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Ma YP  Fang XH  Chen F  Dai SL 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(4):647-654
FLO/LFY homologue genes were initially characterized as floral meristem identity genes and play a key role in flower development among diverse species. The inflorescence organization of chrysanthemum differs from typical dicotyledons such as Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum as clear sepals are absent, and instead, a pappus, a rudimentary sepal, is formed. To understand the mechanism of reproduction of chrysanthemum at the molecular level, DFL, a FLORICAULA/LEAFY homologous gene, was cloned from Dendranthema lavandulifolium, which is one of the original species of chrysanthemum. The DFL gene consists of a 1,236-bp open reading frame and encodes a putative protein of 412 amino acids, which is 63% identical to LFY and 70% to FLO. The expression patterns of DFL during the flower development were analyzed, and RT-PCR results showed that DFL was strongly expressed in the flower bud. In situ hybridization experiments showed that it is strongly expressed in the inflorescence bract, petal and stamen primordial tissues throughout the inflorescence development. Its expression signals were also detected in stems, leaf primordial tissues and developing inflorescence bracts.  相似文献   

C T Powell  C Ney  P Aran    K Agarwal 《Nucleic acids research》1985,13(20):7299-7305
By employing S1 nuclease mapping of total RNA isolated from porcine cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine, and antral mucosa, we have investigated gastrin gene expression in these tissues. Our results show that a gastrin gene is expressed only in the antral mucosal and pituitary tissues. Based on the amount of gastrin specific probe protected from S1 nuclease digestion in the presence of a given weight of total RNA, the amount of gastrin mRNA present in pituitary is approximately 330 times lower than in antral mucosa. These findings help establish the tissue distribution of gastrin gene expression.  相似文献   

Dominant mutations in the Arabidopsis ETR1 gene block the ethylene signal transduction pathway. The ETR1 gene has been cloned and sequenced. Using the ETR1 cDNA as a probe, we identified a cDNA homologue (eTAE1) from tomato. eTAE1 contains an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 754 amino acid residues. The nucleic acid sequence for the coding sequence in eTAE1 is 74% identical to that for ETR1, and the deduced amino acid sequence is 81% identical and 90% similar. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates that three or more ETR1 homologues exist in tomato. RNA blots show that eTAE1 mRNA is constitutively expressed in all the tissues examined, and its accumulation in leaf abscission zones was unaffected by ethylene, silver ions (an inhibitor of ethylene action) or auxin.  相似文献   

The expression of an Arabidopsis acyl carrier protein (ACP) gene promoter has been examined in transgenic tobacco plants by linking it to the reporter gene -glucuronidase (GUS). Fluorometric analysis showed that the ACP gene promoter was most active in developing seeds. Expression was also high in roots, but significantly lower in young leaves and downregulated upon their maturation. Etiolated and light-grown seedlings showed the same level of GUS activity, indicating that this promoter is not tightly regulated by light. Histochemical studies revealed that expression was usually highest in apical/ meristematic zones of vegetative tissues. Young flowers (ca. 1 cm in length) showed GUS staining in nearly all cell types, however, cell-specific patterns emerged in more mature flowers. The ACP gene promoter was active in the stigma and transmitting tissue of the style, as well as in the tapetum of the anther, developing pollen, and ovules. The results provide evidence that this ACP gene is regulated in a complex manner and is responsive to the array of signals which accompany cell differentiation, and a demand for fatty acids and lipids, during organogenesis.  相似文献   

Profilin is a low-molecular weight, actin monomer-binding protein that regulates the organization of actin cytoskeleton in eukaryotes, including higher plants. Unlike the simple human or yeast systems, the model plant Arabidopsis has an ancient and highly divergent multi-gene family encoding five distinct profilin isovariants. Here we compare and characterize the regulation of these profilins in different organs and during microspore development using isovariant-specific monoclonal antibodies. We show that PRF1, PRF2, and PRF3 are constitutive, being strongly expressed in all vegetative tissues at various stages of development. These profilin isovariants are also predominant in ovules and microspores at the early stages of microsporogenesis. In contrast, PRF4 and PRF5 are late pollen-specific and are not detectable in other cell types of the plant body including microspores and root hairs. Immunocytochemical studies at the subcellular level reveal that both the constitutive and pollen-specific profilins are abundant in the cytoplasm. In vegetative cell types, such as root apical cells, profilins showed localization to nuclei in addition to the cytoplasmic staining. The functional diversity of profilin isovariants is discussed in light of their spatio-temporal regulation during vegetative development, pollen maturation, and pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Chen D  Guo B  Hexige S  Zhang T  Shen D  Ming F 《Planta》2007,226(2):369-380
The SQUA family (AP1/FUL family) of MADS-box genes plays an important role in the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive development of angiosperms, and its origin might be concurrent with fixation of floral structure in angiosperms. Here, we isolated two Phalaenopsis MADS-box genes designated ORAP11 and ORAP13, both of which belong to the monocot FUL-like clade of the SQUA family. RT-PCR showed that both genes are strongly expressed in the floral bud, and also detected in the vegetative organs. During later stages, ORAP11 was only detected in the column, but ORAP13 signal was absent from all of the floral organs. In-situ hybridization experiments detected both genes in the tips and margins of developing petals and lips, the developing column, and ovule. Over-expression of both genes in tobacco induced early flowering and changed plant architecture. Our results suggest that in Phalaenopsis, both genes might share partly redundant activities and play important roles in the process of floral transition and morphological architecture. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The development of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyhn and two late-flowering fve mutants has been analysed under different environmental conditions. In wild-type plants, short-day photoperiods delay the floral transition as a consequence of lengthening all the developmental phases of the plant. Moreover, short days also alter the inflorescence structure by reducing the internode elongation and delaying the establishment of the floral developmental programme in the lateral meristems of the inflorescence and co-florescences. Mutations at the FVE locus cause a delay in flowering time, and a change in the inflorescence structure, similar to the effect of short photoperiods on wild-type plants. However, the effect of the fve mutations is additive to the effect of short days, and all the aspects of the Fve phenotype are corrected by vernalization. These results seem to indicate that FVE is not simply involved in timing the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth, but that it could play a role during all stages of plant development.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel petunia MADS box gene, PETUNIA FLOWERING GENE (PFG), which is involved in the transition from vegetative to reproductive development. PFG is expressed in the entire plant except stamens, roots and seedlings. Highest expression levels of PFG are found in vegetative and inflorescence meristems. Inhibition of PFG expression in transgenic plants, using a cosuppression strategy, resulted in a unique nonflowering phenotype. Homozygous pfg cosuppression plants are blocked in the formation of inflorescences and maintain vegetative growth. In these mutants, the expression of both PFG and the MADS box gene FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN26 (FBP26), the putative petunia homolog of SQUAMOSA from Antirrhinum, are down-regulated. In hemizygous pfg cosuppression plants initially a few flowers are formed, after which the meristem reverts to the vegetative phase. This reverted phenotype suggests that PFG, besides being required for floral transition, is also required to maintain the reproductive identity after this transition. The position of PFG in the hierarchy of genes controlling floral meristem development was investigated using a double mutant of the floral meristem identity mutant aberrant leaf and flower (alf) and the pfg cosuppression mutant. This analysis revealed that the pfg cosuppression phenotype is epistatic to the alf mutant phenotype, indicating that PFG acts early in the transition to flowering. These results suggest that the petunia MADS box gene, PFG, functions as an inflorescence meristem identity gene required for the transition of the vegetative shoot apex to the reproductive phase and the maintenance of reproductive identity.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) keratan sulfate proteoglycans (KSPGs) are core proteins with sulfated polylactosamine side chains (KS). The KSPG core protein keratocan gene (Kera) is expressed almost exclusively in adult vertebrate cornea, but its embryonic expression is little known. Embryonic chick in situ hybridization reveals Kera mRNA expression in corneal endothelium from embryonic day (E) 4.5, Hamburger-Hamilton (HH) 25, in stromal keratocytes from E6.5, HH30, and in iris distal surface cells from E8, HH34. As highly sulfated, antibody I22-positive KS increases extracellularly from posterior to anterior across the stroma, nerves enter and populate only anterior stroma and epithelium. RT-PCR and in situ hybridization demonstrate that developmentally regulated Kera mRNA expression initiates in midbrain and dorsolateral mesenchyme at E1, HH7, then spreads caudally in hindbrain and cranial and trunk mesenchyme flanking the neural tube through E2, HH20. Cranial expression extends ventrally through the developing head, and concentrates in mesenchyme surrounding eye anterior regions and cranial ganglia, and in subepidermal pharyngeal arch mesenchyme by E3.5, HH22. Kera expression in the trunk at E3.5, HH22 and E4.5, HH25, is strong in dorsolateral subepidermal, sclerotomal and nephrogenic mesenchymes, but absent in neural tube, dorsal root ganglia, nerve outgrowths, notochord, heart and gut. Early limb buds express Kera mRNA throughout their mesenchyme, then in restricted proximal and distal mesenchymes. I22-positive KS appears only in notochord in E3.5, HH22 and E4.5, HH25, embryos. Results suggest the hypothesis that keratocan, or keratocan with minimally sulfated KS chains, may play a role in structuring ECM for early embryonic cell and neuronal migrations.  相似文献   

Proline is emerging as a critical component of drought tolerance and fine tuning of its metabolism under stress affects the plants sensitivity and response to stress. Thus the study was carried out to analyse the effect of water deficit on the proline content and principal enzymes involved in its synthesis (Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase) and catabolism (proline dehydrogenase) at different developmental stages and in different organs (roots, nodules, leaves, pod wall, and seeds) of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars differing in drought tolerance (drought tolerant ICC4958 and drought sensitive ILC3279). It was observed that increased Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase activity under moderate stress in roots and nodules of ICC4958 caused an increase in proline content during initiation of reproductive development whereas increased proline dehydrogenase activity in nodules and leaves at this period helped to maintain reducing power and energy supply in tissues and proper seed development as seed biomass increased consistently up to maturity. On the other hand, roots and nodules of ILC3279 responded to stress by increasing proline content after the developmental phase of reproductive organs was over (near maturity) which negatively affected the response of pod wall to stress. Concurrent increase in activities of Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase and proline dehydrogenase in pod wall of ILC3279 aggravated the oxidative stress and affected seed development as seed biomass initially increased rapidly under stress but was unaffected near maturity.  相似文献   

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