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The human chromosome 5q31-q33 region contains an interesting cluster of growth factor and receptor genes. In addition, several genetic disease loci have been localized within this region, but have not as yet been isolated as molecular clones. These include those loci involved in autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, diastrophic dysplasia. Treacher Collins syndrome, and myeloid disorders associated with the 5q- syndrome. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig of this region would assist in the further localization and isolation of these genes. We have used YACs isolated from the Washington University and Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain YAC libraries, including YACs from the large insert (mega) YAC library to build a contig greater than 3 Mb in size. An STS content strategy coupled with limited walking from YAC ends was used to isolate 22 overlapping YACs with as much as sixfold coverage. A total of 20 STSs, derived from genes, anonymous sequences, and vector Alu-PCR or inverse PCR products, were used to compile this contig. The order of loci, centromere-GRL-D5S207-D5S70-D5S545-D5S546-D5S547-D5S68-D5S548-D5S210-D5S549-D5S686-ADRB2-D5S559-CSF1R-D5S551-RPS14-D5S519-SPARC-telomere, was derived from the overlapping clones. This contig and clones derived from it will be useful substrates in selecting candidate cDNAs for the disease loci in this interval.  相似文献   

A putative tumor suppressor locus involved in bladder cancer has been mapped to human chromosome 9q32–q33 and designated DBC1. Our previous microsatellite-based deletion mapping study indicated that DBC1 was localized between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. We have constructed an 840-kb sequence-ready contig composed of bacteriophage P1-derived artificial chromosomes (PACs), which encompasses DBC1. Clones were initially identified by screening a PAC library with markers localized to the region by physical mapping, and subsequently PAC end probes were used to complete the contig. This contig contains a minimum tiling path of six PAC clones between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. Three expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were mapped to the DBC1 region by screening 24 ESTs mapped to the surrounding area by radiation hybrids. One represented the gene for DBCCR1, a known candidate for DBC1, and the other two were novel. This contig and preliminary expression map form the basis for the identification of the bladder cancer tumor suppressor gene in this region.  相似文献   

用Alu-PCR指纹图谱法分析了人Xp21.1-p21.3上一系列的酵母人工染色体(yeastartificialchromosome,YAC)克隆,发现其中的两个YAC克隆构成包含DXS166位点的重叠群,而且这一重叠群与以前构建的包含DMD基因全序列的YAC重叠群相连接,YAC克隆末端探针交叉杂交证实了这一重叠,使这一YAC重叠群至少延伸至DXS166位点,形成一个跨度为3.5Mb的YAC重叠群。基于这些重叠的YAC克隆绘制了这一区域的大尺度限制酶切图谱,并在这一图谱上定位了DXS166位点,从而确定了DXS166位点与DMD基因的物理关系。这一工作为DMD基因的5'远端调控作用研究及该区域未知基因的克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Despite the presence of several human disease genes on chromosome11q13, few of them have been molecularly cloned. Here, we reportthe construction of a contig map encompassing 11q13.1–q13.3using bacteriophage P1 (P1), bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC), and P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC). The contigmap comprises 32 P1 clones, 27 BAC clones, 6 PAC clones, and1 YAC clone and spans a 3-Mb region from D11S480 to D11S913.The map encompasses all the candidate loci of Bardet-Biedlesyndrome type I (BBS1) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 (SCA5),one-third of the distal region for hereditary paraganglioma2 (PGL2), and one-third of the central region for insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus 4 (IDDM4). In the process of map construction,61 new sequence-tagged site (STS) markers were developed fromthe Not I linking clones and the termini of clone inserts. Wehave also mapped 30 ESTs on this map. This contig map will facilitatethe isolation of polymorphic markers for a more re.ned analysisof the disease gene region and identi.cation of candidate genesby direct cDNA selection, as well as prediction of gene functionfrom sequence information of these bacterial clones.  相似文献   

Pleomorphic adenomas are benign epithelial tumors originating from the major and minor salivary glands. Extensive cytogenetic studies have demonstrated that they frequently show chromosome abnormalities involving chromosome 8, with consistent breakpoints at 8q12. In previous studies, we have shown that these breakpoints are located in a 9-cM interval betweenMOS/D8S285 and D8S260. Here, we describe directional chromosome walking studies starting from D8S260 as well as D8S285. Using the CEPH and ICRF YAC libraries, these studies resulted in the construction of two nonoverlapping YAC contigs of about 2 and 5 Mb, respectively. Initial fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH) analysis suggested that the majority of 8q12 breakpoints clustered within the 2-Mb contig, which was mapped to the centromeric part of chromosome band 8q12. This contig has at least double coverage and consists of 34 overlapping YAC clones. The localization of the YACs was confirmed by FISH analysis. On the basis of mapping data of landmarks with an average spacing of 65 kb as well as restriction enzyme analysis, a long-range physical map was established for the chromosome region spanned by the 2-Mb contig. The relative positions of various known genes and expressed sequence tags within this contig were also determined. Subsequent FISH analyses of pleomorphic adenomas using YACs as well as cosmids revealed that all but two of the 8q12 breakpoints in the primary tumors tested mapped within a 300-kb interval between theMOSproto-oncogene and STS EM156. The target gene affected by the chromosome aberrations mapping within this interval was recently shown to be thePLAG1gene, which encodes a novel zinc finger protein.  相似文献   

XU, WEIZHEN, DANIELLE R REED, YUAN DING AND R ARLEN PRICE. Absence of linkage between human obesity and the mouse agouti homologous region (20q11.2) or other markers spanning chromosome 20q. Obes Res. Mutant alleles of the agouti gene cause obesity in the mouse and the homologous gene in humans has been mapped to chromosome 20q11.2. An allelic variant of the agouti gene could account for obesity in humans and we tested this hypothesis by genotyping 210 sibling pairs from 45 families segregating an obesity phenotype. Using sibling pair linear regression analysis, evidence for linkage between obesity and markers flanking the agouti locus and other markers spanning chromosome 20q was assessed. We found no correlation between identity-by-descent at these markers and obesity differences within pairs. In the mouse, obesity caused by mutations of the agouti gene develops later in life, so a subset of families with adult-onset obesity were also tested for linkage, with negative results. Although it is not possible to exclude alleles of the agouti gene as a contributor to obesity in humans, the absence of positive linkage in this study suggests that either the agouti gene has small effects or the allele frequency is low.  相似文献   

The centromeric part of chromosome segment 11p15.5 contains a region of frequent allele loss in many adult solid malignancies. This region, called LOH11A, is lost in 75% of lung cancers and is thought to contain a gene that may function as a metastasis suppressor. Genetic complementation studies have shown suppression of the malignant phenotype including reduction of metastasis formation. We constructed a high-resolution physical map and contig over 1.4 Mb that includes the β-hemoglobin gene cluster and the gene for the large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (RRM1). Through sequencing and computerized analysis, we determined that this region contains an unusually large number of transposable elements, which suggests that double-stranded DNA breaks occur frequently here. Twenty-two putative genes were identified. Because of its location at the site of maximal allele loss in the 650-kb LOH11A region and previous functional studies, RRM1 is the most likely candidate gene with metastasis suppressor function. The malignant phenotype, in this case, results from a relative loss of function rather than a complete loss.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis in familial breast and ovarian cancer and studies of allelic deletion in sporadic ovarian tumors have identified a region on chromosome 17q containing a candidate tumor-suppressor gene (referred to as BRCA1) of likely importance in ovarian carcinogenesis. We have examined normal and tumor DNA samples from 32 patients with sporadic and 8 patients with familial forms of the disease, for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 21 loci on chromosome 17 (7 on 17p and 14 on 17q). LOH on 17p was 55% (22/40) for informative 17pl3.1 and 17pl3.3 markers. When six polymorphic markers flanking the familial breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 17ql2-q21 were used, LOH was 58% (23/40), with one tumor showing telomeric retention. Evaluation of a set of markers positioned telomeric to BRCA1 resulted in the highest degree of LOH, 73% (29/40), indicating that a candidate locus involved in ovarian cancer may reside distal to BRCA1. Five of the tumors demonstrating allelic loss for 17q markers were from individuals with a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer. More important, two of these tumors (unique patient number [UPN] 57 and UPN 79) retained heterozygosity for all informative markers spanning the BRCA1 locus but showed LOH at loci distal to but not including the anonymous markers CMM86 (D17S74) and 42D6 (D17S588), respectively. Deletion mapping of seven cases (two familial and five sporadic) showing limited LOH on 17q revealed a common region of deletion, distal to GH and proximal to D17S4, that spans −25 cM. These results suggest that a potential tumor-suppressor gene involved in both sporadic and familial ovarian cancer may reside on the distal portion of chromosome 17q and is distinct from the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is the most frequent form of syndromic clefting. Linkage analysis has localized the gene between D1S245 and D1S414, an interval of 4.1 cM with the following order of loci: centromere–D1S245/D1S471–D1S491–D1S205–D1S414–telomere. A microdeletion around D1S205 aided in narrowing the critical region to D1S491–D1S414 by heterozygosity testing. In this study, the location was refined by detection of a recombinant with D1S205 in a new family, indicating that VWS lies between D1S491 and D1S205, a 1.6-cM interval. A roughly 3.5-Mb YAC contig was built from D1S245 through D1S414, encompassing the interval D1S491–D1S205 in level 1 or level 2 paths. Clones were assembled by sequence tagged site (STS) content using the five polymorphic markers from above, four novel STSs identified from YAC ends, and a new STS derived from probe CRI-L461 (D1S70). D1S70 was assigned to the critical region. One single YAC, yCEPH785B2, contains both flanking STSs (D1S491, D1S205). STS content mapping suggests neither chimerism nor deletion of yCEPH785B2 but does suggest that the maximum size of the critical region is approximately 850 kb. All STSs were tested for their presence on a somatic cell hybrid containing the microdeleted chromosome 1 as the sole human chromosome 1 component. Both the proximal and distal ends of the microdeletion mapped to the 850-kb YAC, yCEPH785B2. Therefore, the microdeletion overlapped the critical region, confirming the genetic recombinant data.  相似文献   

Genetic Mapping of the BRCA1 Region on Chromosome 17q21   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Chromosome 17q21 harbors a gene (BRCA1) associated with a hereditary form of breast cancer. As a step toward identification of this gene itself we developed a number of simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) markers for chromosome 17 and constructed a high-resolution genetic map of a 40-cM region around 17q21. As part of this effort we captured genotypes from five of the markers by using an ABI sequencing instrument and stored them in a locally developed database, as a step toward automated genotyping. In addition, YACs that physically link some of the SSR markers were identified. The results provided by this study should facilitate physical mapping of the BRCA1 region and isolation of the BRCA1 gene.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia types 2A and 2B (MEN 2A and MEN 2B) and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) are dominantly inherited cancers that have in common the clinical feature of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). We have performed both genomic long-range restriction mapping and yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig assembly and restriction mapping to establish physical linkage, order, and distances between six loci in 10q11.2 near the genes responsible for these hereditary cancers. RET, D10S94, D10S182, and D10S102 have been mapped in genomic DNA. RET, D10S94, D10S182, D10F3853, and the 10q11.2 sequences detected by DNA marker DM124 are encompassed by a 1-Mb YAC contig. Six physically linked loci are within 1.4 Mb and have an order and orientation of 10cen, D10F38S3, DM124, RET, D10S94, D10S182, D10S102, 10qter. Mutations in the RET proto-oncogene have recently been demonstrated to be associated with MEN 2A and FMTC. RET is located within a genetically defined MEN2A candidate interval between D10S141 and D10S94; MEN2B has been mapped to a larger, overlapping region between D10S141 and a more distal locus, RBP3. Both our genomic physical map and our YAC contig span the entire MEN2A candidate region and overlap with that of MEN2B . These maps will facilitate the identification of genes that can be considered candidates for MEN2B and the identification of tumor-specific alterations important in sporadic MTC.  相似文献   

A hitherto undescribed inv(2) (p2300q11.2) was found in 2 generations of a family ascertained through a holoprosencephalic liveborn boy with normal karyotype. This inversion, quite probably not related to the child malformations, does not seem neither impair reproductive fitness nor to yield viable recombination aneusomies.  相似文献   

The mouse doublefoot (Dbf) mutant exhibits preaxial polydactyly in association with craniofacial defects. This mutation has previously been mapped to mouse chromosome 1. We have used a positional cloning strategy, coupled with a comparative sequencing approach using available human draft sequence, to identify putative candidates for the Dbf gene in the mouse and in homologous human region. We have constructed a high-resolution genetic map of the region, localizing the mutation to a 0. 4-cM (±0.0061) interval on mouse chromosome 1. Furthermore, we have constructed contiguous BAC/PAC clone maps across the mouse and human Dbf region. Using existing markers and additional sequence tagged sites, which we have generated, we have anchored the physical map to the genetic map. Through the comparative sequencing of these clones we have identified 35 genes within this interval, indicating that the region is gene-rich. From this we have identified several genes that are known to be differentially expressed in the developing mid-gestation mouse embryo, some in the developing embryonic limb buds. These genes include those encoding known developmental signaling molecules such as WNT proteins and IHH, and we provide evidence that these genes are candidates for the Dbf mutation.  相似文献   

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