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1. The relationships between three habitat scales and lotic invertebrate species composition were investigated for the 15 540 km2 Yakima River basin in south-central Washington, U.S.A.
2. The three spatial scales were sample (the sampled riffle), reach (a length of ten–twenty stream widths) and segment (a length of stream of nearly uniform slope and valley form having no change in stream order).
3. Physical variables were highly correlated between scales and expressed a relationship between altitude, basin form and small-scale physical structure.
4. Multiple discriminant function analyses indicated that segment- and reach-scale variables discriminated among species-defined groups better than sample-scale variables.
5. Species composition varied along a complex altitudinal gradient of changing basin form and resultant land use.
6. There was no clear relationship between species richness and altitude on a site basis. However, when viewed at the basin scale, maximum richness was observed at the transition between montane and valley sites.  相似文献   

Jonas Dahl 《Oecologia》1998,117(1-2):217-226
I assessed the impact of both vertebrate and invertebrate predators on a lotic benthic community in a 1-month-long experiment, using enclosures containing cobble/gravel bottoms, with large-mesh netting that allowed invertebrates to drift freely. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and leeches (Erpobdella octoculata) were used as predators and four treatments were tested: a predator-free control, leeches only, trout only, and leeches and trout together. A density of 26.7 leeches/m2 (20 leeches/enclosure) and 1.3 trout/m2 (one trout per enclosure) was stocked into the enclosures. The total biomass of invertebrate prey was significantly lower in the trout and trout plus leech treatments than in the leech and control treatments, which were due to strong negative effects of trout on Gammarus. On the individual prey taxon level, both trout and leeches affected the abundance of Asellus , Baetis and Ephemerella, whereas the abundance of Gammarus was only affected by trout, and the abundance of Orthocladiinae and Limnephilidae was only affected by leeches. In the treatment with trout and leeches together, the abundance of Ephemerella and Baetis was higher than when trout or leeches were alone, which was probably due to predator interactions. Leeches and trout had no effects on prey immigration but did affect per capita emigration rates. Both trout and leeches indirectly increased periphyton biomass in enclosures, probably due to their strong effects on grazers. Both trout and leeches were size-selective predators, with trout selecting large prey, and leeches selecting small prey. Size-selective predation by trout and leeches affected the size structure of five commonly consumed prey taxa. Trout produced prey populations of small sizes owing to consumption of large prey as well as increased emigration out of enclosures by these large prey. Leech predation produced prey assemblages of larger size owing to consumption and increased emigration of small prey. These results suggest that in lotic habits, predatory invertebrates can be as strong interactors as vertebrate predators. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

1. The effects of habitat stability on benthic invertebrate community structure were examined at eleven sites (ten streams and a wind-swept lake shore) with similar physicochemical characteristics but differing stability. 2. Habitat characteristics were assessed to place the study sites within the framework of the disturbance-productivity-diversity model, the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and a variant of the habitat templet model to examine their predictions with respect to community structure. 3. Many of the most common invertebrate species were present at all the study site, although their relative abundance and density differed markedly between sites. Thus, while stability did not appear to affect colonization of the study sites by these taxa, it did affect their relative success. 4. Communities at unstable sites were very similar and shared a number of taxa such as Deleatidium, Austrosimulium and several species of chironomid, presumably well-adapted to surviving and recolonizing after flood events. 5. Communities at the stable sites differed markedly, both from each other and the group of unstable sites. The characteristic fauna at each of the stable sites seemed to be a result of the site's intrinsic character and possibly biotic interactions. 6. Although stability was a pervading influence on community structure, acting as a bottleneck to the development of a site-specific suite of taxa, none of the above models could adequately explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples were used to investigate density, biomass and annual production of the benthic invertebrate fauna in a small Danish stream. Forty-eight taxa were found and the total invertebrate densities varied from 3 810 m?2 in July to 20 040 m?2 in December. The total mean annual biomass of the invertebrate fauna was 6.1 g ash-free dry wt m?2. The annual production of the invertebrates was estimated from their mean annual biomass and their annual P/B ratio. Production of the primary consumers (herbivores and detritivores) was 21.4 g ash-free dry wt m?2 y?1 and of secondary consumers (carnivores) 1.1 g m?2 y?1. The amount of invertebrate production available to the trout population and the importance of the species as food for trout are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessing scales of variability in benthic diatom community structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sources of variability such as sampling method, sample preparation, and sample analysis (taxonomy) might affect our ability to measure differences in community structure between sites in environmental effects studies. It is therefore important to ensure that changes in community structure related to the physical or chemical differences between sites are not hidden by other sources of variability within a site. The goal of this study was to quantify the amount of variability in benthic diatom community structure related to sampling and laboratory procedures. Our results showed that variability in community structure was minimal among replicate microscope slides (< 1%) and among samples collected within a site (1.8%). Variability in community structure was substantially higher between sites located in one stream (16.6%), and highest across streams (59.6%). This suggests that field sampling and laboratory methods do not contribute a large amount of variation into our analyses of benthic diatom community structure across sites.  相似文献   

环境因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任海庆  袁兴中  刘红  张跃伟  周上博 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3148-3156
底栖无脊椎动物是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,在物质循环和能量流动中是不可或缺的重要环节。其群落结构特点与河流环境因子密切相关,能较好地反映河流生态系统健康状况。综述了物理因子(底质、温度、水深、水流、洪水干扰等)、化学因子(溶氧量、p H值、磷、氮等)、生物因子(水生植物、竞争和捕食)、人为干扰(电站建设、城镇化等)和综合因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的影响,并根据国内外研究现状指出水流、海拔和洪水干扰等环境因子对河流底栖无脊椎动物群落结构影响的研究较少或不足,对这些环境因子的研究应是今后河流生态学领域需要着力推进重要内容。深入研究和完善环境因子与底栖无脊椎动物群落结构的关系可为保护底栖无脊椎动物群落、流域水生态系统管理和受损河流生态系统修复提供更为全面的科学依据。  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Feeding upon the scales of other fish—lepidophagy—is a highly specialized foraging strategy in fish. Scale-eating is rare in teleosts, yet has evolved several times in...  相似文献   

1. Stream and riparian ecosystems in arid montane areas, like the interior western United States, are often just narrow mesic strands, but support diverse and productive habitats. Meadows along many such streams have long been used for rangeland grazing, and, while impacts to riparian areas are relatively well known, the effect of livestock grazing on aquatic life in streams has received less attention. 2. Attempts to link grazing impacts to disturbance have been hindered by the lack of spatial and temporal replication. In this study, we compared channel features and benthic macroinvertebrate communities (i) between 16 stream reaches on two grazed allotments and between 22 reaches on two allotments where livestock had been completely removed for 4 years, (ii) before and after the 4‐year grazing respite at a subset of eight sites and (iii) inside and outside of small‐scale fenced grazing exclosures (eight pairings; 10+ year exclosures) in the meadows of the Golden Trout Wilderness, California (U.S.A.). 3. We evaluated grazing disturbance at the reach scale in terms of the effects of livestock trampling on per cent bank erosion and found that macroinvertebrate richness metrics were negatively correlated with bank erosion, while the percentage of tolerant taxa increased. 4. All macroinvertebrate richness metrics were significantly lower in grazed areas. Bank angle, temperature, fine sediment cover and erosion were higher in grazed areas, while riparian cover was lower. Regression models identified riparian cover, in‐stream substratum, bank conditions and bankfull width‐to‐depth ratios as the most important for explaining variability in macroinvertebrate richness metrics. 5. Small‐scale grazing exclosures showed no improvements for in‐stream communities and only moderate positive effects on riparian vegetation. In contrast, metrics of macroinvertebrate richness increased significantly after a 4‐year period of no grazing. 6. The success of grazing removal reported here suggests that short‐term removal of livestock at the larger, allotment meadow spatial scale is more effective than long‐term, but small‐scale, local riparian area fencing, and yields promising results in achieving stream channel, riparian and aquatic biological recovery.  相似文献   

1. Changes in benthic invertebrate community structure following 16 years of forest succession after logging were examined by estimating benthic invertebrate abundance, biomass and secondary production in streams draining a forested reference and a recovering clear-cut catchment. Benthic invertebrate abundance was three times higher, and invertebrate biomass and production were two times higher in the disturbed stream.
2. Comparison of invertebrate community abundance 1, 5 and 16 years after clear-cutting indicated that the proportion of scrapers had decreased, whereas shredders had increased. Functional group percentage similarity indicated that the invertebrate community in the disturbed stream 16 years after clear-cutting was more similar to the reference than to that found earlier in the disturbed stream.
3. The five indices calculated from data collected over the past 16 years, as well as the abundance, biomass and production data collected during this study, proved to be of differing value in assessing recovery of the disturbed stream from logging. Percent dominant taxon and EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) taxon richness failed to show any initial differences between reference and disturbed streams, indicating that these indices may not be useful for measuring recovery from logging. The percentage Baetis and shredder–scraper indices showed significant differences only during the 1977 study and suggest recovery (no difference between reference and disturbed) by 1982. The North Carolina Biotic Index showed continued differences during 1982 in the riffle and depositional habitats and recovery by 1993. Total macroinvertebrate abundance, biomass and production, as well as EPT abundance, indicated continued differences between the reference and disturbed streams in the 1993 study.  相似文献   

Summary Beaver (Castor canadensis) affect the benthic invertebrate community of small woodland streams in Quebec through habitat modifications. Their activities influence community structure through the replacement of lotic taxa by lentic forms and community function by increasing the absolute importance of collectors and predators while decreasing the relative importance of shredders and scrapers in impounded sites. At our study site during the 1983 ice-free season, standing stocks of coarse particulate organic matter (>1 mm) were 2–5 times greater (P<0.05) in impounded sites than riffle sites in spring and summer. Fine (212 m–1 mm) and very fine (0.5 m–212 m) particulate organic matter were 3–10 times greater (P<0.05) in impounded sites in all seasons. Chlorophyll a standing stocks did not differ statistically among sites. Total density and biomass of invertebrates in impoundments were 2–5 times greater (P<0.05) than riffle sites in spring and summer, but statistically similar in autumn. Generic diversity (H) was greater (P<0.05) in unaltered sites in autumn. Non-impounded sites were dominated by Simuliidae, Tanytarsini chironomids, scraping mayflies and net spinning caddisflies while impounded sites were characterized by Tanypodinae and Chironomini chironomids, predacious odonates, Tubificidae, and filtering pelycopods. Our results suggest that current paradigms applied to lotic ecosystems need to be reevaluated to incorporate the influence of beaver upon invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

We compared benthic invertebrate assemblages among headwater streams in several forest types in Japan. Forests were divided into three clusters based on vegetation composition: old-growth broad-leaved forest, planted coniferous forest, and mixed forest. The numbers of individuals and families and the diversity (Shannon-Wiener) of benthic invertebrate assemblages did not differ significantly among the three forest clusters. However, principal components analysis of family abundance showed differences in the benthic invertebrate assemblages among the three forest clusters. No environmental factors were correlated with these differences. Benthic invertebrate assemblages differed depending on forest composition. The abundances of Taeniopterygidae and Athericidae in old-growth broad-leaved forest were significantly greater than in planted coniferous forest. The abundances of Heptageniidae, Baetiidae, Stenopsychidae, Uenoidae, Chironomidae, and Potamidae in planted coniferous forest were significantly greater than in old-growth broad-leaved forest. If the remaining old-growth broad-leaved forest were to be converted to coniferous plantation, species that inhabit old-growth forest may become extinct.  相似文献   

Urbanization and its physical and chemical effects on aquatic environments influence invertebrate communities negatively. Yet, it is not clear how urbanization affects inter-annual variation of invertebrate assemblages in streams. We 1) evaluated urbanization effects on the ecological conditions (biotic and abiotic) of streams in Manaus and 2) analyzed invertebrate community variation over time (between 2003 and 2010). Data on abiotic variables and invertebrates from 2003 were obtained from a previous study. In 2010 we sampled abiotic variables and invertebrate communities in the same low-order urban streams sampled in 2003 (n = 40). We recorded high values of total nitrogen, total phosphorous, deforestation, total impervious area (TIA), water temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity in the most urbanized streams, as compared to the least-impacted ones. In contrast, the least-impacted streams had high dissolved oxygen concentrations. Water quality was poorer in 2010 than in 2003: oxygen concentration was lower and total nitrogen, total phosphorous, deforestation, and TIA significantly higher in 2010. We recorded higher inter-annual variation of abiotic variables in the most-impacted streams as compared to the least-impacted streams. EPT (%, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) and richness metrics decreased with urbanization. On the other hand, % OP (percent of Oligochaeta and Psychodidae) increased with urbanization. Observed and EPT richness and% OP increased between 2003 and 2010. On the other hand, rarefied richness decreased between years. Increases of observed and EPT richness between 2003 and 2010 were related to low inter-annual variability in streams conditions; however, differences of% OP and rarefied richness were not related to inter-annual variability in environmental conditions. The degree of urbanization did not explain the magnitude of the within-stream difference of invertebrate communities between 2003 and 2010. The increased effects of urbanization represented by the abiotic variables sampled and the reduction of invertebrate richness and increased dominance of tolerant taxa indicate that public policy is not enough to protect or mitigate human impacts on the urban water systems under study.  相似文献   

1. Patterns in invertebrate community structure were determined from analysis of benthic samples taken quarterly for 1 year from four sites in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). Sites ranged in baseflow pH from 4.5 to 6.8, with a corresponding range in inorganic monomeric aluminium concentrations from 3 to 197 μgl?1. 2. Total invertebrate density (excluding Chironomidae) was correlated with pH (R2= 0.90, P<0.05). Density of Ephemeroptera was more highly correlated with pH than density of invertebrates in other taxonomic orders. Invertebrate density (total and density of different orders) was generally more strongly correlated with pH than to inorganic monomeric aluminium concentrations. 3. Species richness declined from sixty-nine species at the highest pH site to thirty-three species at the lowest pH site. Richness of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera was positively correlated with pH (R2= 0.96 in both cases). Trichopteran richness was also negatively correlated with inorganic monomeric Al concentrations (R2= 0.96, P< 0.05). Plecopteran richness was not related to stream acidity. 4. Not all species of Ephemeroptera were negatively affected by low stream water pH. At low pH sites, Ameletus lineatus Traver (Family: Siphonoluridae) was relatively more abundant compared to other species of Ephemeroptera, and had greater biomass and greater weight per individual length than at higher pH sites. 5. Differences in invertebrate community parameters among sites were not based on changes in food abundance. Although grazer densities were positively correlated with pH (R2= 0.93, P < 0.05), differences in density were not related to differences in food. To the contrary, lower grazer densities occurred at the lowest pH site where measured food abundance (algae) was highest. Likewise, shredder density increased with increasing pH but was correlated with standing stocks of benthic organic matter (BOM), which had generally higher standing stocks at lower pH sites. 6. Transplants of two species of Ephemeroptera between sites differing in pH (6.4 v 5.0) resulted in increased mortality of organisms placed at lower pH sites. In another transplant experiment, differences in mortality were not observed, although surviving invertebrates at low pH sites had ×10 higher body burdens of aluminium following the transplant than invertebrates from the reference site. 7. These results indicate that direct effects of pH and Al (affecting survival) were more important than indirect effects of food availability in determining changes in invertebrate community structure between the study sites.  相似文献   

R. G. Death 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):567-576
The effect of disturbance history on the recovery of benthic invertebrate communities following disturbance was investigated in four streams in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Two of the streams had a history of fluctuating discharge and temperature while the others did not. Recovery from disturbance was tested experimentally using baskets of cobbles, a third of which were disturbed every week for 9 weeks, a further third every 3 weeks and the final third left undisturbed. Algal biiomass, number of invertebrate taxa and total number of invertebrates all declined in baskets disturbed more frequently. Although the relative abundance of some taxa declined with time since the last disturbance, no taxa showed a significant decline in absolute abundance. However, several taxa showed marked increases in relative abundance in the less disturbed treatments particularly at the more stable sites. In contrast to the predictions of ecological theory, numbers of taxa and total invertebrates appeared to recover more quickly in the more complex communities at the stable sites. However, if these communities are considered to represent only stable communities, they do support the view that more complex communities will be more resilient. Community structure at the stable sites was also more similar between baskets in the undisturbed treatment than at the unstable sites, suggesting communities had reached a constant state more quickly. The more rapid recovery of communities measured at the stable sites may have been a consequence of experimental scale; disturbed patches were only 0.045 m2 in area and the higher densities of invertebrates at the stable sites meant a larger pool of colonists was available following each experimental disturbance. Nevertheless, ideas of stability in ecological theory and the scale of most spate events suggest this is the appropriate scale for examining community recovery. Furthermore, the larger pool of available colonists could not explain all the differences in community response, as patterns of change in community structure at the stable sites differed considerably more from those expected by purely random colonisation processes than at the unstable sites.  相似文献   

1. The Rotifera assemblage inhabiting the streambed surface and the hyporheic zone of a gravel stream was investigated between October 1991 and October 1992. Forty-two species of Monogononta and 27 of Bdelloidea were identified. Within these two classes, dominant species differed between the surface and the hyporheic zone. At the streambed surface, the abundance of monogonont rotifers showed a seasonal pattern with significantly higher densities in pools, whereas bdelloids showed no clear temporal trend and did not differ significantly among sites. In the hyporheic zone, the depth distribution differed among the two rotifer groups, bdelloids occurred in highest densities between 0 and 30 cm sediment depth, while monogononts were most abundant at greater depths.
2. Species composition differed greatly between successive sampling dates (min. 5 to max. 26 days) at both the streambed surface and the hyporheos. At the streambed surface and in the shallow hyporheos a significantly higher percentage of species was replaced in riffles than in pools.
3. Few measured hydrophysical variables were associated with the Rotifera assemblage structure. At the streambed surface, species richness was negatively correlated with water temperature and substratum heterogeneity, and Monogononta rotifer densities declined with water depth and substratum roughness.
4. Permutation tests carried out on temporal serial correlations showed that, at riffle sites at the streambed surface, bdelloid rotifer densities, rotifer species richness and diversity did not differ significantly from a temporal, near-random pattern. The hyporheic rotifer assemblage followed similar near-random patterns.  相似文献   

The influence of habitat on interactions between a fish predator (brown trout Salmo trutta) and a benthic invertebrate community was studied in nine field enclosures (8 ×3 m) in a creek in southern Sweden. Three habitat treatments were tested, a shallow sandy habitat, a deep habitat containing a mixture of large and small cobbles and a moderately deep habitat with large cobbles. The one month-long experiment showed that there were no major differences in the abundance and biomass of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna among these habitats as no functional groups of invertebrates and only a few taxa differed between treatments. Invertebrate drift rates decreased over time, which was probably related to seasonal changes in invertebrate life cycles or to effects of predation independent of habitat type, as there was no difference between treatments.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Of the various approaches to studying species-abundance patterns in aquatic ecosystems (particularly streams) the logseries distribution is the most appropriate. The distribution parameter, α, is readily estimated and goodness-of-fit of the model to the data can be estimated.
2. A method exists which uses a to calculate an index of similarity from which cluster dendrograms can be constructed and the clusters tested for significant differences. Assumptions and calculations are presented.
3. Procedures are illustrated, with examples from Idaho streams, and approaches to interpreting the results are included.
4. Studies of stream macro invertebrates can fulfill the assumptions of the logseries distribution but cannot meet those of commonly used diversity indices.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The macro-invertebrate fauna of Waitakere River and its tributaries, a northern New Zealand kauri forest stream, was surveyed in January 1974 and January and June 1975, as part of a study on stream community dynamics. This survey and regular samples in the study area provided 144 taxa, almost three times the maximum number previously recorded from a New Zealand stream. Many species were restricted in distribution to a high gradient tributary, or the low gradient mainstream. These did not follow the division into rhithron and potamon families suggested for New Zealand.  相似文献   

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