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The 33-kDa protein isolated from the spinach photosystem II particle is an ideal model to explore high-pressure protein-unfolding. The protein has a very low free energy as previously reported by chemical unfolding studies, suggesting that it must be easy to modulate its unfolding transition by rather mild pressure. Moreover, the protein molecule consists of only one tryptophan residue (Trp241) and eight tyrosine residues, which can be conveniently used to probe the protein conformation and structural changes under pressure using either fluorescence spectroscopy or fourth derivative UV absorbance spectroscopy. The different experimental methods used in the present study indicate that at 20 degrees C and pH 6, the 33-kDa protein shows a reversible two-state unfolding transition from atmospheric pressure to about 180 MPa. This value is much lower than those found for the unfolding of most proteins studied so far. The unfolding transition induces a large red shift of the maximum fluorescence emission of 34 nm (from 316 nm to 350 nm). The change in standard free energy (DeltaGo) and in volume (DeltaV) for the transition at pH 6.0 and 20 degrees C are -14.6 kJ.mol-1 and -120 mL.mol-1, respectively, in which the DeltaGo value is consistent with that obtained by chemical denaturation. We found that pressure-induced protein unfolding is promoted by elevated temperatures, which seem largely attributed to the decrease in the absolute value of DeltaGo (only a minor variation was observed for the DeltaV value). However, the promotion of the unfolding by alkaline pH seems mainly related to the increase in DeltaV without any significant changes in DeltaGo. It was also found that NaCl significantly protects the protein from pressure-induced unfolding. In the presence of 1 M NaCl, the pressure needed to induce the half-unfold of the protein is shifted to a higher value (shift of 75 MPa) in comparison with that observed without NaCl. Interestingly, in the presence of NaCl, the value of DeltaV is significantly reduced whilst that of DeltaGo remains as before. The unfolding-refolding kinetics of the protein has also been studied by pressure-jump, in which it was revealed that both reactions are a two-state transition process with a relatively slow relaxation time of about 102 s.  相似文献   

Pressure-induced unfolding of 23-kDa protein from spinach photosystem II has been systematically investigated at various experimental conditions. Thermodynamic equilibrium studies indicate that the protein is very sensitive to pressure. At 20 degrees C and pH 5.5, 23-kDa protein shows a reversible two-state unfolding transition under pressure with a midpoint near 160 MPa, which is much lower than most natural proteins studied to date. The free energy (DeltaG(u)) and volume change (DeltaV(u)) for the unfolding are 5.9 kcal/mol and -160 ml/mol, respectively. It was found that NaCl and sucrose significantly stabilize the protein from unfolding and the stabilization is associated not only with an increase in DeltaG(u) but also with a decrease in DeltaV(u). The pressure-jump studies of 23-kDa protein reveal a negative activation volume for unfolding (-66.2 ml/mol) and a positive activation volume for refolding (84.1 ml/mol), indicating that, in terms of system volume, the protein transition state lies between the folded and unfolded states. Examination of the temperature effect on the unfolding kinetics indicates that the thermal expansibility of the transition state and the unfolded state of 23-kDa protein are closer to each other and they are larger than that of the native state. The diverse pressure-refolding pathways of 23-kDa protein in some conditions were revealed in pressure-jump kinetics.  相似文献   

Tryptophan residues have been introduced into two domains of the human U1A protein to probe solution dynamics. The full length protein contains 282 residues, separated into three distinct domains: the N-terminal RBD1 (RNA Binding Domain I), consisting of amino acids 1-101; the C-terminal RBD2, residues 202-282; and the intervening linker region. Tryptophan residues have been substituted for specific phenylalanine residues on the surface of the beta-sheet of either RBD1 or RBD2, thus introducing a single solvent exposed tryptophan as a fluorescence reporter. Both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements of the isolated RBD domains show that each tryptophan experiences a unique environment on the beta-sheet surface. The spectral properties of each tryptophan in RBD1 and RBD2 are preserved in the context of the U1A protein, indicating these domains do not interact with each other or with the linker region. The rotational correlation times of the isolated RBDs and the whole U1A, determined by dynamic polarization measurements, show that the linker region is highly flexible such that each RBD exhibits uncorrelated motion.  相似文献   

The present study describes a comparative analysis on the fluorescence properties of the manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP), a synthetic peptide corresponding to its C terminus and a 7:1 (molar ratio) mixture of N-acetyl-tyrosine and N-acetyl-tryptophan, respectively, together with reconstitution experiments of oxygen evolution in MSP-depleted photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments. It is found: (i) at neutral pH, the fluorescence from Trp241 is strongly diminished in MSP solutions, whereas it highly dominates the overall emission from the C-terminus peptide; (ii) at alkaline pH, the emission of Tyr and Trp is quenched in both, MSP and C-terminus peptide, with increasing pH but the decline curve is shifted by about two pH units towards the alkaline region in MSP; (iii) a drastically different pattern emerges in the 7:1 mixture where the Trp emission even slightly increases at high pH; (iv) the anisotropy of the fluorescence emission is wavelength-independent (310-395 nm) and indicative of one emitter type (Trp) in the C-terminus peptide and of two emitter types (Tyr, Trp) in MSP; and (v) in MSP-depleted PS II membrane fragments the oxygen evolution is restored (up to 85% of untreated control) by rebinding of MSP but not by the C-terminus peptide, however, the presence of the latter diminishes the restoration effect of MSP. A quenching mechanism of Trp fluorescence by a next neighbored tyrosinate in the peptide chain is proposed and the relevance of the C terminus of MSP briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Chloroform-methanol-extractable lipids account for about 5% by weight of dry cells of the acidophilic, autotrophic, mesophilic, ferrous compound-oxidising, cell wall-less archaeon Ferroplasma acidiphilum strain Y(T), about 90% of these being contributed by phospholipids and glycophospholipids. The most abundant constituent (about 55% of total lipids) was purified by DEAE cellulose and silica gel column chromatography. By means of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, (1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and chemical degradation experiments it was established to be beta-D-glucopyranosyl caldarchaetidylglycerol, the isopranyl chains of which have a cyclopentane ring each.  相似文献   

The main cofactors that determine the photosystem II (PSII) oxygen evolution activity are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, there are three psbA genes coding for D1. Among the 344 residues constituting D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. Here, we present the first study of PsbA2-PSII. Using EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy, we show that: (i) the time-resolved EPR spectrum of TyrZ in the (S3TyrZ)′ is slightly modified; (ii) the split EPR signal arising from TyrZ in the (S2TyrZ)′ state induced by near-infrared illumination at 4.2 K of the S3TyrZ state is significantly modified; and (iii) the slow phases of P680+⋅ reduction by TyrZ are slowed down from the hundreds of μs time range to the ms time range, whereas both the S1TyrZ → S2TyrZ and the S3TyrZ → S0TyrZ + O2 transition kinetics remained similar to those in PsbA(1/3)-PSII. These results show that the geometry of the TyrZ phenol and its environment, likely the Tyr-O···H···Nϵ-His bonding, are modified in PsbA2-PSII when compared with PsbA(1/3)-PSII. They also point to the dynamics of the proton-coupled electron transfer processes associated with the oxidation of TyrZ being affected. From sequence comparison, we propose that the C144P and P173M substitutions in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA(1/3)-PSII, respectively located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, His-190, are responsible for these changes.  相似文献   

Michael Bradbury  Neil R. Baker 《BBA》1981,635(3):542-551
An analysis of the photo-induced decline in the in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence emission (Kautsky phenomenon) from the bean leaf is presented. The redox state of PS II electron acceptors and the fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II were monitored during quenching of fluorescence from the maximum level at P to the steady state level at T. Simultaneous measurement of the kinetics of fluorescence emission associated with PS I and PS II indicated that the ratio of PS I/PS II emission changed in an antiparallel fashion to PS II emission throughout the induction curve. Estimation of the redox state of PS II electron acceptors at given points during P to T quenching was made by exposing the leaf to additional excitation irradiation and determining the amount of variable PS II fluorescence generated. An inverse relationship was found between the proportion of PS II electron acceptors in the oxidised state and PS II fluorescence emission. The interrelationships between the redox state of PS II electron acceptors and fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II remained similar when the shape of the induction curve from P to T was modified by increasing the excitation photon flux density. The contributions of photochemical and non-photochemical quenching to the in vivo fluorescence decline from P to T are discussed.  相似文献   

The extrinsic 33 kDa polypeptide of the water-oxidizing complex has been extracted from pea photosystem II particles by washing with alkaline-Tris and purified by ion-exchange chromatography. The N-terminal amino acid sequence has been determined, and specific antisera have been raised in rabbits and used to screen a pea leaf cDNA library in gt11. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of positive clones revealed an essentially full-length cDNA for the 33 kDa polypeptide, the deduced amino acid sequence showing it to code for a mature protein of 248 amino acids with an N-terminal transit peptide of 81 amino acids. The protein showed a high degree of conservation with previously reported sequences for the 33 kDa protein from other species and the sequence contained a putative Ca2+-binding site with homology to mammalian intestinal calcium-binding proteins. Northern analysis of total pea RNA indicated a message of approximately 1.4 kb, in good agreement with the size of the cDNA obtained at 1.3 kbp. Southern blots of genomic DNA probed with the labelled cDNA give rise to several bands suggesting that the 33 kDa polypeptide is coded by a multi-gene family.Abbreviations ATZ - anilinothiazolinone - DITC - p-phenylenediisothiocyanate - PTH - phenylthiohydantoin - TFA - trifluoroacetic acid - Tris - tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - bis-Tris - bis (2-hydroxyethyl) imino-tris (hydroxymethyl)-methane - p.f.u. - plaque-forming units  相似文献   

During the donor-side photoinhibition of spinach photosystem II, the reaction center D1 protein cross-linked with the antenna chlorophyll binding protein CP43 of photosystem II lacking the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) subunit proteins. The cross-linking did not occur upon illumination of photosystem II samples that retained the OEC33, nor when OEC33-depleted photosystem II samples were reconstituted with the OEC33 prior to illumination. These results suggest that the D1 protein, CP43 and the OEC33 are located in close proximity at the lumenal side of photosystem II, and that the OEC33 suppresses the unnecessary contact between the D1 protein and CP43. Previously we presented data showing the D1 protein located adjacent to CP43 on the stromal side of photosystem II [Ishikawa et al. (1999) BIOCHIM: Biophys. Acta 1413: 147]. The present data suggest that the spatial arrangement of the D1 protein and CP43 at the lumenal side of photosystem II in spinach chloroplasts is similar to that at the stromal side of photosystem II and is consistent with the assignment of these proteins recently proposed on the crystal structures of the photosystem II complexes from cyanobacteria [Zouni et al. (2001) Nature 409: 739, Kamiya and Shen 2003 PROC: Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100: 98]. Moreover, the data suggest that the binding condition and positioning of the OEC33 in the photosystem II complex from higher plants may be different from those in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) purified from spinach leaves harvested in the dark, was activated by mammalian protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Activation of SPS in a fraction from darkened spinach leaves was largely prevented by either okadaic acid or microcystin-LR (specific inhibitors of PP1 and PP2A), while inhibitor-2 (a PP1 inhibitor) or Mg2+ (essential for PP2C) were ineffective. In vivo, okadaic add and microcystin-LR prevented the light-induced activation of SPS and decreased sucrose biosynthesis and CO2 fixation. It is concluded that PP2A is the major SPS phosphatase in spinach. This study is the first to employ microcystin-LR for modulating protein phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   

Besides an essential role in optimizing water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), it has been reported that the spinach PsbO protein binds GTP [C. Spetea, T. Hundal, B. Lundin, M. Heddad, I. Adamska, B. Andersson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (2004) 1409-1414]. Here we predict four GTP-binding domains in the structure of spinach PsbO, all localized in the β-barrel domain of the protein, as judged from comparison with the 3D-structure of the cyanobacterial counterpart. These domains are not conserved in the sequences of the cyanobacterial or green algae PsbO proteins. MgGTP induces specific changes in the structure of the PsbO protein in solution, as detected by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. Spinach PsbO has a low intrinsic GTPase activity, which is enhanced fifteen-fold when the protein is associated with the PSII complex in its dimeric form. GTP stimulates the dissociation of PsbO from PSII under light conditions known to also release Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions from the oxygen-evolving complex and to induce degradation of the PSII reaction centre D1 protein. We propose the occurrence in higher plants of a PsbO-mediated GTPase activity associated with PSII, which has consequences for the function of the oxygen-evolving complex and D1 protein turnover.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence rise kinetics (from 50 μs to 1 s) were used to investigate the non-photochemical reduction of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool in osmotically broken spinach chloroplasts (Spinacia oleracea L.). Incubation of the chloroplasts in the presence of exogenous NADPH or NADH resulted in significant changes in the shape of the fluorescence transient reflecting an NAD(P)H-dependent accumulation of reduced PQ in the dark, with an extent depending on the concentration of NAD(P)H and the availability of oxygen; the dark reduction of the PQ pool was saturated at lower NAD(P)H concentrations and reached a higher level when the incubation took place under anaerobic conditions than when it occurred under aerobic conditions. Under both conditions NADPH was more effective than NADH in reducing PQ, however only at sub-saturating concentrations. Neither antimycin A nor rotenone were found to alter the effect of NAD(P)H. The addition of mercury chloride to the chloroplast suspension decreased the NAD(P)H-dependent dark reduction of the PQ pool, with the full inhibition requiring higher mercury concentrations under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions. This is the first time that this inhibitory role of mercury is reported for higher plants. The results demonstrate that in the dark the redox state of the PQ pool is regulated by the reduction of PQ via a mercury-sensitive NAD(P)H-PQ oxidoreductase and the reoxidation of reduced PQ by an O2-dependent pathway, thus providing additional evidence for the existence of a chlororespiratory electron transport chain in higher plant chloroplasts. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The mechanism of photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) was studied in intact leaf discs of Spinacia oleracea L. and detached leaves of Vigna unguiculata L. The leaf material was exposed to different photon flux densities (PFDs) for 100 min, while non-photochemical (qN) and photochemical quenching (qp) of chlorophyll fluorescence were monitored. The ‘energy’ and redox state of PSII were manipulated quite independently of the PFD by application of different temperatures (5–20° C), [CO2] and [O2] at different PFDs. A linear or curvilinear relationship between qp and photoinhibition of PSII was observed. When [CO2] and [O2] were both low (30 μl · l?1 and 2%, respectively), PSII was less susceptible at a given qp than at ambient or higher [CO2] and photoinhibition became only substantial when qp decreased below 0.3. When high levels of energy-dependent quenching (qE) (between 0.6 and 0.8) were reached, a further increase of the PFD or a further decrease of the metabolic demand for ATP and NADPH led to a shift from qE to photoinhibitory quenching (qI). This shift indicated that photoinhibition was preceded by down-regulation through light-induced acidification of the lumen. We propose that photoinhibition took place in the centers down-regulated by qE. The shift from qE to qI occurred concomitant with qP decreasing to zero. The results clearly show that photoinhibition does not primarily depend on the photon density in the antenna, but that photoinhibition depends on the energy state of the membrane in combination with the redox balance of PSII. The results are discussed with regard to the mechanism of photoinhibition of PSII, considering, in particular, effects of light-induced acidification on the donor side of PSII. Interestingly, cold-acclimation of spinach leaves did not significantly affect the relationship between qP, qE and photoinhibition of PSII at low temperature.  相似文献   

The response of a number of species to high light levels was examined to determine whether chlorophyll fluorescence from photosystem (PS) II measured at ambient temperature could be used quantitatively to estimate the photon yield of O2 evolution. In many species, the ratio of the yield of the variable (FV) and the maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (FM) determined from leaves at ambient temperature matched that from leaves frozen to 77K when reductions in FV/FM and the photon yield resulted from exposure of leaves to high light levels under favorable temperatures and water status. Under conditions which were less favorable for photosynthesis, FV/FM at ambient temperature often matched the photon yield more closely than FV/FM measured at 77K. Exposure of leaves to high light levels in combination with water stress or chilling stress resulted in much greater reductions in the photon yield than in FV/FM (at both ambient temperature and 77K) measured in darkness, which would be expected if the site of inhibition was beyond PSII. Following chilling stress, FV/FM determined during measurement of the photon yield in the light was depressed to a degree more similar to that of the depression of photon yield, presumably as a result of regulation of PSII in response to greatly reduced electron flow.Abbreviations and Symbols Fo yield of instantaneous fluorescence - FM yield of maximum fluorescence - FV yield of variable fluorescence - PFD photon flux density (400–700 nm) - PSI (II) photosystem I (II) This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinchaft. W.W.A. gratefully acknowledges the support of Fellowships from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. We also thank Maria Lesch for plant maintenance.  相似文献   

Upon stimulation with either concanavalin A or the tuberculin antigen, purified protein derivative, human peripheral blood lymphocytes, purified on Ficoll-Hypaque, did not exhibit a concomitant lipid fluidity alteration as measured by fluorescence polarization (P) of the lipid probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH). This result was independent of the incubation period, ranging from 10 min to 72 h. However, a general reduction in polarization value, from P = 0.287 (maintained for up to 2 h of incubation) to P = 0.225 after 20 h was observed for both experimental and control samples. Moreover, fluorescence polarization studies of the nonpenetrating modified DPH cationic lipid probe, 1-[4′-trimethylaminophenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH), also failed to show any change in lipid fluidity subsequent to a 1–3 h incubation of lymphocytes with concanavalin A. Cell electrophoretic mobility, however, was altered (mean cell mobility increased by 10–15%) in a fast response to stimulation and was observed within several hours of in vitro application of concanavalin A and purified protein derivative. This initial response disappeared with further incubation at 37°C (>3 h) and was followed by a decline of cellular mobility of the concanavalin A-exposed cells after 48 and 72 h of incubation. The unstimulated control cells did not change in mobility as a function of incubation time. The slow decline in mean cell mobility of the experimental cells is believed to be associated with blastogenesis. It is concluded that neither blastogenic transformation nor short term membrane alterations associated with human lymphocyte activation lead to lipid fluidity changes as measured in steady state by the fluorescence polarization of both DPH and TMA-DPH.  相似文献   

William Remelli  Stefano Santabarbara 《BBA》2018,1859(11):1207-1222
The fluorescence emission spectrum of Synechocystis sp. PPC6803 cells, at room temperature, displays: i) significant bandshape variations when collected under open (F0) and closed (FM) Photosystem II reaction centre conditions; ii) a marked dependence on the excitation wavelength both under F0 and FM conditions, due to the enhancement of phycobilisomes (PBS) emission upon their direct excitation. As a consequence: iii) the ratio of the variable and maximal fluorescence (FV/FM), that is a commonly employed indicator of the maximal photochemical quantum efficiency of PSII (Φpc, PSII), displays a significant dependency on both the excitation and the emission (detection) wavelength; iv) the FV/FM excitation/emission wavelength dependency is due, primarily, to the overlap of PSII emission with that of supercomplexes showing negligible changes in quantum yield upon trap closure, i.e. PSI and a PBS fraction which is incapable to transfer the excitation energy efficiently to core complexes. v) The contribution to the cellular emission and the relative absorption-cross section of PSII, PSI and uncoupled PBS are extracted using a spectral decomposition strategy. It is concluded that vi) Φpc, PSII is generally underestimated from the FV/FM measurements in this organism and, the degree of the estimation bias, which can exceed 50%, depends on the measurement conditions. Spectral modelling based on the decomposed emission/cross-section profiles were extended to other processes typically monitored from steady-state fluorescence measurements, in the presence of an actinic illumination, in particular non-photochemical quenching. It is suggested that vii) the quenching extent is generally underestimated in analogy to FV/FM but that viii) the location of quenching sites can be discriminated based on the combined excitation/emission spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence rise (O-J-I-P transient) was in literature simulated using models describing reactions occurring solely in photosystem II (PSII) and plastoquinone (PQ) pool as well as using complex models which described, in addition to the above, also subsequent electron transport occurring beyond the PQ pool. However, there is no consistency in general approach how to formulate a kinetic model and how to describe particular reactions occurring even in PSII only. In this work, simple kinetic PSII models are considered always with the same electron carriers and same type of reactions but some reactions are approached in different ways: oxygen evolving complex is considered bound to PSII or “virtually” separated from PSII; exchange of doubly reduced secondary quinone PSII electron acceptor, QB, with PQ molecule from the PQ pool is described by one second order reaction or by two subsequent reactions; and all possible reactions or only those which follow in logical order are considered. By combining all these approaches, eight PSII models are formulated which are used for simulations of the chlorophyll a fluorescence transients. It is shown that the different approaches can lead to qualitatively different results. The approaches are compared with other models found elsewhere in the literature and therefore this work can help the readers to better understand the other models and their results.  相似文献   

In this work, we extended the reversible radical pair model which describes energy utilization and electron transfer up to the first quinone electron acceptor (Q(A)) in photosystem II (PSII), by redox reactions involving cytochrome (cyt) b559. In the model, cyt b559 accepts electrons from the reduced primary electron acceptor in PSII, pheophytin, and donates electrons to the oxidized primary electron donor in PSII (P680+). Theoretical simulations of chlorophyll fluorescence rise based on the model show that the maximal fluorescence, F(M), increases with an increasing amount of initially reduced cyt b559. In this work we applied, the first to our knowledge, metabolic control analysis (MCA) to a model of reactions in PSII. The MCA was used to determine to what extent the reactions occurring in the model control the F(M) level and how this control depends on the initial redox state of cyt b559. The simulations also revealed that increasing the amount of initially reduced cyt b559 could protect PSII against photoinhibition. Also experimental data, which might be used to validate our theory, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago, non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence by oxidised plastoquinone (PQ) was proposed to be responsible for the lowering of the maximum fluorescence yield reported to occur when leaves or chloroplasts were treated in the dark with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), an inhibitor of electron flow beyond the primary quinone electron acceptor (QA) of photosystem (PS) II [C. Vernotte, A.L. Etienne, J.-M. Briantais, Quenching of the system II chlorophyll fluorescence by the plastoquinone pool, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 545 (1979) 519-527]. Since then, the notion of PQ-quenching has received support but has also been put in doubt, due to inconsistent experimental findings. In the present study, the possible role of the native PQ-pool as a non-photochemical quencher was reinvestigated, employing measurements of the fast chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics (from 50 μs to 5 s). The about 20% lowering of the maximum fluorescence yield FM, observed in osmotically broken spinach chloroplasts treated with DCMU, was eliminated when the oxidised PQ-pool was non-photochemically reduced to PQH2 by dark incubation of the samples in the presence of NAD(P)H, both under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Incubation under anaerobic conditions in the absence of NAD(P)H had comparatively minor effects. In DCMU-treated samples incubated in the presence of NAD(P)H fluorescence quenching started to develop again after 20-30 ms of illumination, i.e., the time when PQH2 starts getting reoxidised by PS I activity. NAD(P)H-dependent restoration of FM was largely, if not completely, eliminated when the samples were briefly (5 s) pre-illuminated with red or far-red light. Addition to the incubation medium of HgCl2 that inhibits dark reduction of PQ by NAD(P)H also abolished NAD(P)H-dependent restoration of FM. Collectively, our results provide strong new evidence for the occurrence of PQ-quenching. The finding that DCMU alone did not affect the minimum fluorescence yield F0 allowed us to calculate, for different redox states of the native PQ-pool, the fractional quenching at the F0 level (Q0) and to compare it with the fractional quenching at the FM level (QM). The experimentally determined Q0/QM ratios were found to be equal to the corresponding F0/FM ratios, demonstrating that PQ-quenching is solely exerted on the excited state of antenna chlorophylls.  相似文献   

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