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Summary Traditional protocols for the immunohistochemical localization of peptides and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in nerve fibers in cryostat sections require the tissue to be thoroughly fixed and rinsed and to be processed for the cryostat sectioning and the immunohistochemical staining more or less directly after freezing. In the present study it was tested whether also unfixed, rapidly frozen tissue, conforming to guinea pig and bovine heart specimens, can be used for the visualization of neuropeptides [neuropeptide Y (NPY) and substance P (S P)] and TH in cryostat sections. The following observations were made: 1) NPY-immunoreactive (IR) and S P-IR nerve fibers could be clearly identified in both fixed and unfixed sections of this type of tissue. 2) TH-IR nerve fibers could be detected in unfixed tissue if the sections were post-fixed with aldehydes by the use of a two-step fixation process related to a sudden change of pH. However, the outlines of the nerve fibers were sometimes diffuse. 3) Storage of unfixed tissue for periods of up to 2.5 yeart at –80° C did not lead to a decrease in immunoreactivity. 4) Somewhat higher concentrations of primary antibodies had to be used for sections of unfixed tissue than for sections of fixed tissue when the FITC method was used. This waste of antibodies was partly overcome by use of the biotin-streptavidin method. The glyoxylic acid induced catecholamine(CA)-fluorescence method for demonstration of sympathetic nerve fibers was also applied and was found to give optimal results after storage of tissue for up to 2.5 years. The study shows that the use of unfixed rapidly frozen tissue represents a fast and realistic method for the demonstration of neuropeptide immunoreactivity, that it to some extent can be used for the visualization of TH-containing nerve fibers and that it is a suitable method to maintain longterm neuropeptide and TH immunoreactivity as well as long-term CA-fluorescence reaction.  相似文献   

The localization and activity of the lysosomal enzyme, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, has been studied in unfixed frozen sections of tissues from normal and hemorrhaged rats with the use of a modified postcoupling technique. Discrete localization of the end product of the reaction was achieved in this method by the incorporation of 20% (w/v) polyvinyl alcohol (molecular weight 14,000) in the incubation medium. Advantages of the present method include the ability to overcome the inhibitory effects on enzyme activity of both tissue fixation and the presence of diazonium salts in the incubation medium. The staining reaction obtained with this technique demonstrates the enzyme activity at specific cytoplasmic sites within cells and has a wider applicability to the comparative study of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase activity in normal and injured tissues.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen phosphorylase activity has been demonstrated at the ultrastructural level in liver and heart tissue of fasted rats. Unfixed cryostat sections were incubated by mounting them on a semipermeable membrane stretched over a gelled incubation medium. The medium contained a high concentration of glucose 1-phosphate which enables indirect detection of glycogen phosphorylase activity on the basis of the synthesis of glycogen. Tissue fixation, dehydration and embedding for electron microscopical study were performed after the incubation had been completed. The ultrastructure of both liver and heart tissue was rather well preserved. Glycogen granules resulting from glycogen phosphorylase activity were found in the cytoplasmic matrix of both hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes; no relationship with membranous structures could be detected. It is concluded that the semipermeable membrane method is well suited for localizing cytosolic enzyme activities at the ultrastructural level without prior tissue fixation; this opens further perspectives for correlations between histochemical and biochemical data.  相似文献   

Unfixed cryostat sections of rat liver were incubated to demonstrate D-amino acid oxidase activity at the ultrastructural level. Incubation was performed by mounting the sections on a semipermeable membrane which was stretched over a gelled incubation medium containing D-proline as substrate and cerium ions as capture reagent for hydrogen peroxide. After an incubation period of 30 min, ultrastructural morphology was retained to such an extent that the final reaction product could be localized in peroxisomes, whereas the crystalline core remained unstained. Control incubations were performed in the absence of substrate; the lack of final reaction product in peroxisomes indicated the specificity of the reaction. We conclude that the semipermeable membrane technique opens new perspectives for localization of enzyme activities at the ultrastructural level without prior tissue fixation, thus enabling localization of the activity of soluble and/or labile enzymes.  相似文献   

A method for the quantitative measurement of delta5,3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in unfixed tissue sections of rat ovary has been described. The method depends on the oxidation of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and uses nitroblue tetrazolium as the final electron acceptor. Although the dehydrogenase is not a soluble enzyme, polyvinyl alcohol is included in the reaction medium to allow the use of a high substrate concentration whilst employing a low concentration (5%) of dimethyl formamide. The enzyme is equally dependent on NAD+ or NADP+ for its activity and this activity is significantly enhanced by the presence of cyanide. The NADP+ dependence is not abolished by inhibiting nonspecific alkaline phomonoesterase. The activity of delta5,3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is completely dependent on a functional sulphydryl group. Furthermore, the enzyme activity is totally inhibited in the presence of a steroid substrate analogue at 10(-4) M.  相似文献   

We describe a novel immunohistochemical technique which permits the detection of specific binding of human monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to cryostat sections of human tissues. The technique overcomes the problem of background staining caused by the presence of endogenous immunoglobulins in tissue sections. This is achieved by the formation of a molecular complex of the primary antibody (a human MAb), horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-human immunoglobulin, and normal human serum. This complex is then incubated with cryostat sections of human tissue, and binding of the complex is demonstrated using diaminobenzidine/hydrogen peroxide. The method is suitable for immunohistochemical screening of small samples of tissue culture supernatant for the presence of human MAb of potential interest, and for determining the pattern of binding of such MAb to a wide range of normal and pathological human tissues.  相似文献   

Synopsis Different grades of the colloid stabilizer, polyvinyl alcohol, used for protecting unfixed cryostat sections during cytochemical reactions, may have different effects on enzymatic activity. The influence of three grades of polyvinyl alcohol on the activities of soluble, membrane-bound and membrane-enclosed enzymes has been investigated in unfixed sections; the activities were measured microdensitometrically.The largest molecular weight polyvinyl alcohol (G18/140, mol. wt. about 90 000) did not retain glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in sections of rat liver even when used at the maximum convenient concentration (12%); G04/140 and M05/140 (molecular weights of 15 000 and 25 000 respectively) retained this soluble enzyme if used at concentrations of 30 and 20% respectively.At these concentrations, lactate dehydrogenase activity was apparently decreased when G04/140 and M05/140 were used; this diminished activity has been shown to be due to the need to establish optimal concentrations of reactants for each grade of polyvinyl alcohol and for each reaction. When optimal concentrations of reactants were used, the activities of this enzyme in the presence of each grade of polyvinyl alcohol were identical.The presence of any type of polyvinyl alcohol did not influence the activities of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase or of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum enzyme, 5,3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. However, the presence of polyvinyl alcohol improved the state of the section.  相似文献   

Summary The AgNOR technique has been used extensively in studies investigating the possibility that the numbers and appearances of the intranuclear structures stained are markers of malignancy. The method has the advantage of being applicable to many different types of histological material, including paraffin-embedded tissue. However, it has been suggested that the visualization of AgNORs is dependent on the type and time of fixation employed. This study set out to measure this effect with the following commonly-used fixatives: acetone, absolute ethanol, methanol, Carnoy's fluid, Bouin's fluid, 4% glutaraldehyde, 10% neutral buffered formalin and 10% formol-saline. Both frozen sections and blocks of fresh tonsil were fixed for varying times, the blocks of tissue then being processed routinely. With the frozen sections AgNORs were easier to discern than in sections of paraffin-embedded tissue, and more intranucleolar AgNORs were visible when alcoholic fixatives were used than with aldehyde fixation. The effects of different fixatives on AgNOR appearance in paraffin sections is, however, more complex. Despite the variation caused by different fixatives, AgNORs could be demonstrated adequately with all the fixatives studied. It is concluded that fixation is not a limitation to the study of AgNORs provided that the time and type of fixative is controlled.  相似文献   

Microdissection has been widely used for procuring DNA from specific microscopic regions of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections. We have developed a method for fixation and microdissection of frozen fresh biopsy tissue sections. Five micrometer frozen fresh tissue sections were fixed with ethanol and stored at room temperature. Well defined regions from hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stained or unstained sections were briefly steamed and microdissected using a needle. The dissected tissue was digested with proteinase K and DNA was isolated. Whole genome amplifications were obtained by degenerate oligonucleotide primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR) from these samples. The reliability of this technique was demonstrated by comparing conventional comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) with DOP-PCR-CGH. The advantages of this method are that frozen fresh sections can be fixed easily and stored for more than 4 years, it is easy to microdissect and pick-up very minute regions (0.1 mm(2)), and it is rapid; microdissection and purification can be accomplished within 3 h. Using DNA from microdissected sections, DOP-PCR-CGH revealed genetic abnormalities more accurately than conventional CGH. Although this novel method was demonstrated using DOP-PCR-CGH, we believe that it will be useful for other genetic analyses of specific small regions and cell populations. We also observed whether storage time, H & E staining and crude DNA extracts affected the quality of amplified DNA. DNA integrity was maintained for at least 49 months in ethanol fixed sections that were stored at room temperature, but DNA was gradually degraded after one month if the ethanol fixed sections had been H & E stained and stored. When crude DNA extracts from H & E stained sections were used, the size of the DOP-PCR product was reduced. Our study suggests that ethanol fixed tissue sections may be stored at room temperature for at least 4 years without DNA degradation, the H & E stains may not affect the quality of amplified DNA, but H & E or other components in the staining process may reduce the size of DOP-PCR product, which is critical for the quality of CGH hybridization.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of storage of unfixed cryostat sections from rat liver for 4 h, 24 h, 3 days and 7 days at -25°C was studied on the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, xanthine oxidoreductase, glutamate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase (all demonstrated with tetrazolium salt procedures), glucose-6-phosphatase (cerium-diaminobenzidine method), 5-nucleotidase (lead salt method), dipeptidyl peptidase II, acid phosphatase (both simultaneous azo coupling methods), d-amino acid oxidase (cerium-diaminobenzidine-cobalt-hydrogen peroxide procedure) and catalase (diaminobenzidine method). The effect of drying of the cryostat sections at room temperature for 5 and 60 min was investigated as well. The enzyme activities were quantified by cytophotometric measurements of test and control reactions. The test minus control reaction was taken as a measure for specific enzyme activity. It was found that the activities of all the enzymes investigated, with one exception, were affected neither by storage of the cryostat sections at -25°C for up to 7 days, nor by drying of the sections at room temperature for up to 60 min. The exception was xanthine oxidoreductase, whose activity was reduced by 20% after 5 min drying of sections or after 4 h storage. Therefore, only incubations for xanthine oxidoreductase activity have to be performed immediately after cutting cryostat sections, whereas for the other enzymes a considerable margin appears to exist.  相似文献   

Summary An immunoperoxidase technique was used to compare wax-embedded tissue with frozen tissue for quantitative immunohistochemistry of oral mucosal Langerhans cells. Initial experiments using anti-CD1a, -HLADR and -S100 antisera showed that phenotype, fixative, antibody dilution and trypsinisation of the tissue section significantly affected Langerhans cell counts. Only the anti-HLADR antibody detected Langerhans cells in both frozen and wax-embedded sections. Some 38% of S100-positive dendritic cells were situated in the stratum basale, and 41–84% of these contained melanin as determined by double-labelling. Sections from 39 volunteers were then reacted with the anti-CD1a and -HLADR antibodies. The morphology of Langerhans cells was more dendritic in frozen sections, and the mean HLADR-positive Langerhans cells count in frozen sections was significantly higher than that in wax-embedded sections from the same individual. The intra-individual ratio of counts between frozen and wax-embedded sections was variable; hence, the apparent loss of HLADR antigenicity as a result of tissue processing was unpredictable. Counts of CD1a-positive Langerhans cells were consistently higher. We conclude that the use of anti-CD1a antibody on frozen tissue is the optimum method for quantitative studies of oral mucosal Langerhans cells, and that such studies performed on wax-embedded tissue may be unreliable.  相似文献   

The oscillations of the ZV and A thermoluminescence bands were investigated in spinach chloroplasts which had been dark-adapted for various time periods and subjected to a series of flashes at +2°C before continuous illumination at various low temperatures. When excited with continuous light below −65°C, the ZV band exhibited period-4 oscillation, with maxima on preflashes 0, 4 and 8. Above −65°C, the oscillation pattern depended greatly on the dark-adaptation period of the chloroplasts. In preilluminated samples (15 s light followed by 3 min dark), when the QB pool is half oxidized, the oscillation of the thermoluminescence intensity measured at −50°C was similar to that observed below −65°C. However, after the thorough dark-adaptation of the chloroplasts (6 h), when the major fraction of the QB pool is assumed to be oxidized, a binary oscillation appeared in the oscillation pattern, with maxima at odd flash numbers. Below −65°C, period-2 oscillation of the ZV band could not be induced by the dark-adaptation of the chloroplasts, suggesting an inhibition of electron exchange between QA and QB. Upon excitation of the chloroplasts with continuous light at −30°C, the A band oscillated with a periodicity of 4 with maxima at preflash numbers 2 and 6. At pH 7.5, the period-4 oscillation was converted into a period-2 oscillation by thorough dark-adaptation of the chloroplasts (24 h). Model calculations of the oscillatory patterns suggest that the period-4 oscillations of the ZV and A bands are determined by the concentrations [S0] + [S1] and [S2] + [S3], respectively, which are present after the preflashes prior to the low-temperature continuous illumination. The period-2 oscillations in the amplitudes of the ZV and A bands reflect the changes occurring in the redox state of the QB pool in a sequence of flashes. The possible relationship between the characteristics of the ZV and A bands and the temperature-dependence of the S state transitions was investigated. Comparison of the amplitudal changes of the B (S2QB and S3QB recombination) and Q (S2QA recombination) thermoluminescence bands as a function of the excitation temperature suggests that the S2 → S3 and S3 → S4 transitions are blocked at about −65 and −40°C, respectively. It is also concluded that the thermoluminescence intensity emitted by the reaction center is about twice as high in the S3 state as in the S2 state.  相似文献   

A commercially available tissue solubilizer, based on tetraalkyl-ammonium hydroxide in toluene, has been compared with conventional digestion producers in order to determine the minimum amount of tissue needed for the determination of trace elements such as Al, Cd, Cu, and Mn in human biopsy material using flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The solubilizer can be recommended for digestion of biopsy samples in order to determine Cu, Cd, and Mn, but not Al.  相似文献   

Although protein kinase FA/GSK-3α (an activating factor of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase) has been established as a cytosolic enzyme in mammalian nonnervous tissues involved in the metabolic regulation, immunological and biochemical studies on tissue and subcellular distributions demonstrate that kinase FA/GSK-3α is in fact a membrane-associated enzyme and most abundantly exists in brain particulate membrane fractions depending on the tissue homogenization conditions. For instance, when brain was homogenized in Polytron without 0.32M sucrose, approximately 40% of the total FA/GSK-3α was found in the cytosol. However, when brain was homogenized in buffer containing 0.32M sucrose and in a glass homogenizer with Teflon pestle, more than 80% of the total FA/GSK-3α was found associated with the particulate membrane fractions. By manipulating these findings, we have developed a simplified procedure for purification of homogeneous kinase FA/GSK-3α in high recovery and in a substantial amount from brain tissue. The data explain why kinase FA/GSK-3α cannot be isolated in a reasonable amount from most mammalian tissues for the past years. The specific pure antibody that can specifically recognize kinase FA/GSK-3α from crude tissue extracts together with the high quantity purification of the enzyme as presented in this report provides an initial key step for studies on the role of kinase FA/GSK-3α in the regulation of brain functions especially in the brain particulate membrane fractions.  相似文献   

Although protein kinase FA/GSK-3 (an activating factor of ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase) has been established as a cytosolic enzyme in mammalian nonnervous tissues involved in the metabolic regulation, immunological and biochemical studies on tissue and subcellular distributions demonstrate that kinase FA/GSK-3 is in fact a membrane-associated enzyme and most abundantly exists in brain particulate membrane fractions depending on the tissue homogenization conditions. For instance, when brain was homogenized in Polytron without 0.32M sucrose, approximately 40% of the total FA/GSK-3 was found in the cytosol. However, when brain was homogenized in buffer containing 0.32M sucrose and in a glass homogenizer with Teflon pestle, more than 80% of the total FA/GSK-3 was found associated with the particulate membrane fractions. By manipulating these findings, we have developed a simplified procedure for purification of homogeneous kinase FA/GSK-3 in high recovery and in a substantial amount from brain tissue. The data explain why kinase FA/GSK-3 cannot be isolated in a reasonable amount from most mammalian tissues for the past years. The specific pure antibody that can specifically recognize kinase FA/GSK-3 from crude tissue extracts together with the high quantity purification of the enzyme as presented in this report provides an initial key step for studies on the role of kinase FA/GSK-3 in the regulation of brain functions especially in the brain particulate membrane fractions.  相似文献   

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