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Summary Diurnal variations in the vertical distribution and swarming behaviour of Euphausia crystallorophias at Deception Island (61 degrees South, 66 degrees West) are described. Swarms were present at all times of the day and night. By day swarms were compact and deep, they were dispersed and neared to the surface by night. Significant net avoidance was noted by day. A twenty-fold discrepancy was found between abundance estimated from net hauls and acoustics. This difference is almost certainly because currently used Target Strength (TS) to size relationships overestimate TS and consequently undersetimate euphausiid biomass.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behaviour of fur seals and two species of surface feeding seabirds was observed over swarms of vertically migrating krill along the Antarctic Peninsula in July 1987. Fur Seal haul out patterns were correlated with krill in the upper 30 m of the water column. Krill moved to the surface at night; seals subsequently foraged from 1400-0700 hours before returning to floes. Foraging was continuous through the night. Dive duration decreased as krill moved up to the surface; shorter dives may have been more successful than longer ones. It is possible that very deep dives, which occur early in a foraging bout, represent more of an attempt to assess krill depth and distribution rather than being a genuine foraging effort. Seabirds responded to the presence of a surface krill swarm by circling over it and foraging; krill at depths greater than 30 m elicited directional flight and low frequencies of prey capture attempts. Both Snow Petrels and Antarctic Terns preyed on krill, but each species approached the swarms from different habitats. Snow Petrels primarily overflew areas covered by ice; terns preferred open water. This suggested that prey encounters are essentially opportunistic, although the search for prey is limited to rather specific marine habitats. This feature may be important to our understanding of the factors that determine the pelagic distribution of seabirds.  相似文献   

Summary March 1981 and 1984 Euphausia superba populations were compared using acoustics and net catches near Elephant Island, the South Shetlands, and in the Bransfield Strait. In 1981, krill tended to form large, thick swarms and in 1984, smaller, more dispersed, shallower patches. March body lengths of juvenile-adult krill were 22–59 mm in 1981 and 13–59 mm in 1984. Near Elephant I. in 1981, krill >45 mm were most numerous; in 1984 sizes <45 mm were dominant. In March 1984, the larger (>45 mm) body-size group was prereproductive and occurred from just west of Elephant I. westward into waters north of the South Shetlands; in 1981 the larger krill were postreproductive and more widely distributed in the Elephant I. area. Overall, netted postlarval krill, 1981 vs. 1984, averaged 73 vs. 48 individuals/m2, or 54 vs. 16 g/m2; acoustic biomass estimates were 229 vs. 134–201 g/m2. Larvae near Elephant I. averaged >2000/m2 in 1981 vs. <1/m2 in 1984—compatible with respective March reproductive states. Net-type comparisons revealed short-term (15 min to 6h) variability of a similar scale in both MOCNESS and bongo net catches, but bongo abundances averaged greater. Variation in maturity composition across 1981 swarms, patches, and random transects was like variation among the random 1984 tows; spatial distributions were more heterogeneous in 1984. The March 1984 krill of 20–44 mm (Year-2, mode 34 mm) relate to November 1983 krill of 9–30 mm (mode 21 mm), indicating growth averaging 12 mm during the season. Body-lengths and size-frequency modes of Year-2 and combined Years-3,3+ krill from comparable Feb-Mar data collected since 1968 suggest trends between times when (1) Year-2 krill average small and peak reproduction seems to be late in the season and/or weak (1979, 1982–1984), and (2) Year-2 krill are larger, and reproduction is possibly earlier and more successful (1976, 1980, 1981).  相似文献   

Samples of the stomach contents of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) were obtained on board ship in the Prydz Bay region of Antarctica from birds which had spontaneously regurgitated. The weight of food and the species composition of the stomach contents were measured. Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, the sole prey item taken, were compared to krill obtained by nets in the same region as part of a large-scale krill survey. Krill from petrel stomach samples were larger in mean size than those sampled by nets. This may be attributed to selection of the larger sized krill by the petrels, it may be caused by the nets sampling different populations of krill or it may be due to net avoidance by the larger krill.  相似文献   

Eleotrid larvae (2.1–16 mm) were collected from surface waters of a billabong in south-eastern Australia. Estimates of larval density in plankton net samples at night averaged 148.3 larvae per m3 and 16.6 larvae per m3 during the day. In contrast, pump samples provided density estimates of 8.3 larvae per m3 at night and 0.9 larvae per m3 during the day. Larval densities did not differ between open water, snag (fallen tree) and Typha habitats, but Typha habitats yielded larger larvae than other habitats. 32.9% of larvae in pump samples were damaged and unmeasurable, creating a bias favouring larger larvae. The modal length of larvae in net samples at night was 5–6 mm, compared with 3–4 mm during the day, reflecting both greater net avoidance by larger larvae during the daytime and dispersal of smaller larvae from the surface at night. Dispersion patterns of larvae suggest that classes of larvae smaller than, and larger than 5.0 mm exhibit reciprocal diel vertical migration behaviour linked to ontogenetic changes in diet. Larvae less than 5 mm fed only during the day and preyed exclusively on rotifers, whereas larger larvae continued to feed at night and consumed mostly planktonic crustaceans.  相似文献   

Tidal creeks are strongly influenced by tides and are therefore exposed to large differences in salinity and depth daily. Here we compare fish assemblages in tidal creeks between day and night in two tidal creeks in southern Brazil. Monthly day and night, simultaneous collections were carried out in both creeks using fyke nets. Clupeiformes tended to be caught more during the day. Cathorops spixii, Genidens genidens and Rypticus randalli tended to be caught at night. Sciaenidae also tended to be caught more during the night. In general, pelagic species were diurnal, while deep water species were nocturnal. These trends are probably due to a variety of causes, such as phylogeny, predation and net avoidance.  相似文献   

The distribution of copepod species and their nauplii was studied in a narrow, blind channel on an overwash mangrove island offshore of Belize. Copepodids were sampled with a pump at five stations across the channel during a diel cycle. Diel changes of copepodid stages II – VI were marked by horizontal dispersal of Dioithona oculata, the dominant species, from swarms in the prop roots along the shore during the day to the edge of the prop root habitat at night. Migration of copepodids back to the prop roots appeared to be controlled endogenously because change from a night to a daytime age structure began before first light. Mean copepodid stage at subsurface depths in the channel and prop root edge decreased from 4.2 (with 6.0 = all adults) to 2.9 at predawn to 1.1 during day. The oceanic Oithona nana and O. simplex, and the coastal zone O. fonsecae were evenly distributed with depth and distance from shore during day and night, with avoidance of prop root shoreline during day. These species were much less abundant than Dioithona oculata in the prop roots, but of comparable or greater abundance in the channel. Coastal zone Acartia spinata exhibited evidence of swarming. Nauplii, sampled with a 25m plankton net, were dominated by harpacticoid (50%) and cyclopoid (34%) nauplii, which generally were more abundant at 1m than at the surface and more abundant at night than the day. Lagrangian current measurements indicated velocities at ebb tide twice those of flood tide (1.9 vs. 0.8 cm s–1) and a minimal residence time of 5 days, which could result in advection of D. oculata nauplii out of the Lair Channel before their recruitment into swarms as copepodid stage II. Previously reported maximum swimming speeds of swarming D. oculata copepodid stages (2.0 cm s–1) and greater densities in prop roots and near the benthos may help copepodids avoid advection. The swarming behavior and diel horizontal migration (or dispersal) reported for D. oculata appears analogous to that of limnetic zooplankton, which may swarm among macrophytes along shorelines during the day to avoid visual predators and disperse or migrate away from the shoreline at night.  相似文献   

Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae and Chinstrap P. antarctica penguins are important consumers of Southern Ocean marine resources. The stomach contents of adult penguins at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, were analysed quantitatively throughout the chick-rearing period. They consisted almost exclusively of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba , Adélies eating 35–63% by number and 23–28% by weight of juvenile krill and Chinstraps 72–87% by number and 90–95% by weight of mature krill, as well as small amounts offish and amphipods. Interspecific dietary differences may partly be attributable to Adélies starting breeding one month before Chinstraps but, as they persist when both are simultaneously rearing chicks, the two species may also forage in somewhat different areas.
Krill data from net hauls indicate a substantial overlap in the size of krill taken by scientific, and probably also commercial, operations and by Adélie and Chinstrap penguins.
Chicks were fed c. 300 g of food 0–5-0-8 times per day, Chinstrap chicks without a sibling being fed most frequently. Chicks of both species were most often fed in the late afternoon, and from estimates of swimming speed and feeding frequency adults may feed quite extensively at night.  相似文献   

Animal-borne camera loggers were used to examine the patterns of prey encounter and feeding behaviour of gentoo penguins at King George Island, Antarctica. The still images from the camera loggers showed that the penguins encountered the swarms of krill for 25.5% (range: 8–38%) of their dives (>5 m) on average, during their foraging trips (mean duration of 5.4 h, n = 7 trips). They encountered krill swarms during the dives to 10–70 m depth, in pelagic as well as benthic habitats. In the benthic habitat, the penguins swam just above the sea floor and headed downward over a krill swarm, probably using the sea floor to assist them to feed on mobile swarms. The shallow coastal waters would be the important foraging habitat of gentoo penguins breeding in King George Island.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton abundance, body area spectrum, biomass, gut fluorescence and electron transfer system (ETS) activity were studied in the Antarctic Peninsula during the post-bloom scenario in these waters. Values of abundance and biomass were rather low and decreased sharply from the slope waters to the coastal area. In contrast, specific gut fluorescence and ETS activity were high in the coastal area and decreased through the shelf-break. Large copepods were very scarce, similarly to the post-bloom conditions in phytoplankton where large cells are not abundant and small cells such as flagellates dominate the water column. The vertical distribution showed two well defined layers by day, one at the surface which corresponded to krill organisms and a second at depth (>300 m) formed mainly by the large copepod Metridia gerlachei. During the short night, this layer ascended at the time that krill at the surface migrated to deeper waters as observed from acoustics and net sampling. This observation and the absence of large copepods over the shelf suggest that krill consumption on large phytoplankton cells during the bloom is followed by an increase in predation upon mesozooplankton. It also suggests that krill decrease the abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton over the shelf and continues their predation upon mesopelagic copepods during the post-bloom in Antarctic waters. This behaviour could explain the long ago described impoverishment in mesozooplankton south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

Size and sex of Antarctic krill taken from chinstrap and gentoo penguin diet were compared to those from scientific net surveys in the South Shetland Islands from 1998 to 2006 in order to evaluate penguin diet as a sampling mechanism and to look at trends in krill populations. Both penguin diet and net samples revealed a 4–5 year cycle in krill recruitment with one or two strong cohorts sustaining the population during each cycle. Penguin diet samples contained adult krill of similar lengths to those caught in nets; however, penguins rarely took juvenile krill. Penguin diet samples contained proportionately more females when the krill population was dominated by large adults at the end of the cycles; net samples showed greater proportions of males in these years. These patterns are comparable to those reported elsewhere in the region and are likely driven by the availability of different sizes and sexes of krill in relation to the colony.  相似文献   

The cyclopoid copepod Dioithona oculata forms swarms in water>30 on deep among prop roots of red mangroves (Rhizophoramangle) which fringe protected areas of two lagoonal cays, TwinCays, Belize. During 7 of 8 months surveyed by in situ observation,swarms were present but differed in size from small cylindricalswarms (5–10 cm diameter) to bands extending up to 1200m Swarms were never observed at night Swarms formed at dawnwhen light intensities reached an average value of 13.82 (logioquanta cmAbstract. s1) and dispersed at dusk atsimilar intensities Swarms observed in June formed earlier anddispersed later in the day than swarms observed in January,their swarming behavior followed seasonal changes in light intensityMean dioithonan density in swarms (10 ml1) was much higherthan the mean density (0 15 ml1) of non-swarming dioithonansaround mangrove prop roots. In open water 3–5 m away fromthe mangroves, mean dioithonan density was 7 9 x 105ml1 during the day, and 2 68 x103 ml1 at nightSwarms were composed predominantly of adults and copepodid stagesIV and V, although younger copepodid stages could be presentNauplii were never present. The ‘average copepodid stage’for all 95 swarms sampled was 5 3, where 6 0 represents a swarmwith only adults In open water 3–5 m away from the mangroves,the youngest copepodids (stage one) dominated the dioithonanpopulation during the day. At night when swarms dispersed toopen waters, average copepodid stage was higher (3 5) comparedwith the day value (1.2) in open waters. Although densitiesin swarms were higher in June than January, average copepodidstage in June was higher (5 6) than that in January (4.9). Ahigher percentage of adults were females during June than January.Therefore higher densities did not result from increases ofsmaller stages in swarms, but perhaps changes in behavior orpopulation structure.  相似文献   

Summary Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) occurs in enormous swarms in Antarctic waters during the ice-free summer months. The winter whereabouts of this stock were hitherto unknown. Evidence collected during the Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986 (WWSP'86, G. Hempel 1988) covering a large area of the eastern and southern Weddell Sea indicates that the seasonal sea ice cover sustains the bulk of the krill population. Results presented here, show that known aspects of krill morphology and behavior are actually adaptations to the ice habitat, suggesting that the dominance of krill in the Antarctic marine ecosystem is a result of its capacity to grow and reproduce in the water column in summer, and find both food and shelter in the ice cover during the rest of the year. This conclusion has far-reaching implications for our understanding of Southern Ocean biology and ecology.  相似文献   

The diet of non-breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated at Stranger Point, King George Island, by scat analysis from February to April 1996. Overall, krill and fish were the most frequent prey, occurring in an average of 97% and 69% of samples (n=128), followed by cephalopods (12%). Myctophids constituted almost 90% of the fish predated, with Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus nicholsi being the most abundant and frequent species consumed. All fish taxa identified were krill-feeding species suggesting that seals foraged primarily on krill and opportunistically on fish species associated with krill swarms. A seasonal change observed in the relative proportions of the different fish prey taxa indicates that fur seals spent more time foraging over the shelf in summer and off the shelf in autumn. During the study period, commercial fishing in the area was not based upon any of the fish identified in this study.  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall    D. R. Briggs    A. Kato    Y. Naito    Y. Watanuki    T. D. Williams 《Journal of Zoology》1993,230(1):31-47
The pattern and characteristics of diving in two female macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus was studied, during the brooding period, using continuous-recording time-depth recorders, for a total of I8 days (15 consecutive days) during which the depth, duration and timing of 4876 dives were recorded. Diving in the first 11 days was exclusively diurnal, averaging 244 dives on trips lasting 12 hours. Near the end of the brooding period trips were longer and included diving at night. About half of all trips (except those involving continuous night-time diving) was spent in diving and dive rate averaged 14–25 dives per hour (42 per hour at night). The duration of day time dives varied between trips, and averaged 1.4–1.7 min, with a subsequent surface interval of 0.5–0.9 min. Dive duration was significantly directly related to depth, the latter accounting for 53% of the variation. The average depths of daytime dives were 20–35 m (maximum depth 11 5 m). Dives at night were shorter (average duration 0.9 min) and much shallower (maximum 11 m); depth accounted for only 6% of the variation in duration. Estimates of potential prey capture rates (3–5 krill per dive; one krill every 17–20 s) are made. Daily weight changes in chicks were directly related to number of dives, but not to foraging trip duration nor time spent diving. Of the other species at the same site which live by diving to catch krill, gentoo penguins forage exclusively diurnally, making longer. deeper dives; Antarctic fur seals, which dive to similar depths as macaroni penguins, do so mainly at night.  相似文献   

南极磷虾是一种典型的集群性海洋生物,其集群特征为行为生态学研究领域的重要内容之一。南极磷虾在南设得兰群岛周围高度密集分布,然而磷虾集群形状和大小的机制解释仍存在较大的争议。基于南设得兰群岛周边水域收集的Simrad EK80声学数据,本研究利用Echoview V6.16软件,对声学数据进行了分析,并对磷虾集群特征进行了划分。通过主坐标分析(PCoA)检验了环境因素(表温和海况)以及时空因素对各类型磷虾集群产生的影响。结果表明:海况对磷虾集群影响较大,光照强度次之;块状小型集群的时空分布较广,夜间与白天均占有较高比例(>30%);小型集群更易出现在白天,而大型集群则更多出现在深夜;2月,磷虾集群与海况及纬度显著相关;3月,集群与时段显著相关;4月,集群与时段及海况显著相关。  相似文献   

The effect of the ice edge on Antarctic krill abundance, swarm parameters, distribution and migration, were investigated using acoustics. Two parameters, overall abundance and inter-swarm distance were found to increase with distance from the ice edge, while the number of swarms per unit distance decreased. Swarm dimensions, length and thickness do not seem to depend on proximity of ice. Krill near the ice-edge undergo diurnal vertical migration with a periodicity of 12 hours and an amplitude of about 6 m. Juvenile krill of 31 mm were dominant in the area investigated.  相似文献   

Performance of two larval fish samplers, a hand–towed net and a dropbox enclosure, was similar when tested in shallow (x water depth, 20 cm) upper littoral–zone habitats. There was no significant difference between means of larval fish density (by total catch and by species) estimated from the catch in each gear, during the day and at night. Mean length of larvae (total catch) from the tow net was significantly longer than that from the dropbox during the day, but mean length did not differ between gear at night. Mean lengths of larvae of each species between gear were not significantly different within each period. Both gears collected significantly longer larvae (total catch and by species) during the day than at night probably because of diel movements of larvae of different sizes and species.  相似文献   

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