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Unloaded shortening velocity (VUS) was determined by the slack method and measured at both maximal and submaximal levels of activation in glycerinated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle. Graded activation was achieved by two methods. First, [Ca2+] was varied in fibers with endogenous skeletal troponin C (sTnC) and after replacement of endogenous TnC with either purified cardiac troponin C (cTnC) or sTnC. Alternatively, fibers were either partially or fully reconstituted with a modified form of cTnC (aTnC) that enables force generation and shortening in the absence of Ca2+. Uniformity of the distribution of reconstituted TnC across the fiber radius was evaluated using fluorescently labeled sTnC and laser scanning fluorescence confocal microscopy. Fiber shortening was nonlinear under all conditions tested and was characterized by an early rapid phase (VE) followed by a slower late phase (VL). In fibers with endogenous sTnC, both VE and VL varied with [Ca2+], but VE was less affected than VL. Similar results were obtained after extraction of TnC and reconstitution with either sTnC or cTnC, except for a small increase in the apparent activation dependence of VE. Partial activation with aTnC was obtained by fully extracting endogenous sTnC followed by reconstitution with a mixture of aTnC and cTnC (aTnC:cTnC molar ratio 1:8.5). At pCa 9.2, VE and VL were similar to those obtained in fibers reconstituted with sTnC or cTnC at equivalent force levels. In these fibers, which contained aTnC and cTnC, VE and VL increased with isometric force when [Ca2+] was increased from pCa 9.2 to 4.0. Fibers that contained a mixture of a TnC and cTnC were then extracted a second time to selectively remove cTnC. In fibers containing aTnC only, VE and VL were proportional to the resulting submaximal isometric force compared with maximum Ca(2+)-activated control. With aTnC alone, force, VE, and VL were not affected by changes in [Ca2+]. The similarity of activation dependence of VUS whether fibers were activated in a Ca(2+)-sensitive or -insensitive manners implies that VUS is determined by the average level of thin filament activation and that, with sTnC or cTnC, VUS is affected by Ca2+ binding to TnC only.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that activation of ATP-sensitive P2X receptors in skeletal muscle play a role in mediating the exercise pressor reflex (Li J and Sinoway LI. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 283: H2636-H2643, 2002). To determine the role ATP plays in this reflex, it is necessary to examine whether muscle interstitial ATP (ATPi) concentrations rise with muscle contraction. Accordingly, in this study, muscle contraction was evoked by electrical stimulation of the L7 and S1 ventral roots of the spinal cord in 12 decerebrate cats. Muscle ATPi was collected from microdialysis probes inserted in the muscle. ATP concentrations were determined by the HPLC method. Electrical stimulation of the ventral roots at 3 and 5 Hz increased mean arterial pressure by 13 +/- 2 and 16 +/- 3 mmHg (P < 0.05), respectively, and it increased ATP concentration in contracting muscle by 150% (P < 0.05) and 200% (P < 0.05), respectively. ATP measured in the opposite control limb did not rise with ventral root stimulation. Section of the L7 and S1 dorsal roots did not affect the ATPi seen with 5-Hz ventral root stimulation. Finally, ventral roots stimulation sufficient to drive motor nerve fibers did not increase ATP in previously paralyzed cats. Thus ATPi is not largely released from sympathetic or motor nerves and does not require an intact afferent reflex pathway. We conclude that ATPi is due to the release of ATP from contracting skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

Fiber isometric tension redevelopment rate (kTR) was measured during submaximal and maximal activations in glycerinated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle. In fibers either containing endogenous skeletal troponin C (sTnC) or reconstituted with either purified cardiac troponin C (cTnC) or sTnC, graded activation was achieved by varying [Ca2+]. Some fibers were first partially, then fully, reconstituted with a modified form of cTnC (aTnC) that enables active force generation and shortening in the absence of Ca2+. kTR was derived from the half-time of tension redevelopment. In control fibers with endogenous sTnC, kTR increased nonlinearly with [Ca2+], and maximal kTR was 15.3 +/- 3.6 s-1 (mean +/- SD; n = 26 determinations on 25 fibers) at pCa 4.0. During submaximal activations by Ca2+, kTR in cTnC reconstituted fibers was approximately threefold faster than control, despite the lower (60%) maximum Ca(2+)-activated force after reconstitution. To obtain submaximal force with aTnC, eight fibers were treated to fully extract endogenous sTnC, then reconstituted with a mixture of a TnC and cTnC (aTnC:cTnC molar ratio 1:8.5). A second extraction selectively removed cTnC. In such fibers containing aTnC only, neither force nor kTR was affected by changes in [Ca2+]. Force was 22 +/- 7% of maximum control (mean +/- SD; n = 15) at pCa 9.2 vs. 24 +/- 8% (mean +/- SD; n = 8) at pCa 4.0, whereas kTR was 98 +/- 14% of maximum control (mean +/- SD; n = 15) at pCa 9.2 vs. 96 +/- 15% (mean +/- SD; n = 8) at pCa 4.0.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraaceticacid (BAPTA) on force and intracellularCa2+ transient were studied duringisometric twitches and tetanuses in single frog muscle fibers. BAPTAwas added to the bathing solution in its permeant AM form (50 and 100 µM). There was no clear correlation between the changes in force andthe changes in Ca2+ transient.Thus during twitch stimulation BAPTA did not suppress theCa2+ transient until the force hadbeen reduced to <50% of its control value. At the same time, thepeak myoplasmic free Ca2+concentration reached during tetanic stimulation was markedly increased, whereas the force was slightlyreduced by BAPTA. The effects of BAPTA were not duplicated by usinganother Ca2+ chelator, EGTA,indicating that BAPTA may act differently as aCa2+ chelator. Stiffnessmeasurements suggest that the decrease in mechanical performance in thepresence of BAPTA is attributable to a reduced number of active crossbridges. The results could mean that BAPTA, under the conditions used,inhibits the binding of Ca2+ totroponin C resulting in a reduced state of activation of the contractile system.


L Xu  G Meissner 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(5):2302-2312
The cardiac muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channel (ryanodine receptor) is a ligand-gated channel that is activated by micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations and inactivated by millimolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. The effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum lumenal Ca2+ on the purified release channel were examined in single channel measurements using the planar lipid bilayer method. In the presence of caffeine and nanomolar cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, lumenal-to-cytosolic Ca2+ fluxes >/=0.25 pA activated the channel. At the maximally activating cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 4 microM, lumenal Ca2+ fluxes of 8 pA and greater caused a decline in channel activity. Lumenal Ca2+ fluxes primarily increased channel activity by increasing the duration of mean open times. Addition of the fast Ca2+-complexing buffer 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethanetetraacetic acid (BAPTA) to the cytosolic side of the bilayer increased lumenal Ca2+-activated channel activities, suggesting that it lowered Ca2+ concentrations at cytosolic Ca2+-inactivating sites. Regulation of channel activities by lumenal Ca2+ could be also observed in the absence of caffeine and in the presence of 5 mM MgATP. These results suggest that lumenal Ca2+ can regulate cardiac Ca2+ release channel activity by passing through the open channel and binding to the channel's cytosolic Ca2+ activation and inactivation sites.  相似文献   

In airway smooth muscle cells (SMCs) from mouse lung slices, > or =10 microM ATP induced Ca2+ oscillations that were accompanied by airway contraction. After approximately 1 min, the Ca2+ oscillations subsided and the airway relaxed. By contrast, > or =0.5 microM adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (nonhydrolyzable) induced Ca2+ oscillations in the SMCs and an associated airway contraction that persisted for >2 min. Adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)-induced Ca2+ oscillations occurred in the absence of external Ca2+ but were abolished by the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor inhibitor xestospongin. Adenosine, AMP, and alpha,beta-methylene ATP had no effect on airway caliber, and the magnitude of the contractile response induced by a variety of nucleotides could be ranked in the following order: ATP = UTP > ADP. These results suggest that the SMC response to ATP is impaired by ATP hydrolysis and mediated via P2Y(2) or P2Y(4) receptors, activating phospholipase C to release Ca2+ via the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. We conclude that ATP can serve as a spasmogen of airway SMCs and that Ca2+ oscillations in SMCs are required to sustain airway contraction.  相似文献   

Rat uterine smooth muscle shows sustained contraction to oxytocin in Ca2+-free medium with EGTA, that is called "Ca-free contraction"(1). Participation of the rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ in this Ca-free contraction was tested. In Ca-free contraction, the cytosolic free Ca2+ level was not changed at all as measured with fura-2. Further, the chelation of cytosolic free Ca2+ with quin-2 did not at all affect Ca-free contraction. These results strongly suggest that Ca-free contraction is not triggered by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Maximum velocity of the actomyosin ATPase reaction (V(max) ATPase) and ATP consumption rate during maximum isometric activation (ATP(iso)) were determined in human vastus lateralis (VL) muscle fibers expressing different myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. We hypothesized that the reserve capacity for ATP consumption [1 -- (ratio of ATP(iso) to V(max) ATPase)] varies across VL muscle fibers expressing different MHC isoforms. Biopsies were obtained from 12 subjects (10 men and 2 women; age 21--66 yr). A quantitative histochemical procedure was used to measure V(max) ATPase. In permeabilized fibers, ATP(iso) was measured using an NADH-linked fluorometric procedure. The reserve capacity for ATP consumption was lower for fibers coexpressing MHC(2X) and MHC(2A) compared with fibers singularly expressing MHC(2A) and MHC(slow) (39 vs. 52 and 56%, respectively). Tension cost (ratio of ATP(iso) to generated force) also varied with fiber type, being highest in fibers coexpressing MHC(2X) and MHC(2A). We conclude that fiber-type differences in the reserve capacity for ATP consumption and tension cost reflect functional differences such as susceptibility to fatigue.  相似文献   

The relationship between Ca2+ current amplitudes and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients was studied in single muscle fibers. Segments of muscle fibers were voltage-clamped in a double Vaseline gap chamber. Ca2+ transients were measured as an optical signal derived from the interaction between Ca2+ and the dye antipyrylazo III. The cells were maintained at -90 mV. Ca2+ currents were detected at pulse potentials to -50 mV, reached a maximum value at 0 mV, were reduced in size for larger depolarizations, and reversed at about 40 mV. Ca2+ transients were also detected at -50 Mv and progressively increased in size with larger pulse potentials up to 10 mV. Depolarizations to voltages greater than 10 mV did not further increase the size of the transient. The magnitude and time course of transients from 10 to 70 mV were almost identical Ca2+ fluxes into the myoplasm (Ca2+ input fluxes) were calculated from the Ca2+ transients applying a removal model. The size of the input fluxes increased with depolarization up to 0 mV. Between 0 and 70 mV the peak input flux slightly increased, while the flux measured at 200 ms remained unchanged. In conclusion, Ca2+ transients and input fluxes were not reduced during pulses to large positive potentials, even though a drastic reduction of Ca2+ current occurred at these potentials. These observations make it very unlikely that a voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry is the triggering signal for contraction.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of an intact muscle fiber and of internally perfused fibers in capillary tubes have been obtained. The use of internal perfusion has insured a good control of the concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+ and ATP. The comparison of the spectra obtained with the two types of fibers shows that the muscle structure is well preserved in capillary tubes. In addition, it appears that the sarcomere length has no significant effect on the Raman spectrum of muscle fibers. Our results on perfused fibers demonstrate that a fiber can be kept in the relaxed state for several hours, then displaying an intact fiber spectrum, when the concentration of ATP, Mg2+ and Ca2+ is maintained at 5, 2 and 0 mM, respectively. Therefore ATP and Mg2+ do not affect the Raman spectrum of muscle fibers. When one of these components is removed, or when Ca2+ is added, contraction occurs and causes major spectral changes. These results are interpreted as being due to strong electrostatic interactions between basic and acidic residues during contraction, and to a change of the alpha-helical content, or of the orientation, of some of the contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Single Ca2+ channel and whole cell currents were measured in smooth muscle cells dissociated from resistance-sized (100-microns diameter) rat cerebral arteries. We sought to quantify the magnitude of Ca2+ channel currents and activity under the putative physiological conditions of these cells: 2 mM [Ca2+]o, steady depolarizations to potentials between -50 and -20 mV, and (where possible) without extrinsic channel agonists. Single Ca2+ channel conductance was measured over a broad range of Ca2+ concentrations (0.5-80 mM). The saturating conductance ranged from 1.5 pS at 0.5 mM to 7.8 pS at 80 mM, with a value of 3.5 pS at 2 mM Ca (unitary currents of 0.18 pA at -40 mV). Both single channel and whole cell Ca2+ currents were measured during pulses and at steady holding potentials. Ca2+ channel open probability and the lower limit for the total number of channels per cell were estimated by dividing the whole-cell Ca2+ currents by the single channel current. We estimate that an average cell has at least 5,000 functional channels with open probabilities of 3.4 x 10(-4) and 2 x 10(-3) at -40 and -20 mV, respectively. An average of 1-10 (-40 mV and -20 mV, respectively) Ca2+ channels are thus open at physiological potentials, carrying approximately 0.5 pA steady Ca2+ current at -30 mV. We also observed a very slow reduction in open probability during steady test potentials when compared with peak pulse responses. This 4- 10-fold reduction in activity could not be accounted for by the channel's normal inactivation at our recording potentials between -50 and -20 mV, implying that an additional slow inactivation process may be important in regulating Ca2+ channel activity during steady depolarization.  相似文献   

Increasing contraction frequency in single skeletal muscle fibers has been shown to increase the magnitude of the fall in intracellular Po(2) (Pi(O(2))), reflecting a greater metabolic rate. To test whether Pi(O(2)) kinetics are altered by contraction frequency through this increase in metabolic stress, Pi(O(2)) was measured in Xenopus single fibers (n = 11) during and after contraction bouts at three different frequencies. Pi(O(2)) was measured via phosphorescence quenching at 0.16-, 0.25-, and 0.5-Hz tetanic stimulation. The kinetics of the change in Pi(O(2)) from resting baseline to end-contraction values and end contraction to rest were described as a mean response time (MRT) representing the time to 63% of the change in Pi(O(2)). As predicted, the fall in Pi(O(2)) from baseline following contractions was progressively greater at 0.5 and 0.25 Hz than at 0.16 Hz (32.8 +/- 2.1 and 29.3 +/- 2.0 Torr vs. 23.6 +/- 2.2 Torr, respectively) since metabolic demand was greater. The MRT for the decrease in Pi(O(2)) was progressively faster at the higher frequencies (0.5 Hz: 45.3 +/- 4.5 s; 0.25 Hz: 63.3 +/- 4.1 s; 0.16 Hz: 78.0 +/- 4.1 s), suggesting faster accumulation of stimulators of oxidative phosphorylation. The MRT for Pi(O(2)) off-kinetics (0.5 Hz: 84.0 +/- 11.7 s; 0.25 Hz: 79.1 +/- 8.4 s; 0.16 Hz: 81.1 +/- 8.3 s) was not different between trials. These data demonstrate in single fibers that the rate of the fall in Pi(O(2)) is dependent on contraction frequency, whereas the rate of recovery following contractions is independent of either the magnitude of the fall in Pi(O(2)) from baseline or the contraction frequency. This suggests that stimulation frequency plays an integral role in setting the initial metabolic response to work in isolated muscle fibers, possibly due to temporal recovery between contractions, but it does not determine recovery kinetics.  相似文献   

To clarify whether activity of the ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) is reduced in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of cardiac muscle, as is the case with the ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1), Ca2+-dependent [3H]ryanodine binding, a biochemical measure of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR), was determined using SR vesicle fractions isolated from rabbit and rat cardiac muscles. In the absence of an adenine nucleotide or caffeine, the rat SR showed a complicated Ca2+ dependence, instead of the well-documented biphasic dependence of the rabbit SR. In the rat SR, [3H]ryanodine binding initially increased as [Ca2+] increased, with a plateau in the range of 10–100 µM Ca2+, and thereafter further increased to an apparent peak around 1 mM Ca2+, followed by a decrease. In the presence of these modulators, this complicated dependence prevailed, irrespective of the source. Addition of 0.3–1 mM Mg2+ unexpectedly increased the binding two- to threefold and enhanced the affinity for [3H]ryanodine at 10–100 µM Ca2+, resulting in the well-known biphasic dependence. In other words, the partial suppression of RyR2 is relieved by Mg2+. Ca2+ could be a substitute for Mg2+. Mg2+ also amplifies the responses of RyR2 to inhibitory and stimulatory modulators. This stimulating effect of Mg2+ on RyR2 is entirely new, and is referred to as the third effect, in addition to the well-known dual inhibitory effects. This effect is critical to describe the role of RyR2 in excitation-contraction coupling of cardiac muscle, in view of the intracellular Mg2+ concentration. [3H]ryanodine binding; CICR; stimulation by physiological Mg2+, excitation-contraction coupling in the heart  相似文献   

Because the major processes involved in muscle contraction require rapid utilization of ATP, measurement of ATP utilization can provide important insights into the mechanisms of contraction. It is necessary, however, to differentiate between the contribution made by cross-bridges and that of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ pumps. Specific and potent SR Ca2+ pump blockers have been used in skinned fibers to permit direct measurement of cross-bridge ATP utilization. Up to now, there was no analogous cross-bridge blocker. Recently, N-benzyl-p-toluene sulfonamide (BTS) was found to suppress force generation at micromolar concentrations. We tested whether BTS could be used to block cross-bridge ATP utilization, thereby permitting direct measurement of SR Ca2+ pump ATP utilization in saponin-skinned fibers. At 25 µM, BTS virtually eliminates force and cross-bridge ATP utilization (both <4% of control value). By taking advantage of the toadfish swimbladder muscle's unique right shift in its force-Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) relationship, we measured SR Ca2+ pump ATP utilization in the presence and absence of BTS. At 25 µM, BTS had no effect on SR pump ATP utilization. Hence, we used BTS to make some of the first direct measurements of ATP utilization of intact SR over a physiological range of [Ca2+]at 15°C. Curve fits to SR Ca2+ pump ATP utilization vs. pCa indicate that they have much lower Hill coefficients (1.49) than that describing cross-bridge force generation vs. pCa (5). Furthermore, we found that BTS also effectively eliminates force generation in bundles of intact swimbladder muscle, suggesting that it will be an important tool for studying integrated SR function during normal motor behavior. muscle energetics; skinned muscle fibers; sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ion pumps; cross bridges  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle deficiency in the 3-phosphoinositide (PtdInsP) phosphatase myotubularin (MTM1) causes myotubular myopathy which is associated with severe depression of voltage-activated sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release through ryanodine receptors. In the present study we aimed at further understanding how Ca2+ release is altered in MTM1-deficient muscle fibers, at rest and during activation. While in wild-type muscle fibers, SR Ca2+ release exhibits fast stereotyped kinetics of activation and decay throughout the voltage range of activation, Ca2+ release in MTM1-deficient muscle fibers exhibits slow and unconventional kinetics at intermediate voltages, suggestive of partial loss of the normal control of ryanodine receptor Ca2+ channel activity. In addition, the diseased muscle fibers at rest exhibit spontaneous elementary Ca2+ release events at a frequency 30 times greater than that of control fibers. Eighty percent of the events have spatiotemporal properties of archetypal Ca2+ sparks while the rest take either the form of lower amplitude, longer duration Ca2+ release events or of a combination thereof. The events occur at preferred locations in the fibers, indicating spatially uneven distribution of the parameters determining spontaneous ryanodine receptor 1 opening. Spatially large Ca2+ release sources were obviously involved in some of these events, suggesting that opening of ryanodine receptors in one cluster can activate opening of ryanodine receptors in a neighboring one. Overall results demonstrate that opening of Ca2+-activated ryanodine receptors is promoted both at rest and during excitation-contraction coupling in MTM1-deficient muscle fibers. Because access to this activation mode is denied to ryanodine receptors in healthy skeletal muscle, this may play an important role in the associated disease situation.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle contraction is activated by phosphorylation of the 20-kDa light chains of myosin catalyzed by Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). According to popular current theory, the CaM involved in MLCK regulation is Ca(2+)-free and dissociated from the kinase at resting cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). An increase in [Ca(2+)](i) saturates the four Ca(2+)-binding sites of CaM, which then binds to and activates actin-bound MLCK. The results of this study indicate that this theory requires revision. Sufficient CaM was retained after skinning (demembranation) of rat tail arterial smooth muscle in the presence of EGTA to support Ca(2+)-evoked contraction, as observed previously with other smooth muscle tissues. This tightly bound CaM was released by the CaM antagonist trifluoperazine (TFP) in the presence of Ca(2+). Following removal of the (Ca(2+))(4)-CaM-TFP(2) complex, Ca(2+) no longer induced contraction. The addition of exogenous CaM to TFP-treated tissue at a [Ca(2+)] subthreshold for contraction or even in the absence of Ca(2+) (presence of 5 mm EGTA), followed by washout of unbound CaM, restored Ca(2+)-induced contraction; this required MLCK activation, since it was blocked by the MLCK inhibitor ML-9. The data suggest, therefore, that a specific pool of cellular CaM, tightly bound to myofilaments at resting [Ca(2+)](i), or even in the absence of Ca(2+), is responsible for activation of contraction following a local increase in [Ca(2+)]. This mechanism would allow for localized changes in [Ca(2+)] in regions of the cell distant from the myofilaments to regulate distinct Ca(2+)-dependent processes without triggering a contractile response. Immobilized CaM, therefore, resembles troponin C, the Ca(2+)-binding regulatory protein of striated muscle, which is also bound to the thin filament in a Ca(2+)-independent manner.  相似文献   

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