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The timing of puberty is a critical life history trait of short-lived species; spring-born individuals mature rapidly and breed in the season of birth, whereas young born in mid- to late summer delay puberty until the next spring. The cues that govern the transition from rapid to delayed maturation in natural populations remain unknown. To identify ecologically relevant photoperiod cues that control timing of puberty, we monitored nine cohorts of female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) born every 2 wk from 4 wk before to 12 wk after the summer solstice in a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP). Hamsters born by the summer solstice underwent rapid somatic growth and achieved puberty that summer; among females born 2-4 wk after the solstice, some delayed puberty by many weeks, whereas others manifested early puberty. Hamsters born 6 or more weeks after the solstice generally delayed puberty until the following spring. The transition from accelerated to delayed pubertal development in the SNP occurred at day lengths that induce early puberty when presented as static photoperiods. Despite differences in timing of birth and timing of puberty, fall and subsequent spring seasonal events occurred at similar calendar dates in all cohorts. We found no evidence that prenatal photoperiod history influenced postnatal development of female hamsters. Considered together with a parallel study on males, the present findings point to sex differences in responsiveness to natural photoperiod variations. In both sexes, incrementally changing photoperiods exert a strong organizing effect on seasonal rhythms.  相似文献   

Adult male wild rabbits were exposed to at least 16 weeks of 16L:8 D before experiments began. Plasma LH and FSH concentrations increased significantly (P less than 0.001) when rabbits were castrated in 16L:8D but declined when rabbits were transferred to 8L:16D. Concentrations had returned to normal for castrated rabbits in 16L:8D by 74 days after the start of the 8L:16D treatment. Treatment of intact male rabbits with an injection of LHRH before and after transfer to short daylengths caused a transient increase in plasma LH which lasted 50-80 min and this produced a concomitant rise in plasma testosterone. The daylength change had no effect on this response even though testicular size declined after the transfer to short daylengths. Rabbits moulted in response to exposure to 8L:16D. This suggests that hypothalamic activity responds to photoperiod and that changes in pituitary responsiveness to LHRH and steroid negative feedback are unimportant.  相似文献   

In many species, including Syrian hamsters, the generation of male reproductive behavior depends critically on the perception of female odor cues from conspecifics in the environment. The behavioral response to these odors is mediated by a network of steroid-sensitive ventral forebrain nuclei including the medial amygdala (MA), posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and medial preoptic area (MPOA). Previous studies have demonstrated that each of these three nuclei is required for appropriate sexual behavior and that MA preferentially sends female odor information directly to BNST and MPOA. It is unknown, however, how the functional connections between MA and BNST and/or MPOA are organized to generate different aspects of reproductive behavior. Therefore, the following experiments used the asymmetrical pathway lesion technique to test the role of the functional connections between MA and BNST and/or MPOA in odor preference and copulatory behaviors. Lesions that functionally disconnected MA from MPOA eliminated copulatory behavior but did not affect odor preference. In contrast, lesions that functionally disconnected MA from BNST eliminated preference for volatile female odors but did not affect preference for directly contacted odors or copulatory behavior. These results therefore demonstrate a double dissociation in the functional connections required for attraction to volatile sexual odors and copulation and, more broadly, suggest that appetitive and consummatory reproductive behaviors are mediated by distinct neural pathways.  相似文献   

Pallas' cats (Otocolobus manul) have a pronounced reproductive seasonality controlled by photoperiod. Previous studies of reproduction in captive Pallas' cats exposed to natural light showed a breeding season of December–April. This study evaluated the impact of artificial lighting timed to simulate natural photoperiods on male reproductive seasonality of four Pallas' cats housed indoors. Semen evaluation, blood collection, and body weight measurements were conducted every 1–2 months from November 2000–June 2001. Fecal samples were collected from each male twice weekly to assess testosterone and corticoid concentrations. Mean values for reproductive traits (sperm attributes, testicular volume) were highest from February–April, the defined breeding season. Fecal testosterone concentrations were highest from mid‐January to mid‐March. Male Pallas' cats managed indoors under simulated photoperiods experienced a delayed onset of the breeding season by 1–2 months and a decreased length of the breeding season. Over the course of the study, fecal corticoid concentrations did not seem to differ among seasons. Although mating attempts during this study were unsuccessful, subsequent pairings of male and female Pallas' cats in the same research colony during the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons produced viable offspring. These results suggest that male Pallas' cats, housed indoors under simulated photoperiods, exhibit distinct reproductive cyclic patterns, characterized by a delayed and truncated breeding season. Adrenocortical activity varied among individuals, but did not adversely affect reproductive parameters. Housing Pallas' cats indoors under simulated photoperiods may represent a viable strategy for maintaining breeding success while limiting disease exposure. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, many individuals only start breeding long after reaching physiological maturity [1], and this delay is expected to reduce lifetime reproductive success (LRS) [1-3]. Although many studies have investigated how nonbreeding helpers might mitigate the assumed cost of delayed breeding (reviewed in [3]), few have directly quantified the cost itself [4, 5] (but see [6, 7]). Moreover, although life-history tradeoffs frequently influence the sexes in profoundly different ways [8, 9], it has been generally assumed that males and females are similarly affected by a delayed start to breeding [7]. Here, we use 24 years of data to investigate the sex-specific cost of delayed breeding in the cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) and show that age at first breeding is related to LRS differently in males and females. As is traditionally expected, males that started to breed earlier in life had greater LRS than those that started later. However, females showed the opposite pattern: Those individuals that started to breed later in life actually had greater LRS than those that started earlier. In both sexes, the association between age at first breeding and LRS was driven by differences in breeding-career length, rather than per-season productivity. We hypothesize that the high mortality rate of young female breeders, and thus their short breeding careers, is related to a reduced ability to deal with the high physiological costs of reproduction in this species. These results demonstrate the importance of considering sex-specific reproductive costs when estimating the payoffs of life-history decisions and bring into question the long-held assumption that delayed breeding is necessarily costly.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the waveform of the rhythm of c-Fos photoinduction in the ventrolateral (vl) part of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and that of the rhythm in the spontaneous c-Fos production in the dorsomedial (dm) part of the SCN in rats released into constant darkness depend on the photoperiod under which the animals were previously maintained. The aim of the present study was to find out how the rhythms of c-Fos immunoreactivity in both SCN subdivisions are affected by actual light-dark (LD) cycles with various photoperiods, either artificial or natural ones, that animals may usually experience. Rats were maintained under artificial LD cycles, with either a long (16-h photoperiod) or a short (8-h photoperiod) or under natural daylight. In the latter case, c-Fos rhythms were followed in the summer when the photoperiod lasted about 16 h or in winter when it lasted only 8 h. The rhythms of c-Fos immunoreactivity under natural daylight did not differ significantly from those under corresponding artificial photoperiods. Under a long photoperiod, the morning c-Fos rise in the dm- as well as in the vl-SCN occurred about 4 h earlier than under a short one. In both SCN subdivisions, the interval when the nighttime c-Fos immunoreactivity was low, was shorter under a long than under a short photoperiod by roughly 6 h. The morning c-Fos rise in the dm-SCN always preceded that in the vl-SCN. Whereas in the former one the rise was due to the endogenous dm-SCN rhythmicity, in the latter one the rise was induced by the morning light onset. The results show that whereas c-Fos rhythmicity under actual LD cycles is affected by the photoperiod in both SCN subdivisions, mechanism of c-Fos induction in the dm-SCN differs from that in the vl-SCN.  相似文献   

Pregnant hamsters were administered diethylstilbestrol (DES) orally on day 14 of gestation. Sperm counts from F1 adult males were lower than controls. Significant and consistent lesions were confined to the epididymides of DES exposed males, in which epididymal granulomas were the most common lesion. Epididymal granulomas of the tail have been associated with a bacterial etiology while granulomas of the head may be related to blind ductules or a lack of ductule connection.  相似文献   

马爱团  陈耀星  王子旭 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1076-1082
为研究环境雌激素己烯雌酚(DES)的生殖毒性与活性氧(ROS)的关系,连续7天给成年金色中仓鼠皮下注射0、0.01、0.1、1mg/kgBWDES,称量睾丸重量、计算睾丸相对重量,光镜观察睾丸组织结构的变化,分光光度法检测睾丸组织和血浆中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)和丙二醛(MDA)的含量。结果表明:1mg/kgBWDES导致睾丸萎缩、重量下降,曲细精管中生精细胞排列紊乱,管腔内几乎没有成熟精子;随着DES剂量的增加,睾丸组织中SOD、GSH-Px和T-AOC含量显著下降,MDA显著上升。提示DES的生殖毒性与ROS密切相关,DES通过降低抗氧化酶水平,增加ROS含量,干扰生精细胞正常功能,导致细胞死亡,表明氧化损伤可能是环境雌激素生殖毒性的作用机理之一。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of acute leptin treatment of adult Syrian hamsters exposed to a long (LP, eugonadal males) and short photoperiod (SP, hypogonadal males). Animals were exposed to LP (L:D 14:10) or SP (L:D 10:14) for 10 weeks. Afterwards, both LP and SP hamsters were allocated to a control (SP-C, LP-C) or leptin-treated group (SP 3, SP 10, SP 30 or LP3, LP 10, LP 30). One hour before sacrifice, a single dose of leptin (3, 10 or 30 μg/kg) or vehicle was administered (i.p.) to the males. Testis weight, serum and pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations, as well as the hypothalamic concentration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were recorded. Histological analysis of the testis was performed and GnRH concentration in the culture medium of hypothalamic explants was examined. A dramatic regression of testicular weight and histological atrophy of seminiferous tubules, as well as a decrease in serum and pituitary LH concentrations were found in SP males. All doses of leptin significantly reduced serum LH levels and medium GnRH concentrations in both photoperiod groups. Pituitary LH and hypothalamic GnRH concentrations were not affected by leptin. In conclusion, we demonstrated that leptin inhibited the reproductive axis of Syrian male hamsters exposed to LP and SP and fed ad libitum.  相似文献   

It is known that the metabolism of testosterone in the brain and in the anterior pituitary is different in mammalian and in photoperiodic avian species. In many mammalian species, testosterone is mainly metabolized to 5-alpha-reduced compounds (e.g. 17-beta-hydroxy-5-alpha-androstan- 3-one, 5 alpha-DHT and 3-alpha,17-beta-dihydroxy-5-alpha-androstane, 5-alpha,3-alpha-diol) and, to a smaller extent, to 4-androstene-3,17-dione (androstenedione), while in birds, androstenedione is the main testosterone metabolite and the conversion to the 5-alpha-reduced compounds is quantitatively negligible. In avian species, testosterone is also converted to 5-beta-reduced steroids (mainly 17-beta-hydroxy-5-beta-androstan-3-one, 5-beta-DHT and 3-alpha,17-beta-dihydroxy-5-beta-androstane, 5-beta,3-alpha-diol), and there is also evidence that in these species testosterone metabolism in the central structures may be influenced by the photoperiod. Since the hamster is a mammal whose reproductive cycle is controlled by day length, it has been analyzed whether: (a) the central structures of the hamster (cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and anterior pituitary) metabolize testosterone in vitro following a mammalian (5-alpha-reduced derivatives) or an avian (androstenedione and 5-beta-reduced compounds) pattern; and (b) the metabolism of testosterone in the same structures may be modified by the exposure to different photoperiods (LD 14:10 or LD 8:16). The present data indicate that no one of the hamster structures examined produces the 5-beta-reduced derivatives. Moreover, the formation of the 5 alpha-DHT is quantitatively low, and is not affected by the photoperiod. In contrast, androstenedione is formed in quite high yields and the exposure of the animals to 60 days of short photostimulation increases the formation of this steroid in the pituitary gland, but not in the brain structures. From these data, it appears that the central structures of the hamster metabolize testosterone with a pattern which is intermediate between that of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Exposure of adult male Syrian hamsters to artificially shortened photoperiods in the laboratory was followed by gonadal involution. Return of these animals to long days (light:ddark cycles of 14:10) resulted in regrowth of the reproductive organs, following which the animals were refractory to the normally antigonadotrophic effects of daily melatonin injections given late in the afternoon. When hamsters were kept under naturally shortening photoperiods beginning on October 19, their reproductive organs involuted and remained infantile until the following spring when they again recrudesced to adult size. These animals too were refractory to the inhibitory effects of daily afternoon melatonin injections. The refractory period to melatonin was interrupted by exposure of the animals to long days for 22 weeks.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the role of short photoperiod in timing the onset and duration of reproductive activity in ewes. The perception of photoperiod was disrupted by pinealectomy following transfer from long (17L:7D) to short (8.5L:15.5D) photoperiod and the subsequent reproductive response was monitored. Ovariectomized ewes given Silastic implants containing estradiol-17 beta were exposed to long days until Day 0 (May 24) and then were allocated to the following groups (n = 5-6/group): Group 1) short-day control--moved to short days; Groups 2 to 5) pinealectomy after 0, 30, 60, or 90 short days, respectively; Group 6) long-day hold--kept on long days; Group 7) long days after 60 short days--moved to short days on Day 0 and returned to long days on Day 60. Six ewes kept outdoors served as additional controls. Reproductive neuroendocrine activity was assessed from plasma LH concentrations, high values being indicative of the breeding season and low values indicative of anestrus. Time of reproductive neuroendocrine activity onset (LH rise) did not differ among animals in the 7 groups kept indoors, but was advanced (p less than 0.05) relative to that of ewes outdoors. In contrast, duration of the LH elevation differed among ewes in groups kept indoors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior of virtually all adult male rodents is dependent on concurrent availability of gonadal steroids. The ejaculatory reflex is incompatible with long-term absence of testicular steroids and typically disappears within 3 weeks after castration. Male Siberian hamsters are an exception to this rule; mating culminating in the ejaculatory reflex occurs as many as 6 months after castration (persistent copulation). The emergence of persistent copulation many weeks after gonadectomy is here shown not to require repeated post-castration sexual experience. Preoperative sexual experience, on the other hand, significantly increases the percent of males that copulate after gonadectomy, but is not required for the emergence of this trait in 25% of males. Castration prior to puberty prevents persistent copulation in all individuals in adulthood. Persistent copulators, unlike males that cease mating activity after castration, prefer the odors of estrous over non-estrous females when tested 4 months after castration and 7 weeks after the last mating test. Neural circuits of persistent copulators retain the ability to mediate male sex behavior and preferences for female odors in the complete absence of gonadal steroids; they are influenced by preoperative sexual experience and organizational effects of gonadal hormones at the time of puberty.  相似文献   

Five ewes of each of four breed types were kept in each of two environmentally-controlled rooms over a period of 2.5 years. The daylength varied between 20 and 9 h on a 6-monthly cycle, including a period of 22 weeks during which daylength was decreased by 0.5 h per week, 2 weeks in which it increased from 9 to 20 h, and 2 weeks at 20 h; each room operated 3 months out of phase with the other. Towards the end of the period of decreasing daylength each ewe was synchronised with a progestagen sponge for 12 days, given an injection (i.m.) of 750 I.U. pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) on withdrawal, and inseminated 48 and 58 h later (500 million fresh undiluted sperm per insemination). Thus, insemination occurred at a single synchronised oestrus every 6 months. Progesterone pregnancy diagnosis was performed on blood samples taken 18 days later and parturition was induced by an injection (i.m.) of 16 mg dexamethasone on day 143 of gestation. Lambs were weaned at birth, allowing the ewes approximately 5.5 weeks to recover before the next insemination and a ‘successive’ conception.The performance of the four types of ewe, starting as maidens, is tabulated.

ConceptionsMerinoDorset Horn × MerinoBorder Leic. × MerinoSouth Suffolk × MerinoP
Successive (%)20.012.511.147.6< 0.01
Non-successive (%)76.076.966.795.0< 0.05
Overall (%)51.152.444.470.7< 0.05
Mean litter size1.< 0.05
Mean lambs per ewe per year1.< 0.01
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