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Three species of human keratins are shown to have specific localizations within the epidermis. Using an immunohistochemical technique with rabbit antisera prepared against purified human keratins, two distinct epidermal domains were defined. The 45K and 46K MW keratins occur predominantly in the basal epidermal layer, whereas 55K keratin protein occurs chiefly in the suprabasal, differentiated squamous cells. Commitment of proliferating basal cells to terminal differentiation is accompanied by changes in the proportions of keratin species.  相似文献   

The pathogen Staphylococcus aureus uses iron-regulated surface determinant (Isd) proteins to scavenge the essential nutrient iron from host hemoproteins. The IsdH protein (also known as HarA) is a receptor for hemoglobin (Hb), haptoglobin (Hp), and the Hb-Hp complex. It contains three NEAT (NEAr Transporter) domains: IsdH(N1), IsdH(N2), and IsdH(N3). Here we show that they have different functions; IsdH(N1) binds Hb and Hp, whereas IsdH(N3) captures heme that is released from Hb. The staphylococcal IsdB protein also functions as an Hb receptor. Primary sequence homology to IsdH indicates that it will also employ functionally distinct NEAT domains to bind heme and Hb. We have used site-directed mutagenesis and surface plasmon resonance methods to localize the Hp and Hb binding surface on IsdH(N1). High affinity binding to these structurally unrelated proteins requires residues located within a conserved aromatic motif that is positioned at the end of the beta-barrel structure. Interestingly, this site is quite malleable, as other NEAT domains use it to bind heme. We also demonstrate that the IsdC NEAT domain can capture heme directly from Hb, suggesting that there are multiple pathways for heme transfer across the cell wall.  相似文献   

We have investigated the organization, on the plasma membrane and in detergent-insoluble membrane vesicles, of two neuronal glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored (GPI) proteins: Thy-1, a negative regulator of transmembrane signalling; and prion protein, whose rapid endocytosis and Cu(2+) binding suggest that it functions in metal ion uptake. Prion protein occurred on the neuronal surface at high density in domains, located primarily at the cell body, which were relatively soluble in detergent. Thy-1, although much more abundantly expressed on neurons, occurred at lower density over much of the surface of neurites (and in lower abundance at the cell body) in domains that were highly resistant to detergent solubilization. Detergent-insoluble membrane vesicles contained Thy-1 at a density similar to that on the neuronal surface. Vesicles containing each protein could be separated by immunoaffinity isolation; lectin binding showed that they were enriched in different glycoproteins. Our results demonstrate a structural diversity of the domains occupied by functionally different GPI proteins.  相似文献   

Fluorescent protein (FP) insertions have often been used to localize primary structure elements in mid-resolution 3D cryo electron microscopic (EM) maps of large protein complexes. However, little is known as to the precise spatial relationship between the location of the fused FP and its insertion site within a larger protein. To gain insights into these structural considerations, F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements were used to localize green fluorescent protein (GFP) insertions within the ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1), a large intracellular Ca(2+) release channel that plays a key role in skeletal muscle excitation contraction coupling. A series of full-length His-tagged GFP-RyR1 fusion constructs were created, expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293T cells and then complexed with Cy3NTA, a His-tag specific FRET acceptor. FRET efficiency values measured from each GFP donor to Cy3NTA bound to each His tag acceptor site were converted into intermolecular distances and the positions of each inserted GFP were then triangulated relative to a previously published X-ray crystal structure of a 559 amino acid RyR1 fragment. We observed that the chromophoric centers of fluorescent proteins inserted into RyR1 can be located as far as 45 ? from their insertion sites and that the fused proteins can also be located in internal cavities within RyR1. These findings should prove useful in interpreting structural results obtained in cryo EM maps using fusions of small fluorescent proteins. More accurate point-to-point distance information may be obtained using complementary orthogonal labeling systems that rely on fluorescent probes that bind directly to amino acid side chains.  相似文献   

Direct targeting to the cytoplasm and nucleus using protein transduction domains (PTD) has been described to be efficient but non-cell-type-specific, and only has clinical relevance when the molecule is active exclusively in the diseased cell. The use of PTDs is an attractive mechanism to improve drug delivery. In this work, we designed recombinant proteins that contain epidermal growth factor as ligand to render uptake target cell-specific. We evaluated the potential of several PTDs to induce the cytosolic uptake of the catalytic domain of diphtheria toxin by measuring cytotoxicity. Although PTD-dependent membrane transfer is very low, the proteins exhibited concentration-dependent cytotoxic activity. Higher binding at 4 degrees C compared to 37 degrees C suggests that uptake by the PTDs MTS and TLM occurs via an endocytic pathway. Non-specific binding is predominantly a function of the PTD and greatly increases by substitution of a non-polar glycine with a negatively charged glutamate in the PTD HA2.  相似文献   

Protein expression using the secretory pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can lead to high amounts of overexpressed and secreted proteins in culture supernatants in a short period of time. These post-translational modified expression products can be purified up to >90% in a single step. The overexpression and secretion of the transmembrane glycoprotein signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) was studied. SLAM belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily and its engagement results in T-cell expansion and INF-gamma production. The molecule is composed of an extracellular, a single-span transmembrane and a cytoplasmatic domain. The extracellular part may be relevant for stimulation studies in vitro since SLAM is a high-affinity self-ligand. Therefore several fragments of this region have been expressed as Flag-fusions in S. cerevisiae: a full-length fragment containing the transmembrane region and the autologous signal sequence, another without the transmembrane region, and two fragments without the autologous signal sequence with and without the transmembrane region. By molecular cloning, the different deletion mutants of the cDNA encoding the full-length construct have been inserted in a yeast episomal plasmid. Upstream of the cDNA, the alpha-leader sequence of a yeast mating pheromone has been cloned to direct the fusion proteins into the secretory protein maturation pathway. All four fragments were expressed but yield, location, and maturation were highly influenced by the transmembrane domain and the autologous signal sequence. Only the fragment without autologous signal sequence and transmembrane domain could be efficiently secreted. High-mannose glycosylation was analyzed by lectin mapping and digestion with specific glycosidases. After enzyme treatment, a single band product with the theoretical size could be detected and identified as SLAM by a specific monoclonal antibody. The fusion protein concentration in the supernatant was 30 microg/ml. The affinity-purified and deglycosylated protein is a tool for further biochemical and biophysical characterization of SLAM.  相似文献   



Proteins having similar functions from different sources can be identified by the occurrence in their sequences, a conserved cluster of amino acids referred to as pattern, motif, signature or fingerprint. The wide usage of protein sequence analysis in par with the growth of databases signifies the importance of using patterns or signatures to retrieve out related sequences. Blue copper proteins are found in the electron transport chain of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The signatures already existing in the databases like the type 1 copper blue, multiple copper oxidase, cyt b/b6, photosystem 1 psaA&B, psaG&K, and reiske iron sulphur protein are not specified signatures for blue copper proteins as the name itself suggests. Most profile and motif databases strive to classify protein sequences into a broad spectrum of protein families. This work describes the signatures designed based on the copper metal binding motifs in blue copper proteins. The common feature in all blue copper proteins is a trigonal planar arrangement of two nitrogen ligands [each from histidine] and one sulphur containing thiolate ligand [from cysteine], with strong interactions between the copper center and these ligands.  相似文献   

Randall JJ  Sutton DW  Hanson SF  Kemp JD 《Planta》2005,221(5):656-666
Zeins are alcohol soluble seed storage proteins synthesized within the endosperm of maize and subsequently deposited into endoplasmic reticulum (ER) derived protein bodies. The genes encoding the beta and delta zeins were previously introduced into tobacco with the expectation of improving the nutritional quality of plants (Bagga et al. in Plant Physiol 107:13, 1997). Novel protein bodies are produced in the leaves of transgenic plants accumulating the beta or delta zein proteins. The mechanism of protein body formation within leaves is unknown. It is also unknown how zeins are retained in the ER since they do not contain known ER retention motifs. Retention may be due to an interaction of zeins with an ER chaperone such as binding luminal protein (BiP). We have demonstrated protein–protein interactions with the delta zeins, beta zeins, and BiP proteins using an E. coli two-hybrid system. In this study, four putative BiP binding motifs were identified within the delta zein protein using a BiP scoring program (Blond-Elguindi et al. in Cell 75:717, 1993). These putative binding motifs were mutated and their effects on protein interactions were analyzed in both a prokaryotic two-hybrid system and in plants. These mutations resulted in reduced BiP–zein protein interaction and also altered zein–zein interactions. Our results indicate that specific motifs are necessary for BiP–delta zein protein interactions and that there are specific motifs which are necessary for zein–zein interactions. Furthermore, our data demonstrates that zein proteins must be able to interact with BiP and zeins for their stability and ability to form protein bodies.  相似文献   

LARK is an essential Drosophila RNA-binding protein of the RNA recognition motif (RRM) class that functions during embryonic development and for the circadian regulation of adult eclosion. LARK protein contains three consensus RNA-binding domains: two RRM domains and a retroviral-type zinc finger (RTZF). To show that these three structural domains are required for function, we performed a site-directed mutagenesis of the protein. The analysis of various mutations, in vivo, indicates that the RRM domains and the RTZF are required for wild-type LARK functions. RRM1 and RRM2 are essential for viability, although interestingly either domain can suffice for this function. Remarkably, mutation of either RRM2 or the RTZF results in the same spectrum of phenotypes: mutants exhibit reduced viability, abnormal wing and mechanosensory bristle morphology, female sterility, and flightlessness. The severity of these phenotypes is similar in single mutants and double RRM2; RTZF mutants, indicating a lack of additivity for the mutations and suggesting that RRM2 and the RTZF act together, in vivo, to determine LARK function. Finally, we show that mutations in RRM1, RRM2, or the RTZF do not affect the circadian regulation of eclosion, and we discuss possible interpretations of these results. This genetic analysis demonstrates that each of the LARK structural domains functions in vivo and indicates a pleiotropic requirement for both the LARK RRM2 and RTZF domains.  相似文献   

Maturing spermatozoa acquire full fertilization competence by undergoing major changes in membrane fluidity and protein composition and localization. In epididymal spermatozoa, several proteins are associated with cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) domains. These proteins dissociate from DRM in capacitated sperm cells, suggesting that DRM may play a role in the redistribution of integral and peripheral proteins in response to cholesterol removal. Since seminal plasma regulates sperm cell membrane fluidity, we hypothesized that seminal plasma factors could be involved in DRM disruption and redistribution of DRM-associated proteins. Our results indicate that: 1) the sperm-associated proteins, P25b and adenylate kinase 1, are linked to DRM of epididymal spermatozoa, but were exclusively associated with detergent-soluble material in ejaculated spermatozoa; 2) seminal plasma treatment of cauda epididymal spermatozoa significantly lowered the content of cholesterol and the ganglioside, GM1, in DRM; and 3), seminal plasma dissociates P25b from DRM in epididymal spermatozoa. We found that the seminal plasma protein, Niemann-Pick C2 protein, is involved in cholesterol and GM1 depletion within DRM, then leading to membrane redistribution of P25b that occurs in a very rapid and capacitation-independent manner. Together, these data suggest that DRM of ejaculated spermatozoa are reorganized by specific seminal plasma proteins, which induce lipid efflux as well as dissociation of DRM-anchored proteins. This process could be physiologically relevant in vivo to allow sperm survival and attachment within the female reproductive tract and to potentiate recognition, binding, and penetration of the oocyte.  相似文献   

A study of the functional-relevant dynamics of three typical water-soluble proteins, including Calmodulin, Src-tyrosine kinase, and a repressor of the trip operon, has been reported. The application of state-of-art methods of structural bioinformatics allowed us to identify the dynamics seen in the X-ray structures of the investigated proteins associated with their specific biological functions. In addition, technique of normal mode analysis reveals the most probable directions of the functionally relevant motions for all proteins. Importantly, the overall type of the motions observed in the lowest-frequency modes was very similar to the motions seen from the analysis of the X-ray data of the examined macromolecules. Thus, it was shown that the large-scale, as well as local, conformational motions of the proteins might already be predetermined at the level of their tertiary structures. In particular, the determining factor might be the specific fold of the α-helices. Thus, the functionally relevant in vivo dynamics of the investigated proteins might be evolutionarily formed by natural selection at the level of the spatial topology.  相似文献   

GeMMA (Genome Modelling and Model Annotation) is a new approach to automatic functional subfamily classification within families and superfamilies of protein sequences. A major advantage of GeMMA is its ability to subclassify very large and diverse superfamilies with tens of thousands of members, without the need for an initial multiple sequence alignment. Its performance is shown to be comparable to the established high-performance method SCI-PHY. GeMMA follows an agglomerative clustering protocol that uses existing software for sensitive and accurate multiple sequence alignment and profile–profile comparison. The produced subfamilies are shown to be equivalent in quality whether whole protein sequences are used or just the sequences of component predicted structural domains. A faster, heuristic version of GeMMA that also uses distributed computing is shown to maintain the performance levels of the original implementation. The use of GeMMA to increase the functional annotation coverage of functionally diverse Pfam families is demonstrated. It is further shown how GeMMA clusters can help to predict the impact of experimentally determining a protein domain structure on comparative protein modelling coverage, in the context of structural genomics.  相似文献   

Computational prediction of protein functional sites can be a critical first step for analysis of large or complex proteins. Contemporary methods often require several homologous sequences and/or a known protein structure, but these resources are not available for many proteins. Leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) are ligand interaction domains found in numerous proteins across all taxonomic kingdoms, including immune system receptors in plants and animals. We devised Repeat Conservation Mapping (RCM), a computational method that predicts functional sites of LRR domains. RCM utilizes two or more homologous sequences and a generic representation of the LRR structure to identify conserved or diversified patches of amino acids on the predicted surface of the LRR. RCM was validated using solved LRR+ligand structures from multiple taxa, identifying ligand interaction sites. RCM was then used for de novo dissection of two plant microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) receptors, EF-TU RECEPTOR (EFR) and FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2). In vivo testing of Arabidopsis thaliana EFR and FLS2 receptors mutagenized at sites identified by RCM demonstrated previously unknown functional sites. The RCM predictions for EFR, FLS2 and a third plant LRR protein, PGIP, compared favorably to predictions from ODA (optimal docking area), Consurf, and PAML (positive selection) analyses, but RCM also made valid functional site predictions not available from these other bioinformatic approaches. RCM analyses can be conducted with any LRR-containing proteins at www.plantpath.wisc.edu/RCM, and the approach should be modifiable for use with other types of repeat protein domains.  相似文献   

The mitotic exit network (MEN), a Ras-like signaling cascade, promotes the release of the protein phosphatase Cdc14 from the nucleolus and is essential for cells to exit from mitosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have characterized the functional domains of one of the MEN components, the protein kinase Cdc15, and investigated the role of these domains in mitotic exit. We show that a region adjacent to Cdc15's kinase domain is required for self-association and for binding to spindle pole bodies and that this domain is essential for CDC15 function. Furthermore, we find that overexpression of CDC15 lacking the C-terminal 224 amino acids results in hyperactivation of MEN and premature release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus, suggesting that this domain within Cdc15 functions to inhibit MEN signaling. Our findings indicate that multiple modes of MEN regulation occur through the protein kinase Cdc15.  相似文献   

The discovery of roles for arginine methylation in intracellular transport and mRNA splicing has focused attention on the methylated arginine–glycine (RG)-rich domains found in many eukaryotic RNA-binding proteins. Sequence similarity among these highly repetitive RG domains, combined with interactions between RG-rich proteins, raises the question of whether these regions are general interaction motifs or whether there is specificity within these domains. Using the essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae mRNA-binding protein Npl3 (ScNpl3) as a model system, we first tested the importance of the RG domain for protein function. While Npl3 lacking the RG domain could not support growth of cells lacking Npl3, surprisingly, expression of the RG domain alone supported partial growth of these cells. To address the specificity of this domain, we created chimeric forms of ScNpl3 with RG-rich domains of S. cerevisiae nucleolar proteins, Gar1 and Nop1 (ScGar1, ScNop1), or of the Candida albicans Npl3 ortholog (CaNpl3). Whereas the CaNpl3 RG chimeric protein retained nearly wild-type function in S. cerevisiae, the ScGar1 and ScNop1 RG domains significantly reduced Npl3 function and self-association, indicating RG domain specificity. Nuclear localization of Npl3 also requires specific RG sequences, yet heterologous RG domains allow similar modulation of Npl3 transport by arginine methylation.  相似文献   

Gunnar Jeschke 《Proteins》2016,84(4):544-560
Conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered peptide chains are not fully determined by experimental observations. Uncertainty due to lack of experimental restraints and due to intrinsic disorder can be distinguished if distance distributions restraints are available. Such restraints can be obtained from pulsed dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy applied to pairs of spin labels. Here, we introduce a Monte Carlo approach for generating conformational ensembles that are consistent with a set of distance distribution restraints, backbone dihedral angle statistics in known protein structures, and optionally, secondary structure propensities or membrane immersion depths. The approach is tested with simulated restraints for a terminal and an internal loop and for a protein with 69 residues by using sets of sparse restraints for underlying well‐defined conformations and for published ensembles of a premolten globule‐like and a coil‐like intrinsically disordered protein. Proteins 2016; 84:544–560. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new approach to the identification of DNA binding proteins has been developed and used to study the DNA-protein interactions within the nucleoprotein core of subgroup C adenoviruses. Virions labelled in vivo with [32P]orthophosphate were exposed to ultraviolet light and the DNA digested by chemical or enzymatic methods. Labelled phosphoamino acids of the virion phosphoproteins were selectively hydrolysed by alkali, permitting proteins crosslinked to DNA to be identified by virtue of their covalently attached, 32P-labelled nucleotides. In parallel experiments, [3H]arginine-labelled virions were crosslinked by exposure to ultraviolet light and analysed by more conventional methods. The results indicate that proteins VII and V lie in close contact with viral DNA within the core. The compact arrangement of the nucleoprotein core appears to be capable of trapping protein VII molecules that are not covalently attached to DNA after exposure to ultraviolet light, suggesting that viral DNA might be wrapped around clusters of protein VII molecules. The domains of protein VII that lie in contact with DNA were identified by partial proteolytic mapping of the sites of covalent-attachment of the 32P-labelled oligonucleotides. The implications of these data for the nature of the interactions that mediate the packaging of viral DNA within the nucleoprotein core of adenovirions are discussed.  相似文献   

Through cysteine-scanning mutagenesis, the authors have compared sites within the transmembrane domains of two connexins, one from the alpha-class (Cx50) and one from the beta-class (Cx32), where amino acid substitution disrupts the function of gap junction channels. In Cx32, 11 sites resulted in no channel function, or an aberrant voltage gating phenotype referred to as "reverse gating," whereas in Cx50, 7 such sites were identified. In both connexins, the sites lie along specific faces of transmembrane helices, suggesting that these may be sites of transmembrane domain interactions. In Cx32, one broad face of the M1 transmembrane domain and a narrower, polar face of M3 were identified, including one site that was shown to come into close apposition with M4 in the closed state. In Cx50, the same face of M3 was identified, but sensitive sites in M1 differed from Cx32. Many fewer sites in M1 disrupted channel function in Cx50, and those that did were on a different helical face to the sensitive sites in Cx32. A more in depth study of two sites in M1 and M2 of Cx32 showed that side-chain length or branching are important for maintenance of normal channel behavior, consistent with this being a site of transmembrane domain interaction.  相似文献   

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