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RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase in the retinoid visual cycle essential for recycling of 11-cis retinal, the chromophore for visual pigments in both rod and cone photoreceptors. Mutations in the RPE65 gene are associated with inherited retinal dystrophies with unknown mechanisms. Here we show that two point mutations of RPE65, R91W and Y368H, identified in patients with retinal dystrophies both abolished the isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65 after a subretinal injection into the Rpe65-/- mice and in the in vitro isomerohydrolase activity assay, independent of their protein levels. Further, the R91W and Y368H mutants showed significantly decreased protein levels but unchanged mRNA levels when compared with the wild-type RPE65 (wtRPE65). Protein stability analysis showed that wtRPE65 is a fairly stable protein, with an apparent half-life longer than 10 h, when expressed in 293A cells. Under the same conditions, mutants R91W and Y368H both showed substantially decreased protein stabilities, with half-lives less than 2 and 6 h, respectively. Subcellular fractionation and Western blot analysis demonstrated that wtRPE65 predominantly exists in the membrane fraction, while both of the mutants are primarily distributed in the cytosolic fraction, suggesting that these mutations disrupt the membrane association of RPE65. However, palmitoylation assay showed that wtRPE65 and both of the mutants were palmitoylated. These results suggest that these mutations may result in critical structural alterations of RPE65 protein, disrupt its membrane association, and consequently impair its isomerohydrolase activity, leading to retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

The isomerization of all-trans-retinyl ester to 11-cis-retinol in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a critical step in the visual cycle and is essential for normal vision. Recently, we have established that protein RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase catalyzing this reaction. The present study investigated if metal ions are required for the isomerohydrolase activity of RPE65. The conversion of all-trans-[3H]retinol to 11-cis-[3H]retinol was used as the measure for isomerohydrolase activity. Metal chelators 2,2'-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline both showed dose-dependent inhibitions of the isomerohydrolase activity in bovine RPE microsomes, with IC50 values of 0.5 and 0.2 mm, respectively. In the same reaction systems, however, lecithin-retinol acyltransferase (LRAT) activity was not affected by these metal chelators. The isomerohydrolase activity inhibited by the metal chelators was restored by FeSO4 but not by CuSO4, ZnCl2, or MgCl2. Moreover, addition of Fe(III) citrate or FeCl3 did not restore the activity, indicating that Fe2+ is the metal ion essential for the isomerohydrolase activity. To confirm this result in recombinant RPE65, we expressed RPE65 in a 293A cell line stably expressing LRAT. In vitro activity assay showed that both metal chelators inhibited isomerohydrolase activity of recombinant RPE65. The addition of FeSO4 restored the enzymatic activity of the recombinant RPE65. Further, two specific iron-staining methods showed that purified RPE65 contains endogenous iron. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurements showed that bovine RPE65 binds iron ion with a stoichiometry of 0.8 +/- 0.1. These results indicate that RPE65 is an iron-dependent isomerohydrolase in the visual cycle.  相似文献   

RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase essential for regeneration of 11-cis retinal, the chromophore of visual pigments. Here we compared the impacts of two mutations in RPE65, E417Q identified in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), and E417D on isomerohydrolase activity. Although both mutations decreased the stability of RPE65 and altered its sub-cellular localization, E417Q abolished isomerohydrolase activity whereas the E417D mutant retained partial enzymatic activity suggesting that the negative charge of E417 is important for RPE65 catalytic activity. Loss of charge at this position may represent a mechanism by which the E417Q mutation causes blindness in LCA patients.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Moiseyev G  Takahashi Y  Ma JX 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4200-4204
RPE65, a membrane-associated protein in the retinal pigment epithelium, is the isomerohydrolase essential for regenerating 11-cis retinal, the chromophore for visual pigments. RPE65 mutations are associated with inherited retinal dystrophies. Here we report that single point mutations of RPE65, Y144D and P363T, identified in patients with Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA), significantly decreased the stability of RPE65. Moreover, these mutations altered subcellular localization of RPE65 and abolished its isomerohydrolase activity. These observations suggest that the decreased protein stability and altered subcellular localization of RPE65 may represent a mechanism for these mutations to lead to vision loss in LCA patients.  相似文献   



The worldwide outbreak of influenza A (H5N1) viruses among poultry species and humans highlighted the need to develop efficacious and safe vaccines based on efficient and scaleable production.  相似文献   

The RPE65 gene encodes a 65-kDa microsomal protein expressed exclusively in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Mutations in the human RPE65 gene have recently been identified in patients with autosomal recessive, severe, childhood-onset retinal dystrophy. Here we report the characterization of a 2.4-kb canine Rpe65 cDNA. The longest open reading frame predicts a 533-amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of about 61 kDa prior to protein modification. Sequence comparison shows that RPE65 is highly conserved throughout mammalian evolution. We have identified a homozygous 4-bp deletion (485delAAGA) in putative exon 5 of the canine Rpe65 gene in affected animals of a highly inbred kinship of Swedish briard/briard-beagle dogs, in which an autosomal recessive, early-onset, and progressive retinal dystrophy segregates. The deletion results in a frameshift and leads to a premature stop codon after inclusion of 52 canine RPE65-unrelated amino acids from residue 153 onward. More than two-thirds of the wildtype polypeptide chain will be missing, and the mutant protein is most likely nonfunctional (null allele). Clinical features of the canine disease are quite similar to those described in human. Therefore this form of canine retinal dystrophy provides an attractive animal model of the corresponding human disorder with immediate significance for various therapeutic approaches, including RPE transplantation.  相似文献   

We used multiplex PCR followed by sequencing to screen for mutations in the 14 exons of theRPE65 gene in early-hildhood-onset autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) and Leber’s congenital amaurosis (LCA) patients. The RPE65 protein is believed to play an important role in the metabolism of vitamin A in the visual cycle and mutations identified in the gene could have implications for vitamin A-based therapeutic intervention. We were able to identify a homozygous mutation (AAT → AAG) in exon 9 in an arRP patient and a heterozygous missense transversion (AAT → AAG) also in exon 9 of an LCA patient. We also identified a polymorphism in exon 10 (GAG → GAA) in an arRP as well as an LCA patient. Mutation screening would be greatly facilitated by multiplex PCR which could cut down costs, labour and time involved. The nucleotide changes observed in this study could bede novo. Though a larger study has been undertaken, from the preliminary results it appears that in India theRPE65 gene seems to be less involved in causation of LCA.  相似文献   

Rubus vikensis A. Pedersen ex G. Wendt (sect. Corylifolii) was recently described from a restricted area in north western Scania, Sweden. In this investigation, I show that the same species occurs also on the Onsala peninsula in northern Halland and on a single locality in the middle of Halland. It has 35 chromosomes in all parts of the distribution area. Moreover, I show by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis that R. vikensis is a distinct and well‐defined species, clearly separated from the morphologically similar R. wahlbergii, with which it shares the chromosome number.  相似文献   

The discovery that class C G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) function as obligatory dimeric entities has generated major interest in GPCR oligomerization. Oligomerization now appears to be a common feature among all GPCR classes. However, the functional significance of this process remains unclear because, in vitro, some monomeric GPCRs, such as rhodopsin and β(2)-adrenergic receptors, activate G proteins. By using wild type and mutant serotonin type 4 receptors (5-HT(4)Rs) (including a 5-HT(4)-RASSL) expressed in COS-7 cells as models of class A GPCRs, we show that activation of one protomer in a dimer was sufficient to stimulate G proteins. However, coupling efficiency was 2 times higher when both protomers were activated. Expression of combinations of 5-HT(4), in which both protomers were able to bind to agonists but only one could couple to G proteins, suggested that upon agonist occupancy, protomers did not independently couple to G proteins but rather that only one G protein was activated. Coupling of a single heterotrimeric G(s) protein to a receptor dimer was further confirmed in vitro, using the purified recombinant WT RASSL 5-HT(4)R obligatory heterodimer. These results, together with previous findings, demonstrate that, differently from class C GPCR dimers, class A GPCR dimers have pleiotropic activation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Myrmecochores are plant species that bear seeds with food-bodies adapting them for dispersal by ants. Within Australia and South Africa, myrmecochores account for a large percentage of the flora in sclerophyll vegetation on very infertile soils. On fertile soils, there are few myrmecochores and more species with fleshy fruits adapted for dispersal by vertebrates. This effect of very infertile soils may also account for the high incidence of myrmecochores in the floras of Australia and South Africa compared with other continents. The taxonomic distribution of myrmecochory shows it has evolved many times within the Australian flora. Evidence has been collected in relation to eight hypotheses that might account for the prevalence of myrmecochory on very infertile soils: (1) Myrmecochore seeds do not appear to be relocated to nutrient-enriched microsites. Seed-removing ant species relocate their nest entrances frequently; active ant nests are not nutrient-enriched; and seedlings emerging after fire are not located in nutrient-enriched soil. (2) Traffic of seed-removing ants is not greater on infertile than on fertile soils. (3) Burial to avoid predation by small mammals is not a significant factor for seeds in Australian vegetation. (4) Experiments in which diaspore traits are manipulated support the idea that a larger food body increases the likelihood that a diaspore will be taken by a seed-disperser ant species that will not eat the embryo, rather than by a seed-predator ant. However, evidence so far does not support the hypothesis that, on very infertile soils, seed-disperser ants are consistently more available than seed-predator ants. (5) Removal rates of fruits adapted for dispersal by vertebrates were, on average, two and a half times greater in vegetation on fertile soils. Birds were the main removers. Our current opinion is that the fruit-removing bird assemblage is more likely to be a consequence of the high incidence of species with vertebrate-adapted fruits, rather than the reverse. (6) Fleshy fruits are more expensive in potassium than food bodies for ants, but not in nitrogen or phosphorus. This might be a reason why fleshy fruits are uneconomic on very infertile soils. (7) Species with smaller embryo-plus-endosperm weight are relatively more likely to be adapted for dispersal by ants rather than vertebrates. However, differences in the frequency distribution of embryo-plus-endosperm weights between infertile and fertile soils are moderate in the Sydney area. An indirect association between soil fertility and dispersal mode via embryo-plus-endosperm weight cannot account for much of the difference in dispersal spectrum. (8) Species growing to less than 2 m tall are relatively more likely to be adapted for dispersal by ants rather than vertebrates, and also account for more of the flora on infertile than on fertile soils. This indirect correlation is capable of accounting for as much as 80% of the higher incidence of myrmecochory on infertile soils.  相似文献   

MCAK belongs to the Kinesin-13 family, whose members depolymerize microtubules rather than translocate along them. We defined the minimal functional unit of MCAK as the catalytic domain plus the class specific neck (MD-MCAK), which is consistent with previous reports. We used steady-state ATPase kinetics, microtubule depolymerization assays, and microtubule.MCAK cosedimentation assays to compare the activity of full-length MCAK, which is a dimer, with MD-MCAK, which is a monomer. Full-length MCAK exhibits higher ATPase activity, more efficient microtubule end binding, and reduced affinity for the tubulin heterodimer. Our studies suggest that MCAK dimerization is important for its catalytic cycle by promoting MCAK binding to microtubule ends, enhancing the ability of MCAK to recycle for multiple rounds of microtubule depolymerization, and preventing MCAK from being sequestered by tubulin heterodimers.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Plants can absorb Sulfur (S) either through roots as sulfate or via leaves in a gas form such as SO2 or H2S. This study aims to examine whether the most efficient competitors for...  相似文献   

The rough endoplasmic reticulum-resident FK-506-binding protein FKBP65 can be isolated from chick embryos on a gelatin-Sepharose column, indicating some involvement in the biosynthesis of procollagens. The peptidylprolyl cis-trans-isomerase activity of FKBP65 was previously shown to have only marginal effects on the rate of triple helix formation (Zeng, B., MacDonald, J. R., Bann, J. G., Beck, K., Gambee, J. E., Boswell, B. A., and B?chinger, H. P. (1998) Biochem. J. 330, 109-114). Here we show that FKBP65 is a monomer in solution and acts as a chaperone molecule when tested with two classic chaperone assays: FKBP65 inhibits the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase and is active in the denatured rhodanese refolding and aggregation assay. The chaperone activity is comparable to that of protein-disulfide isomerase, a well characterized chaperone. FKBP65 delays the in vitro fibril formation of type I collagen, indicating that FKBP65 is also able to interact with triple helical collagen, and acts as a collagen chaperone.  相似文献   

Aim Accumulating evidence indicates that species may be pre‐adapted for invasion success in new ranges. In the light of increasing global nutrient accumulation, an important candidate pre‐adaptation for invasiveness is the ability to grow in nutrient‐rich habitats. Therefore we tested whether globally invasive species originating from Central Europe have come from more productive rather than less productive habitats. A further important candidate pre‐adaptation for invasiveness is large niche width. Therefore, we also tested whether species able to grow across habitats with a wider range of productivity are more invasive. Location Global with respect to invasiveness, and Central European with respect to origin of study species. Methods We examined whether average habitat productivity and its width across habitats are significant predictors of the success of Central European species as aliens and as weeds elsewhere in the world based on data in the Global Compendium of Weeds. The two habitat productivity measures were derived from nutrient indicator values (after Ellenberg) of accompanying species present in vegetation records of the comprehensive Czech National Phytosociological Database. In the analyses, we accounted for phylogenetic relatedness among species and for size of the native distribution ranges. Results Species from more productive habitats and with a wider native habitat‐productivity niche in Central Europe have higher alien success elsewhere in the world. Weediness of species increased with mean habitat productivity. Niche width was also an important determinant of weediness for species with their main occurrence in nutrient‐poor habitats, but not for those from nutrient‐rich habitats. Main conclusions Our results indicate that Central European plant species from productive habitats and those species from nutrient‐poor habitat with wide productivity‐niche are pre‐adapted to become invasive. These results suggest that the world‐wide invasion success of many Central European species is likely to have been promoted by the global increase of resource‐rich habitats.  相似文献   

R. S. Pickard 《BioControl》1975,20(2):143-151
A nest ofEctemnius cavifrons Thomson is examined, and its provisions analysed. A sample of the adult syrphid population flying during the provisioning period is also examined. The relative abundance of syrphid species found in the wasps' provisions is compared with that in the surrounding habitat.
Résumé La diversité spécifique des syrphides de 6 subdivisions de l'habitat avoisinant le nid étudié a été comparée à celle trouvée dans ce nid, afin de caractériser la variabilité de la population dans l'ensemble de l'habitat. Les facteurs intervenant dans la sélection des proies sont discutés brièvement. Les provisions des guêpes sont constituées entièrement deSyrphidae parmi lesquels trois espèces sont significativement plus abondantes que les autres:Syrphus balteatus DeGeer,S. ribesii L. etS. vitripennis Meigen: elles représentent au minimum 45% (n=269) des mouches récoltées. Quatre espèces sont significativement plus abondantes dans l'habitat que les autres:Melanostoma mellinum L.,S. balteatus, S. ribesii etS. vitripennis: elles constituent 69% de l'échantillonnage (N=2205). Il y avait au moins 44 espèces deSyrphidae dans l'habitat, mais seules 15 d'entre elles ont été identifiées dans les provisions des guêpes. Deux espèces,Syrphus lunulatus Meigen etLeucozona lucorum L. sont ajoutées à la liste de proies donnée parHam & Richards (1926).

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