species composition is predicted to change with increasing plant standing crop. The amount of low-quality, unpreferred food plants increases with increasing plant standing crop. In the present study the effects of unpreferred plants on patch choice and distribution of European brown hare in a salt-marsh system were studied. In one experiment, unpreferred plants were removed from plots. In the second experiment, plots were planted with different densities of an unpreferred artificial plant. Removal of unpreferred plants increased hare-grazing pressure more than fivefold compared to unmanipulated plots. Planting of unpreferred plants reduced hare-grazing pressure, with a significant reduction of grazing already occurring at low unpreferred plant density. Spatial distribution of hares within this salt-marsh system was related to spatial arrangement of unpreferred plants. Hare-grazing intensity decreased strongly with increasing abundance of unpreferred plants despite a high abundance of principal food plants. The results of this study indicate that plant species replacement is an important factor determining patch choice and spatial distribution of hares next to changing plant quality. Increasing abundance of unpreferred plant species can strengthen the decreasing patch quality with increasing standing crop and can decrease grazing intensity when preferred food plants are still abundantly present.  相似文献   

Demographic parameters of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in southern Australia were investigated by dissecting hares shot by hunters during each month of the year. Gender, body weight, age, sucking, lactation, weight of the abdominal alimentary canal, weight of the left peri-renal fat body, pregnancy status, presence and counts of placental scars, litter size, and stage of gestation were recorded. From those data, growth rates, age at weaning, age and weight at puberty, date of conception, projected birth date, recruitment, survivorship, and the relationships between lactation and fat stores and alimentary capacity were determined.Fecundity of the southern Australian hares followed the seasonal pattern reported for northern hemisphere populations. However, output was lower per female and particularly per older female. Females began breeding at an earlier age such that recruitment into the southern Australian population was more dependent on females in their first year of life than on older females. Growth rates were comparable with European rates. Although high chill factors were apparently associated with higher leveret mortality, there was paradoxically higher overall mortality during the spring-early summer period of higher plant growth than in the late summer–winter period of lower plant growth and more extreme weather conditions. Fat was accumulated during pregnancy and would act as a buffer against the possibility of inadequate food availability during lactation, but hares increased the capacity of the alimentary canal during lactation and presumably with it their ability to assimilate energy to meet the demands of lactation.  相似文献   

Despite the well-known fact that evolutionary patterns of single genes or sequences are not necessarily paralleled by organismic evolution, using mitochondrial sequence divergence for inferring phylogenetic relationships among hare species is not uncommon. Earlier studies reported interspecific introgression in the genus Lepus that may slur systematic conclusions drawn exclusively from mtDNA data. We examined pairwise divergence in partial mtHV-1 sequences and nuclear gene pools based on microsatellite and allozyme loci separately in a South and North African population of cape hares, Lepus capensis, and did not find significant correspondence on the individual level within either population. Also, the former population had a significantly higher level of mtHV-1 sequence divergence compared to the latter, but levels of individual nuclear gene pool divergence did not differ significantly between the two populations. Hence, the absence of correspondence between mtHV-1 sequence divergence and nuclear gene pool divergence among individuals within a population might be independent of the population-specific level of differentiation among individuals. Our results complement earlier findings in hares, and strongly recommend to include nuclear gene pool evidence for systematic inferences within this genus, even under the absence of mitochondrial introgression.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal use of space by 38 radio-tracked European hares in an arable region in central Germany over 5 years. Mean distance between successive daytime and nighttime fixes of a hare amounted to 226 m, and an average distance of 172 m was recorded for successive daytime fixes. The hares shifted the centres of their home ranges from one 2-month period to the next by an average distance of 131 m and over a time span of 11.2 months by 216 m. The size of their 2-month home ranges (MCP 95) averaged 21 ha; the variation between individuals was high. Night ranges were larger than day ranges. Mean size of seasonal home ranges—based on daytime and nighttime fixes—remained largely constant throughout the year. Home-range size increased as the day-to-night distance increased, as the number of used habitat elements increased and as frequency of use of inner field parts during the daytime increased. Home-range size was inversely related to population density. On average, 32% of the area of the home range of a hare overlapped with the home range of a neighbouring conspecific. When related to the population density of adult hares in spring, the home range of a single hare was estimated to overlap with 13–21 home ranges of adults as well as an indefinite number of juveniles. The large intraseasonal variation in locomotion and home-range characteristics is interpreted in relationship to the social structure of European hares.  相似文献   

To investigate both seasonal changes and possible intracorporal gradients of phospholipid fatty acid composition, skeletal muscles (n=124), hearts (n=27), and livers (n=34) from free-living brown hares (Lepus europaeus) were analyzed. Phospholipids from both skeletal muscles and heart had a high degree of unsaturation with 66.8±0.63% and 65.7±0.5% polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively. This is the highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids reported in any mammalian tissue. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content in skeletal muscles was 2.3% greater in winter compared to summer (F1,106=17.7; P=0.0001), which may reflect thermoregulatory adjustments. Arachidonate (C20:4n-6) showed the greatest seasonal increase (+2.5%; F=7.95; P=0.0057). However, there were no pronounced differences in polyunsaturated fatty acid content between skeletal muscles from different locations in the body (m. iliopsoas, m. longissimus dorsi and m. vastus). Total muscle phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acid content was correlated with polyunsaturated fatty acid content in triacyglycerols from perirenal white adipose tissue depots (r2=0.61; P=0.004). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were enriched in muscle phospholipids (56.8–73.6%), compared to white adipose tissue lipids (20.9–61.2%), and liver phospholipids (25.1–54.2%). We suggest that the high degree of muscle membrane unsaturation is related to hare-specific traits, such as a high maximum running speed.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - DPA docosapentaenoic acid - DHA docosahexaenoic acid - FA fatty acid - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid - PC principal component - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SFA saturated fatty acid - UI unsaturation index - WAT white adipose tissueCommunicated by: G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

In East Africa, cape hares (Lepus capensis) and savanna hares (L. victoriae) look much alike where their ranges overlap. Earlier studies suggested discrimination between the two species by several skull traits, but did not present morphometric statisitics. Our present discriminant analysis based on seven metric variables of the occipital bone related to skull length (condylobasal length) resulted in a high (95.1%) overall probability of correct separation of the two species. While all cape hares were classified correctly, correct classification was a bit lower in savanna hares (88.2%). A principal components analysis of the same variables confirmed the shape difference for the two species. Both region and sex-specific variation in the shape of the studied occipital bone complex was found in savanna hares but not in cape hares. The somewhat reduced level of correct identification of savanna hares might be due to a tendency for higher shape variation. Application of our discriminant analysis to other regions in East Africa is discussed.  相似文献   

利用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)和微卫星标记分析了文蛤7个地理群体(朝鲜新义州,辽宁丹东、蛤蜊岗和盘山,山东东营,江苏如东和启东)的遗传多样性和群体分化。PCR扩增获得142条602 bp的COI核苷酸片段,比对到13个变异位点,包括11个转换和2个颠换,定义了22个单倍型,共享单倍型12个,新义州、丹东和启东群体分别拥有特有单倍型。单倍型多样性最高的是如东群体(h=0.900),最低的是东营群体(h=0.600);核苷酸多样性最高的是丹东群体(π=0.00350),最低的是蛤蜊岗群体(π=0.00115)。基于COI数据的Fu's Fs中性检验和核苷酸不配对分析揭示文蛤种群历史上曾经历过群体扩张事件。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,群体内遗传变异占71.64%,群体间遗传变异占28.36%,群体间发生显著的遗传分化(P0.05)。7个微卫星标记扩增280个个体共获得54个等位基因,平均等位基因数为7.7个,平均观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.3878和0.7996。江苏群体具有较高的遗传多样性,但7个群体间遗传多样性不存在显著差异(Kruskal-Wallis检验,P0.05)。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验结果显示49个群体-位点组合中有18个偏离平衡(P0.05),表现为杂合子缺失。单倍型邻接(NJ)树显示聚类未展示地域性特色,但某几个同一或者相近地理群体的单倍型具有聚类现象(如东和启东部分单倍型出现地理聚类)。依据群体间遗传距离以Kimura 2-parameter为模型建立UPGMA系统发育树,显示丹东群体和江苏的如东和启东群体聚为一支,暗示江苏苗种的异地养殖已经污染丹东文蛤的遗传背景。  相似文献   

We have developed a technique for determining the genetic structure of populations of filamentous cyanobacteria. The sequence diversity at specific gene loci is first characterised in a range of clonal cultures; subsequent analysis involves individual trichomes collected directly from natural populations. This technique has been used to examine the population genetic structure of Nodularia in the Baltic Sea and Planktothrix in Lake Zürich. For Nodularia, studies utilising four polymorphic loci reveal that even though there is a degree of linkage disequilibrium, horizontal transfer of genetic information has been sufficient to generate many of the possible allelic combinations. Analyses reveal both spatial and temporal variation in population genetic structure. Other studies of both Nodularia and Planktothrix have shown a correlation between particular alleles at the gvpC locus and the critical pressure of the gas vesicles that accumulate within the cell. We are now investigating how the natural selection of different gas vesicle phenotypes, imposed by changes in the depth of the upper mixed layer of the water column, affects the relative success of individual cyanobacteria possessing different gvpC alleles. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

珊瑚菜居群遗传多样性的SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SRAP对伞形科单种属珊瑚菜7个野生居群和1个栽培居群进行了研究。结果表明:共筛选出8个引物组合,在珊瑚菜8个居群中共扩增出168条条带,其中多态性条带为118条,多态性比率为70.23%;平均每对引物扩增的多态性条带为14.75。各居群之间珊瑚菜遗传相似性系数范围为0.8306~0.9836,遗传距离范围为0.0165~0.1856。聚类分析表明,以相似性系数大于0.8并结合地理分布来看,所研究的野生珊瑚菜居群可以大体分为3类,辽宁大连的野生居群为一类,山东威海—山东青岛的居群为一类,而山东日照—广州深圳之间的为一类。  相似文献   

Heteropappus hispidus ssp. leptocladus is an edaphic endemic taxon that is confined to serpentine and limestone-derived soils and is allopatrically distributed in three regions of western Japan. In this study, we attempted to detect genomic signatures of seven H. hispidus ssp. leptocladus populations along with eight other subspecies populations using eight nuclear microsatellite loci. The Mantel test supported an isolation by distance model across all H. hispidus populations, thus implying the possibility of parallel evolution for each subspecies. Results from AMOVA recognized relatively larger differentiations in geographic distribution compared to intraspecific taxonomy. Relationships indicated by neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree analysis and population structure generally did not reflect an intraspecific taxonomy. Populations from limestone-derived soil harbored a homogeneous genetic structure with neighboring populations from serpentine-derived soils. These results suggest that the edaphic ecotype may have derived allopatrically while a lack of edaphic constraint existed between serpentine and limestone soils.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was examined within and among North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic populations of the benthic red alga Phycodrys rubens using allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. On western and eastern North Atlantic coasts distinct allozyme types were found, with the exception of western Newfoundland where East and West Atlantic types co-occur. Along the European coasts, two genetic groups were distinguished by fixed allelic differences: an outer oceanic group and a North Sea/Baltic group. The two genetic types co-occur in the Skagerrak and Kattegat region. Reproductive isolation between the two types is suggested by the lack of hybrids in the overlap zones, and they may therefore represent sibling species. Unexpectedly, an analysis of RAPD variation was unable to recover the two cryptic species identified using allozymes. Within-population RAPD variation was similar to or greater than between-population variation. The lack of structure in the RAPD data cannot be attributed solely to technical artefacts of the method but appears to reflect real biological variability. Within-population genomic polymorphisms caused by frequent mutational events are discussed, as are high amounts of genetic drift and possible disruptive selection brought about by stressed habitats. Finally, Baltic and extra-Baltic salinity ecotypes are known to exist in P. rubens. However, no correlation between ecotypic variation and allozyme groups was detected.  相似文献   

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