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Microinjection of calcium buffers into the two-cell Xenopus laevis embryo delays cell division in a dose-dependent manner. Four calcium buffers in the BAPTA series with different affinities for calcium were used to distinguish between a localized calcium gradient regulating cleavage and the global calcium concentration regulating this event. DibromoBAPTA (Kd = 1.5 microM) was found to delay cleavage at the lowest intracellular concentration (1.3 mM) of the four buffers tested. The effectiveness of the calcium buffers was dependent upon the buffer dissociation constant but not in a linear fashion. The concentration of buffer required to delay cleavage increased as the buffer's dissociation constant shifted above or below that of the optimum buffer, dibromoBAPTA. This relationship between a calcium buffer's effectiveness at delaying cleavage and its calcium affinity provides support for the hypothesis that a calcium concentration gradient is required for normal cell cycle progression (Speksnijder, J. E., A. L. Miller, M. H. Weisenseel, T.-H. Chen, and L. F. Jaffe. 1989. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 86:6607-6611). DibromoBAPTA was also injected with two different amounts of coinjected calcium to test the possibility that the free calcium concentration of the buffer solution is the important parameter for delaying cleavage. However, we found that changes in buffer concentration have a much stronger effect than changes in the free calcium concentration. This observation supports the hypothesis that BAPTA-type buffers exert their effect by shuttling calcium from regions of high concentration to those of lower concentration, reducing any calcium concentration gradients present in the Xenopus embryo.  相似文献   

Lipid composition of developing Xenopus laevis embryos.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total lipid content, amount of phospholipid, proportions of major polar and neutral lipid classes, and the overall fatty acid composition were examined in Xenopus laevis embryos. No obvious differences were observed in any of the parameters between fertilization and hatching or between eggs produced by different females. The average lipid content per egg was 113 mug, 31.6 mug of which was phospholipid. The major phospholipids were phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. The major fatty acids were palmitic and oleic acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids were also present in substantial amounts. The results suggest that significant de novo synthesis of lipids does not occur until after hatching.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this paper were designed to compare the normal fates of animal pole blastomeres of Xenopus laevis with their state of commitment. Single animal pole blastomeres were labeled with a lineage marker and transplanted into the blastocoels of host embryos of different stages. The distribution of labeled daughter cells in the tadpole reflects the state of commitment of the parent cell at the time of transplantation. It is known that cells from the animal pole of the early blastula normally contribute predominantly to ectoderm with a small, but significant, contribution to the mesoderm. We show that on transplantation to the blastocoels of late blastula host embryos these blastomeres are pluripotent, contributing to all three germ layers. At later stages the normal fate of these cells becomes restricted solely to ectoderm and concomitantly the proportion of pluripotent cells is reduced, although the results depend upon the stage of the host embryo. Blastomeres from late blastula donors transplanted to mid gastrulae contribute solely to ectoderm in 34% of cases; however, in earlier hosts, when the vegetal hemisphere cells have "mesoderm inducing" or "vegetalizing" activity, late blastula animal pole blastomeres contribute to mesoderm and endoderm rather than ectoderm. Thus during the blastula stage animal pole cells pass from pluripotency to a labile state of commitment to ectoderm.  相似文献   

Activin uptake into Xenopus oocytes was studied by several complementary methods. Immunocytochemistry of adult ovary localized activin and follistatin in the cytoplasm of vitellogenic oocytes and surrounding follicle cells. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of protein interaction kinetics indicated that while follistatin or a complex of activin-follistatin bound to yolk vitellogenin, activin alone did not. Radioactive tracer analysis measured specific incorporation of activin by viable oocytes in vitro. Together, the results suggest that vitellogenic oocytes can import activins from follicle cells and that follistatin may act as a chaperone for binding activin to vitellogenin in yolk platelets.  相似文献   

We have identified the RNA-binding protein Hermes in a screen for vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus oocytes. The RNA localizes to the vegetal cortex through both the message transport organizer (METRO) and late pathways. Hermes mRNA and protein are both detected at the vegetal cortex of the oocyte; however, the protein is degraded within a several hour period during oocyte maturation. Injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (HE-MO) against Hermes caused a precocious reduction in Hermes protein present during maturation and resulted in a phenotype characterized by cleavage defects in vegetal blastomeres. The phenotype can be partially rescued by injecting Hermes mRNA. These results demonstrate that the localized RNA-binding protein Hermes functions during oocyte maturation to regulate the cleavage of specific vegetally derived cell lineages. Hermes most likely performs its function by regulating the translation or processing of one or more target RNAs. This is an important mechanism by which the embryo can generate unique cell lineages. The regulation of region-specific cell division is a novel function for a localized mRNA.  相似文献   

When DNA molecules are injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei, they can recombine with each other. With bacteriophage lambda DNAs, it was shown that this recombination is stimulated greatly by introduction of double-strand breaks into the substrates and is dependent on homologous overlaps in the recombination interval. With plasmid DNAs it was shown that little or no recombination occurs between circular molecules but both intra- and intermolecular events take place very efficiently with linear molecules. As with the lambda substrates, homology was required to support recombination; no simple joining of ends was observed. Blockage of DNA ends with nonhomologous sequences interfered with recombination, indicating that ends are used directly to initiate homologous interactions. These observations are combined to evaluate possible models of recombination in the oocytes. Because each oocyte is capable of recombining nanogram quantities of linear DNA, this system offers exceptional opportunities for detailed molecular analysis of the recombination process in a higher organism.  相似文献   

The concentrations of nucleoside triphosphate, inorganic phosphate and the yolk proteins, phosvitin and lipovitellin, have been monitored in living embryos of Xenopus laevis by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The nucleoside triphosphate levels remain relatively constant at about 3.5-4.5 nmol/embryo at least until the 'spontaneous movement' stage of development. By the swimming tadpole stage an inorganic phosphate resonance representing about 30 nmol/embryo becomes evident in the NMR spectrum. Computer manipulation also shows such a resonance, although smaller, to be present at a somewhat earlier developmental stage; these findings are confirmed biochemically. The major contribution to the NMR spectrum of oocytes, unfertilized eggs and early embryos is the yolk phosphoprotein resonance. On isolation of the yolk from the embryos it is possible to quantify the contribution to the NMR spectrum from the lipid-phosphate and protein-phosphate moieties of the yolk proteins. During development, as the yolk is used up, it is found that the protein-phosphate resonance disappears at a greater rate than the lipid-phosphate peak. The total phosphorus content of the embryo (approximately 200 nmol/embryo) is shown biochemically to remain constant during development; however, the total amount of phosphorus observed by NMR decreases by about 40% during development. From the resonance positions of their alpha, beta and gamma phosphate groups it is deduced that the nucleoside triphosphate molecules are liganded in vivo to a divalent cation which is not manganese, but could be either magnesium or calcium. From the position of the inorganic phosphate resonance it is deduced that the internal pH of embryos where this resonance is evident is 6.8 +/- 0.2.  相似文献   

Amino acid pools in developing oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Rho GTPases are signaling components that participate to the control of cell morphology, adhesion and motility through the regulation of F-actin cytoskeleton dynamics. In this paper, we report the identification of RhoB in Xenopus laevis (XRhoB) and its expression pattern during early development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis indicated that XrhoB is expressed at high levels in the dorsal marginal zone early in gastrula and in the dorsal midline at later stages. At mid-neurula stages, XrhoB expression extends to the central nervous system, presomitic mesoderm and somites. Later during development, rhoB mRNA is detected in the eyes, the migrating neural crest cells as well as the dorso-lateral part of the somites.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis oocytes were injected with [14C] phe-tRNA and the fate of the aminoacyl moiety was studied. The radioactive phenylalanine is gradually hydrolized off the tRNA once inside the cell. The rate of deacylation of the tRNA is not affected by inhibition of cellular protein synthesis by puromycin or cycloheximide. Part of the radioactive amino acid that leaves the tRNA (30 to 65%) is transferred directly into the oocyte nascent proteins as evidenced by the fact that its incorporation into proteins is not reduced by coinjection with a large excess of [12C] phenylalanine. Aminoacyl transfer from injected phe-tRNA into proteins is inhibited by puromycin and cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Changes in the polysome content of developing Xenopus laevis embryos   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A method for preparing polysomes from all embryonic stages of Xenopus laevis is described. In the oocyte only about 1–2% of the total ribosomes are present in polysomes, the remainder being a developmental reserve. Upon conversion to an egg the polysome content rises by up to 3-fold, and by about a further 2-fold after fertilization. There is only a small further increase during cleavage, but by the tailbud stage, when organogenesis begins, there is a more rapid rise. Most of the ribosomes are incorporated into polysomes by stage 42, shortly before feeding begins.At very early stages, the changes in polysome content seem to mirror the changes in protein synthesis. At later stages the polysome contents reported here provide the only available guide to changes in the rate of protein synthesis. Judged by polysome content, the stage 42 tadpole seems to make protein about 20 times faster than the unfertilized egg, though it contains very few more ribosomes. The relationship between polysome content and the synthesis of various types of RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

We measured ultraweak emissions of the Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos during normal development and under the influence of stress factors in a spectral range of 250 to 800 nm using a photomultiplier. The registered emissions were analyzed by several basic characteristics: mean intensity, histograms, kurtosis, linear trends, and Fourier spectra. We followed relationships between these parameters and developmental stage, as well as the number of individuals in optic contact with each other. The ultraweak emissions did not differ from the background at all developmental stages according to the mean intensity. But Fourier analysis revealed the reliable presence of a number of spectral lines of ultraweak emission, predominantly in the ranges of 10-20 and 30-40 Hz, in the embryos at developmental stages 2 to 11. The intensity of ultraweak emissions reliably decreased within the first 10 min after egg activation and fertilization, as well as in the case of optic interaction between groups of embryos. Sharp cooling, increase in osmotic medium pressure, and transfer in a Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free medium induced a short term (approximately 1-5 min) increase in the mean intensity of ultraweak emission. We studied specific features of ultraweak emissions from different parts of the embryo. The intensity of emission from the animal part of early blastula exceeded those from the vegetal area and entire embryo. Separated fragments of the lateral ectoderm at the neurula stage had higher mean intensities of ultraweak emission than intact embryos at the same developmental stages.  相似文献   

The fate of bacteriophage lambda-DNA was examined after injection into the fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis. Injection of a large amount of lambda-DNA (ca. 24 ng) into a fertilized Xenopus egg induced the formation around the injected DNA of a giant nucleus-like structure which was surrounded by an apparently normal bilayered nuclear membrane with nuclear pore complexes. Southern blot analysis revealed the persistence of injected lambda-DNA until the blastula stage. The nucleus-like structure was partitioned into blastomeres during cleavage through a process of nuclear fission, and was maintained in a group of extraordinarily large blastomeres until the blastula stage.  相似文献   

Embryonic cells of Xenopus laevis were labeled for varying lengths of time, and their nuclear and cytoplasmic RNAs were analyzed, with the following results. (1) The synthesis of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) is detected from blastula stage on. (2) The initiation of 4 S and 5 S RNA syntheses occurs at blastula stage. However, while the former is transported into the cytoplasm immediately after its synthesis, the latter remains within the nucleus, until its transport starts later, concomitantly with that of 28 S rRNA. (3) As soon as “blastula” cells start to synthesize 40 S rRNA precursor at 5th hr of cultivation, 18 S rRNA is transported first; the transport of 28 S rRNA begins 2 hr later. (4) On a per-cell basis, poly(A)-RNA is synthesized in blastula stage at a much higher rate than in the later stages. About one-third of the total blastula poly(A)-RNA, and about one-fifth in the case of tailbud cells, is transported quickly into the cytoplasm. Then, it appears that the RNAs which are synthesized at early embryonic stages are transported to the cytoplasm without delays, except for 5 S RNA and snRNAs.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) have been analyzed in spread Xenopus spermatocytes and oocytes. They showed all the usual features of animal SCs in addition to a high incidence of centromere mismatching. A centriole pair is visible throughout zygotene and pachytene. At zygotene the ends of SCs are markedly thickened and are clustered at the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   

In adult Xenopus laevis, innervation of the vocal organ is more robust in males than in females. This sex difference originates during tadpole development; at stage 56, when the gonads first differentiate, the number of axons entering the larynx is the same in the sexes, but by stage 62, innervation is greater in males. To determine if androgen secretion establishes sex differences in axon number, we treated tadpoles with antiandrogen or androgen beginning at stage 48 or 54 and counted laryngeal nerve axons at stage 62 using electron microscopy. When male tadpoles were treated with the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide, axon numbers were reduced to female-typical values; axon numbers in females were unaffected by antiandrogen treatment. When female tadpoles were treated with the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), axon numbers were increased to male-like values. These findings suggest that endogenous androgen secretion during late tadpole stages in males is required for the sexual differentiation of laryngeal innervation observed from stage 62 on. Because androgen treatment and laryngeal innervation affect myogenesis in postmetamorphic frogs, numbers of laryngeal dilator muscle fibers were determined for hormonally manipulated tadpoles. At stage 62, vehicle-treated males had more laryngeal axons than females; laryngeal muscle fiber numbers did not, however, differ in the sexes. Both male and female tadpoles, treated from stage 54 with DHT, had more muscle fibers at stage 62 than vehicle-treated controls. Thus, while endogenous androgen secretion during late tadpole stages is subthreshold for the establishment of masculinized muscle fiber numbers, laryngeal myogenesis is androgen sensitive at this time and can be increased by suprathreshold provision of exogenous DHT. A subgroup of tadpoles, DHT treated from stage 54 to 62, was allowed to survive, untreated, until postmetamorphic stage 2 (PM2: 5 months after metamorphosis is complete). Androgen treatment between tadpole stages 54 and 62 does not prevent the ontogenetic decrease in axon numbers characteristic of laryngeal development. In addition, the elevation in stage 62 axon numbers produced by DHT-treatment at late tadpole stages was not associated with elevated numbers of laryngeal muscle fibers at PM2. Juvenile males normally maintain elevated axon numbers (relative to final adult values) through PM2 and the presence of these additional axons may result from-rather than contribute directly to—laryngeal muscle fiber addition. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A circular rDNA-containing recombinant plasmid, pXlr101A, and its vector pBR322 were microinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized Xenopus laevis eggs. The DNAs extracted from injected embryos at various stages of development were analyzed by hybridization with 32P-labeled pBR322 as the probe. Neither pXlr101A nor pBR322 were replicated, but they were maintained until the tailbud stage, disappearing during the muscular response stage. When pXlr101A-injected embryos were raised until the 2-week-old tadpole stage, sequences homologous to pBR322 were detectable in two Eco RI fragments of the pXlr101A-injected tadpole DNA. The sizes of the Eco RI fragments suggested that the plasmid sequences were preserved most probably in the chromosome-integrated form.  相似文献   

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