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Prions are self-replicating proteins that can cause neurodegenerative disorders such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (also known as mad cow disease). Aberrant conformations of prion proteins accumulate in the central nervous system, causing spongiform changes in the brain and eventually death. Since the inception of the prion hypothesis - which states that misfolded proteins are the infectious agents that cause these diseases - researchers have sought to generate infectious proteins from defined components in the laboratory with varying degrees of success. Here, we discuss several recent studies that have produced an array of novel prion strains in vitro that exhibit increasingly high titres of infectivity. These advances promise unprecedented insight into the structure of prions and the mechanisms by which they originate and propagate.  相似文献   

Treiber C  Simons A  Multhaup G 《Biochemistry》2006,45(21):6674-6680
The prion protein (PrP) is the key protein implicated in diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. PrP has been shown to bind manganese and copper, the latter being involved in the normal function of the protein. Indeed, upon expression in yeast we noted a major increase in intracellular copper and a decrease in manganese. Interestingly, protease-resistant PrP(Sc)-like protein (PrP(res)) formation was induced when PrP-expressing yeast cells were grown in copper- and/or manganese-supplemented media. The pattern of PrP banding in SDS-PAGE was dominantly determined by manganese. This conformational transition was stable against EDTA treatment but not in the presence of the copper chelators bathocuproinedisulfonic acid or clioquinol. Conclusively, PrP itself influences manganese and copper metabolism, and a replacement of copper in PrP complexes with manganese is highly likely under the condition of copper depletion or if excess amounts of copper and manganese are present. Taken together, our present study demonstrates the involvement of PrP in the regulation of intracellular metal ion homeostasis and uncovers copper and, more severely, manganese ions as in vivo risk factors for the conversion into PrP(Sc).  相似文献   

It is well established that the prion protein (PrP) contains metal ion binding sites with specificity for copper. Changes in copper levels have been suggested to influence incubation time in experimental prion disease. Therefore, we studied the effect of heavy metal ions (Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Ni(2+), Co(2+), and Zn(2+)) in vitro in a model system that utilizes changes in the concentration of SDS to induce structural conversion and aggregation of recombinant PrP. To quantify and characterize PrP aggregates, we used fluorescently labelled PrP and cross-correlation analysis as well as scanning for intensely fluorescent targets in a confocal single molecule detection system. We found a specific strong pro-aggregatory effect of Mn(2+) at low micromolar concentrations that could be blocked by nanomolar concentration of Cu(2+). These findings suggest that metal ions such as copper and manganese may also affect PrP conversion in vivo.  相似文献   

Baskakov IV 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(3):576-587
The discovery of prion disease transmission in mammals, as well as a non-Mendelian type of inheritance in yeast, has led to the establishment of a new concept in biology, the prion hypothesis. The prion hypothesis postulates that an abnormal protein conformation propagates itself in an autocatalytic manner using the normal isoform of the same protein as a substrate and thereby acts either as a transmissible agent of disease (in mammals), or as a heritable determinant of phenotype (in yeast and fungus). While the prion biology of yeast and fungus supports this idea strongly, the direct proof of the prion hypothesis in mammals, specifically the reconstitution of the disease-associated isoform of the prion protein (PrP(Sc)) in vitro de novo from noninfectious prion protein, has been difficult to achieve despite many years of effort. The present review summarizes our current knowledge about the biochemical nature of the prion infectious agent and structure of PrP(Sc), describes potential strategies for generating prion infectivity de novo and provides some insight on why the reconstitution of infectivity has been difficult to achieve in vitro. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain the apparently low infectivity of the first generation of recently reported synthetic mammalian prions.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are characterized by the conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) to a disease-specific aggregated isoform (PrP(Sc)). We have shown that Mn(2+) ions amplify aggregation, whereas Cu(2+) has an inhibitory effect. To characterize Mn(2+)-induced aggregates, we used cross-correlation analysis as well as scanning for intensely fluorescent targets in an SDS-dependent aggregation assay with fluorescently labeled PrP. We found that the effect of Mn(2+) was mainly due to the association of preformed PrP oligomers to larger aggregates, rapidly reversible by EDTA, and independent of the histidine-dependent copper-binding sites of PrP, suggesting that Mn(2+) induces reversible intermolecular binding. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of Cu(2+) required binding to histidine-containing binding sites, indicating that binding of copper affects the structure of PrP(C) which in turn modifies the susceptibility to manganese and the ability to aggregate. These findings suggest that copper and manganese may also affect prion propagation in vivo.  相似文献   

Luminescent conjugated polymers (LCPs) interact with ordered protein aggregates and sensitively detect amyloids of many different proteins, suggesting that they may possess antiprion properties. Here, we show that a variety of anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic LCPs reduced the infectivity of prion-containing brain homogenates and of prion-infected cerebellar organotypic cultured slices and decreased the amount of scrapie isoform of PrP(C) (PrP(Sc)) oligomers that could be captured in an avidity assay. Paradoxically, treatment enhanced the resistance of PrP(Sc) to proteolysis, triggered the compaction, and enhanced the resistance to proteolysis of recombinant mouse PrP(23-231) fibers. These results suggest that LCPs act as antiprion agents by transitioning PrP aggregates into structures with reduced frangibility. Moreover, ELISA on cerebellar organotypic cultured slices and in vitro conversion assays with mouse PrP(23-231) indicated that poly(thiophene-3-acetic acid) may additionally interfere with the generation of PrP(Sc) by stabilizing the conformation of PrP(C) or of a transition intermediate. Therefore, LCPs represent a novel class of antiprion agents whose mode of action appears to rely on hyperstabilization, rather than destabilization, of PrP(Sc) deposits.  相似文献   

A series of 204 amino acid proteins intended to form TIM (triose phosphate isomerase) barrel structures were designed de novo. Each protein was synthesized by expression of the synthetic gene as a fusion protein with a portion of human growth hormone in an Escherichia coli host. After BrCN treatment, the protein was purified to homogeneity. The refolded proteins are globular and exist as monomers. One of the designed proteins is stable toward guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) denaturation, with a midpoint of 2.6 M determined from CD and tryptophan fluorescence measurements. The GuHCl denaturation is well described by a 2-state model. The NMR spectra, the thermal denaturation curves, and the 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid binding imply that the stability of the protein arises mainly from hydrophobic interactions, which are probably of a nonspecific nature. The protein has a similar shape to that of rabbit triosephosphate isomerase, as determined by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The pathological prion protein PrP(Sc) is the only known component of the infectious prion. In cells infected with prions, PrP(Sc) is formed posttranslationally by the refolding of the benign cell surface glycoprotein PrP(C) into an aberrant conformation. The two PrP isoforms possess very different properties, as PrP(Sc) has a protease-resistant core, forms very large amyloidic aggregates in detergents, and is only weakly immunoreactive in its native form. We now show that prion-infected rodent brains and cultured cells contain previously unrecognized protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) varieties. In both ionic (Sarkosyl) and nonionic (n-octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside) detergents, the novel protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) species formed aggregates as small as 600 kDa, as measured by gel filtration. The denaturation dependence of PrP(Sc) immunoreactivity correlated with the size of the aggregate. The small PrP(Sc) aggregates described here are consistent with the previous demonstration of scrapie infectivity in brain fractions with a sedimentation coefficient as small as 40 S [Prusiner et al. (1980) J. Neurochem. 35, 574-582]. Our results demonstrate for the first time that prion-infected tissues contain protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) molecules that form low MW aggregates. Whether these new PrP(Sc) species play a role in the biogenesis or the pathogenesis of prions remains to be established.  相似文献   

As an approach to both explore the physical/chemical parameters that drive molecular self-assembly and to generate novel protein oligomers, we have developed a procedure to generate protein dimers from monomeric proteins using computational protein docking and amino acid sequence design. A fast Fourier transform-based docking algorithm was used to generate a model for a dimeric version of the 56-amino-acid beta1 domain of streptococcal protein G. Computational amino acid sequence design of 24 residues at the dimer interface resulted in a heterodimer comprised of 12-fold and eightfold variants of the wild-type protein. The designed proteins were expressed, purified, and characterized using analytical ultracentrifugation and heteronuclear NMR techniques. Although the measured dissociation constant was modest ( approximately 300 microM), 2D-[(1)H,(15)N]-HSQC NMR spectra of one of the designed proteins in the absence and presence of its binding partner showed clear evidence of specific dimer formation.  相似文献   

The key event in the pathogenesis of prion diseases is the conformational conversion of the normal prion protein (PrP) (PrPC) into an infectious, aggregated isoform (PrPSc) that has a high content of β-sheet. Historically, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing antibodies that specifically recognize PrPSc but not PrPC, as such antibodies would have enormous diagnostic and experimental value. A mouse monoclonal IgM antibody (designated 15B3) and three PrP motif-grafted monoclonal antibodies (referred to as IgG 19–33, 89–112, and 136–158) have been previously reported to react specifically with infectious PrPSc but not PrPC. In this study, we extend the characterization of these four antibodies by testing their ability to immunoprecipitate and immunostain infectious and non-infectious aggregates of wild-type, mutant, and recombinant PrP. We find that 15B3 as well as the motif-grafted antibodies recognize multiple types of aggregated PrP, both infectious and non-infectious, including forms found in brain, in transfected cells, and induced in vitro from purified recombinant protein. These antibodies are exquisitely selective for aggregated PrP, and do not react with soluble PrP even when present in vast excess. Our results suggest that 15B3 and the motif-grafted antibodies recognize structural features common to both infectious and non-infectious aggregates of PrP. Our study extends the utility of these antibodies for diagnostic and experimental purposes, and it provides new insight into the structural changes that accompany PrP oligomerization and prion propagation.  相似文献   

The study of prions and the discovery of candidate therapeutics for prion disease have been facilitated by the ability of prions to replicate in cultured cells. Paradigms in which prion proteins from different species are expressed in cells with low or no expression of endogenous prion protein (PrP) have expanded the range of prion strains that can be propagated. In these systems, cells stably expressing a PrP of interest are typically generated via coexpression of a selectable marker and treatment with an antibiotic. Here, we report the unexpected discovery that the aminoglycoside G418 (Geneticin) interferes with the ability of stably transfected cultured cells to become infected with prions. In G418-resistant lines of N2a or CAD5 cells, the presence of G418 reduced levels of protease-resistant PrP following challenge with the RML or 22L strains of mouse prions. G418 also interfered with the infection of cells expressing hamster PrP with the 263K strain of hamster prions. Interestingly, G418 had minimal to no effect on protease-resistant PrP levels in cells with established prion infection, arguing that G418 selectively interferes with de novo prion infection. As G418 treatment had no discernible effect on cellular PrP levels or its localization, this suggests that G418 may specifically target prion assemblies or processes involved in the earliest stages of prion infection.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions play critical roles in biology, and computational design of interactions could be useful in a range of applications. We describe in detail a general approach to de novo design of protein interactions based on computed, energetically optimized interaction hotspots, which was recently used to produce high-affinity binders of influenza hemagglutinin. We present several alternative approaches to identify and build the key hotspot interactions within both core secondary structural elements and variable loop regions and evaluate the method's performance in natural-interface recapitulation. We show that the method generates binding surfaces that are more conformationally restricted than previous design methods, reducing opportunities for off-target interactions.  相似文献   

The de novo design of protein structures   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Amino-terminated dendrimers are well-defined synthetic hyperbranched polymers and have previously been shown to destabilize aggregates of the misfolded, pathogenic, and partially protease-resistant form of the prion protein (PrPSc), transforming it into a partially dissociated, protease-sensitive form with strongly reduced infectivity. The mechanism behind this is not known, but a low pH, creating multiple positively charged primary amines on the dendrimer surface, increases the efficiency of the reaction. In the present study, surface amines of the dendrimers were modified to yield either guanidino surface groups (being positively charged at neutral pH) or urea groups (uncharged). The ability of several generations of modified dendrimers and unmodified amino-terminated dendrimers to deplete PrPSc from persistently PrPSc-infected cells in culture (SMB cells) was studied. It was found that destabilization correlated with both the generation number of the dendrimer, with higher generations being more efficient, and the charge density of the surface groups. Urea-decorated dendrimers having an uncharged surface were less efficient than positively charged unmodified- (amino) and guanidino-modified dendrimers. The most efficient dendrimers (generation 4 (G4) and G5-unmodified and guanidino dendrimers) cleared PrPSc completely by incubation for 4 days at less than 50 nM. In contrast to both unmodified and guanidine-modified dendrimers, the uncharged urea dendrimers showed much lower cytotoxicity toward noninfected SMB cells. Therapeutic uses of modified dendrimers are indicated by the low concentrations of dendrimers needed.  相似文献   

The mystery of how a protein sequence specifies a unique structure has intrigued chemists, leading to the design and study of foldamers, non-natural oligomeric molecules that adopt well-defined structures. Recently, the sequence specificity of the various regular repeating structures has been revealed for bioinspired foldamers and such foldamers have been created to adopt helical bundle tertiary structures. One major strategy for the generation of abiotic foldamers has involved molecular design of the monomer geometry. These advances in foldamer research may lead to future applications in biomedical and materials science.  相似文献   

Aggregated prion protein (PrPSc), which is detergent-insoluble and partially proteinase K (PK)-resistant, constitutes the major component of infectious prions that cause a group of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in animals and humans. PrPSc derives from a detergent-soluble and PK-sensitive cellular prion protein (PrPC) through an alpha-helix to beta-sheet transition. This transition confers on the PrPSc molecule unique physicochemical and biological properties, including insolubility in nondenaturing detergents, an enhanced tendency to form aggregates, resistance to PK digestion, and infectivity, which together are regarded as the basis for distinguishing PrPSc from PrPC. Here we demonstrate, using sedimentation and size exclusion chromatography, that small amounts of detergent-insoluble PrP aggregates are present in uninfected human brains. Moreover, PK-resistant PrP core fragments are detectable following PK treatment. This is the first study that provides experimental evidence supporting the hypothesis that there might be silent prions lying dormant in normal human brains.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(6):1301-1310
The folding of actin and tubulin is mediated via interaction with a heteromeric toroidal complex (cytoplasmic chaperonin) that hydrolyzes ATP as part of the reaction whereby native proteins are ultimately released. Vertebrate actin-related protein (actin-RPV) (also termed centractin) and gamma-tubulin are two proteins that are distantly related to actin and tubulin, respectively: gamma-tubulin is exclusively located at the centrosome, while actin-RPV is conspicuously abundant at the same site. Here we show that actin-RPV and gamma- tubulin are both folded via interaction with the same chaperonin that mediates the folding of beta-actin and alpha- and beta-tubulin. In each case, the unfolded polypeptide forms a binary complex with cytoplasmic chaperonin and is released as a soluble, monomeric protein in the presence of Mg-ATP and the presence or absence of Mg-GTP. In contrast to alpha- and beta-tubulin, the folding of gamma-tubulin does not require the presence of cofactors in addition to chaperonin itself. Monomeric actin-RPV produced in in vitro folding reactions cocycles efficiently with native brain actin, while in vitro folded gamma- tubulin binds to polymerized microtubules in a manner consistent with interaction with microtubule ends. Both monomeric actin-RPV and gamma- tubulin bind to columns of immobilized nucleotide: monomeric actin-RPV has no marked preference for ATP or GTP, while gamma-tubulin shows some preference for GTP binding. We show that actin-RPV and gamma-tubulin compete with one another, and with beta-actin or alpha-tubulin, for binary complex formation with cytoplasmic chaperonin.  相似文献   

Chaperonins are megadalton ring assemblies that mediate essential ATP-dependent assistance of protein folding to the native state in a variety of cellular compartments, including the mitochondrial matrix, the eukaryotic cytosol, and the bacterial cytoplasm. Structural studies of the bacterial chaperonin, GroEL, both alone and in complex with its co-chaperonin, GroES, have resolved the states of chaperonin that bind and fold non-native polypeptides. Functional studies have resolved the action of ATP binding and hydrolysis in driving the GroEL-GroES machine through its folding-active and binding-active states, respectively. Yet the exact fate of substrate polypeptide during these steps is only poorly understood. For example, while binding involves multivalent interactions between hydrophobic side-chains facing the central cavity of GroEL and exposed hydrophobic surfaces of the non-native protein, the structure of any polypeptide substrate while bound to GroEL remains unknown. It is also unclear whether binding to an open GroEL ring is accompanied by structural changes in the non-native substrate, in particular whether there is an unfolding action. As a polypeptide-bound ring becomes associated with GroES, do the large rigid-body movements of the GroEL apical domains serve as another source of a potential unfolding action? Regarding the encapsulated folding-active state, how does the central cavity itself influence the folding trajectory of a substrate? Finally, how do GroEL and GroES serve, as recently recognized, to assist the folding of substrates too large to be encapsulated inside the machine? Here, such questions are addressed with the findings available to date, and means of further resolving the states of chaperonin-associated polypeptide are discussed.  相似文献   

Prions are responsible for a heterogeneous group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases. They can manifest as infectious, sporadic or genetic disorders involving posttranslational modifications of the cellular prion protein (PrPC). Prions (PrPSc) are characterized by their infectious property and intrinsic ability to convert the physiological PrPC into the pathological form, acting as a template. The “protein-only” hypothesis, postulated by Stanley B. Prusiner, implies the possibility to generate de novo prions in vivo and in vitro. Here we will describe major milestones towards proving this hypothesis, taking into account physiological environment/s, biochemical properties and interactors of the PrPC.  相似文献   

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