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The ultrastructure of primary spines (microscopic relief of the surface of radial wedges on the spines and cross-sections of the spines) was studied by scanning electron microscopy in seven sea urchin species of the family Strongylocentrotidae. The spines were taken from the ambitus area of equally sizes individuals with a test diameter of 50 ± 5 mm. According to the number of wedges on their spines, the studied species can be divided into three groups: Strongylocentrotus intermedius, S. pallidus (18–25 wedges), S. droebachiensis, S. polyacanthus, Allocentrotus fragilis (24–32), and Mesocentrotus franciscantus, S. nudus (45–70). The species visibly differ in the microrelief of the wedges, which can be longitudinally streaked, with protuberances, with cross-dentate or non-dentate wedges, or with cross-series of denticles; in some species, the relief is absent. In S. intermedius, spines with smooth surface of the wedges, longitudinally streaked, with sparse protuberances, and with numerous cross-series of denticles only distally, only proximally, or over the entire length of the spine have been found. Wedge surface is convex or flattened in cross-sections; wedge shape in cross-section is rectangular (S. droebachiensis, S. intermedius, S. polyacanthus), triangular (S. pallidus), trapezoid (S. fragilis), or ansiform (M. franciscanus, M. nudus). Species of the genus Mesocentrotus are readily distinguished from the other species by the stereome of their spines: wider than the height of the wedges and more homogeneous, without regular concentric circles. Data on the ultrastructure of primary spines confirm the generic status of Mesocentrotus Tatarenko et Poltaraus, 1993 and do not support the recognition of Allocentrotus Mortensen, 1942 as a distinct genus.  相似文献   

Neural patterning genes that are expressed along the anterior-posterior axis of deuterostomes are expressed late in larval development in echinoderms and are thought to function in establishing the highly-derived, adult body plan. We have used genomic resources to clone an engrailed gene (SpEn) from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and with this we have developed an antibody specific for SpEn. SpEn is expressed late in embryogenesis in the developing larval nervous system. At the prism stage, a small number of neuroblasts in the oral ectoderm on the edge of the larval mouth begin expressing SpEn. The cells are in bilaterally symmetric positions. The expression of SpEn precedes the expression of the neural markers, synaptotagmin and serotonin in the SpEn immunoreactive cells. The SpEn cells are located on the margin of the domain of cells expressing SpNK2.1, but they do not have nuclear SpNK2.1. Expression of engrailed in a pair of bilateral neural structures in early development appears to be a shared feature of bilaterians.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activity of polyhydroxynaphthoquinones from sea urchins was studied. 6-Ethyl-2,3,5,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (equinochrome A) containing the beta-ethyl functional group was found to be the most active substance. Methylation of beta-hydroxyls markedly increased the inhibitory effect of the derivatives as compared to that of the initial quinones.  相似文献   

Desnitskiĭ AG 《Ontogenez》2005,36(3):182-189
The data published during recent 15-20 years on comparative, experimental and molecular embryology of unusually developing sea urchins have been reviewed. These animals are characterized by large lipidrich eggs, highly modified embryogenesis, and the absence of a planktotrophic larva. Such a type of development is evolutionary advanced and arose independently in various phylogenetic lineages of the sea urchins.  相似文献   

The role of heterochrony is evident in ontogeny and phylogeny of irregular (exocyclic) sea urchins. After metamorphosis, a juvenile passes the stage of regular (endocyclic) sea urchin, in which the periproct is surrounded by plates of the apical system. A shift of the periproct in the area of the fifth interambulacrum occurs in extant taxa at early stages of postlarval development and is accompanied by the reduction of genital plate 5. In some ancient (Jurassic) adult irregular sea urchins, the endocyclic state of the apical system is retained for a long time and the derivative of the fifth genital plate is sometimes observed even in Early Cretaceous species. Considerable transformations in the structure of the lower test surface in members of the order Spatangoida are manifested in changes in the relative positions of plastron plates and ambulacral areas I and V, separation of sternal plates from the labrum, etc. The mechanism of these changes is connected with translocation or “sliding” of sutures of particular plates as a result of nonuniform growth and partial resorption. The study of evolutionary lineages of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sea urchins has shown that the evolution was connected with the directional changes in some morphological characters at late ontogenetic stages. The process was accompanied by either extension, peramorphosis (lineages of the genera Micraster, Infulaster–Hagenowia in the European Province), or the loss of these stages, paedomorphosis (Hemiaster (Bolbaster) lineage, Late Eocene–Middle Miocene of Australia). The phenomena of heterochrony and heterotopy in the development of peripetal, marginal, and lateroanal fascioles in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene families Hemiasteridae, Schizasteridae, and Paleopneustidae are described. The heterotopy is also illustrated by the example of the development of additional genital pores on ocular plates II and IV of the Middle Jurassic species Pygomalus analis (Disasteroida); its apical system has five pores instead of four. In the Late Cretaceous species Guettaria roccardi (Holasteroida), ocular plates II and IV have two pores each; in the apical system, there are eight genital pores instead of four. In some members of the order Holectypoida, the place of lost genital plate 5 is occupied by a new plate sometimes pierced by a pore, but judging from crystallographic data, it is not homologous to other genital plates. The order Clypeasteroida is characterized by the development of very small pores in both ambulacral and interambulacral fields; they provide passage for numerous accessory tube feet.  相似文献   

The variability of sperm histones was compared in two species of sea urchin. Whole sperm specific histones (SpH), were isolated from Tetrapygus niger (Arbacoida) and Parechinus angulosus (Echinoida). Individual histones were purified by chromatography on BioGel P-60 followed by reverse high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The heterogeneity of each major histone type from T. niger was established from their HPLC elution patterns and further confirmed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing 6 mM Triton X-100 combined with a transverse urea gradient (0--8 M). In T. niger, as well as in P. angulosus, a single form of SpH1 and SpH2A were found. In contrast, SpH2B was found to be heterogeneous, but represented by one major form in both species. The relatedness between both sets of histones was determined by establishing their immunological cross-reactivity. In this context, polyclonal antibodies elicited against T. niger sperm histones were assayed against individual histones from P. angulosus. From the results obtained, it emerged that histone SpH2A was the more closely related protein between these two species, followed by histone SpH1. In contrast, histone SpH2B was found to be only moderately related. These results confirm that SpH2A did not co-evolve with SpH2B, as was predicted for most species.  相似文献   

Summary Early meiotic stages of Arbacia punctulata oocytes have revealed the presence of synaptinemal complexes in the chromosomes, which persist through zygotene-pachytene. The synaptinemal complexes conform broadly to the usual tripartite structures found in other higher forms. In addition, nuclei at these stages consist of a small nucleolus and dense bodies of varying sizes. The nucleolus is fibrillar in texture throughout and does not seem to incorporate Uridine-5-3H after pulse labeling, whereas the chromosomes are labeled. The nucleolar label is visualized at diplotene stages and onwards. The nuclear envelope differentiates by the appearance of numerous nuclear pore complexes with dense material in the annuli, and the chromosomes become markedly diffused. At vitellogenesis stage the nucleolus and chromatin become highly labeled after pulse incorporation of Uridine, indicating synthesis of ribosomal and chromosomal RNAs.This investigation was supported by grants No. A-5049, A-3624 and D-17 from National Research Council, Canada, grant No. DRB-9340-05 (U6) from Defense Research Board, Canada, and grant No. DRG-918 AT from Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research.  相似文献   

The actin gene family of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus includes a single muscle actin gene, LpM, and four cytoskeletal actin genes: LpC1, LpC2, LpC3, and LpC4. The origin and relationship of these actin genes to members of the actin gene family of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were considered. Comparison of deduced amino acid sequences suggested a close relationship between LpC1 and the CyI–CyII subfamily of S. purpuratus actin genes, and between LpC2 and the CyIII subfamily of S. purpuratus actin genes; the muscle actin genes were orthologous. It is proposed that two divergent cytoskeletal actin genes of the common ancestral sea urchin gave rise by duplication to the extant cytoskeletal actin genes of these species, some of which have changed 3 noncoding sequences while others have maintained a terminus highly conserved among sea urchin actin genes.Correspondence to: B.P. Brandhorst  相似文献   

Protein synthesis by unfertilized eggs of sea urchins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Embryos of the echinoderms, especially those of sea urchins and sea stars, have been studied as model organisms for over 100 years. The simplicity of their early development, and the ease of experimentally perturbing this development, provides an excellent platform for mechanistic studies of cell specification and morphogenesis. As a result, echinoderms have contributed significantly to our understanding of many developmental mechanisms, including those that govern the structure and design of gene regulatory networks, those that direct cell lineage specification, and those that regulate the dynamic morphogenetic events that shape the early embryo.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs are known to release H2O2 during the cortical reaction at fertilization to help prevent polyspermy by inactivating excess sperm in the vicinity. This process resembles the peroxidatic killing of bacteria by phagocytic leukocytes during inflammation. Associated with these reactions in leukocytes, arachidonic acid is released from phospholipids and can be oxidized via the cyclooxygenase pathway to produce prostaglandins. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) that are cyclooxygenase inhibitors in somatic cells were used to determine whether Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs use these processes to help prevent polyspermy. The potent cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin causes a dose (10–100 μM) and sperm density dependent induction of polyspermy if added before the egg completes the cortical reaction. It does not retard elevation of the fertilization envelope and does not promote polyspermy by protecting sperm from peroxidatic inactivation by egg-derived H2O2. Other potent cyclooxygenase inhibitors, flufenamate and meclofenamate, also induce polyspermy at 10–60 μM. Aspirin, a weak cyclooxygenase inhibitor in somatic cells, does not cause polyspermy at 5 mM. These findings provide evidence that prostaglandins or other cyclooxygenase-derived metabolites may help assure monospermic fertilization in sea urchins.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1985,108(2):431-442
Cloned DNA was injected into the cytoplasm of unfertilized sea urchin eggs which were then fertilized and cultured in the laboratory through metamorphosis. The exogenous DNA replicated manyfold and persisted for weeks in a majority of growing larvae, as shown by hydridizing “dot blots” of the DNA of single individuals with appropriate labeled probes. After metamorphosis 5–15% of the juvenile sea urchins retained the exogenous sequences. Genomic integration of the exogenous sequence was observed in the DNA of a postmetamorphosis juvenile.  相似文献   

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