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We tested the reroductive compatibility existing between four geographically different populations of Proaselis coxalis (Crustacea Isopoda) collected in the river Sarno (near Naples) and on three Sicilian sites: San Domenico; Villa Grazia di Carini and Enna. By means of laboratory hybridization experiments (“no-choice” method) we investigated and characterized the reproductive isolation established between these populations under allopatric conditions. The populations San Domenico and Enna are reproductively isolated from Villa Grazia di Carini and Sarno, so that they may be considered as belonging to different species. The mechanism of reproductive isolation are of postzygotic nature only: embronic death, hbrid inviability and sterility of the surviving hybrids. These results agree with tie theory of aioatric speciation, according to which in the first phase of speciation only post-zygotic mechanisms occur as an accidental product of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

In this study, we simulated the process of the evolution of postmating isolation using three models in which postmating isolation is caused by (1) genetic divergence through collaborative coevolution, (2) genetic divergence through antagonistic coevolution resulting from sexual conflict, and (3) genetic divergence through combinational incompatibility. The collaborative coevolution model and the combinational incompatibility model showed a similar decreasing pattern of hybrid compatibility over generations depending on population size and mutation rates. The antagonistic coevolution model showed that reproductive isolation can evolve rapidly depending on the intensity of selection. In the combinational incompatibility model, the increasing number of loci that interact and result in incompatibility would have both promoting and inhibiting effects on the formation of hybrid incompatibility in the earlier stage of isolation. Mutation rates for genes causing incompatibility significantly affect the number of generations required for postmating isolation, which indicates that models assuming high mutation rates (e.g., μ = 10−4) might predict much faster evolution for reproductive isolation than those observed in real populations. Received: January 29, 2001 / Accepted: July 4, 2001  相似文献   

 The main subject for models of postzygotic isolation has been how reproductive isolation genes (RI genes) which cause hybrid inviability or sterility spread within populations despite their deleterious effects. The models are divided into three categories according to the within-population effect of RI genes in their fixation process. (1) The beneficial effect model, where RI genes are assumed to spread within populations by a positive selective force via natural or sexual selection. (2) The neutral effect model, where RI genes are assumed not to affect the fitness of individuals in their fixation process and to be spread by genetic drift. (3) The deleterious effect model, where RI genes are assumed to exhibit some (slightly) deleterious effects in their fixation process and to be spread by genetic drift. Factors that affect the applicability of these models are discussed. If a selective force such as sexual conflict or natural selection facilitates the evolution of RI genes, the beneficial effect model should be applied. Many empirical studies have suggested that positive selection plays an important role in the evolution of hybrid male sterility. If the mutation rates of RI genes are low, and the specificity of epistatic interaction causing hybrid inviability or sterility is high, the neutral effect model should be applied. However, if the opposite condition applies, the deleterious effect model should be applied. Received: February 7, 2002 / Accepted: October 17, 2002 Acknowledgments We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers and the editor for helpful comments and suggestions. Correspondence to:T.I. Hayashi  相似文献   

In this paper, both the empirical and theoretical genetic aspects of human-mediated introgressive hybridization are reviewed in terms of their association with the breakdown of postzygotic isolating mechanisms. I also compare several simulation models with an ecological or genetic focus that are relevant to the prediction and risk assessment of genetic extinction due to hybridization. One barrier to devising comprehensive risk assessment frameworks is a lack of sufficient population genetic studies that associate introgressive hybridization with specific isolating mechanisms. A gametic model based on multilocus underdominant fitness is one of the best genetic models for introgressive hybridization because it explicitly incorporates the postzygotic isolating mechanism known as Dobzhansky–Muller genetic incompatibility.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements can promote reproductive isolation by reducing recombination along a large section of the genome. We model the effects of the genetic barrier to gene flow caused by a chromosomal rearrangement on the rate of accumulation of postzygotic isolation genes in parapatry. We find that, if reproductive isolation is produced by the accumulation in parapatry of sets of alleles compatible within but incompatible across species, chromosomal rearrangements are far more likely to favor it than classical genetic barriers without chromosomal changes. New evidence of the role of chromosomal rearrangements in parapatric speciation suggests that postzygotic isolation is often due to the accumulation of such incompatibilities. The model makes testable qualitative predictions about the genetic signature of speciation.  相似文献   

High gene flow, particularly as mediated by larval dispersal, has usually been viewed as sufficient to limit geographic isolation as a major source of population differentiation among marine species. Despite the general observation of relatively little geographic variation among populations of high dispersal marine species many cases of divergence have been observed and natural selection has usually been invoked to explain geographic divergence. Detailed study of several allozyme polymorphisms provided additional evidence that selection may be the predominant force that determines genetic divergence in marine systems. There is, however, growing evidence that marine species with high dispersal are more subdivided than originally thought. The use of multi-locus approaches and the application of molecular techniques have provided new insight into the nature of population divergence in marine species. I argue that (1) many species, which were formerly thought to be unstructured, are in fact subdivided into genetically discrete groups, (2) it is often the case that genetically subdivided populations have distinct evolutionary histories, (3) in many cases, natural selection is the consequence of introgression between these groups, and (4) the combination of molecular assays of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and allozyme loci provides the best approach to understanding the evolutionary dynamics of these interacting populations.  相似文献   

The possible association between gonadal protein divergence and postzygotic reproductive isolation was investigated among species of the Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis groups. Protein divergence was scored by high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE). Close to 500 protein spots from gonadal tissues (testis and ovary) and nongonadal tissues (malpighian tubules and brain) were analyzed and protein divergence was calculated based on presence vs absence. Both testis and ovary proteins showed higher divergence than nongonadal proteins, and also a highly significant positive correlation with postzygotic reproductive isolation but a weaker correlation with prezygotic reproductive isolation. Particularly, a positive and significant correlation was found between proteins expressed in the testis and postzygotic reproductive isolation among closely related species such as the within-phylad species in the D. virilis group. The high levels of male-reproductive-tract protein divergence between species might be associated with F1 hybrid male sterility among closely related species. If so, a lower level of ovary protein divergence should be expected on the basis that F1 female hybrids are fully fertile. However, this is not necessarily true if relatively few genes are responsible for the reproductive isolation observed between closely related species, as recent studies seem to suggest. We suggest that the faster rate of evolution of gonadal proteins in comparison to nongonadal proteins and the association of that rate with postzygotic reproductive isolation may be the result of episodic and/or sexual selection on male and female molecular traits. Correspondence to: A. Civetta  相似文献   

We assessed prezygotic (probability of spawning) and postzygotic (hatching success) reproductive isolation among the three ecologically and morphologically similar species in the Fundulus notatus species complex. We employed a multi-generation breeding experiment to test the hypotheses that karyotypic differences, body size differences, or geographic isolation among populations will increase pre or postzygotic reproductive barriers. Overall, prezygotic barriers were strong and postzygotic barriers weak in crosses of non-hybrid heterospecifics (F1 hybrid crosses) while prezygotic barriers were weaker and postzygotic barriers stronger in crosses involving hybrid individuals (F2 hybrid crosses and backcrosses). Prezygotic barriers among the two smaller species (Fundulus notatus and F. euryzonus) broke down rapidly; first generation hybrids spawned (F2 hybrid crosses and backcrosses) as frequently as parental forms in intraspecific crosses. There was no increase in postzygotic barriers among species with cytogenetic differences. There were increased prezygotic, but not postzygotic, barriers among geographically isolated populations of one species. While pure males and females were just as likely to spawn with hybrids, some types of hybrid females suffered from increased sterility, but not inviability, over hybrid males. Female sterility was only seen in hybrids with a Fundulus euryzonus parent, while other female hybrids produced viable eggs.  相似文献   

Haerty W  Lesbats M  Capy P 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(12):3801-3807
While pre-reproductive isolations are more and more frequently described between closely related species or within species, very little is known about their conditions of emergence. In Brazzaville, two populations (Kronenbourg and Loua) of Drosophila melanogaster show a premating isolation. Two hypotheses were proposed to explain such a situation: a local sympatric differentiation or an allopatric divergence followed by a secondary contact. A microsatellite analysis, using markers on all chromosomes, strongly suggests that the Kronenbourg population has a European origin. Therefore, the allopatric divergence between Kronenbourg and Loua populations is probably responsible for the sexual isolation observed today in sympatry, after a recent introduction of a European propagule in Brazzaville.  相似文献   

We test the relative rates of evolution of pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation using eight populations of the sexually dimorphic stalk-eyed flies Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni and C. whitei. Flies from these populations exhibit few morphological differences yet experience strong sexual selection on male eyestalks. To measure reproductive isolation we housed one male and three female flies from within and between these populations in replicate cages and then recorded mating behavior, sperm transfer, progeny production, and hybrid fertility. Using a phylogeny based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes, we found that premating isolation, postmating isolation prior to hybrid eclosion, and female hybrid sterility evolve gradually with respect to mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence. In contrast, male hybrid sterility evolves much more rapidly-at least twice as fast as any other form of reproductive isolation. Hybrid sterility, therefore, obeys Haldane's rule. Although some brood sex ratios were female biased, average brood sex ratio did not covary with genetic distance, as would be expected if hybrid inviability obeyed Haldane's rule. The likelihood that forces including sexual selection and intra- and intergenomic conflict may have contributed to these patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of variation in developmental times on behavior of models for insect populations is investigated with special reference to models which include various types of intraspecific competition. At low densities, increases in developmental variation led to decreases in reproductive rate. At high densities, increases in developmental variation led to increases in reproductive rate. There was little change in the relationship between developmental variance and generation time as density increased.  相似文献   

The roles of ecological speciation and reinforcement in the formation of contemporary diversity remain contentious. In the present study, we contrast phenotypic and molecular divergence within morphologically diverged bimodal sympatric and allopatric pairs of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax. We hypothesize that, in sympatry, evidence of selection associated with resource partitioning will be visible through strong divergence, reinforcement, and greater character displacement. Parallel morphological divergence was observed between the two trophic forms (macrophagous and microphagous), with several examples of greater trait divergence in sympatry than allopatry. Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis indicated no association between historical clades and morphology; however, Bayesian clustering using microsatellites supported the isolation of these morphs under both allopatry and sympatry. Estimates of genetic isolation were one order of magnitude lower than measures of morphological divergence, consistent with a hypothesis of strong contemporary selection. Using experimental crosses, we obtained similar rates of fertilization success among the allopatric hybrid and pure crosses; whereas, in the sympatric hybrid crosses, fertilization rates dropped by 30–50%, suggesting a clear role for reinforcement through prezygotic incompatibilities. The present study supports the hypothesis that processes of post‐glacial radiation and diversification differ between sympatry and allopatry, and indicates a role for reinforcement and ecological processes in recent sympatric diversification. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 583–594.  相似文献   

Allopatric populations of Geospiza difficilis, the Sharp‐beaked Ground Finch, differ morphologically in association with different habitats to an extent unrivalled by any other species of Darwin's finch. The question arises as to whether they have diverged so much that they would not interbreed if they became sympatric; in other words, have they become separate species while remaining allopatric? In other species of Darwin's finches, it is known that a sexual imprinting‐like process based on early learning of song constrains breeding to conspecifics in sympatry. Therefore we used song playback experiments on Isla Genovesa to test the potential of G. difficilis to respond to songs from two other populations of the species on other, ecologically similar, islands. We found strong responses by males to songs of their own population, and heterogeneous but overall weaker responses to the structurally similar songs of G. difficilis from Isla Darwin. Tested birds did not respond to G. difficilis songs from Isla Wolf, songs of G. fuliginosa from Isla Pinta and control Cassin's finch songs. Female responses were infrequent and weak, apparently inhibited by the presence of responding males in most instances. Thus, assuming that females exercise similar discriminations to those of males, the Genovesa population of G. difficilis appears to be well advanced along the path of speciation: reproductively isolated from the Wolf population by a premating barrier to gene exchange that is culturally inherited, but not reproductively isolated from the Darwin population. We discuss the implications of imprinting for the process of speciation, the reasons for divergence of songs in allopatry, and the outcome of a hypothetical secondary contact in terms of coexistence, competition and interbreeding. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 76 , 545–556.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation can rise either as a consequence of genomic divergence in allopatry or as a byproduct of divergent selection in parapatry. To determine whether reproductive isolation in gynodioecious Silene nutans results from allopatric divergence or from ecological adaptation following secondary contact, we investigated the pattern of postzygotic reproductive isolation and hybridization in natural populations using two phylogeographic lineages, western (W1) and eastern (E1). Experimental crosses between the lineages identified strong, asymmetric postzygotic isolation between the W1 and the E1 lineages, independent of geographic overlap. The proportion of ovules fertilized, seeds aborted, and seeds germinated revealed relatively little effect on the fitness of hybrids. In contrast, hybrid mortality was high and asymmetric: while half of the hybrid seedlings with western lineage mothers died, nearly all hybrid seedlings with E1 mothers died. This asymmetric mortality mirrored the proportion of chlorotic seedlings, and is congruent with cytonuclear incompatibility. We found no evidence of hybridization between the lineages in regions of co‐occurrence using nuclear and plastid markers. Together, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that strong postzygotic reproductive isolation involving cytonuclear incompatibilities arose in allopatry. We argue that the dynamics of cytonuclear gynodioecy could facilitate the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Postmating but prezygotic (PMPZ) interactions are increasingly recognized as a potentially important early‐stage barrier in the evolution of reproductive isolation. A recent study described a potential example between populations of the same species: single matings between Drosophila montana populations resulted in differential fertilisation success because of the inability of sperm from one population (Vancouver) to penetrate the eggs of the other population (Colorado). As the natural mating system of D. montana is polyandrous (females remate rapidly), we set up double matings of all possible crosses between the same populations to test whether competitive effects between ejaculates influence this PMPZ isolation. We measured premating isolation in no‐choice tests, female fecundity, fertility and egg‐to‐adult viability after single and double matings as well as second‐male paternity success (P2). Surprisingly, we found no PMPZ reproductive isolation between the two populations under a competitive setting, indicating no difficulty of sperm from Vancouver males to fertilize Colorado eggs after double matings. While there were subtle differences in how P2 changed over time, suggesting that Vancouver males’ sperm are somewhat less competitive in a first‐male role within Colorado females, these effects did not translate into differences in overall P2. Fertilisation success can thus differ dramatically between competitive and noncompetitive conditions, perhaps because the males that mate second produce higher quality ejaculates in response to sperm competition. We suggest that unlike in more divergent species comparisons, where sperm competition typically increases reproductive isolation, ejaculate tailoring can reduce the potential for PMPZ isolation when recently diverged populations interbreed.  相似文献   

Molecular identification of plant species may be highly related to the geographic isolation and speciation stages among species. In this study, we examined these possibilities in a group of white pines in China. We sampled 449 individuals from 60 natural populations of seven species from sect. Quinquefoliae subsect. Strobus. We sequenced four chloroplast DNA regions (around 3100 bp in length) and two mitochondrial DNAs (around 1000 bp in length). We identified 21 chlorotypes and 10 mitotypes. Both chlorotypes and mitotypes recovered from four species with long disjunction and restricted distributions in northern or northwestern China, Pinus sibirica, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus wallichiana and Pinus pumila are species-specific, suggesting that these cytoplasmic DNAs can distinguish them from the close relatives. Allopatric isolations should have contributed greatly to their genetic divergences. However, both chlorotypes and mitotypes recovered for Pinus dabeshanensis and Pinus fenzeliana distributed in southeastern and southern China are shared or closely related to those found in the widely distributed Pinus armandii. These two species may have diverged or derived from P. armandii recently. All of our findings together suggest that the discrimination power of the molecular identifications based on the cytoplasmic DNA barcodes may show variable discriminability depending on geographic isolation and speciation stages among the sampled species.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the field of genetic divergence and speciation focus more on diversifying processes than on geographic mode of speciation (i.e. allopatric versus sympatric). Some of these new theories concern speciation driven by conflicts between the sexes. Even though it is well known that the two reproductive functions in plants can have different selective optima, sexual selection in plants is by many assumed to be weak or non-existent. Here we outline potential sexual conflicts in plants and discuss how selection pressures generated by such conflicts may influence genetic divergence. There is opportunity for conflicting selection pressures between individuals, such as manipulative pollen traits that enhance male reproductive success at the expense of the female reproductive function. Within individual plants, fitness of the male function (pollen export) and fitness of the female function (pollen import) may be optimised by different traits, leading to conflicting selection pressures in relation to pollen transfer. This may affect selection for floral specialisation versus floral generalisation in animal-pollinated species. We believe that selection pressures generated by sexual conflict need to be appreciated in order to fully understand microevolutionary processes which may lead to genetic divergence and speciation in plants.  相似文献   

The beech species Fagus hayatae is an important relict tree species in subtropical China, whose biogeographical patterns may reflect floral responses to climate change in this region during the Quaternary. Previous studies have revealed phylogeography for three of the four Fagus species in China, but study on F. hayatae, the most sparsely distributed of these species, is still lacking. Here, molecular methods based on eight simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci of nuclear DNA (nDNA) and three chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences were applied for analyses of genetic diversity and structure in 375 samples from 14 F. hayatae populations across its whole range. Both nDNA and cpDNA indicated a high level of genetic diversity in this species. Significant fixation indexes and departures from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, with a genetic differentiation parameter of Rst of 0.233, were detected in nDNA SSR loci among populations, especially those on Taiwan Island, indicating strong geographic partitioning. The populations were classified into two clusters, without a prominent signal of isolation‐by‐distance. For the 15 haplotypes detected in the cpDNA sequence fragments, there was a high genetic differentiation parameter (Gst = 0.712) among populations. A high Gst of 0.829 was also detected outside but not within the Sichuan Basin. Consistent with other Fagus species in China, no recent population expansion was detected from tests of neutrality and mismatch distribution analysis. Overall, genetic isolation with limited gene flow was prominent for this species and significant phylogeographic structures existed across its range except for those inside the Sichuan Basin. Our study suggested long‐term geographic isolation in F. hayatae with limited population admixture and the existence of multiple refugia in the mountainous regions of the Sichuan Basin and southeast China during the Quaternary. These results may provide useful information critical for the conservation of F. hayatae and other Chinese beech species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female mate choice is thought to have played a key role in the speciation of haplochromine cichlids, but a dominant role for visual signals in such processes has lately been called into question. In addition, the possible role of male mating preferences in haplochromine speciation has been little studied. We studied patterns of both female and male mate choice, based exclusively on visual signals, in order to evaluate potential reproductive isolation between two populations of the Lake Malawi haplochromine Labeotropheus fuelleborni. In the first experiment, females were allowed to choose between two males, one from the same population and the other allopatric with respect to the female. Females in this experiment responded more frequently to males from their own population. Similarly, the males in these trials displayed more frequently when presented with females of their own population. In the second experiment, a female was allowed to choose between two males, either both from her own population or both allopatric. In these trials, both males and females from the Katale population interacted significantly more frequently in settings in which all three individuals were from the same population ("same-population trios"), and those from the Chipoka population showed a similar trend. Thus, patterns in both male and female courtship behavior suggest that visual signals contribute to at least incipient reproductive isolation between populations of L. fuelleborni [Current Zoology 56 (1): 65-72 2010].  相似文献   

Phylogenetic clades based on DNA sequences such as the chloroplast rbcL gene and the nuclear ITS region are frequently used to delimit algal species. However, these molecular markers cannot accurately delimit boundaries among some Ulva species. Although Ulva reticulata and Ulva ohnoi occasionally bloom in tropical to warm‐temperate regions and are clearly distinguishable by their reticulate or plain blade morphology, they have few or no sequence divergences in these molecular markers and form a monophyletic clade. In this study, to clarify the speciation and species delimitation in the U. reticulata‐ohnoi complex clade, reproductive relationships among several sexual strains from the Philippines and Japan including offspring that originated from the type specimen of U. ohnoi were examined by culturing and hybridization in addition to the ITS‐based analysis. As a result, both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation were revealed to occur between genetically perforated U. reticulata and imperforate U. ohnoi. They were also separated on the basis of sequence analysis of the ITS region. That strongly supports that the two taxa are independent biological species. Although no prezygotic barrier among the Philippine and Japanese strains of U. reticulata was observed, unexpectedly zoospores produced by hybrid sporophytes in some of their combinations mostly failed to develop, indicating partial formation of a postzygotic barrier despite a 0.2% divergence in the ITS sequence. These findings suggest speciation is still ongoing in U. reticulata.  相似文献   

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