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The Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP) strives to disrupt each Drosophila gene by the insertion of a single transposable element. As part of this effort, transposons in >30,000 fly strains were localized and analyzed relative to predicted Drosophila gene structures. Approximately 6300 lines that maximize genomic coverage were selected to be sent to the Bloomington Stock Center for public distribution, bringing the size of the BDGP gene disruption collection to 7140 lines. It now includes individual lines predicted to disrupt 5362 of the 13,666 currently annotated Drosophila genes (39%). Other lines contain an insertion at least 2 kb from others in the collection and likely mutate additional incompletely annotated or uncharacterized genes and chromosomal regulatory elements. The remaining strains contain insertions likely to disrupt alternative gene promoters or to allow gene misexpression. The expanded BDGP gene disruption collection provides a public resource that will facilitate the application of Drosophila genetics to diverse biological problems. Finally, the project reveals new insight into how transposons interact with a eukaryotic genome and helps define optimal strategies for using insertional mutagenesis as a genomic tool.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Gene Disruption Project (GDP) has created a public collection of mutant strains containing single transposon insertions associated with different genes. These strains often disrupt gene function directly, allow production of new alleles, and have many other applications for analyzing gene function. Here we describe the addition of ~7600 new strains, which were selected from >140,000 additional P or piggyBac element integrations and 12,500 newly generated insertions of the Minos transposon. These additions nearly double the size of the collection and increase the number of tagged genes to at least 9440, approximately two-thirds of all annotated protein-coding genes. We also compare the site specificity of the three major transposons used in the project. All three elements insert only rarely within many Polycomb-regulated regions, a property that may contribute to the origin of "transposon-free regions" (TFRs) in metazoan genomes. Within other genomic regions, Minos transposes essentially at random, whereas P or piggyBac elements display distinctive hotspots and coldspots. P elements, as previously shown, have a strong preference for promoters. In contrast, piggyBac site selectivity suggests that it has evolved to reduce deleterious and increase adaptive changes in host gene expression. The propensity of Minos to integrate broadly makes possible a hybrid finishing strategy for the project that will bring >95% of Drosophila genes under experimental control within their native genomic contexts.  相似文献   

We describe a collection of P-element insertions that have considerable utility for generating custom chromosomal aberrations in Drosophila melanogaster. We have mobilized a pair of engineered P elements, p[RS3] and p[RS5], to collect 3243 lines unambiguously mapped to the Drosophila genome sequence. The collection contains, on average, an element every 35 kb. We demonstrate the utility of the collection for generating custom chromosomal deletions that have their end points mapped, with base-pair resolution, to the genome sequence. The collection was generated in an isogenic strain, thus affording a uniform background for screens where sensitivity to genetic background is high. The entire collection, along with a computational and genetic toolbox for designing and generating custom deletions, is publicly available. Using the collection it is theoretically possible to generate >12,000 deletions between 1 bp and 1 Mb in size by simple eye color selection. In addition, a further 37,000 deletions, selectable by molecular screening, may be generated. We are now using the collection to generate a second-generation deficiency kit that is precisely mapped to the genome sequence.  相似文献   

The segregation of homologous chromosomes from one another is the essence of meiosis. In many organisms, accurate segregation is ensured by the formation of chiasmata resulting from crossing over. Drosophila melanogaster females use this type of recombination-based system, but they also have mechanisms for segregating achiasmate chromosomes with high fidelity. We describe a P-element mutagenesis and screen in a sensitized genetic background to detect mutations that impair meiotic chromosome pairing, recombination, or segregation. Our screen identified two new recombination-deficient mutations: mei-P22, which fully eliminates meiotic recombination, and mei-P26, which decreases meiotic exchange by 70% in a polar fashion. We also recovered an unusual allele of the ncd gene, whose wild-type product is required for proper structure and function of the meiotic spindle. However, the screen yielded primarily mutants specifically defective in the segregation of achiasmate chromosomes. Although most of these are alleles of previously undescribed genes, five were in the known genes alphaTubulin67C, CycE, push, and Trl. The five mutations in known genes produce novel phenotypes for those genes.  相似文献   

We describe new vectors suitable for P-element mediated germ line transformation of Drosophila melanogaster using passenger genes whose expression does not result in a readily detectable phenotypic change of the transformed flies. The P-element vectors contain the white gene fused to the heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) gene promoter. Expression of the white gene rescues the white phenotype of recipient flies partly or completely even without heat treatment. Transformed descendents of most founder animals (GO) fall into two classes which are distinguishable by their orange and red eye colours. The different levels of white expression are presumably due to position effects associated with different chromosomal sites of insertion. Doubling of the gene dose in orange eyed fly stocks results in an easily visible darkening of the eye colour. Consequently, the generation of homozygous transformants is easily possible by simple inbreeding due to the phenotypic distinction of homo- and heterozygous transformants. Cloning into these P-element vectors is facilitated by the presence of polylinkers with 8 and 12 unique restriction sites.  相似文献   

We studied the process by which whd, a P-element insertion allele of the Drosophila melanogaster white locus, is replaced by its homolog in the presence of transposase. These events are interpreted as the result of double-strand gap repair following excision of the P transposon in whd. We used a series of alleles derived from whd through P-element mobility as templates for this repair. One group of alleles, referred to collectively as whd-F, carried fragments of the P element that had lost some of the sequences needed in cis for mobility. The other group, whd-D, had lost all of the P insert and had some of the flanking DNA from white deleted. The average replacement frequencies were 43% for whd-F alleles and 7% for the whd-D alleles. Some of the former were converted at frequencies exceeding 50%. Our data suggest that the high conversion frequencies for the whd-F templates can be attributed at least in part to an elevated efficiency of repair of unexpanded gaps that is possibly caused by the closer match between whd-F sequences and the unexpanded gap endpoints. In addition, we found that the gene substitutions were almost exclusively in the direction of whd being replaced by the whd-F or whd-D allele rather than the reverse. The template alleles were usually unaltered in the process. This asymmetry implies that the conversion process is unidirectional and that the P fragments are not good substrates for P-element transposase. Our results help elucidate a highly efficient double-strand gap repair mechanism in D. melanogaster that can also be used for gene replacement procedures involving insertions and deletions. They also help explain the rapid spread of P elements in populations.  相似文献   

H Eggert  K Bergemann  H Saumweber 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1427-1434
As an alternative to existing methods for the detection of new insertions during a transposon mutagenesis, we adapted the method of vectorette ligation to genomic restriction fragments followed by PCR to obtain genomic sequences flanking the transposon. By combining flies containing a defined genomic transposon with an excess of flies containing unrelated insertion sites, we demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the procedure in the detection of integration events. This method was applied in a transposon-tagging screen for BJ1, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate gene Regulator of Chromosome Condensation (RCCI). Genetic mobilization of a single genomic P element was used to generate preferentially new local insertions from which integrations into a genomic region surrounding the BJ1 gene were screened. Flies harboring new insertions were phenotypically selected on the basis of the zeste1-dependent transvection of white. We detected a single transposition to a 13-kb region close to the BJ1 gene among 6650 progeny that were analyzed. Southern analysis of the homozygous line confirmed the integration 3 kb downstream of BJ1.  相似文献   

T J Lockett  D Lewy  P Holmes  K Medveczky  R Saint 《Gene》1992,114(2):187-193
We describe a new vector for the P-element-mediated introduction of gene constructs into the germ line of Drosophila melanogaster. The P-element vector carries 6.8 kb of genomic DNA containing the rough gene (ro) from D. melanogaster and a polylinker (MCS) containing ten unique cloning sites. To demonstrate its utility, we have cloned into the MCS of this vector, the firefly luciferase (Luc)-encoding gene (luc) under the control of the D. melanogaster hsp70 promoter and have transformed flies with the resultant P-element. Single insertions of this element, whether in the hemizygous or homozygous condition, completely rescued the ro- mutation and directed heat-inducible synthesis of Luc mRNA and enzyme.  相似文献   

Coveny AM  Dray T  Gloor GB 《Genetics》2002,161(1):249-258
We examined the influence that heterologous sequences of different sizes have on the frequency of double-strand-break repair by gene conversion in Drosophila melanogaster. We induced a double-strand break on one X chromosome in female flies by P-element excision. These flies contained heterologous insertions of various sizes located 238 bp from the break site in cis or in trans to the break, or both. We observed a significant decrease in double-strand-break repair with large heterologous insertions located either in cis or in trans to the break. Reestablishing the homology by including the same heterologous sequence in cis and in trans to the double-strand break restored the frequency of gene conversion to wild-type levels. In one instance, an allelic nonhomologous insertion completely abolished repair by homologous recombination. The results show that the repair of a double-strand break by gene conversion requires chromosome pairing in the local region of the double-strand break.  相似文献   

The Evolving Genome Project: current and future impact.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The National Institutes of Health/Department of Energy Human Genome Project has been funding directed research for only 5 years, and it is understandably difficult to cite important research advances directly attributable to the project. However, the project has been constructive in fostering multidisciplinary group research and an inspiring and synergistic "just do it" attitude in both political and scientific circles, domestically and abroad. This collaborative spirit has spawned large-scale genetic and physical mapping projects, with the most impressive and useful results to date being the dense genetic maps produced by the Généthon, a French organization largely supported by the French muscular dystrophy association. With the genetic and physical map reagents now becoming available, disease-gene cloning is proceeding at an increasingly rapid pace. More important than the predictable acceleration of disease-gene mapping are the unpredictable benefits: Will a dense PCR-based dinucleotide-repeat genetic map open novel alternative approaches to disease-gene isolation? Will it become possible to localize disease genes by simply analyzing unrelated, isolated probands rather than the rarer "extended family"? Proband-based "linkage-disequilibrium cloning" may become possible if adequate density, informativeness, and stability of polymorphic loci are obtained. In addition, "genome exclusion cloning" will be added to the established positional, candidate-gene, and functional-disease-gene-cloning experimental approaches. The anticipated exponential expansion of human genetic disease information over the remainder of the 10-year tenure of the Human Genome Project unveils critical yet unresolved issues for medical education and the practice of medicine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) have been isolated from Drosophila melanogaster flies. They have been characterized by base analysis, fingerprinting, and injection into Axolotl oocytes. The size of the molecules and the modified base composition suggest that the following correlations can be made: snRNA1 approximately U2-snRNA; snRNA2 approximately U3-snRNA; snRNA3 approximately U4-snRNA; snRNA4 approximately U6-snRNA. The snRNAs injected into Axolotl oocytes move into the nuclei, where they are protected from degradation. The genes coding for these snRNAs have been localized by "in situ" hybridization of 125-I-snRNAs to salivary gland chromosomes. Most of the snRNAs hybridize to different regions of the genome: snRNA1 to the cytological regions 39B and 40AB; snRNA2 to 22A, 82E, and 95C; snRNA3 to 14B, 23D, 34A, 35EF, 39B, and 63A; snRNA4 to 96A. The estimated gene numbers (Southern-blot analysis) are: snRNA1:3; snRNA2:7; snRNA3:7; snRNA4:1-3. The gene numbers correspond to the number of sites labeled on the polytene salivary gland chromosomes.  相似文献   

Two independent P-element enhancer detection lines were obtained that express lacZ in a pattern of longitudinal stripes early in germband elongation. In this paper, molecular and genetic characterization of a gene located near these transposons is presented. Sequence analysis of a cDNA clone from the region reveals that this gene has a high degree of similarity with the Drosophila snail gene (Boulay et al., 1987). The sequence similarity extends over 400 nucleotides, and includes a region encoding five tandem zinc finger motifs (72% nucleotide identity; 76% amino acid identity). This region is also conserved in the snail homologue from Xenopus laevis (76% nucleotide identity; 83% amino acid identity) (Sargent and Bennett, 1990). We have named the Drosophila snail-related gene escargot (esg), and the region of sequence conservation common to all three genes the 'snailbox'. A number of Drosophila genomic DNA fragments cross-hybridize to a probe from the snailbox region suggesting that snail and escargot are members of a multigene family. The expression pattern of escargot is dynamic and complex. Early in germband elongation, escargot RNA is expressed in a pattern of longitudinal stripes identical to the one observed in the two enhancer detection lines. Later in development, escargot is expressed in cells that will form the larval imaginal tissues, escargot is allelic with l(2)35Ce, an essential gene located near snail in the genome.  相似文献   

The 5S genes of Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We have cloned embryonic Drosophila DNA using the poly (dA-DT) connector method (Lobban and Kaiser, 1973) and the ampicillin-resistant plasmid pSF2124 (So, Gill and Falkow, 1975) as a cloning vehicle. Two clones, containing hybrid plasmids with sequences complementary to a 5S RNA probe isolated from Drosophila tissue culture cells, were identified by the Grunstein and Hogness (1975) colony hybridization procedure. One hybrid plasmid has a Drosophila insert which is comprised solely of tandem repeats of the 5S gene plus spacer sequences. The other plasmid contains an insert which has about 20 tandem 5S repeat units plus an additional 4 kilobases of adjacent sequences. The size of the 5S repeat unit was determined by gel electrophoresis and was found to be approximately 375 base pairs. We present a restriction map of both plasmids, and a detailed map of of the5S repeat unit. The 5S repat unit shows slight length and sequence heterogeneity. We present evidence suggesting that the 5S genes in Drosophila melanogaster may be arranged in a single continuous cluster.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis screens have provided thousands of mutant alleles for analysing genes of varied functions in Drosophila melanogaster. We here document mechanisms of insertional mutagenesis by a LINE element, the I factor, by determining the molecular structure of RNAs produced from two alleles of the white gene of D.melanogaster, wIR1 and wIR6. These alleles result from insertion of the I factor into introns of the gene. We show that sequences present within the element direct aberrant splicing and termination events. When the I factor is inserted within the white first intron it may lead to the use of a cryptic 3' splice site which does not contain the dinucleotide AG. This splicing gives rise to a chimeric messenger RNA whose synthesis is controlled differently in tissues where the mutated gene is expressed. When the I factor is inserted within the white last intron it induces synthesis of truncated mRNAs. These results provide, for the first time, mechanisms for I factor insertional mutagenesis. They are discussed in the more general context of RNA processing in Drosophila and the evolution of eukaryotic gene introns.  相似文献   

This case study of the Estonian Genome Project (EGP) analyses the Estonian policy decision to construct a national human gene bank. Drawing upon qualitative data from newspaper articles and public policy documents, it focuses on how proponents use discourse to link the EGP to the broader political goal of securing Estonia's position within the Western/European scientific and cultural space. This dominant narrative is then situated within the analytical notion of the "brand state", which raises potentially negative political consequences for this type of market-driven genomic research. Considered against the increasing number of countries engaging in gene bank and/or gene database projects, this analysis of Estonia elucidates issues that cross national boundaries, while also illuminating factors specific to this small, post-Soviet state as it enters the global biocybernetic economy.  相似文献   

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