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The muscarinic acetylcholine receptors on rat lymphocytes were determined by [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding studies. Binding of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate is rapid (half saturation occurred within 120 s) and highly specific. Muscarinic receptors reveal high lability. The number of receptors on plasma membrane depends on time of incubation as well as on composition of incubation medium. Lymphocytes incubated in nutrient-deficient media lose their surface receptors; enrichment of the medium causes reappearance of the receptors. Appearance of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate-binding sites in the incubation medium was under conditions in which binding to lymphocytes was decreased. It is concluded that the number of plasma membrane receptors on rat lymphocytes represents the dynamic steady state in which newly synthesized and degraded receptors are balanced.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: from structure to brain function   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated ion channels and can be divided into two groups: muscle receptors, which are found at the skeletal neuromuscular junction where they mediate neuromuscular transmission, and neuronal receptors, which are found throughout the peripheral and central nervous system where they are involved in fast synaptic transmission. nAChRs are pentameric structures that are made up of combinations of individual subunits. Twelve neuronal nAChR subunits have been described, α2–α10 and β2–β4; these are differentially expressed throughout the nervous system and combine to form nAChRs with a wide range of physiological and pharmacological profiles. The nAChR has been proposed as a model of an allosteric protein in which effects arising from the binding of a ligand to a site on the protein can lead to changes in another part of the molecule. A great deal is known about the structure of the pentameric receptor. The extracellular domain contains binding sites for numerous ligands, which alter receptor behavior through allosteric mechanisms. Functional studies have revealed that nAChRs contribute to the control of resting membrane potential, modulation of synaptic transmission and mediation of fast excitatory transmission. To date, ten genes have been identified in the human genome coding for the nAChRs. nAChRs have been demonstrated to be involved in cognitive processes such as learning and memory and control of movement in normal subjects. Recent data from knockout animals has extended the understanding of nAChR function. Dysfunction of nAChR has been linked to a number of human diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. nAChRs also play a significant role in nicotine addiction, which is a major public health concern. A genetically transmissible epilepsy, ADNFLE, has been associated with specific mutations in the gene coding for the α4 or β2 subunits, which leads to altered receptor properties. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary The muscarinic cholinergic innervation of the rat gastric mucosa was investigated by localizing the muscarinic receptors using a tritiated muscarinic antagonist, pirenzepine. Radioautography was performed by freeze drying stomach tissue, which was then embedded in Epon and wet sectioned with ethylene glycol, and dry mounting on emulsion film by the wire-loop method to prevent loss of the labelled substance during fixation and the radioautographic procedure. Light and electron microscopy showed that the specific pirenzepine-binding sites were localized predominantly on parietal cells, chief cells and perivascular plexuses. Analysis of the grain distribution on parietal cells revealed that the silver grains corresponding to the pirenzepine-binding sites were mainly on the basolateral plasma membrane. On the other hand, the surface mucous or mucous neck cells had few pirenzepine-binding sites.  相似文献   

The presence of muscarinic (M) acetylcholine receptors in the noninnervated chick amnion makes it possible to analyze their functioning with presynaptic effects excluded. The M receptors of the amnion mediating its contraction were identified by testing with selective antagonists: pirenzepine for M1, methoctramine for M2, 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) for M3, and tropicamide for M4 receptor subtype. All antagonists acted as competitive inhibitors of M-acetylcholine receptors. With respect to cholinolytic activity estimated from the response to carbacholine (CBC) (-logIC50), the antagonists could be arranged in the following series: 4-DAMP (8.29) > tropicamide (6.97) > pirenzepine (5.85) > methoctramine (5.63). In addition, the effect of forskolin (5 μM), activator of adenylate cyclase (AC), was unidirectional with ?-adrenergic agonists; it blocked CBC-induced contractile activity of the amnion, whereas phospholipase C (1.25 U/ml) stimulated this activity. These data suggest that CBC-or acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contractile activity of the amnion is mediated by M3 acetylcholine receptors. Evaluation of contractile response to ACh by the tonic component usually revealed one pool of M3 acetylcholine receptors. One pool was also revealed after treatment with 4-DAMP, with the Hill coefficient being increased (ACh, n = 1.07; ACh against the 4-DAMP background, n = 1.48). It is possible to detect two pools of M3-acetylcholine receptors on the basis of either phase-frequency or tonic response, i.e., independently of the test parameter.  相似文献   

1. Cholinergic synapses in the central nervous system of insects contain inhibitory muscarinic receptors whose stimulation by agonists leads to a diminished output of acetylcholine; antagonists, like atropine, facilitate acetylcholine release. 2. The receptors involved appear to be of the M2-subtype. Upon activation of presynaptic receptors a significant reduction of the intrasynaptosomal cyclic AMP level as well as a significantly increased membrane potential was observed. 3. The observed membrane hyperpolarization is apparently not a consequence of a lower cyclic AMP level, thus both effects may offer alternative or synergistical mechanisms for modulating transmitter release.  相似文献   

Wess J  Blin N  Mutschler E  Blüml K 《Life sciences》1995,56(11-12):915-922
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (m1-m5) were studied by a combined molecular genetic/pharmacologic approach to elucidate the molecular characteristics of the ligand binding site and of the receptor domains involved in G protein coupling. Site-directed mutagenesis studies of the rat m3 muscarinic receptor suggest that the acetylcholine binding domain is formed by a series of hydrophilic amino acids located in the "upper" half of transmembrane domains (TM) III, V, VI, and VII. Moreover, we showed that mutational modification of a TM VI Asn residue (Asn507 in the rat m3 receptor sequence) which is characteristic for the muscarinic receptor family has little effect on high-affinity acetylcholine binding and receptor activation, but results in dramatic reductions in binding affinities for certain subclasses of muscarinic antagonists. The N-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop (i3) of muscarinic and other G protein-coupled receptors has been shown to play a central role in determining the G protein coupling profile of a given receptor subtype. Insertion mutagenesis studies with the rat m3 muscarinic receptor suggest that this region forms an amphiphilic alpha-helix and that the hydrophobic side of this helix represents an important G protein recognition surface. Further mutational analysis of this receptor segment showed that Tyr254 located at the N-terminus of the i3 loop of the m3 muscarinic receptor plays a key role in muscarinic receptor-induced Gq activation. The studies described here, complemented by biochemical and biophysical approaches, should eventually lead to a detailed structural model of the ligand-receptor-G protein complex.  相似文献   

Eglen RM 《Life sciences》2001,68(22-23):2573-2578
Over the last decade, several lines of evidence have shown that both muscarinic M2 and M3 receptors are postjunctionally expressed in many smooth muscles, including the gastrointestinal tract. Although in vitro data suggests that both receptors are functional in that they inhibit adenylate cyclase activity and activate non-selective cation channels, few studies support a role in vivo. Thus, data from procedures that ablate the signaling pathway of the muscarinic M2 receptor, including receptor antagonism, pertussis toxin pretreatment reveal little effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscle responsiveness to muscarinic agonists. Recently, information from knockout mice, lacking either M2 or M3 receptor, indicate reveal a role for both subtypes. However, the contribution of the M2 receptor appears greater in the ileum than in the urinary bladder. Therapeutically, non-selective, as well as selective M3 receptor antagonists are being clinically studied, although it remains to be shown which is the optimal approach to disorders of smooth muscle motility.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are huge ion channels that are responsible for the release of Ca(2+) from the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum. RyRs form homotetramers with a mushroom-like shape, consisting of a large cytoplasmic head and transmembrane stalk. Ca(2+) is a major physiological ligand that triggers opening of RyRs, but a plethora of modulatory proteins and small molecules in the cytoplasm and sarco/endoplasmic reticulum lumen have been recognized. Over 300 mutations in RyRs are associated with severe skeletal muscle disorders or triggered cardiac arrhythmias. With the advent of high-resolution structures of individual domains, many of these can be mapped onto the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Characterization of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in acinar cells from rat pancreas and lacrimal and parotid glands was achieved by binding of the reversible muscarinic antagonist [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) and the specific alkylating reagent [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard (PrBCM) to intact acini or dispersed acinar cells. Binding studies with [3H]QNB showed that acinar cells from pancreas contain 26,400, from parotid 21,400, and from lacrimal gland 25,700 binding sites/cell. To assess molecular size of the receptor in each gland, acini were prepared by digestion with purified collagenase and singly dispersed acinar cells were prepared by a combination of digestion with crude collagenase, hyaluronidase, and alpha-chymotrypsin and divalent cation chelation using EDTA. Muscarinic receptors on acini or dispersed cells were covalently labeled with 5 nM [3H]PrBCM, solubilized directly in hot sodium dodecyl sulfate buffer, and resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When solubilized acini were electrophoresed, a major labeled peak was observed on gels along with a smaller peak of lower apparent molecular weight. For pancreatic acini, the apparent molecular weights of these peaks were 117,600 and 85,700; for parotid acini, 104,800 and 74,500; and for lacrimal acini, 87,200 and 63,100. Addition of muscarinic antagonists to the labeling medium abolished both peaks. When dispersed acinar cells were labeled, the larger peak was eliminated, and all radioactivity was concentrated in a single peak: 87,600 for pancreas, 78,000 for parotid gland, and 62,800 for lacrimal gland. Digestion of prelabeled acini with the mixture of enzymes used to produce dispersed acinar cells similarly shifted all radioactivity into this second peak. Limited digestion of acini or dispersed cells with 1 mg/ml of papain resulted in the disappearance of these higher molecular weight peaks and the appearance of a broad peak at Mr = 40,000. Cells of nonepithelial origin, IM-9 lymphocytes and NG108 neuroblastoma X glioma hybrids, also were labeled with [3H]PrBCM and electrophoresed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The conversion of acetylcholine binding into ion conduction across the membrane is becoming more clearly understood in terms of the structure of the receptor and its transitions. A high-resolution structure of a protein that is homologous to the extracellular domain of the receptor has revealed the binding sites and subunit interfaces in great detail. Although the structures of the membrane and cytoplasmic domains are less well determined, the channel lining and the determinants of selectivity have been mapped. The location and structure of the gates, and the coupling between binding sites and gates, remain to be established.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), previously demonstrated to participate in the regulation of the resting membrane potential in skeletal muscles via muscarinic receptors, also regulates non-quantal acetylcholine (ACh) secretion from rat motor nerve endings. Non-quantal ACh release was estimated by the amplitude of endplate hyperpolarization (H-effect) following a blockade of skeletal muscle post-synaptic nicotinic receptors by (+)-tubocurarine. The muscarinic agonists oxotremorine and muscarine lowered the H-effect and the M1 antagonist pirenzepine prevented this effect occurring at all. Another muscarinic agonist arecaidine but-2-ynyl ester tosylate (ABET), which is more selective for M2 receptors than for M1 receptors and 1,1-dimethyl-4-diphenylacetoxypiperidinium (DAMP), a specific antagonist of M3 cholinergic receptors had no significant effect on the H-effect. The oxotremorine-induced decrease in the H-effect was calcium and calmodulin-dependent. The decrease was negated when either NO synthase was inhibited by N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or soluble guanylyl cyclase was inhibited by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one. The target of muscle-derived NO is apparently nerve terminal guanylyl cyclase, because exogenous hemoglobin, acting as an NO scavenger, prevented the oxotremorine-induced drop in the H-effect. These results suggest that oxotremorine (and probably also non-quantal ACh) selectively inhibit the non-quantal secretion of ACh from motor nerve terminals acting on post-synaptic M1 receptors coupled to Ca(2+) channels in the sarcolemma to induce sarcoplasmic Ca(2+)-dependent synthesis and the release of NO. It seems that a substantial part of the H-effect can be physiologically regulated by this negative feedback loop, i.e., by NO from muscle fiber; there is apparently also Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-dependent regulation of ACh non-quantal release in the nerve terminal itself, as calmidazolium inhibition of the calmodulin led to a doubling of the resting H-effect.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are currently considered powerful candidates for cell therapy in neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease. However, it is not known when and how NSCs begin to differentiate functionally. Recent reports suggest that classical neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine (Ach) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells, suggesting that neurotransmitters play an important regulatory role in development of the central nervous system (CNS). We have shown by calcium imaging and immunochemistry that proliferation and differentiation are enhanced by M2 muscarinic Ach receptors (mAchR) expressed on the NSC surface and on their neural progeny. Moreover, atropine, an mAchR antagonist, blocks the enhancement and inhibits the subsequent differentiation of NSCs. Further understanding of this neural-nutrition role of Ach might elucidate fetal brain development, the brain's response to injury, and learning and memory.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) were purified from rat brain and labeled either with the site-directed affinity label [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard (PrBCM) or with the sulfhydryl-specific label [3H]N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), using a protocol designed to give selective incorporation of the label into disulfide-bonded cysteines. m1 mAChRs were purified from CHO-K1 cells stably expressing the cloned receptor sequence and labeled with [3H]PrBCM. The labeled receptors were cleaved with the lysine-specific protease Lys-C and, after fractionation of the products, subcleaved with cyanogen bromide. Two major CNBr cleavage products were found with a molecular mass of approximately 3.9 and approximately 2.4 kDa, labeled either by [3H]PrBCM or [3H]NEM. The results obtained from CNBr cleavage of purified forebrain receptors were consistent with those obtained from the purified cloned m1 mAChR. Edman degradation was applied to the CNBr peptides. The results were compatible with the attachment of the [3H]PrBCM label to a conserved aspartic acid residue in transmembrane helix 3 of the mAChR (corresponding to Asp-105, m1 sequence) and of [3H]NEM to a conserved cysteine residue (corresponding to Cys-98, m1 sequence). These results support the hypothesis that the cysteine residue participates in a disulfide bond on the extracellular surface of the mAChRs and related G-protein-coupled receptors, while the aspartic acid residue is involved in binding the positively charged headgroup of muscarinic antagonists.  相似文献   

An increasing body of evidence suggests that the muscarinic receptors may present a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of schizophrenia. This argument is supported by studies using postmortem CNS tissue and a neuroimaging study that have shown there are regionally specific decreases in selective muscarinic receptors in the CNS of subjects with schizophrenia. This raises the possibility that drugs specific to individual muscarinic receptors could have beneficial effects on the symptoms of schizophrenia, a posit supported by studies in receptor knockout/knockdown mice where it has been shown that specific behaviours affected by schizophrenia are also abnormal in mice lacking a single muscarinic receptor. Moreover, drugs have been synthesised that are partial agonists at muscarinic receptors and these drugs have been shown to improve the behavioural deficits in humans which are modulated by the muscarinic receptor family. The widespread distribution of muscarinic receptors in the human CNS and the receptor specific changes identified in postmortem CNS from subjects with schizophrenia would suggest that drugs targeting specific muscarinic receptors would also need to partition into selected CNS regions to achieve optimal responses. Some existing compounds show regional selectivity for the same muscarinic receptor in different CNS regions, suggesting that this characteristic could be engineered into muscarinic receptor targeting drugs. This review presents data from diverse areas of research to argue that it is now imperative that the therapeutic potential of manipulating the activity of muscarinic receptors for the treatment of schizophrenia is fully explored.  相似文献   

The presence of muscarinic receptors in sheep and rat pineals was detected by binding of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB), a potent and specific muscarinic antagonist. [3H]QNB binding to sheep pineal membrane resuspensions was saturable and reversible, with a rate constant for association at 37°C of 6×108M?1min?1 and a rate constant for dissociation of 1×10?2min?1. Kinetic and saturation experiments yielded an equilibrium dissociation constant of 13–18 pM and a concentration of binding sites equivalent to 1.1 pmol/g of original wet weight. This is only about 5% of the level of β-adrenergic receptors. Competition by a variety of cholinergic drugs confirmed the muscarinic nature of the binding sites. Experiments in rats failed to detect a significant decrease in pineal [3H]QNB binding following bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy, suggesting that the binding sites are not localized exclusively on sympathetic terminals.  相似文献   

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