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The immediate bactericidal effect of lactic acid on meat-borne pathogens   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
P. VAN NETTEN, J.H.J. HUIS IN'T VELD AND D.A.A. MOSSEL. 1994. The kinetics of the bactericidal effect of lactic acid decontamination (LAD) on meat-borne pathogens ( Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and Listeria monocytogenes ) was studied in an in-vitro model. The bactericidal effect was greatest on organisms in the lactic acid film that replaced the natural fluid on the meat surface during LAD. A stepwise increase in pH from 2.6 to 3.5 and 4.0 progressively reduced the bactericidal effect of decontamination. For treatment with 2% lactic acid for 30–90 s at 21C, the immediate death of Salmonella spp. decreased from about 0.5–2 log10 cfu at pH 2.6 to an insignificant level at pH 4.0. The immediate death for Camp. jejuni decreased from 2.6 to >5.3 at pH 2.6 to 0.3–1.0 at pH 4.0. The decrease in bactericidal effect with increasing pH could, however, be countered by an increase in the temperature from 21C to 37C. It is suggested that 2% LAD at 37C for 30–90 s is suitable for elimination of salmonellas on meat but not for L. monocytogenes. Decontamination with 1% lactic acid at pH 3.0 and 21C for at least 30 s was effective for Camp. jejuni. Mesophilic Enterobacteriaceae were reliable indicators of the LAD-induced bactericidal effect on Salmonella spp. and Camp. jejuni.  相似文献   

Summary The batch fermentation of whey permeate to lactic acid was improved markedly by the addition of enzymehydrolyzed whey protein. Acid concentrations greater than 90 g/l were achieved at a productivity of 4.3 g/l per h and a 98% substrate use. Cell mass concentration reached 6 g/l. The acid productivity achieved is somewhat higher than that typical for fermentation of whole whey. The process economics, based on in-house hydrolyzate preparation, look promising. Presented in this paper are the experimental results showing the effects of hydrolyzate concentration on acid and cell mass production.  相似文献   

The assessment of yellow fever vaccine thermostability both in lyophilized form and after reconstitution were analyzed. Two commercial yellow fever vaccines were assayed for their thermal stability. Vaccines were exposed to test temperatures in the range of 8 degrees C to 45 degrees C. Residual infectivity was measured by a plaque assay using Vero cells. The titre values were used in an accelerated degradation test that follows the Arrhenius equation and the minimum immunizing dose was assumed to be 10(3) particles forming unit (pfu)/dose. Some of the most relevant results include that (i) regular culture medium show the same degradation pattern of a reconstituted 17D-204 vaccine; (ii) reconstituted YF-17D-204 showed a predictable half life of more than six days if kept at 0 degrees C; (iii) there are differences in thermostability between different products that are probably due to both presence of stabilizers in the preparation and the modernization in the vaccine production; (iv) it is important to establish a proper correlation between the mouse infectivity test and the plaque assay since the last appears to be more simple, economical, and practical for small laboratories to assess the potency of the vaccine, and (v) the accelerated degradation test appears to be the best procedure to quantify the thermostability of biological products.  相似文献   

Yellow fever (YF) is still a major public heath problem, particularly in Africa, despite the availability of a very efficacious vaccine. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 200,000 cases of YF annually, including 30,000 deaths, of which over 90% occur in Africa. In the past 15 years, the number of YF cases has increased tremendously, with most of the YF activity in West Africa. This increase in YF activity is in part due to a breakdown in YF vaccination and mosquito control programs. Five genotypes of YF virus have been found in Africa, and each genotype circulates in a distinct geographical region. West Africa genotype I, found in Nigeria and surrounding areas, is associated with frequent epidemics, whereas the three genotypes in East and Central Africa are in regions where YF outbreaks are rare. Other factors, including genetic and behavioral variation among vector species, are also thought to play a role in the epidemiology of YF in Africa.  相似文献   

Aquatic and water-associated insects need to locate suitable bodies of water to lay their eggs in and allow their aquatic larvae to develop. More than 300 species are known to solve this task by positive polarotaxis, relying primarily on the horizontally polarized light reflected from the water surface. The yellow fever mosquito Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti has been thought to be an exception, locating its breeding habitats by chemical cues like odour of conspecifics, their eggs, or water vapour. We now demonstrate through dual-choice experiments that horizontally polarized light can also attract ovipositing Ae. aegypti females when the latter are deprived of chemical cues: water-filled transparent egg-trays illuminated by horizontally polarized light from below gained a 94.2% higher total number of eggs than trays exposed to unpolarized light, but only when no chemical substances capable of functioning as cues were present. Ae. aegypti is the first known water-associated insect in which polarotaxis exists, but does not play a dominant role in locating water bodies and can be constrained in the presence of chemical cues.  相似文献   

番石榴实蝇寄主选择性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张智英  赵波  张亮  梁华娟 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):359-363
番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta(Bezzi)是一种为害多种水果的害虫,近年来在云南的元江暴发成灾。本试验选择番石榴实蝇的常见寄主:梨、芒果、苹果、桃、橙及芒果的不同品种进行室内试验,比较番石榴实蝇雌虫产卵对寄主的选择性及不同寄主对番石榴实蝇生长发育的影响。结果显示,番石榴实蝇雌虫对5种供试水果的寄生选择性大小依次为桃>梨>芒果>橙>苹果;番石榴实蝇对芒果不同品种的寄生选择性为三年芒>台农行1号>虎豹牙>胭脂芒>鹰嘴芒;番石榴实蝇在不同寄主上的蛀果期(卵及幼虫的历期)具有极显著的差异,以寄生桃和芒果的最短;从梨和苹果上饲养出的蛹最轻,且极显著低于其它寄主上饲养出来的蛹重;苹果上寄生的番石榴实蝇蛹重与蛀果期呈显著的正相关,而寄生梨的番石榴实蝇蛹重与蛀果期呈极显著的负相关。结果表明,番石榴实蝇雌虫产卵对不同寄主或同一寄主不同品种有明显的选择性,且该选择行为与其后代的生长发育有关。  相似文献   

Inactivation of yellow fever virus by glutaraldehyde.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Immunization of monkeys with yellow fever virus-specified nonstructural protein NS1 resulted in protection against fatal hepatitis as well as marked reduction in the magnitude of viremia after subcutaneous challenge with yellow fever virus. The results may be relevant to the design of possible subunit or recombinant flavivirus vaccines.  相似文献   

Field observations suggest that, in the U.K., cattle are the preferred host of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), followed by horses. Differences were observed in the numbers of flies feeding on individual animals both in the field and under controlled conditions. Analysis of the behaviour of four Friesian calves under attack from S. calcitrans in controlled conditions revealed that the differences in the levels of attack between individual hosts are dependent on the reactions of the host when under attack. Those hosts which respond vigorously by tail flicks, foot stamps and head-swings suffer less from attack by S. calcitrans than their more placid contemporaries.  相似文献   

Standard and stabilized yellow fever (YF) vaccines were compared on the basis of the serological responses of human volunteers to varying doses of vaccine measured as pfu or LD50. The addition of stabilizer substances to bulk vaccine did not affect the immunogenicity and stabilized vaccine gave a consistently good performance. The vaccine fulfilled WHO recommendations in inducing 100% serological conversion in volunteers given about 200 pfu or 600 LD50.  相似文献   

Hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives occur naturally in grape juice and wine. To assess their potential as natural preservatives the effect of caffeic, coumaric and ferulic acids on the growth of three wine-spoilage strains of Lactobacillus collinoides and one of Lact. brevis was studied in acid tomato broth containing 5% ethanol at pH 4.8. At concentrations of 500 and 1000 mg l-1, all three compounds markedly inhibited growth; coumaric and ferulic acids were more effective than caffeic acid. At a concentration of 100 mg l-1, all compounds stimulated growth. In general, the strains of Lact. collinoides were more susceptible both to inhibition and stimulation by the hydroxycinnamic acids than was the strain of Lact. brevis. The possible influence of hydroxycinnamic acids on the malolactic fermentation of wine is discussed.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the stability of diluted yellow fever vaccine in order to determine conditions that maintain the minimum of 3 log10 of 17D virus per human dose as required by WHO. The vaccines were held at 0 degrees C or at 37 degrees C and were diluted either with distilled water, with 0.15 M saline or with 0.15 M PBS at pH 5.5, 7.2 and 8.0. In a next step, stabilizer substances such as gelatin and peptone were added to the vaccines. Dilution of the vaccines in distilled water maintained the virus titre for up to three hours at 37 degrees C and this diluent has been adopted for routine use in Brazil.  相似文献   

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