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Hu S  Wang B  Qi Y  Lin H 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37637
Calmodulin (CaM) directly interacts with the aquaporin 0 (AQP0) C-terminus in a calcium dependent manner to regulate the water permeability of AQP0. We previously identified a missense mutation (p.R233K) in the putative CaM binding domain of AQP0 C-terminus in a congenital cataract family. This study was aimed at exploring the potential pathogenesis of this mutation causative of cataract and mainly identifying how it influenced the binding of AQP0 to CaM. Wild type and R233K mutant AQP0 with EGFP-tag were transfected separately into Hela cells to determine the expression and subcellular localizations. The co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) assay was used to detect the interaction between AQP0 and CaM. AQP0 C-terminus peptides were synthesized with and without R233K, and the binding abilities of these peptides to CaM were assessed using a fluorescence binding assay. Localizations of wild type and R233K mutant AQP0 were determined from EGFP fluorescence, and the chimeric proteins were both localized abundantly in the plasma membrane. Protein expression levels of the culture cells showed no significant difference between them. The results from CoIP assay implied that R233K mutant presented more weakly in association with CaM than wild type AQP0. The AQP0 C-terminal mutant peptide was found to have 2.5-fold lower binding affinity to CaM than wild type peptide. These results suggested that R233K mutation did not affect the expression, location and trafficking of the protein but did influence the interaction between AQP0 and CaM. The binding affinity of AQP0 C-terminus to CaM was significantly reduced. Due to lack of the modulation of the Ca2+-calmodulin complex, the water permeability of AQP0 was subsequently augmented, which might lead to the development of this cataract.  相似文献   

Sensing of and response to transient increases in the residual presynaptic Ca2+ levels are important adaptive mechanisms that define the short-term plasticity characteristics of neurons. Due to their essential function in synaptic vesicle priming and in the modulation of synaptic strength, Munc13 proteins have emerged as key regulators of these adaptive mechanisms. Indeed, Munc13-1 and ubMunc13-2 contain a conserved calmodulin (CaM) binding site and the Ca2+ -dependent interaction of these Munc13 isoforms with CaM constitutes a molecular mechanism that transduces residual Ca2+ signaling to the synaptic exocytotic machinery. Here, we used Munc13-derived model peptides in photoaffinity labeling (PAL) experiments to demonstrate the stoichiometric and Ca2+ -dependent CaM binding of the other members of the Munc13 family, bMunc13-2 and Munc13-3, via structurally distinct non-conserved binding sites. A PAL-based Ca2+ titration assay revealed that all Munc13 isoforms can form a complex with CaM already at low Ca2+ concentrations just above resting levels, underscoring the Ca2+ sensor/effector function of this interaction in short-term synaptic plasticity phenomena.  相似文献   

pH and calcium regulate the water permeability of aquaporin 0   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Aquaporins increase the water permeability in many cell types across many species. We investigated the effects of external pH and Ca(2+) on water permeability of Xenopus oocytes injected with aquaporin cRNA by measuring the rate of swelling in hypotonic solutions. Lowering pH to 6.5 increased the water permeability of aquaporin (AQP0) 3.4 +/- 0.4-fold. Diethylpyrocarbonate pretreatment increased water permeability 4.2 +/- 0.5-fold and abolished pH sensitivity, suggesting that the pH regulation is mediated by an external histidine. Lowering Ca(2+) increased water permeability 4.1 +/- 0. 4-fold. The effects of Ca(2+) and pH each required the presence of histidine 40, indicating a critical role of this amino acid in facilitating the modulation of water permeability. Clamping intracellular Ca(2+) at high or low values abolished sensitivity to external Ca(2+), suggesting that Ca(2+) acts at an internal site. Three different calmodulin inhibitors each increased AQP0 water permeability, suggesting that Ca(2+) may act through calmodulin. None of the above altered the water permeability induced by AQP1 or AQP4. Because the greatest change in AQP0 water permeability is in the normal pH range found in the lens (7.2-6.5), this paper provides evidence for regulation of an aquaporin by pH under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Ma H  Azuma M  Shearer TR 《FEBS letters》2005,579(30):6745-6748
Opacities (cataracts) in the lens of the eye are a leading cause of preventable blindness. Aquaporins function as water channels, and the C-terminus is postulated as a regulatory domain. The C-terminal domain of aquaporin 0 (AQP0) develops numerous truncation sites during lens aging. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine if the calcium-activated protease m-calpain (EC was responsible for truncation of human AQP0. AQP0 was isolated from young human donors, incubated with recombinant m-calpain, and the cleavage sites on the released peptides were determined by on-line electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. We found that four cleavage sites on human AQP0 could be tentatively assigned to m-calpain. This is the first evidence for possible calpain activity in human lens. Because the cause(s) of 17 other cleavage sites was unknown, the data also suggested that other, as yet unknown, proteases or non-enzymatic mechanisms are more active than calpain in human lens.  相似文献   

Estradiol receptor (ER) activity requires interaction with hormone and specific DNA sequence. We now report that this receptor also interacts with calmodulin (CaM), the major intracellular mediator of Ca2+ action in eucaryotic cells. This interaction has been observed using both CaM-Sepharose and [125I]CaM. Crude and purified [3H]ER complex show high affinity interaction with CaM-Sepharose [dissociation constant (Kd) 0.12 and 0.16 nM, respectively]. Unoccupied receptor shows a similar high affinity interaction. Tamoxifen-ER complex also binds to CaM-Sepharose. Several findings show that this CaM-ER interaction is very specific: lack of this interaction has been observed in the presence of trifluoperazine, an inhibitor of protein binding to CaM; the receptor binds neither Sepharose, nor parvalbumin-Sepharose; competition of interaction of [3H]ER complex with CaM-Sepharose is observed by cold ER complex; rat liver glucocorticoid receptor does not bind to CaM-Sepharose. The interaction of purified receptor with 125I-labeled CaM has been detected by various techniques: centrifugation through sucrose gradient of CaM incubated with receptor shows that CaM binds to a protein forming a complex sedimenting at 5 S. This complex is shifted to the 7.5 S region by a monoclonal antireceptor antibody. Incubation of CaM with receptor followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis fluorography of the immunoprecipitated receptor shows that [125I]CaM coprecipitates with the receptor. Competition of this interaction by an excess of cold CaM is observed. Interaction of the receptor with CaM is also observed by the overlay technique.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data about the influence of phosphorylation levels of histones isolated from the prereplicative and replicative phases induced to proliferation by cycloheximide of rat hepatocytes, on their interaction with DNA-cellulose are presented. It is shown that the DNA-cellulose chromatography of histones is a sensitive model for the investigation of the effect of phosphorylation of histones on their electrostatic interaction with DNA. Using this method it is possible to separate high-phosphorylated subtype of rat liver H1 histones from other subtypes and also to show a direct dependence between the phosphorylation levels of histones and stability of their binding with DNA in prereplicative and replicative phases not only under conditions of proliferation induction by cycloheximide, but also under the subsequent influence of X-irradiation and serotonin.  相似文献   

Regulation of the in vitro phosphorylation process of the photosynthetic form (G form) of Sorghum leaf Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC: EC was studied. Results established that: 1) PEPC was efficiently phosphorylated on seryl residues in crude leaf extract 2) Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (EC which has been supposed to interfere with the process, was found not to be significantly phosphorylated in our experimental conditions 3) KF, as well as both Ca++ and Mg++ ions increased the radioactive signal detected 4) addition of EDTA or EGTA nullified it and Ca++ alone was found to reverse the inhibitory effect exerted by both chelators 5) addition of anti-Calmodulin antibodies to the medium also abolished the PEPC phosphorylation. Present data demonstrated that the post-translational modification of the C4-plant photosynthetic PEPC is a Ca++/Calmodulin dependent process.  相似文献   

TIMAP, TGF-β inhibited, membrane-associated protein, is highly abundant in endothelial cells (EC). We have shown earlier the involvement of TIMAP in PKA-mediated ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) dephosphorylation as part of EC barrier protection by TIMAP (Csortos et al., 2008). Emerging data demonstrate the regulatory role of TIMAP on protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) activity. We provide here evidence for specific interaction (Ka = 1.80 × 106 M−1) between non-phosphorylated TIMAP and the catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1c) by surface plasmon resonance based binding studies. Thiophosphorylation of TIMAP by PKA, or sequential thiophosphorylation by PKA and GSK3β slightly modifies the association constant for the interaction of TIMAP with PP1c and decreases the rate of dissociation. However, dephosphorylation of phospho-moesin substrate by PP1cβ is inhibited to different extent in the presence of non- (∼60% inhibition), mono- (∼50% inhibition) or double-thiophosphorylated (<10% inhibition) form of TIMAP. Our data suggest that double-thiophosphorylation of TIMAP has minor effect on its binding ability to PP1c, but considerably attenuates its inhibitory effect on the activity of PP1c. PKA activation by forskolin treatment of EC prevented thrombin evoked barrier dysfunction and ERM phosphorylation at the cell membrane (Csortos et al., 2008). With the employment of specific GSK3β inhibitor it is shown here that PKA activation is followed by GSK3β activation in bovine pulmonary EC and both of these activations are required for the rescuing effect of forskolin in thrombin treated EC. Our results suggest that the forskolin induced PKA/GSK3β activation protects the EC barrier via TIMAP-mediated decreasing of the ERM phosphorylation level.  相似文献   

Using calmodulin covalently labeled with dansyl, the Ca2(+)-dependent interaction of phosphorylase kinase with calmodulin has been studied. It has been shown that at pH 6.8 the (alpha beta gamma delta) protomer of the enzyme binds 2.1 +/- 0.8 mol of calmodulin with Kd = (6.67 +/- 1.77).10(-8) M. The enzyme activation induced by the pH increase up to 8.2 does not affect the enzyme interaction with calmodulin [2.14 +/- 0.58 mol calmodulin per mol of (alpha beta gamma delta)]; Kd = (4.14 +/- 1.22).10(-8) M. However, the enzyme activation during its autocatalytic phosphorylation eliminates this effect practically completely.  相似文献   

Aquaporin 0 (AQP0) is essential for eye lens homeostasis as is regulation of its water permeability by Ca2+, which occurs through interactions with calmodulin (CaM), but the underlying molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the microsecond timescale under an osmotic gradient to explicitly model water permeation through the AQP0 channel. To identify any structural features that are specific to water permeation through AQP0, we also performed simulations of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) and a pure mixed lipid bilayer under the same conditions. The relative single-channel water osmotic permeability coefficients (pf) calculated from all of our simulations are in reasonable agreement with experiment. Our simulations allowed us to characterize the dynamics of the key structural elements that modulate the diffusion of water single-files through the AQP0 and AQP1 pores. We find that CaM binding influences the collective dynamics of the whole AQP0 tetramer, promoting the closing of both the extracellular and intracellular gates by inducing cooperativity between neighboring subunits.  相似文献   

Due to hydrophobicity, structural analysis of integral membrane proteins poses a formidable challenge for current mass spectrometry-based proteomics approaches. Herein, we demonstrate results from optimized sample preparation and enzymatic proteolysis procedures for the complete primary structure determination of a targeted integral membrane protein, lens aquaporin 0 (AQP0). Plasma membrane from bovine lens tissue was alkali treated and tryptic digestion was performed in optimized acetonitrile-ammonium bicarbonate solution. Full sequence coverage of AQP0 was observed as tryptic peptides using both matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) and capillary liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (cLC/MS/MS). An amino acid mutation of Thr to Ile/Leu at residue 199 was deduced based on MS/MS results. In a complementary effort to fully sequence the protein, peptic digestion was developed to take advantage of hydrophobic protein solubility in organic acid as well as the decreased activity of pepsin at low pH. Peptic digestion in 10% formic acid (pH 1.2) generated peptides of 500 to 3000 Da and gave 100% sequence coverage by cLC/MS/MS. In addition to post-translational modifications reported previously, a new phosphorylation site at serine 229 and two oxidation sites at tryptophan 202 and 205 were detected on the protein. These methodologies provide complementary detergent- and CNBr-free procedures for detailed analysis of this important membrane channel protein and offer promise for analysis of the integral membrane proteome.  相似文献   

Ball LE  Garland DL  Crouch RK  Schey KL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(30):9856-9865
Because of the lack of protein turnover in fiber cells of the ocular lens, Aquaporin 0 (AQP0), the most abundant membrane protein in the lens, undergoes extensive post-translational modification with fiber cell age. To map the distribution of modified forms of AQP0 within the lens, normal human lenses ranging in age from 34 to 38 were concentrically dissected into several cortical and nuclear sections. Membrane proteins still embedded in the membranes were digested with trypsin, and the resulting C-terminal peptides of AQP0 were analyzed by HPLC tandem mass spectrometry, permitting the identification of modifications and estimation of their abundance. Consistent with earlier reports, the major phosphorylation site was Ser 235, and the major sites of backbone cleavage occurred at residues 246 and 259. New findings suggest that cleavage at these sites may be a result of nonenzymatic truncation at asparagine residues. In addition, this approach revealed previously undetected sites of truncation at residues 249, 260, 261, and 262; phosphorylation at Ser 231 and to a lower extent at Ser 229; and racemization/isomerization of l-Asp 243 to d-Asp and d-iso-Asp. The spatial distribution of C-terminally modified AQP0 within the lens indicated an increase in truncation and racemization/isomerization with fiber cell age, whereas the level of Ser 235 phosphorylation increased from the outer to inner cortex but decreased in the nucleus. Furthermore, the remarkably similar pattern and distribution of truncation products from lenses from three donors suggest specific temporal mechanisms for the modification of AQP0.  相似文献   

The interaction of p53 and MDM2 is modulated by the phosphorylation of p53. This mechanism is key to activating p53, yet its molecular determinants are not fully understood. To study the spatiotemporal characteristics of this molecular process we carried out Brownian dynamics simulations of the interactions of the MDM2 protein with a p53 peptide in its wild type state and when phosphorylated at Thr18 (pThr18) and Ser20 (pSer20). We found that p53 phosphorylation results in concerted changes in the topology of the interaction landscape in the diffusively bound encounter complex domain. These changes hinder phosphorylated p53 peptides from binding to MDM2 well before reaching the binding site. The underlying mechanism appears to involve shift of the peptide away from the vicinity of the MDM2 protein, peptide reorientation, and reduction in peptide residence time relative to wild-type p53 peptide. pThr18 and pSr20 p53 peptides experience reduction in residence times by factors of 13.6 and 37.5 respectively relative to the wild-type p53 peptide, indicating a greater role for Ser20 phosphorylation in abrogating p53 MDM2 interactions. These detailed insights into the effect of phosphorylation on molecular interactions are not available from conventional experimental and theoretical approaches and open up new avenues that incorporate molecular interaction dynamics, for stabilizing p53 against MDM2, which is a major focus of anticancer drug lead development.  相似文献   

The interaction of p53 and MDM2 is modulated by the phosphorylation of p53. This mechanism is key to activating p53, yet its molecular determinants are not fully understood. To study the spatiotemporal characteristics of this molecular process we carried out Brownian dynamics simulations of the interactions of the MDM2 protein with a p53 peptide in its wild type state and when phosphorylated at Thr18 (pThr18) and Ser20 (pSer20). We found that p53 phosphorylation results in concerted changes in the topology of the interaction landscape in the diffusively bound encounter complex domain. These changes hinder phosphorylated p53 peptides from binding to MDM2 well before reaching the binding site. The underlying mechanism appears to involve shift of the peptide away from the vicinity of the MDM2 protein, peptide reorientation, and reduction in peptide residence time relative to wild-type p53 peptide. pThr18 and pSr20 p53 peptides experience reduction in residence times by factors of 13.6 and 37.5 respectively relative to the wild-type p53 peptide, indicating a greater role for Ser20 phosphorylation in abrogating p53 MDM2 interactions. These detailed insights into the effect of phosphorylation on molecular interactions are not available from conventional experimental and theoretical approaches and open up new avenues that incorporate molecular interaction dynamics, for stabilizing p53 against MDM2, which is a major focus of anticancer drug lead development.  相似文献   

A yeast-mycelium (Y-M) transition of Candida albicans (3153A) was induced by 1.5 mM CaCl2 · 2H2O in defined liquid medium, pH 7, at 25 °C. Germ tube formation was detected after approximately 8 h and peaks of maximum germination occurred at approximately 20 h in all experimental treatments. Non-toxic concentrations of the calmodulin inhibitor R24571 almost completely suppressed germ tube formation whereas trifluoperazine (TFP) and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 were only about half as effective. Further Ca2+ addition failed to reverse the inhibitory effect of R24571 and induced only about 10% of the cells inhibited by TFP or A23187 to germinate.  相似文献   

PM28A is a major intrinsic protein of the spinach leaf plasma membrane and the major phosphoprotein. Phosphorylation of PM28A is dependent in vivo on the apoplastic water potential and in vitro on submicromolar concentrations of Ca2+. Here, we demonstrate that PM28A is an aquaporin and that its water channel activity is regulated by phosphorylation. Wild-type and mutant forms of PM28A, in which putative phosphorylation sites had been knocked out, were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the resulting increase in osmotic water permeability was measured in the presence or absence of an inhibitor of protein kinases (K252a) or of an inhibitor of protein phosphatases (okadaic acid). The results indicate that the water channel activity of PM28A is regulated by phosphorylation of two serine residues, Ser-115 in the first cytoplasmic loop and Ser-274 in the C-terminal region. Labeling of spinach leaves with 32P-orthophosphate and subsequent sequencing of PM28A-derived peptides demonstrated that Ser-274 is phosphorylated in vivo, whereas phosphorylation of Ser-115, a residue conserved among all plant plasma membrane aquaporins, could not be demonstrated. This identifies Ser-274 of PM28A as the amino acid residue being phosphorylated in vivo in response to increasing apoplastic water potential and dephosphorylated in response to decreasing water potential. Taken together, our results suggest an active role for PM28A in maintaining cellular water balance.  相似文献   

MARCKS, a major in vivo substrate of protein kinase C, interacts with plasma membranes in a phosphorylation-, myristoylation-, and calmodulin-dependent manner. Although we have previously observed that myristoylated and non-myristoylated MARCKS proteins behave differently during calmodulin-agarose chromatography, the role of protein myristoylation in the MARCKS-calmodulin interaction remained to be elucidated. Here we demonstrate that the myristoyl moiety together with the N-terminal protein domain is directly involved in the MARCKS-calmodulin interaction. Both myristoylated and non-myristoylated recombinant MARCKS bound to calmodulin-agarose at low ionic strengths, but only the former retained the affinity at high ionic strengths. A quantitative analysis obtained with dansyl (5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-calmodulin showed that myristoylated MARCKS has an affinity higher than the non-myristoylated protein. Furthermore, a synthetic peptide based on the N-terminal sequence was found to bind calmodulin only when it was myristoylated. Only the N-terminal peptide but not the canonical calmodulin-binding domain showed the ionic strength-independent calmodulin binding. A mutation study suggested that the importance of the positive charge in the N-terminal protein domain in the binding.  相似文献   

Human aquaporin 5 (AQP5) has been shown to be overexpressed in multiple cancers, such as pancreatic cancer and colon cancer. Furthermore, it has been reported that ectopic expression of AQP5 leads to many phenotypic changes characteristic of transformation. However, the biochemical mechanism leading to transformation in AQP5-overexpressing cells has not been clearly elucidated. In this report, the overexpression of AQP5 in NIH3T3 cells demonstrated a significant effect on Ras activity and, thus, cell proliferation. Furthermore, this influence was shown to be mediated by phosphorylation of the PKA consensus site of AQP5. This is the first evidence demonstrating an association between AQP5 and a signaling pathway, namely the Ras signal transduction pathway, which may be the basis of the oncogenic properties seen in AQP-overexpressing cells.  相似文献   

Here we report the structure of the widely utilized calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) inhibitor KN93 bound to the Ca2+-sensing protein CaM. KN93 is widely believed to inhibit CaMKII by binding to the kinase. The CaM-KN93 interaction is significant as it can interfere with the interaction between CaM and it's physiological targets, thereby raising the possibility of ascribing modified protein function to CaMKII phosphorylation while concealing a CaM–protein interaction. NMR spectroscopy, stopped-flow kinetic measurements, and x-ray crystallography were used to characterize the structure and biophysical properties of the CaM-KN93 interaction. We then investigated the functional properties of the cardiac Na+ channel (NaV1.5) and ryanodine receptor (RyR2). We find that KN93 disrupts a high affinity CaM-NaV1.5 interaction and alters channel function independent of CaMKII. Moreover, KN93 increases RyR2 Ca2+ release in cardiomyocytes independent of CaMKII. Therefore, when interpreting KN93 data, targets other than CaMKII need to be considered.  相似文献   

Aquaporin (AQP) 1 and AQP0 water channels are expressed in lens epithelial and fiber cells, respectively, facilitating fluid circulation for nourishing the avascular lens to maintain transparency. Even though AQP0 water permeability is 40-fold less than AQP1, AQP0 is selectively expressed in the fibers. Delimited AQP0 fiber expression is attributed to a unique structural role as an adhesion protein. To validate this notion, we determined if wild type (WT) lens ultrastructure and fiber cell adhesion are different in AQP0−/−, and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− mice that transgenically express AQP1 (TgAQP1) in fiber cells without AQP0 (AQP0−/−). In WT, lenses were transparent with ‘Y’ sutures. Fibers contained opposite end curvature, lateral interdigitations, hexagonal shape, and were arranged as concentric growth shells. AQP0−/− lenses were cataractous, lacked ‘Y’ sutures, ordered packing and well-defined lateral interdigitations. TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses showed improvement in transparency and lateral interdigitations in the outer cortex while inner cortex and nuclear fibers were severely disintegrated. Transmission electron micrographs exhibited tightly packed fiber cells in WT whereas AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses had wide extracellular spaces. Fibers were easily separable by teasing in AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses compared to WT. Our data suggest that the increased water permeability through AQP1 does not compensate for loss of AQP0 expression in TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− mice. Fiber cell AQP0 expression is required to maintain their organization, which is a requisite for lens transparency. AQP0 appears necessary for cell-to-cell adhesion and thereby to minimize light scattering since in the AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses, fiber cell disorganization was evident.  相似文献   

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