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寄生性天敌蒲螨研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
蒲螨属Pyemotes具有特殊的生活史和形态特征,是多种害虫的体外寄生性天敌。蒲螨属的种按照形态等特点分为2个组,分别为小蠹蒲螨组(Pyemotes scolyti group)和球腹蒲螨组(Pyemotes ventricosus group)。国内外对蒲螨毒素的研究较多,已知其属于昆虫神经毒素,能使寄主昆虫永久性麻痹,有些种类还能引起人类和动物皮炎。对一些种类蒲螨的毒素组成成分、毒素基因重组技术等进行研究,对蒲螨毒素基因的优化和重组仍将是进一步研究的热点。作为一类很有潜能的害虫天敌资源,蒲螨应用方面的报道还较少,国外集中在麦蒲螨对仓储害虫和红火蚁的防治方面;我国有利用小蠹蒲螨防治小蠹虫的报道,近年来防治双条杉天牛取得成功,表明其用于防治钻蛀性害虫特别是蛀干害虫和地下害虫前景良好,因此,应对蒲螨蒲螨寄主谱、寄主选择机理、寄生机理等进行深入研究。  相似文献   

中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu,Zhang&He是我国近年来发现的一种寄生性天敌,对吉丁、天牛、小蠹等林木钻蛀性害虫控制效果显著。为了解中华甲虫蒲螨对不同寄主的选择性,室内利用自制的六臂架,选取双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)和沙蒿大粒象Adosomus sp.幼虫为对象,比较其对寄主种类和龄期的选择性。结果显示,对于双条杉天牛不同龄期的幼虫,中华甲虫蒲螨对1龄幼虫有明显的趋性,8 h时选择1龄幼虫的蒲螨数量显著地高于3龄幼虫,之后(1224 h)选择2、3龄幼虫寄生的中华甲虫蒲螨才逐渐增多。中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛和沙蒿大粒象的2龄幼虫随着时间推移也表现出不同的选择性,中华甲虫蒲螨接入六臂架内824 h)选择2、3龄幼虫寄生的中华甲虫蒲螨才逐渐增多。中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛和沙蒿大粒象的2龄幼虫随着时间推移也表现出不同的选择性,中华甲虫蒲螨接入六臂架内812 h对双条杉天牛表现出明显的偏好,差异显著;2412 h对双条杉天牛表现出明显的偏好,差异显著;2436 h逐渐倾向于沙蒿大粒象,第48小时选择沙蒿大粒象的蒲螨数量显著地高于双条杉天牛。上述结果说明,中华甲虫蒲螨对不同寄主和同一寄主不同龄期的幼虫有明显选择性,并且在不同时间段选择差异会有显著变化,倾向于选择龄期较低、表皮硬度低、活动能力低的幼虫。  相似文献   

不同寄主蒲螨种群间亲缘关系的RAPD初步分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
应用RAPD技术分析了采自河北昌黎和天津蓟县等不同地点的9个不同寄主的蒲螨种群间的关系。通过对100条RAPD引物的3次重复筛选,获得32条重复性好、多态性高的引物。应用这32条引物共扩增出268条带,依据这些条带计算遗传距离,再进行聚类分析。结果 表明:9个蒲螨种群可分为3个组(A、B和C组)。其中A和B组属于小蠹蒲螨群,A组由护林神蒲螨Pyemotes dryas组成;B组由小蠹蒲螨P. scolyti和寄生于松树小蠹Scolytidae sp.的蒲螨组成;球腹蒲螨群组成C组,并分为两个分支,寄生于桃树小蠹寄生蜂Pteromalidae spp.的蒲螨为一支,寄生于柏肤小蠹Phloeosinus aubei Perris、皮蠹Dermestidae sp.、日本二齿茎长蠹Sinoxylon japonicum Lesne(黑枣树和柿树)和桑梢小蠹Cryphalus exignus等的5个蒲螨种群为一支,这5个蒲螨种群形态上未见明显差别。C组中的寄生桃树小蠹寄生蜂的蒲螨与该组其他蒲螨种群的遗传距离最远,达到0.3236~0.4111,并且存在生殖隔离,该蒲螨似已分化成为独立的新种;C组其他种群是否存在近缘种,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

检查本院动物室家兔15只,从2只家兔体检出兔皮姬螯螨Cheyletiella parasitivorax(Megnin,1878)雌、雄螨及若螨各1只。其中1只兔尚同时检出兔背肛螨Notoedres cati var cuniculi。早年认为姬螯螨纯系捕食性螨类,后经证明它也可侵及多种哺乳类宿主,主要的有寄生于猫、狗的C.blakei、C.yasguri和寄生于兔的C.parasitivorax、C.mexicana。有时可引起人体皮炎或搔痒症。兔皮姬螯螨亦可捕食其它寄生性螨类。兔皮姬螯螨并不罕见。近年来国外有关人体受姬螯螨侵染的报道也有增加。国内虽未见报道,但据了解此螨对兔的侵染率似较高,对人体的为害情…  相似文献   

中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛的生防潜力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华甲虫蒲螨(Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu, Zhang and He)在多种蛀干害虫中起到了较好的防治效果,但利用其对松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)进行防治的研究目前较少。为揭示中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛的寄生效果,初步探究其生防潜力,比较中华甲虫蒲螨对不同龄期松墨天牛幼虫的寄生情况与致死力,及不同温度对中华甲虫蒲螨发育及寄生效果的影响。结果显示,中华甲虫蒲螨对1龄、2龄、3龄、4龄幼虫均有致死力,致死力强弱为2龄3龄4龄1龄;不同龄期松墨天牛幼虫体上的中华甲虫蒲螨寄生数量差异显著(p0.05),其中2龄幼虫体上寄生的数量最高,达(5.800±1.448)头;2龄、3龄、4龄幼虫体上寄生的蒲螨可产生膨腹体完成世代发育,且3龄虫体上的膨腹体发育最好;蒲螨膨腹体发育的最适温度区间为24℃~28℃,低于或高于此温度区域膨腹体会发育不良或难以发育。综上,中华甲虫蒲螨对松墨天牛幼虫有较好的防治效果,有助于日后松墨天牛的生物防治。  相似文献   

中华甲虫蒲螨寄生双条杉天牛幼虫血淋巴变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu and Zhang对双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)的致死过程,将已发育成熟的中华甲虫蒲螨膨腹体移入放有双条杉天牛2龄幼虫的玻璃指形管中,在蒲螨的一个生活史60h内,观察其取食行为,并在移入后每隔12h用考马斯亮蓝法分别测定天牛幼虫和蒲螨血淋巴中总蛋白质含量。结果显示,蒲螨蛋白含量总体呈现上升的趋势,在36~48h上升幅度最大,达61.78%;而天牛幼虫血淋巴总蛋白质含量则呈总体下降趋势,与对照相比,在36~48h之间下降最为明显;蒲螨总蛋白质含量在24h后处理组与对照组差异均为极显著,天牛幼虫总蛋白质含量在48h后处理组与对照组差异显著,这表明蒲螨在24h已搜寻到寄主开始取食,且取食效果明显,而天牛幼虫在48h后表现为麻痹致死,36~48h蒲螨取食对天牛致死起关键作用。12h时处理组的双条杉天牛幼虫总蛋白质含量比对照组略高,推测是由于幼虫对外寄生物蒲螨具有一定的免疫防御反应。  相似文献   

人体蠕形螨爬行的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢禾秀  徐业华 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):382-383
蠕形螨为一永久性寄生螨类,寄生于人体及家畜、哺乳类动物,种类繁多,目前报道的有120余种,常见的有40余种,寄生人体的有毛囊蠕形螨(Demodex folliculorum)、皮脂蠕形螨(Demodex brevis)、毛囊蠕形螨中华亚种(Demodex folliculorum sinensis)等,分别寄生于毛囊及皮脂腺内。可引起酒渣鼻、痤疮、眼睑炎等皮肤病,在人群中感染甚为普遍,同时也证实了其感染途径是通过直接接触而传播。为此,对蠕形螨活动力的研究是进一步探索其传病机制及防治的重要环节。人体蠕形螨在不同温度、湿度及酸碱度条件下生活能力的观察曾有报道(Spickett,1961;陈国定,1985)。但对其爬行规律及速度至今尚未见报道,为此我们对蠕形螨在不同温度条件下的爬行规律及速度作了系统的观察。今将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

尿螨病的病原学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李朝品  王健 《蛛形学报》2001,10(2):55-57
探讨引起尿螨病的病原螨种类,以离心沉淀法浓缩尿液或用铜丝筛(100目/寸)过滤,分离尿液中的螨,直接镜检鉴定螨种,从69例尿螨阳性者的尿液中共分离出17种病原螨,即:粗脚粉螨Acarus siro,腐食酪螨Tyrophagus putrescentiae,长食酪螨T.longior,椭圆食粉螨Aleuroglyphus ovatus,伯氏嗜木螨Caloglyphus berlesei,食菌嗜木螨C.mycophagus,纳氏皱皮螨Suidasianesbitti,河野脂螨Lardoglyphus konoi,家食甜螨Glycyphagus domesticus,甜果螨Carpoglyphuslactis,害嗜鳞螨Lepidoglyphus destructor,粉尘螨Dermatophagoides farinae,屋尘螨D.pteronyssinus,梅氏嗜霉螨Euroglyphus maynei,赫氏蒲螨Pyemotes hughesi,谷跗线螨Tarsonemus granarus,人跗线螨T.hominis,在同一受检者尿液中检出成螨者19例,检出幼螨者18例,同时发现成螨和幼螨者11例,成螨和卵同时检出者3例,成螨,幼螨和卵同时检出者11例,幼螨和卵同时检出者6例,休眠休和卵同时检出者1例;分别占尿螨阳性总数的27.54%,26.09%,15.94%,4.35%,15.94%,8.70%,1.44%.69例悄螨病患者每200mL尿液中检出螨数0.5个以下者32人,0.6-1个者25人,1.1=-1.5个者10人,1.5个以上者2人,引起尿螨病的病原螨种类较多,其中粉螨是主要的病原螨。  相似文献   

利用中华甲虫蒲螨防治双条杉天牛幼虫研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭鑫  许志春  熊德平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):529-532
双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)是危害柏树类树木的主要蛀干害虫之一,主要以幼虫蛀干危害树木。1~4龄幼虫主要危害韧皮部,4龄后幼虫则开始进入到木质部危害,并且用虫粪堵塞蛀道与外界的联络通道,造成小型天敌进入困难。本文通过利用中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia(YuandZhang)防治双条杉天牛1~2和3~4龄幼虫研究试验,比较了天敌中华甲虫蒲螨不同释放量对双条杉天牛的防治效果。结果表明,当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为1管/木段时,对1~2龄幼虫防治较好,达83.0%;当中华甲虫蒲螨释放量为2管/木段时,对3~4龄幼虫防治也有较好的防治效果,防治效果高达87.7%;但从防治经济高效的角度出发,最合理高效的投放量为1管蒲螨/木段,防治1~2龄幼虫可行性最高。通过中华甲虫蒲螨对双条杉天牛幼虫的寄生结果比较得知,其对寄生体长为1~2cm的双条杉天牛幼虫有明显的趋向性。  相似文献   

腐食酪螨有效积温的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
腐食酪螨 Tyrophagus putrescentiae(Schrank) ,是世界性仓储物品和食用菌重要害螨 ,也是人体皮炎、体内螨病及螨性过敏的主要病原。本文研究了该螨的有效积温。经测定 ,腐食酪螨全世代的发育始点为 8.38± 1.5 1℃ ,有效积温为 2 2 1.72日度 ;卵、幼螨、第一若螨和第二若螨的发育始点分别为 10 .4 7± 2 .31℃、8.0 9± 2 .36℃、9.0 9± 1.16℃和 10 .5 9± 1.73℃ ,有效积温分别为 4 1.79日度、5 8.0 6日度、36 .2 7日度和 39.5 3日度。  相似文献   

沈莲  孙劲旅  陈军 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1264-1269
近年来,随着人们生活水平日益提高,变态反应性疾病的发病率在全世界范围内呈不断上升趋势,受到人们的日益重视,其中家庭螨类是最主要的过敏原之一。本文对蜱螨、家庭螨类的组成及可导致人体过敏性疾病的种类作了简要介绍,并编制了家庭螨类常见目、亚目和科及麦食螨科Pyroglyphidae物种成螨检索表。此外,本文结合变态反应性疾病的相关医学知识及对未来主要研究方向的展望,为螨过敏性疾病的流行病学调查及防治提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The acarological study of house dust in 239 apartments of children with different allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, rhinosinusitis, atopic dermatitis) developing as the result of indoor sensitization has been carried out. The significant difference between the occurrence of house-dust mites in apartments inhabited by healthy and sick children has been established. The occurrence of mites and their number have been found to affect the symptoms of an allergic disease and its exacerbation.  相似文献   

Hides of nine elk, collected during the winter of 1986-1987 from the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming (USA) were examined for ectoparasites. Parasites recovered were mites, Psoroptes sp. (five elk); lice, Solenopotes ferrisi and Bovicola (Bovicola) longicornis (seven elk); and winter ticks, Dermacentor albipictus (nine elk). Three elk with severe scabies had an estimated 0.6 x 10(6), 3.8 x 10(6) and 6.5 x 10(6) mites, respectively. Densities of mites were much higher in skin regions with severe dermatitis. Skin lesions on elk with scabies consisted of dense, often moist, scabs extending along the dorsal and lateral thoracic regions of the body. Lesions attributed to winter ticks consisted of broken hair and alopecia on the dorsal portion of the lower neck, often extending in a "collar" around the neck.  相似文献   

以农田土壤动物长期监测样地为平台, 阐明土壤动物物种和功能多样性空间分布格局, 是揭示农田土壤动物多样性维持机制、提高农田土壤质量的重要基础。本试验于2020年10月, 对河南商丘农田土壤动物大型固定样地(9 ha)的210个采样点进行土壤样品野外采集和室内分离, 将土壤螨样品鉴定到种并测量其体长体宽数据, 以说明小麦-玉米轮作农田土壤螨多样性及其体长体宽的空间分布格局。结果表明: (1)共捕获成螨个体17,256头, 其中甲螨亚目为优势类群, 其个体数占总捕获量的94.67%; MGP分析表明样地甲螨群落属于P型, 说明受人为因素影响强烈; 生态位宽度和重叠度分析表明, 进化程度越高甲螨的生态位宽度越宽, 进化程度越相近甲螨之间的竞争越激烈。(2) Moran’s I分析显示, 在20-100 m的空间尺度上, 土壤螨群落、优势种的个体数和体长体宽多为显著正相关; 在220-300 m的空间尺度上, 部分为显著负的空间自相关。半方差函数结果表明, 甲螨群落物种数、个体数和体长体宽的空间变异主要受确定性过程影响, 中气门螨群落的空间变异由确定性和随机性过程共同影响。(3)土壤螨个体数与体长体宽存在显著弱的负相关关系, 这种关系普遍存在于土壤螨各群落与优势种中。本研究建议同时开展物种多样性和以体长体宽为代表的功能多样性空间格局研究, 对揭示土壤螨群落维持机制、保护土壤螨多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and acts as the first line of defence against injury and infection. Skin diseases are among the most common health problems and are associated with a considerable burden that encompasses financial, physical and mental consequences for patients. Exploring the pathogenesis of skin diseases can provide insights into new treatment strategies. Inflammatory dermatoses account for a large proportion of dermatoses and have a great impact on the patients'' body and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to study their pathogenesis and explore effective treatment. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a special type of RNA molecules that play important regulatory roles in several diseases and are involved in skin pathophysiological processes. This review summarizes the biogenesis, properties and functions of circRNAs as well as their roles in the pathogenesis of inflammatory dermatoses, including psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus and severe acne and their potential as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The socio-economic burden of allergic respiratory conditions on continental Europe is even higher than that of mainstream diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as allergic rhinitis alone accounts for billions of Euros in healthcare expenses across Europe. House dust mites (HDM) are one of the most common triggers behind allergic rhinitis and asthma. The role of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of some allergic conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, is already well recognized, whereas evidence about their efficacy in patients with respiratory allergies—while increasing—is still limited. Here the current evidence for the use of probiotics in patients with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on diseases of mites caused by entomopathogenic fungi have been undertaken in Poland about a half a century later than in West European countries. Nevertheless, during the last 30 years almost 40 species of arthropod pathogenic fungi have been identified, among them 23 species of Entomophthorales, 12 species of Hyphomycetales and four species of ectoparasitic Laboulbeniales. The most common are representatives of the genus Hirsutella , found both on phytophagous and parasitic or predaceous mites. Percentage infection by H. thompsonii in populations of some tarsonemid and eriophyid mites increases slowly from the end of spring reaching a maximum of 30-60% in August-September. Neozygites floridana is a common entomophthoralean species causing epizootics in spider mite populations; infection also peaks in late summer and autumn. The most numerous fungal taxa have been identified from the resting spores produced internally within the body of the host and show features of the genus Tarichium . From the total number of the taxa recorded within these studies, 22 were described as species new to science. Current research on invertebrate pathology in Poland includes many groups of mites and among their pathogens fungal diseases seem to be the most common.  相似文献   

Demodex spp. mites are an often neglected member of the human skin microbiome. Mostly they are commensals, although their pathophysiological role in rosacea, spinulosis folliculorum, and other skin diseases is recognized. Little is known about their life cycle, biology, and physiology. Demodex mites cannot be cultivated in vitro, thereby complicating research immensely. The manual extraction from human sebum is laborious and death can only be detected by surrogate markers like ceased movement or loss of fluorescence. Here we present a new approach for the extraction of larger mite numbers and the hitherto most precise way to detect death. The extraction of mites from sebum and debris by hand can be accelerated by a factor 10 using sucrose gradient centrifugation, which is well tolerated by the mites. Staining with propidium iodide allows for easy identification of dead mites, excluding frail mites that stopped moving, and has no negative effect on overall mite survival. We anticipate our methods to be a starting point for more sophisticated research and ultimately in vitro cultivation of Demodex spp. mites.  相似文献   

Pyemotidae mites have been reported as ectoparasites of a large number of arthropods, especially of insects. These mites are frequently found attacking insects in different habitats, including insect rearing. This paper reports the occurrence of Pyemotes sp., ventricosus group, in colonies of Tuta absoluta (Meyerick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the insect rearing laboratory of ESALQ-USP, in Piracicaba, State of S?o Paulo, provoking dematitis in those involved with the rearing. This is the first report of a Pyemotes species parasitizing T. absoluta and S. zeamais. Considering the capacity of Pyemotes to cause dermatitis in human beings, demonstrated by other authors, the direct use of the Pyemotes species found in this work for the control of the reported insect species may not be promising.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) bound at the surface of mast cells and subsequent mediator release is considered the most important trigger for allergic reactions. Therefore, the genetic control of IgE levels is studied in the context of allergic diseases, such as asthma, atopic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis (AD). We performed genome-wide association studies in 161 Labrador Retrievers with regard to total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. We identified a genome-wide significant association on CFA 5 with the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Acarus siro. We detected a second genome-wide significant association with respect to the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Tyrophagus putrescentiae at a different locus on chromosome 5. A. siro and T. putrescentiae both belong to the family Acaridae and represent so-called storage or forage mites. These forage mites are discussed as major allergen sources in canine AD. No obvious candidate gene for the regulation of IgE levels is located under the two association signals. Therefore our studies offer a chance of identifying a novel mechanism controlling the host's IgE response.  相似文献   

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