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Torque teno virus(TTV)is a nonenveloped virus containing a single-stranded,circular DNA genome of approximately 3.8kb.We completely synthesized the 3808 nucleotides of the TTV(SANBAN isolate)genome,which contains a hairpin structure and a GC-rich region.More than 100 overlapping oligonucleotides were chemically synthesized and assembled by polymerise chain assembly reaction(PCA),and the synthesis was completed with splicing by overlap extension(SOEing).This study establishes the methodological basis of the chemical synthesis of a viral genome for use as a live attenuated vaccine or gene therapy vector.  相似文献   

通过重叠区扩增基因拼接法(Gene splicing by overlap extension,SOEing)构建含有杜氏盐藻(Dunaliella salina)硝酸盐还原酶(NR)基因5′-上游序列(Pnr)and 3′-端序列(Tnr)的EGFP真核表达载体,并将其转化杜氏盐藻。利用改进的SOEing法,将杜氏盐藻NR基因Pnr与报告基因EGFP cDNA融合,并与pEGM-7zf克隆载体连接,顺序将盐藻NR基因Tnr序列与融合片段相连,构建含Pnr-EGFP-Tnr表达盒的盐藻真核表达载体p7NET。电击法转化杜氏盐藻,在盐藻转化株中观察到了EGFP的瞬时表达。此研究为转基因杜氏盐藻研究和成功建立杜氏盐藻生物反应器奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

The results of cloning and sequencing the gene encoding nonstructure protein of the rice dwarf virus (RDV) gtnome segment 10 with polymerase chain reaction(PCR) technique were reported. The amplified PGR product was cloned into Hind Ⅱ site of plasmid pGEM3zf(-) and analysed with restriction enzymes. The physical map of the cloned fragment has been constructed, the insert is 1150 bp in length with restriction enzyme sites of Sac Ⅰ, Hind Ⅲ, NdeⅠ, BamH Ⅰ, etc. Besides, two restriction enzyme sites Bgl Ⅱ and EcoR Ⅰ have been separetely added in the 5 and 3 end of the segment in order to be cloned into plant intermediate vector in a convenient way. The fragments cleaved by the above-mentioned restriction enzymes were subcloned and the DNA sequence of full length of segment 10 was determined. In comparison with the RDV epidemic in Japan, the nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of cloned segment 10 are 96.03% and 97.17% in homology respectively.  相似文献   

聚合酶链反应技术检测禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒(REV)的方法。方法提取感染REV-T和脾坏死病毒(SNV)的SPF鸡胚成纤维细胞DNA为模板,利用前病毒长末端重复序列(LTR)区引物进行扩增。采集肿瘤病鸡,以及人工感染REV 28 d后鸡肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、心脏、胸腺、法氏囊等器官,进行扩增。同时将采集的脏器组织,进行HE染色和免疫组化试验(IHC)。结果REV-T感染的组织未检测出电泳条带,而SNV感染的细胞中检测到了一条300bp特异而清晰的电泳条带,而且SNV感染的鸡组织中,PCR方法检测到了特异的条带。通过HE染色和免疫组化技术观察到了肿瘤组织,肿瘤细胞的形态、分布。结论PCR检测REV更快捷,特异更好。  相似文献   

The pyrimidine bases of RNA are uracil (U) and cytosine (C), while thymine (T) and C are used for DNA. The C(5) position of C and U is unsubstituted, whereas the C(5) of T is substituted with a Me group. Miller et al. hypothesized that various C(5)-substituted uracil derivatives were formed during chemical evolution, and that C(5)-substituted U derivatives may have played important roles in the transition from an 'RNA world' to a 'DNA-RNA-protein world'. Hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea are considered to be primitive organisms that are evolutionarily close to the universal ancestor of all life on earth. Thus, we examined the substrate specificity of several C(5)-substituted or C(5)-unsubstituted dUTP and dCTP analogs for several DNA polymerases from hyperthermophilic bacteria, hyperthermophilic archaea, and viruses during PCR or primer extension reaction. The substrate specificity of the C(5)-substituted or C(5)-unsubstituted pyrimidine nucleotides varied greatly depending on the type of DNA polymerase. The significance of this difference in substrate specificity in terms of the origin and evolution of the DNA replication system is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

为了探讨Tbx18-Cre基因敲入小鼠(Tbx18:Cre knock-in Mus musculus)的繁殖、鉴定及Tbx18基因敲除小鼠和遗传示踪小鼠模型的应用,将Tbx18-Cre基因敲入杂合子小鼠进行繁殖,应用PCR法鉴定其子代基因型。将子代雌雄杂合子小鼠互交,应用H.E染色观察Tbx18基因敲除胚鼠心的形态学变化。将杂合子小鼠与RosaEYFP报告小鼠交配,应用心冰冻切片技术观察Tbx18:Cre/Rosa26REYFP双转基因遗传示踪胚鼠心内Tbx18阳性心外膜祖细胞发育命运。结果表明,用于繁殖、基因敲除研究及基因遗传示踪的子代基因型均符合孟德尔遗传规律。同时心H.E染色和心冰冻切片发现,Tbx18敲除小鼠心窦房结发育存在缺陷,而Tbx18阳性心外膜祖细胞是心发育重要的祖细胞来源。研究结果揭示,Tbx18-Cre基因敲除小鼠是研究先天性心脏病发病机制的理想模式动物,Tbx18阳性心外膜祖细胞可能是心脏病患者心脏修复和再生潜在的种子细胞。  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 capsid is a prolate icosahedron composed of the major capsid protein gp23*, the vertex protein gp24*, and the portal protein gp20. Assembled on its surface are 810 molecules of the non-essential small outer capsid protein, Soc (10 kDa), and 155 molecules of the highly antigenic outer capsid protein, Hoc (39 kDa). In this study Soc, a "triplex" protein that stabilizes T4 capsid, is targeted for molecular engineering of T4 particle surface. Using a defined in vitro assembly system, anthrax toxins, protective antigen, lethal factor and their domains, fused to Soc were efficiently displayed on the capsid. Both the N and C termini of the 80 amino acid Soc polypeptide can be simultaneously used to display antigens. Proteins as large as 93 kDa can be stably anchored on the capsid through Soc-capsid interactions. Using both Soc and Hoc, up to 1662 anthrax toxin molecules are assembled on the phage T4 capsid under controlled conditions. We infer from the binding data that a relatively high affinity capsid binding site is located in the middle of the rod-shaped Soc, with the N and C termini facing the 2- and 3-fold symmetry axes of the capsid, respectively. Soc subunits interact at these interfaces, gluing the adjacent capsid protein hexamers and generating a cage-like outer scaffold. Antigen fusion does interfere with the inter-subunit interactions, but these interactions are not essential for capsid binding and antigen display. These features make the T4-Soc platform the most robust phage display system reported to date. The study offers insights into the architectural design of bacteriophage T4 virion, one of the most stable viruses known, and how its capsid surface can be engineered for novel applications in basic molecular biology and biotechnology.  相似文献   

A gene encoding phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC), designated ML-PLCδ, was cloned from mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis) liver. A complete cDNA encoding ML-PLCδ was isolated by screening the cDNA library of mud loach liver and using the 5′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method. The full-length ML-PLCδ gene contains an open reading frame of 2325 base pairs encoding a 774 amino acid protein with a molecular mass of 88,072 Da; this corresponds to the size of the protein expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) using pET28a vector. It contains all of the characteristic domains found in mammalian PLCδ isozymes (PH domain, EF-hands, X–Y catalytic region, and a C2 domain). A homology search revealed that ML-PLCδ shares relatively high sequence identity with mammalian PLCδ1 (51–52%) and catfish PLCδ (64%). The recombinant ML-PLCδ protein expressed as a histidine-tagged fusion protein in E. coli was purified to apparent homogeneity by Ni2+-NTA affinity chromatography. The recombinant ML-PLCδ showed a concentration-dependent PLC activity to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bis-phosphate (PIP2) and its activity was Ca2+-dependent, which was similar to mammalian PLCδ isozymes.  相似文献   

We developed a simple T4 DNA ligase mediated strategy for inframe splicing of two or more cohesive genes generated by hetero-staggered PCR and directionally cloning the spliced product bearing sticky overhangs in to a correspondingly cut vector. For this, two pairs of primers are used in two different parallel PCRs, for generation of each cohesive gene product. We exemplified this strategy by splicing two major super-antigen genes of Staphylococcus aureus, namely, staphylococcal enterotoxin A (sea), and toxic shock syndrome toxin (tsst-1) followed by its directional cloning into pre-digested pRSET A vector. The fusion gene encoding chimeric recombinant SEA-TSST protein (32 kDa) was expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) host strain. The recombinant chimeric protein retained the antigenicity of both toxins as observed by the strong immunoreactivity with commercial antibodies against both SEA and TSST-1 toxin components by Western blot analysis. We observed that the present method for gene splicing with cohesive ends is simple since it does not require elaborate standardization and a single fusion product is obtained consistently during nested PCR with forward primer of first gene and reverse primer of second gene. For comparison, we fused the same genes using splicing by overlap extension PCR (SOE-PCR) and consistently obtained DNA smearing and multiple non-specific bands even after several rounds of PCRs from gel excised product. Moreover, the newly described method requires only two to six complimentary sticky ends between the genes to be spliced, in contrast to long stretch of overlapping nucleotides in case of SOE-PCR.  相似文献   

In recent years, the genus Clostridium has risen to the forefront of both medical biotechnology and industrial biotechnology owing to its potential in applications as diverse as anticancer therapy and production of commodity chemicals and biofuels. The prevalence of hyper-virulent strains of C. difficile within medical institutions has also led to a global epidemic that demands a more thorough understanding of clostridial genetics, physiology, and pathogenicity. Unfortunately, Clostridium suffers from a lack of sophisticated genetic tools and techniques which has hindered the biotechnological exploitation of this important bacterial genus. This review provides a comprehensive summary of biotechnological progress made in clostridial genetic tool development, while also aiming to serve as a technical guide for the advancement of underdeveloped clostridial strains, including recalcitrant species, novel environmental samples, and non-type strains. Relevant strain engineering techniques, from genome sequencing and establishment of a gene transfer methodology through to deployment of advanced genome editing procedures, are discussed in detail to provide a blueprint for future clostridial strain construction endeavors. It is expected that a more thorough and rounded-out genetic toolkit available for use in the clostridia will bring about the construction of superior bioprocessing strains and a more complete understanding of clostridial genetics, physiology, and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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