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李新江  印象初 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1139-1145
本文对欧亚大陆裸蝗亚科(Conophyminae)进行了系统的分类研究, 将其分为4个族, 其中包括3个新族, 即贝氏蝗族(Bienkoini tribe nov.)、庚蝗族(Genimenini tribe nov.)和普乐氏蝗族 (Plotnikovini tribe nov.), 记述了一新属--原无翅蝗属Eozubovskya gen. nov., 并附已知4族25属的检索表。将该亚科中原有3个具翅的属(Khayyamia Kocak, 1981, Conophymacris Willemse, 1933 和Zagrosia Descamps, 1967)移出, 归入秃蝗亚科(Podisminae)。  相似文献   

Primary productivity is intimately linked with biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Much of what is known today about such relationship has been based on the manipulation of species richness. Other facets of biodiversity, such as functional diversity, have been neglected within this framework, particularly in freshwater systems. We assess the adequacy of different diversity measures, from species richness and evenness, to functional groups richness and functional diversity indices, to predict primary productivity in 19 tropical reservoirs of central Brazil, built to generate hydroelectric energy. We applied linear mixed models (and model selection based on the Akaike’s information criterion) to achieve our goal, using chlorophyll-a concentration as a surrogate for primary productivity. A total of 412 species were collected in this study. Overall we found a positive relation between productivity and diversity, with functional evenness representing the only exception. The most parsimonious models never included functional group classifications, with at least one continuous measure of functional diversity being present in many models. The best model included only species richness and explained 24.1% of variability in productivity. We therefore advise the use of species richness as an indicator of productivity in tropical freshwater environments. However, since the productivity–diversity relationship is known to be scale dependent, we recommend the use of continuous measures of functional diversity in future biodiversity and ecosystem functioning studies, in order to be certain that all functional differences between communities are being accounted for.  相似文献   

Despite considerable controversy concerning the taxonomy of species within the genus Spirometra, human sparganosis and spirometrosis mainly in Asia and Europe has long been confidently ascribed to Spirometra erinaceieuropaei. Recently, the mitochondrial genomes of purported “S. erinaceieuropaei”, “Spirometra decipiens” and “Spirometra ranarum” from Asia have been determined. However, it has been pointed out that the morphological criteria used for identifying these species are unsuitable and thus these identifications are questionable. In the present study, therefore, Spirometra samples from Asia were re-examined based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene sequences and the identification of these species was discussed. Haplotype network and phylogenetic analyses revealed that: i) two distinct Spirometra species, Type I and Type II, are present in Asia and neither of which is close to likely European “S. erinaceieuropaei”; ii) Type I is genetically diverse and widely distributed, however Type II is known so far from Japan and Korea; iii) “S. decipiens” and “S. ranarum” reported from Asia are conspecific with Type I; iv) Type I is probably conspecific with Spirometra mansoni, and Type II may represent an undescribed species.  相似文献   

Traditional diversity indices are computed from the abundances of species present and are insensitive to taxonomic differences between species. However, a community in which most species belong to the same genus is intuitively less diverse than another community with a similar number of species distributed more evenly between genera. In this paper, we propose an information-theoretical measure of taxonomic diversity that reflects both the abundances and taxonomic distinctness of the species. Unlike previous measures of taxonomic diversity, such as Rao's quadratic entropy, in this new measure the analyzed taxonomic properties are associated with the single species instead of species pairs.  相似文献   

We live in inflationary times. A quarter of a century ago, cigarettes were about $1 a pack in New York City, a bottle of Château Beaucastel set you back $15, and there were 36 different species of lemur alive in Madagascar 1 (Table 1). Today the equivalent figures are $7.40, $95, and 83 lemur species 2 (Table 1). The increase in dollar prices has a lot to do with the economics of growth, something that obviously cannot be sustained indefinitely on a finite planet. Is the recent inflation in lemur taxonomy any more secure? The question is all the more worth asking because this is no isolated phenomenon: Madagascar's primates have not been alone in multiplying. The same burgeoning of species names has occurred throughout the order Primates 3 , 4 and beyond, 5 provoking both concern and energetic debate. 6 - 9 Interestingly, this debate has largely unfolded among ecologists, conservationists, and other “consumers” of taxonomy; many “producers” seem to be content to generate new taxonomies with a remarkable lack of introspection, as if they were no more than passive consequences of more lofty concerns. And because the same causes underlie taxonomic inflation in Madagascar as elsewhere, this extraordinary island once again presents us with a microcosm of the larger world.  相似文献   

Spencer G. Lucas 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):5-38
Tetrapod footprints have a fossil record in rocks of Devonian-Neogene age. Three principal factors limit their use in biostratigraphy and biochronology (palichnostratigraphy): invalid ichnotaxa based on extramorphological variants, slow apparent evolutionary turnover rates and facies restrictions. The ichnotaxonomy of tetrapod footprints has generally been oversplit, largely due to a failure to appreciate extramorphological variation. Thus, many tetrapod footprint ichnogenera and most ichnospecies are useless phantom taxa that confound biostratigraphic correlation and biochronological subdivision. Tracks rarely allow identification of a genus or species known from the body fossil record. Indeed, almost all tetrapod footprint ichnogenera are equivalent to a family or a higher taxon (order, superorder, etc.) based on body fossils. This means that ichnogenera necessarily have much longer temporal ranges and therefore slower apparent evolutionary turnover rates than do body fossil genera. Because of this, footprints cannot provide as refined a subdivision of geological time as do body fossils. The tetrapod footprint record is much more facies controlled than the tetrapod body fossil record. The relatively narrow facies window for track preservation, and the fact that tracks are almost never transported, redeposited or reworked, limits the facies that can be correlated with any track-based biostratigraphy.

A Devonian-Neogene global biochronology based on tetrapod footprints generally resolves geologic time about 20 to 50 percent as well as does the tetrapod body fossil record. The following globally recognizable time intervals can be based on the track record: (1) Late Devonian; (2) Mississippian; (3) Early-Middle Pennsylvanian; (4) Late Pennsylvanian; (5) Early Permian; (6) Late Permian; (7) Early-Middle Triassic; (8) late Middle Triassic; (9) Late Triassic; (10) Early Jurassic; (11) Middle-Late Jurassic; (12) Early Cretaceous; (13) Late Cretaceous; (14) Paleogene; (15) Neogene. Tetrapod footprints are most valuable in establishing biostratigraphic datum points, and this is their primary value to understanding the stratigraphic (temporal) dimension of tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   

以厦门湾为研究区域,收集2014—2015年大型底栖动物的调查数据,计算了大型底栖动物的分类学多样性指数,分析了分类学多样性指数与传统生物多样性指数的相关性和依从性,并从多个角度探讨大型底栖动物的分类充分性。结果表明,厦门湾大型底栖动物分类多样性指数(Δ)介于6.04—83.71之间,平均值为68.26,站位分布不均匀;分类差异性指数(Δ~*)介于74.27—99.54之间,平均值为84.23;平均分类差异指数(Δ~+)、分类差异变异指数(Λ~+)的理论平均值分别为86.82、345.0,个别站位落在95%置信区间外,表明局部区域环境受到了一定程度扰动。Δ、Δ~*与Margalef指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数呈显著相关,而Δ~+、Λ~+与传统多样性指数间无显著相关;分类学多样性指数可作为传统生物多样性指数的补充。种级、属级和科级的同一多样性指数间呈显著线性相关,拟合度较高(多数R2﹥0.9);根据三个分类水平站位的nMDS二维排序图、2-STAGE的相似性和聚类图,种级、属级和科级的群落结构一致性强,属级较种级丢失的信息约8%、科级为20%,因此在条件有限的情况下,大型底栖动物的监测与评价可根据实际的条件和需求适当将生物鉴定放宽至属水平。  相似文献   

The publication of the world catalog of terrestrial isopods some ten years ago by Schmalfuss has facilitated research on isopod diversity patterns at a global scale. Furthermore, even though we still lack a comprehensive and robust phylogeny of Oniscidea, we do have some useful approaches to phylogenetic relationships among major clades which can offer additional insights into isopod evolutionary dynamics. Taxonomic diversity is one of many approaches to biodiversity and, despite its sensitiveness to biases in taxonomic practice, has proved useful in exploring diversification dynamics of various taxa. In the present work, we attempt an analysis of taxonomic diversity patterns among Oniscidea based on an updated world list of species containing 3,710 species belonging to 527 genera and 37 families (data till April 2014). The analysis explores species diversity at the genus and family level, as well as the relationships between species per genera, species per families, and genera per families. In addition, we consider the structure of isopod taxonomic system under the fractal perspective that has been proposed as a measure of a taxon’s diversification. Finally, we check whether there is any phylogenetic signal behind taxonomic diversity patterns. The results can be useful in a more detailed elaboration of Oniscidea systematics.  相似文献   

Occurrence-based databases such as the Palaeobiology database (PBDB) provide means of accommodating the heterogeneities of the fossil record when evaluating historical diversity patterns. Although palaeontologists have given ample attention to the effects of taxonomic practice on diversity patterns derived from synoptic databases (those using first and last appearances of taxa), workers have not examined the effects of taxonomic error on occurrence-based diversity studies. Here, we contrast diversity patterns and diversity dynamics between raw data and taxonomically vetted data in the PBDB to evaluate the effects of taxonomic errors. We examine three groups: Palaeozoic gastropods, Jurassic bivalves and Cenozoic bivalves. We contrast genus-level diversity patterns based on: (i) all occurrences assigned to a genus (i.e. both species records and records identifying only the genus), (ii) only occurrences for which a species is identified, and (iii) only occurrences for which a species is identified, but after vetting the genus to which the species is assigned.Extensive generic reassignments elevate origination and extinction rates within Palaeozoic gastropods and origination rates within Cenozoic bivalves. However, vetting increases generic richness markedly only for Cenozoic bivalves, and even then the increase is less than 10%. Moreover, the patterns of standing generic richness are highly similar under all three data treatments. Unless our results are unusual, taxonomic standardization can elevate diversity dynamics in some cases, but it will not greatly change inferred richness over time.  相似文献   

The Palaearctic flea fauna includes 921 species and 479 subspecies from 96 genera of 10 families. Of them, 858 species (94%) from 43 genera are endemic to the Palaearctic; they comprise 40% of the Palaearctic Hystrichopsyllidae, 24% of Ceratophyllidae, and 20% of Leptopsyllidae. Ranges of 581 species (63% of the Palaearctic fauna) are situated within one province or subregion of the Palaearctic. Species with ranges including a part of Asia (592) comprise 87% of the total fauna; 72% of the species (517) are endemic to the Palaearctic. The largest centers of taxonomic diversity of Palaearctic fleas are situated in the East Asian, Central Asian, and Turano-Iranian Subregions: 320 species of fleas (214 of them endemic) from 59 genera (8 endemic) are known from the East Asian Subregion; 270 species (over 120 endemic) from 54 genera (5 endemic) are distributed in the Central Asian Subregion. The Turano-Iranian fauna comprises 213 species (103 endemic) from 47 genera (3 endemic); about 160 species occur in the Turanian Subprovince closest to the Russian borders, one-third of them (52 species, or 33%) are endemic; 69 species more are endemic to the entire Asian part of the Palaearctic. Extra-Asian and extra-Siberian ranges are known in 190 flea species. In the western Palaearctic, 76 species are endemic to the European Province, and 57 species, to the Mediterranean Province; 36 species have Euro-Mediterranean distribution. The fauna of the Saharo-Arabian Subregion comprises 30 species (12 endemic), 6 species have ranges of the Mediterranean-Saharo-Arabian type. Scenarios of the origin of the Siphonaptera at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary are hypothesized. Formation of the Palaearctic flea fauna was mostly supported by the Asian-Indo-Malayan and East Asian-Western American palaeofaunal centers of taxonomic diversity. The long history of faunal exchange between the east Palaearctic and the west Nearctic is manifested by the distribution of the parasites of rodents and insectivores, fleas of the genera Stenoponia, Rhadinopsylla, Nearctopsylla, and Catallagia, belonging to several subfamilies of the Hystrichopsyllidae, as well as members of a number of other flea families. A great number of endemic species in the genera Palaeopsylla and Ctenophthalmus (Hystrichopsyllidae), both in the European and Asian parts of the Palaearctic, can be explained by the junction of the European and Asian continental platforms in the late Cretaceous and their subsequent isolation during the Paleocene. A considerable contribution to the flea fauna in the Russian territory was made by the East Asian-Nearctic center of taxonomic diversity, with a smaller role of the European palaeofauna. Immigration of species of the family Pulicidae from the Afrotropical Region is restricted to the southern territories of Russia.  相似文献   

根据文献资料,系统整理了黄海大型底栖动物物种名录,并得到了其平均分类差异指数和分类差异变异指数的理论平均值及95%置信区间漏斗图。结果表明,黄海共有大型底栖动物1,360种,分属于17门35纲91目368科842属。其平均分类差异指数的理论平均值为93.7,分类差异变异指数为213.6。将已知受到中度扰动的胶州湾部分站位真实值叠加到平均分类差异指数的95%置信区间漏斗图中,发现全部站位均显著低于95%置信区间,显示了平均分类差异指数在海洋污染监测方面的良好应用前景。  相似文献   

1. Patterns in phytoplankton diversity in lakes and their relationships with environmental gradients have been traditionally based on taxonomic analyses and indices, even though measures of functional diversity (FD) might be expected to be more responsive to such gradients. 2. We assessed the influence of water column physical structure, and other components of the overall environment, on lake phytoplankton diversity using two taxonomically based indices [species richness (S) and the Shannon index (H’)] and a FD index, to determine whether these different measures respond in similar ways to habitat structure. The study encompassed 45 lakes in Eastern Canada, within two lake districts [the Eastern Townships Region (ETR) and Laurentians Region (LR)] that vary in geology and landscape and in lake morphometry and chemistry. 3. Across all lakes, S and H’ were higher in lakes having greater vertical temperature heterogeneity and higher susceptibility to wind mixing. In addition, H’ declined with total phosphorus concentration. FD was only related to maximum lake depth, a variable that integrates many other habitat features. 4. Further insight into the factors affecting phytoplankton diversity was obtained by contrasting the two regions. The taxonomically based diversity measures differed little between the regions, while FD was higher in the ETR where more trait variants were present and more evenly distributed amongst species. Whereas factors driving S did not differ between the regions, we found region‐dependent patterns in the relationships of H’ and FD with maximum lake depth: both indices decreased with maximum depth in the region with lakes more exposed to wind (ETR) but increased in the more hilly landscape where lakes are more sheltered from wind mixing (LR). 5. Our study demonstrates that, for phytoplankton communities, a FD index can show simpler and stronger responses to environmental drivers than a taxonomically based index, while shedding further light onto the functional traits that are important in particular lake categories.  相似文献   

Host introductions and the geography of parasite taxonomic diversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim Geographical variation in parasite diversity is examined among populations of fish in their original heartland and in areas where they have been introduced. The diversity in heartland and introduced populations is contrasted, and also compared with the expectations of a null model. Location Data on the parasite communities of two salmonid fish species were obtained: the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in its British Columbia heartland and in introduced populations in North America, Great Britain, South America and New Zealand; and the brown trout Salmo trutta in heartland populations from Great Britain, and in introduced populations in North America, South America and New Zealand. Methods The average taxonomic distinctness and its variance were computed for each parasite community, and used as measures of the taxonomic diversity of parasite species in each fish population. Observed values of taxonomic distinctness were also compared with those expected if each community was a random selection from the world list of parasite species known for each of the two host species. Results Few parasite communities departed from the expectations of the null model, i.e. few had a taxonomic diversity of parasites greater or lower than that expected from a random selection of parasite species. However, these departures were not more or less likely among heartland fish populations than among introduced ones. In both fish species, parasite communities in introduced populations tended to be a little more taxonomically diverse than in the heartland populations. Main conclusions Overall, the results suggest that the accumulation of parasite species in introduced hosts over short (ecological) periods of time can result in parasite assemblages that are just as, or even more, taxonomically diverse than those developed over much longer (evolutionary) time frames in the host species geographical heartland. This finding highlights the importance of ecological factors in parasite biodiversity in addition to coevolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The number and functions of the low complexity (LC) proteins from four enteric bacterial pathogens Escherichia coli O157, Vibrio cholerae, Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni were compared. For this purpose the LC proteins were grouped into 3 categories for pairwise comparisons. These were COMMON, VARIANT and LC proteins with No Homologues (LCNH). Homologous LC proteins in both species in a given pairwise comparison were grouped as COMMON. LC Proteins of same function but not of low complexity in either of the species in a given pair were grouped as VARIANT. LC proteins without any homologues in either species were grouped as LCNH. Conservation patterns were inferred by comparing them under 3 functional classes CELLULAR PROCESSES (CP), TRANSPORT and MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED (TM) and CHARACTERISTIC (CH). In the COMMON category, highest similarity was found between E. coli O157 and V. cholerae on the one hand and H. pylori and C. jejuni on the other under the functional class CP. This parallels taxonomic classification in that E. coli and V. cholerae are classified under gamma subdivision of proteobacteria whereas H. pylori and C. jejuni are classified under the epsilon subdivision. The data from LCNH group, although more diffuse, was complementary the to pattern drawn from COMMON category in that the numbers of LCNH in the pair [E. coli O157, V. cholerae] and in [H. pylori, C. jejuni] were lowest. No consistent patterns were observed in the VARIANT category. These observations indicate that although low complexity segments are thought to undergo variations, species patterns do exist in a limited set of low complexity proteins that parallels taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

While there has been increasing interest in how taxonomic diversity is changing over time, less is known about how long‐term taxonomic changes may affect ecosystem functioning and resilience. Exploring long‐term patterns of functional diversity can provide key insights into the capacity of a community to carry out ecological processes and the redundancy of species’ roles. We focus on a protected freshwater system located in a national park in southeast Germany. We use a high‐resolution benthic macroinvertebrate dataset spanning 32 years (1983–2014) and test whether changes in functional diversity are reflected in taxonomic diversity using a multidimensional trait‐based approach and regression analyses. Specifically, we asked: (i) How has functional diversity changed over time? (ii) How functionally distinct are the community''s taxa? (iii) Are changes in functional diversity concurrent with taxonomic diversity? And (iv) what is the extent of community functional redundancy? Resultant from acidification mitigation, macroinvertebrate taxonomic diversity increased over the study period. Recovery of functional diversity was less pronounced, lagging behind responses of taxonomic diversity. Over multidecadal timescales, the macroinvertebrate community has become more homogenous with a high degree of functional redundancy, despite being isolated from direct anthropogenic activity. While taxonomic diversity increased over time, functional diversity has yet to catch up. These results demonstrate that anthropogenic pressures can remain a threat to biotic communities even in protected areas. The differences in taxonomic and functional recovery processes highlight the need to incorporate functional traits in assessments of biodiversity responses to global change.  相似文献   

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