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为丰富上海垂直绿化藤本植物资源,结合野外调查、物候观测和生物学观察、适应性观测、繁殖及栽培情况记录,运用层次分析法对引种的33种野生藤本植物的垂直牵引应用综合价值进行评价.结果表明,香花鸡血藤、常春油麻藤、钝药野木瓜、鹰爪枫、黑龙骨、尾叶那藤、五月瓜藤、长花忍冬、淡红忍冬、三叶木通、木通、清香藤、鄂羊蹄甲、多叶勾儿茶、...  相似文献   

调查分析湖南省南岳衡山藤本植物资源的特性与现状。该区野生藤本植物资源丰富,共有59科129属282种,大多具有重要的观赏与经济价值,主要有药用、食用、饲用、纤维、观赏等几大类;探讨了藤本植物在立体绿化中的应用方式与类型,并对今后开发利用野生藤本植物资源提出建议。  相似文献   

通过对佳木斯地区野生彩叶树种调查分析,确定为野生彩叶树种17科40种。有观赏价值及开发利用前途的有色木槭、红瑞木、花楸、水榆花楸和狗枣猕猴桃等16种。重点介绍有推广价值的各种类的观赏特性,并对开发利用野生彩叶树种资源提出建议。  相似文献   

作物冠层光分布及光合作用模型,是作物栽培学、作物育种学研究的共同基础,对优化设计和评价作物株型、模拟作物生长发育与对环境变化的响应研究都有十分重要的价值.本文根据水稻群体冠层结构的特点,在虚拟切层法的基础上,建立了水稻群体冠层光分布及光合速率模型,模型包括冠层形态子模型、冠层光分布子模型和冠层光合速率子模型等.利用本模型,对设定的15625种水稻株型的光合速率进行了模拟计算,获得水稻最佳株型模型.结果表明,水稻群体光合速率与叶片数、叶含氮量、叶长、叶宽和叶倾角等5因素密切相关;最佳株型的上述5因素在冠层上部取值大,向下逐渐变小.  相似文献   

南岳野生爬山虎属植物种质资源及园林应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南岳风景名胜区现有野生爬山虎属植物5种,分别占国产种(含变种)、省种50%、62.5%;目前广泛应用的有爬山虎、五叶地锦,引种栽培的有异叶爬山虎和绿爬山虎,尚在野生状况是粉叶爬山虎。其攀附力强弱依次为爬山虎、王叶地锦与异叶爬山虎、绿爬山虎、粉叶爬山虎。  相似文献   

广西园林藤本植物的筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文报道了广西藤本植物资源概况与园林藤本植物筛选研究成果,简要介绍了广西藤本植物的种质资源及资源藤本植物利用现状,经过引种和调查选择,收集观赏藤本植物62种,通过配置应用试验和决选评价,决选出适合于城市园林建设的10个花卉品种,21个垂直绿化品种,3个地被植物品种。  相似文献   

藤本植物进行垂直绿化是拓展城市绿化空间、提高绿化覆盖率、改善生态环境的重要途径。随着城市园林绿化面积愈来愈小,利用藤本植物营造园林绿化景观已成为当下热点。本文主要对鄂尔多斯地区藤本植物资源、园林绿化应用方式及具开发价值的藤本植物资源进行了初步探讨,旨在对藤本植物园林应用提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

色叶植物因其色彩绚丽,且易于形成大面积的群体景观,已广泛用于园林绿化美化中,丰富了城市的色彩。目前我国色叶植物种类的开发及园林应用还存在着很大的空间,本文以银川地区色叶植物资源为主要对象,对色叶植物在园林中的应用现状及其景观价值进行了调查与分析评价,并就色叶植物在园林绿化中的配置提出几点建议,为银川地区色叶植物的引种、驯化、开发利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

唐一思  石慰  曾文豪  郑维艳  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8750-8757
藤本植物是热带和亚热带森林的重要组分,在过去几十年中藤本植物多样性在热带森林增加,有可能导致森林的多样性减少,碳储量等生态系统服务功能降低,引起广泛关注。以《广西植被志要》中共355个样地数据(喀斯特森林、海拔1000 m以下的非喀斯特森林和海拔1000 m以上的非喀斯特森林)为基础,结合气候数据,分析天然林中藤本植物区系组成、不同生境藤本植物物种多样性与系统发育多样性关系、藤本植物物种多样性与年平均温度关系,以及系统发育结构特点。结果表明:(1)广西天然林藤本植物中,热带分布的含藤属占比最大(75.4%),温带分布含藤属占比较低(12.3%),世界广布含藤属和亚洲分布含藤属占比最小,海拔1000 m以下的喀斯特和非喀斯特森林都有一些专有的含藤科属;(2) 3个生境藤本的Gleason物种多样性和系统发育多样性与年均温都不相关,它们的物种多样性差异不显著,但是系统发育多样性有显著差异,海拔1000 m以下的非喀斯特森林中系统发育多样性最高,喀斯特森林系统发育多样性最低;(3)非喀斯特森林藤本植物系统发育结构趋向于离散,暗指竞争排斥作用是藤本植物组合在该生境群落主要构建机制,喀斯特森林藤本植物系统发育结构趋向于聚集,暗指藤本植物组合由生境过滤作用为主形成。这些研究发现对于热带亚热带森林藤本植物的多样性组成及其共存机制提供了新认识。  相似文献   

崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系与生长特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用线路与样方相结合的调查方法,对崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系的种类组成及重要类群进行了调查,并根据调查结果对该藤本植物区系的分布区类型、生活型、叶质和叶级及生长特性和群落形成因素进行了分析.结果显示,崀山丹霞地貌区有野生藤本植物41科75属131种,其中蕨类植物和裸子植物各有1科1属1种,被子植物有39科73属129种;在被子植物中,双子叶植物有34科68属121种,具有明显优势.比较重要的科有蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)、葡萄科(Vitaceae)、茜草科(Rubiaceae)、防己科(Menispermaceae)和卫矛科(Celastraceae), 重要属有铁线莲属(Clematis L. )、蔷薇属(Rosa L. )、猕猴桃属(Actinidia Lindl. )、南蛇藤属(Celastrus L. )、葡萄属(Vitis L. )、蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis Michaux)和地锦属(Parthenocissus Planch. ).该藤本植物区系含有12个分布区类型,具有明显的热带属性, 热带分布属占总属数的66.19%, 东亚分布和东亚-北美间断分布类型在该藤本植物区系中也有重要作用.在该藤本植物区系中,高位芽、地上芽、地面芽、地下芽和1年生草本植物的比例分别为78.63%、 8.40%、 5.34%、 6.87%和0.76%, 并且以缠绕类的数量占优势, 缠绕类、卷曲类、吸固类和搭靠类藤本植物的比例分别为51.91%、 21.37%、 15.27%和11.45%;叶质以纸质叶为主,占83.21%;叶级谱为中型叶35.88%、小型叶55.72%、微型叶7.63%、鳞型叶0.76%.调查结果表明,崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物类型十分复杂,具有完整的生活型谱,区系组成具有地带性植被--亚热带常绿阔叶林的特征;在崀山丹霞赤壁上由藤本植物和苔藓、矮小草本植物组成的盖度较大的藤本植物组合已经成为一个生态功能单位,形成了一个新的藤本植物植被类型.  相似文献   

广西紫金牛属野生观赏植物的综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用层次分析法,综合观赏价值、资源开发潜力、生物学特性三大约束因素共14个指标,对分布于广西的29种紫金牛属野生观赏植物进行综合评价。结果表明:按照开发利用价值的高低,可将29个种(变种)根据轻重缓急划分为4个等级,其中:Ⅰ级:开发利用价值高的种类,5个;Ⅱ级:开发利用价值较高的种类,9个;Ⅲ级:开发利用价值一般的种类,9个;Ⅳ级:开发利用价值较低的种类,6个。研究结果将为科学、合理地开发利用广西紫金牛属野生观赏植物资源提供决策依据。  相似文献   

湖南云山野生木质藤本植物资源及多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入研究湘西南野生藤本植物资源现状及其多样性特征,对湖南云山野生木质藤本植物资源生态特征进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)湖南云山共有野生木质藤本植物39科101属308种,分别占该区种子植物科、属和种的19.21%、9.32%和20.29%,其中裸子植物1科1属1种,被子植物38科100属307种,蕨类植物缺乏。(2)在生活型上,该区以高位芽藤本植物为主导,占总种数的93.51%,地下芽、地面芽和地上芽藤本植物较少,分别占总种数的4.87%、0.97%和0.65%。(3)在攀援方式上,缠绕藤本具有优势,占总种数的42.86%,搭靠类、卷曲类和吸固类较少,分别占总种数的34.01%、13.62%和9.42%。(4)该区地理成分复杂多样,属级和种级地理成分各有11个分布型,均以热带成分为主,温带成分占有较大比例,说明该区热带成分向温带渗透和过渡的性质。研究认为,湖南云山野生木质藤本植物的生态功能效应明显,用途广泛,具有重要的药用、经济和社会价值,综合效益明显,开发利用潜力巨大。  相似文献   

中国野生杜鹃资源开发利用探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
汪源  鞠波 《生物学杂志》2006,23(1):43-44
介绍中国野生杜鹃资源的基本特征、种类及其分布,观赏特性及开发利用价值,从而提出中国野生杜鹃资源开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

陇东子午岭林区野生有毒植物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过三年的调查研究,首次报道了子午岭野生有毒维管植物66科127属170种.其中乔木10科 16属19种;灌木11科14属16种;木质藤本4科5属5种;多年生草本32科63属85种;一、二年生草本22科33属37科;草质藤本7科8属8种.并介绍了子午岭林区野生有毒植物的开发利用与保护建议.  相似文献   

Questions: Is the occurrence of vine species in neotropical rain forests primarily determined by properties of the forest (environmental factors), by properties of the trees (tree species or tree size) or are vines randomly distributed? Location: Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Methods: In five 1‐ha plots that span variation from unlogged forest to forest impacted by recurrent human disturbance we recorded the presence of all climbing vine species on every tree. The presence of all free standing vine species and 11 environmental variables were recorded in 100‐m2 subplots. The relationship of host tree diameter and host tree identity on single tree vine species richness was investigated by GLM modelling. Partial redundancy analyses were used to partition the variation in vine species composition on two sources: environmental factors and tree species identity. Results: Single tree vine richness increased with increasing host tree DBH and differed significantly among host species. For climbing vines, the ratio of variation in subplot presence explained by tree species and by environmental variables was ca. 4:1 (in the most disturbed logged plots slightly lower), for free standing vines this ratio varied from 1:2 in the most disturbed logged plots to 9:1 in reserve plots, while a ratio of ca. 1:1 was found for all plots analysed together. Conclusion: Different tree species have different probabilities of being infested by vines. Vines see both the forest and the trees; the environment is more important in earlier developmental stages, properties of individual trees become more important from the time vines start to climb.  相似文献   

河南小秦岭忍冬属植物的分布及资源利用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南小秦岭自然保护区自然分布有忍冬属植物16种(变种),约占河南省忍冬属植物总数的64.0%,占全国忍冬属植物总数的16.3%。按照Rehder(1903)的分类系统可分为两个亚属(忍冬亚属、轮花亚属),3个组(囊管组、空枝组、忍冬组)。还就忍冬属植物资源的利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

AIMS: The aims of this work were to identify the mycoflora and to evaluate the natural occurrence of OA in dried vine fruits. Likewise, the capacity to produce OA by Aspergillus section Nigri was studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty samples of dried vine fruits were obtained from Mendoza and San Juan provinces. The surface disinfection method was used for mycoflora determination using the medium dichloran 18% glycerol agar (DG18) and dichloran Rose Bengal chloramphenicol agar (DRBC). RESULTS: Statistical analysis demonstrated that the species A. niger var. niger and Aspergillus niger var. awamori were isolated in higher frequency from black dried vine fruits from DRBC and DG18 media (P < 0.01). OA was found in 74% of the dried vine fruits samples. Sixty-two strains (28%) of Aspergillus section Nigri, were OA producers. In the species A. carbonarius the highest percentages of ochratoxigenic strains were detected (82.6%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of ochratoxigenic strains of Nigri section in dried vine fruits suggests that they may be an important source of OA in this substrate. Dried vine fruits can also be an important source of OA people who consume large amounts. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The dried vine fruits contamination with Aspergillus section Nigri and OA was significant.  相似文献   

我国中越边境地区有毒植物资源的调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对中越边境地区有毒植物资源进行了调查研究,列出了主要的有毒植物的名单及其有毒部位、学名、中文名、科名、习性和毒性,并在此基础上对该地区有毒植物资源进行了总体评价。此外,还提出了因地制宜开发利用该地区丰富的有毒植物资源的建议。  相似文献   

Systemic activity of the neonicotinoids clothianidin, dinotefuran, and thiamethoxam and the anthranilic diamide chlorantraniliprole was tested against adult black vine weevils, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on Astilbe, Euonymus, Heuchera, Rhododendron, Sedum, and Taxus. Insecticide treatments were applied to the soilless substrate of containerized plants. Bioassays were conducted 12 or 13, 26, and 42 d after treatment (DAT) and ran for 7 d; and feeding, mortality, and weight gain or loss by weevils were evaluated. Foliage was removed from test plants and then placed in arenas with adult black vine weevils. The neonicotinoids reduced feeding and weight gain by adult black vine weevils on most plant species with residual activity 42 DAT on some plant species. At 12 DAT, mortality was caused by the three neonicotinoids on Astilbe and by thiamethoxam on Sedum; and at 26 DAT dinotefuran caused mortality on Astilbe. Chlorantraniliprole reduced feeding on Taxus at 12 DAT, with no activity detected in other bioassays. Another set of bioassays was conducted to examine survival and fecundity of adult black vine weevils during prolonged feeding on Heuchera and Taxus systemically treated with dinotefuran or thiamethoxam. Bioassay procedures were similar to those described above, except they ran continuously for 56 d. Prolonged feeding on dinotefuran and thiamethoxam treated Heuchera and Taxus resulted in high mortality of adult black vine weevils and reduced fecundity. These studies show that the systemic activity of neonicotinoids is influenced by plant species and that systemic neonicotinoids have the potential to suppress black vine weevil populations in containerized nursery crops.  相似文献   

In the continental tropics, herbaceous vines and lianas are roughly equal in abundance, and the former are even more abundant in the temperate region. However, only little attention has been paid to the study of biological and ecological characteristics of herbaceous vines. In particular, research about effects of herbaceous vines acting as a biological control on plant communities has not been carried out in depth. Herbaceous vines are widely distributed and abundant also in humid subtropical areas, especially in the early stages of forest community succession, but their ecology is little known. The aim of our study is to understand the effect of local herbaceous vines on community characteristics in pioneer succession stages. The hypothesis was tested that herbaceous vines would have predominantly negative effects on co-occurring species, thereby reducing their diversity. Based on a quadrate method, a detailed survey of shrub and herb communities covered by herbaceous vines was conducted in the Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve of Chongqing, SW China. The sample plots were selected based on the numbers and coverage of vines, distinguishing among high vine coverage plots, middle vine coverage plots and low vine coverage plots. All species in the plots with different herbaceous vine coverage were identified and measured. The measurements for each species included number, average height and coverage. Because of abundant tree seedlings in the habitat of forest edge plots, we only recorded the number of tree seedlings in those plots to evaluate the overall effects of vines on tree seedling regeneration. After the field investigation, herbaceous vines and other species in the plots were harvested respectively, then oven dried and weighed. The results showed that herbaceous vines had high productivity and produced a lot of branches, which caused above-ground competition and mechanical stress to other species. Herbaceous vines seriously affected species composition and species importance values of self-supporting species. In all three habitats, the number of species and families in low coverage samples was larger than that in high coverage samples, and furthermore the identities of species were different between them. Species richness significantly decreased with increasing herbaceous vine coverage, illustrating that some species disappeared. Herbaceous vines reduced species diversity of communities, and as a result, community complexity was decreased, which might also decrease community stability. Biomass of communities of self-supporting species significantly decreased with increasing herbaceous vine coverage, which suggested that herbaceous vines significantly decreased community productivity. The number of seedlings also significantly decreased with increasing herbaceous vine coverage, and seedlings were mainly distributed in lower coverage samples. Herbaceous vines reduced the light exposure in the understory, which may be the mechanistic explanation for the negative influence of vines on the performance of tree seedlings. It was concluded that herbaceous vines affected seedling quantitative dynamics and distribution, and inhibited the natural succession from shrub and herb communities to tree communities. Thus herbaceous vines not only had significant influences on community characteristics in pioneer succession stages, but also on subsequent succession stages.  相似文献   

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