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Summary Earlier studies found that cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cotyledons contain several mRNAs which are more abundant during late embryogenesis than in mid-embryogenesis or early germination. They are here termed Late embryogenesis-abundant mRNAs, encoded by Lea loci. Complementary DNA clones for 18 such mRNA sequences, defined at a hybridization criterion of Tm-15°C, were identified in a mature embryo cDNA library by differential cDNA hybridization. At a lower hybridization criterion, some sequence homology was found within several of these cloned Lea mRNA sequences. Each Lea mRNA sequence comprises 0.04–1.3% of mature embryo poly(A)+ mRNA, a level ten-fold to several hundred-fold higher than in young embryo or 24 h seedling poly(A)+ mRNA. Of 18 Lea mRNA sequences examined in cultured young embryos, the level of at least 13 are specifically increased by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), several to a level near that in normal mature embryos. However, the abundance of several of the sequences does not appear to be significantly modulated by ABA. The LEA polypeptides encoded by 10 Lea mRNA sequences were identified by hybrid-arrested translation. They include most of the late embryogenesis-abundant, ABA-inducible, polypeptides previously identified. Preliminary results suggest that many of the individual Lea mRNA sequences are transcribed from 1–3 genes in each of cotton's two subgenomes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the nucleotide sequence and accumulation of an mRNA which is prevalent in seeds of Brassica napus L. During normal development, the mRNA begins to accumulate during late embryogeny, is stored in dry seeds, and becomes undetectable in seedlings within 24 hours after imbibition. Moreover, abscisic acid treatment of embryos precociously induces or enhances accumulation of the mRNA. Nucleotide sequencing studies show that the deduced 30 kDa polypeptide has an unusual primary structure; the polypeptide possesses direct amino acid sequence repeats and is virtually entirely hydrophilic with the exception of a hydrophobic carboxyl-terminal region. Based upon the expression pattern and predicted polypeptide sequence, we conclude that the mRNA is encoded by a late embryogenesis-abundant (Lea) gene in B. napus.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - bp base pairs - DAF days after flowering - HAI hours after the start of imbibition - kb kilobase (pairs)  相似文献   

Common amino acid sequence domains among the LEA proteins of higher plants   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
LEA proteins are late embryogenesis abundant in the seeds of many higher plants and are probably universal in occurrence in plant seeds. LEA mRNAs and proteins can be induced to appear at other stages in the plant's life by desiccation stress and/or treatment with the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). A role in protecting plant structures during water loss is likely for these proteins, with ABA functioning in the stress transduction process. Presented here are conserved tracts of amino acid sequence among LEA proteins from several species that may represent domains functionally important in desiccation protection. Curiously, an 11 amino acid sequence motif is found tandemly repeated in a group of LEA proteins of vastly different sizes. Analysis of this motif suggests that it exists as an amphiphilic helix which may serve as the basis for higher order structure.  相似文献   

Qb-SNARE proteins belong to the superfamily of SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) and function as important components of the vesicle trafficking machinery in eukaryotic cells. Here, we report three novel plant SNARE (NPSN) genes isolated from rice and named OsNPSN11, OsNPSN12 and OsNPSN13. They have about 70% nucleotide identity over their entire coding regions and similar genomic organization with ten exons and nine introns in each gene. Multiple alignment of deduced amino acid sequences indicate that the OsNPSNs proteins are homologous to AtNPSNs from Arabidopsis, containing a Qb-SNARE domain and a membrane-spanning domain in the C-terminal region. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR assays showed that the OsNPSNs were ubiquitously and differentially expressed in roots, culms, leaves, immature spikes and flowering spikes. The expression of OsNPSNs was significantly activated in rice seedlings treated with H2O2, but down-regulated under NaCl and PEG6000 stresses. Transient expression method in onion epidermal cells revealed that OsNPSNs were located in the plasma membrane. Transformed yeast cells with OsNPSNs had better growth rates than empty-vector transformants when cultured on either solid or liquid selective media containing various concentrations of H2O2, but more sensitive to NaCl and mannitol stresses. The 35S:OsNPSN11 transgenic tobacco also showed more tolerance to H2O2 and sensitivity to NaCl and mannitol than non-transgenic tobacco. These results indicate that OsNPSNs may be involved in different aspects of the signal transduction in plant and yeast responses to abiotic stresses. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a tissue culture procedure for somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 312). Callused explants or individual globular embryos were transferred to basal media to induce somatic embryogenesis. To determine characteristic early indicators of successful germination and conversion, we identified six types of embryos that developed on basal media. Two of the six embryo types, designated as tulip-shaped and trumpet-shaped, could undergo conversion in preliminary tests, whereas the others had little or no developmental potential. Several media treatments designed to enhance the maturation of globular somatic embryos failed to increase the fraction of embryos which matured to form recoverable types. In efforts to improve plantlet recovery, tulip-shaped embryos were used in limited trials to contrast the effects of chemical and physical desiccation treatments on germination and conversion. The selective use of tulip-shaped somatic embryos, coupled with partial desiccation, seems to have augmented plant recovery. Growth habit, flowering, seed set, and lint production of most of the regenerated plants were comparable to seed-derived plants grown under the same conditions. Partial research support was provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from Azotobacter chroococcum was shown by DNA hybridization to contain sequences homologous to Rhizobium japonicum H2-uptake (hup) hydrogenase genes carried on the plasmid pHU1. Two recombinant cosmid clones, pACD101 and pACD102, were isolated from a gene library of A. chroococcum by colony hybridization and physically mapped. Each contained approximately 42 kb of insert DNA with approximately 27 kb of overlapping DNA. Further hybridization studies using three fragments from pHU1 (6 kb HindIII, 6.4 kb BglII and 5 kb EcoRI) showed that the hup-specific regions of R. japonicum and A. chroococcum are probably highly conserved. Weak homology to the hydrogenase structural genes from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) was also observed. A 24 kb BamHI fragment from pACD102 subcloned into a broad host-range vector restored hydrogenase activity to several Hup- mutants of A. chroococcum.  相似文献   

Chromosomal nonhistone high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins were purified from nuclei of maize (Zea mays L. cv. A619) endosperm and leaf tissue. Tissuespecific differences were observed in their polypeptide patterns, in in-vitro phosphorylation experiments with a casein-kinase type II, and by Western blot analysis with antisera against different HMG proteins. Gelfiltration chromatography demonstrated that maize HMG proteins occur as monomers. By measuring the capacity of the HMG proteins to bind to the 5 flanking region of a zein gene, the sensitivity of the proteins to different temperatures, salt concentrations and pH values was determined.Abbreviations EMSA electrophoretic-mobility-shift assay - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - HMG high-mobility group - kDa kilodaltons - PVDF polyvinylidenedifluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brutzer for excellent technical assistance. We are indebted to Mrs. M. Strecker and Dr. W. Bessler of the Institut für Immunbiologie, Freiburg, FRG, for the preparation of antisera and we gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Drs. T. Quayle, R. Grimm and U. Müller of this institute. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fond der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

A clone isolated from a purple podded pea (Pisum sativum L.) cDNA library was shown to contain the complete coding sequence of a polypeptide with considerable homology to various members of the ras superfamily. The ras superfamily are a group of monomeric GTP-binding proteins of 21–25 kDa found in eukaryotic cells. Conserved sequences in the isolated clone include the GTP-binding site, GDP/GTP hydrolysis domain and C-terminal Cys residues involved in membrane attachment. Comparisons of the predicted amino acid sequence with those of other ras proteins show significantly higher homologies (ca. 70%) to two mammalian gene products, those of the BRL-ras oncogene, and the canine rab7 gene, than to any of the plant ras gene products so far identified (<40% homology). The high percentage of amino acid identity suggests that this cDNA may be the product of a gene, designated Psa-rab, which is the plant counterpart of rab7. Rab/ypt proteins are a subfamily of the ras superfamily thought to be involved in intracellular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and in vesicular transport.Northern blot hybridisation analysis of total RNA from green and purple podded pea revealed a mRNA species of approximately the same size as the isolated cDNAs.  相似文献   

Three cDNAs encoding desiccation-induced proteins from the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum were each ligated to a triplicated CaMV 35S promoter and a nopaline synthase 3-flanking region in an Agrobacterium vector and introduced into tobacco. Transgenic plants expressed the encoded Craterostigma proteins at high levels. This did not lead to changes in the phenotype, in the growth habit or in basic photosynthetic parameters. In tobacco, one protein was targeted to the chloroplast stroma which is its normal location in Craterostigma. These desiccation-related proteins are not sufficient per se to increase drought tolerance as measured by ion-leakage tests.  相似文献   

The abscission-promoting activities of abscisic acid (ABA) and 5 ABA analogs were examined in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv LG102) seedlings and cotyledonary node explants. The analogs tested included a series of acetylenic derivatives that differ in the oxidation state of the C-1 atom, a 2,3 dihydro-derivative of ABA and a 2,3 dihydro-derivative of an acetylenic analog with a C-1 carboxyl moiety. ABA and all five analogs were active in stimulating petiole abscission in explants. Following treatment with 100,µM ABA or analog, 50% abscission of explants was observed after 29 h and complete abscission occurred within 40 h. With one exception, none of the treatments resulted in an increase in explant ethylene production. Pretreatment of the explants with the ethylene antagonist silver thiosulfate completely abolished the abscission-promoting activities of ABA and all of the analogs. Daily application of ABA or any of the analogs had no effect on cotyledon abscission in intact seedlings. The implications of the results with respect to the development of a commercial ABA-like regulator as well as to ABA structure-activity studies are discussed.Mention of trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

We have isolated two cDNAs encoding small GTP-binding proteins from leaf cDNA libraries. These cDNAs encode distinct proteins which show considerable homology to members of the ras superfamily. Np-ypt3, a 1044 bp long Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cDNA, encodes a 24.4 kDa protein which shows 65% amino acid sequence similarity to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ypt3 protein. The N-ypt3 gene is differentially expressed in mature flowering plants. Expression of this gene is weak in leaves, higher in stems and roots, but highest in petals, stigmas and stamens. Nt-rab5, a 712 bp long Nicotiana tabacum SR1 cDNA, encodes a 21.9 kDa protein which displays 65% amino acid sequence similarity to mammalian rab5 proteins. The expression pattern of the Nt-rab5 gene is very similar to that of the Np-ypt3 gene. The Nt-rab5 gene is virtually not expressed in leaves, higher in stems and roots, and highest in flowers. Both the Nt-rab5 and Np-ypt3 proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to bind GTP.  相似文献   

Purple sulfur bacteria store sulfur as intracellular globules enclosed by a protein envelope. The proteins associated with sulfur globules of Chromatium vinosum and Thiocapsa roseopersicina were isolated by extraction into 50% aqueous acetonitrile containing 1% trifluoroacetic acid and 10 mM dithiothreitol. The extracted proteins were separated by reversed-phase HPLC, revealing three major proteins from C. vinosum and two from T. roseopersicina. All of these proteins have similar, rather unusual amino acid compositions, being rich in glycine and aromatic amino acids, particularly tyrosine. The molecular masses of the C. vinosum proteins were determined to be 10,498, 10,651, and 8,479 Da, while those from T. roseopersicina were found to be 10,661 and 8,759 Da by laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The larger T. roseopersicina protein is N-terminally blocked, probably by acetylation, but small amounts of the unblocked form (mass = 10,619) were also isolated by HPLC. Protein sequencing showed that the two larger C. vinosum proteins are homologous to each other and to the large T. roseopersicina protein. The 8,479 Da C. vinosum and 8,759 Da T. roseopersicina proteins are also homologous, indicating that sulfur globule proteins are conserved between different species of purple sulfur bacteria.Abbreviations BNPS-skatole 2 (2-Nitrophenylsulfenyl)-3-methyl-3-bromoindolenine - CNB Cyanogen bromide - Cv1, Cv2, and Cv3 Chromatium vinosum sulfur globule proteins - SGP and SGPs Sulfur globule protein(s) - TFA Trifluoroacetic acid - Tr0, Tr1, and Tr2 Thiocapsa roseopersicina sulfur globule proteins  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a cold-and ABA-inducible Arabidopsis gene   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
We have identified by differential screening a novel Arabidopsis thaliana gene, called kin1, which is induced at +44 °C. The nucleotide sequences of both the genomic clone and the corresponding cDNA were determined. The deduced 6.5 kDa polypeptide has an unusual amino acid composition being rich in alanine, glycine and lysine. The gene belongs to a family of at least two genes. Northern blot analysis revealed that the level of kin1 mRNA is increased 20-fold in cold-treated plants. In addition to being expressed in cold, kin1 mRNAlso induced by water stress and the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) which has been suggested to be a common mediator for osmotic stress responses and cold acclimation in plants. Sequence comparisons showed that the kin1 gene product has similarities to fish antifreeze proteins (AFPs).  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the copy number of 21 genes in an allotetraploid and several diploid species of cotton by gel and dot blot hybridization with cloned cDNAs. The legumin A, legumin B, and all 18 unique Lea (late embryogenesis-abundant) cDNA sequences isolated from the AD allotetraploid Gossypium hirsutum are present in one copy in A, D, E, and F diploid species and in two copies in G. hirsutum. Gel blot analysis of DNAs digested with EcoRI or BamHI usually detects different sized fragments in A and D diploids. Conservation of these restriction fragment length polymorphisms in G. hirsutum allows most of these fragments to be assigned to their respective subgenomes. Furthermore, both subgenomes in G. hirsutum can be distinguished from those in the interfertile allotetraploid G. barbadense. These results show that physical mapping of both sets of chromosomes in an allotetraploid should be possible by segregation analysis.  相似文献   

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