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Forest growth is important both economically (yielding billions of dollars of annual revenues) and ecologically (with respect to ecosystem health and global carbon budgets). The growth of all forests follows a predictable general trend with age. In young forests, it accelerates as canopies develop; it then declines substantially soon after full canopy leaf area is reached. The classic explanation for the decline in growth invoked the increasing respiration costs required to sustain the larger masses of wood characteristic of older forests. Direct measurements of respiration have largely refuted this hypothesis, and recent work has focused on stand-level rates of resource supply, resource use, and growth. We developed and tested a hypothesis at the scale of individual trees (in relation to stand structure) to explain this declining stand-level rate of stem growth. According to our hypothesis, changes in stand structure allow dominant trees to sustain high rates of growth by increasing their acquisition of resources and using these resources efficiently (defined as stem growth per unit of resource used); smaller, nondominant trees grow more slowly as a result of their more limited acquisition of resources and a reduced rate of growth per unit of resource acquired. In combination, these two trends reduce overall stand growth. We tested this hypothesis by comparing growth, growth per unit of leaf area, and variation among trees within plots in two series of plantations of Eucalyptus in Brazil and by estimating individual-tree rates of growth and use of light, water, and nutrients in a plantation of Eucalyptus saligna in Hawaii. Our results supported the individual-tree hypothesis. We conclude that part of the universal age-related decline in forest growth derives from competition-related changes in stand structure and the resource-use efficiencies of individual trees. Received 19 February 2001; accepted 19 June 2001.  相似文献   

Twenty-one populations of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha, and ten populations of Euphydryas chalcedona were sampled for genetic variation at eight polymorphic enzyme loci. Both species possessed loci that were highly variable from population to population and loci that were virtually identical across all populations sampled. Our data indicate that the neutrality hypothesis is untenable for the loci studied, and therefore selection is indicated as the major factor responsible for producing these patterns. Thorough ecological work allowed gene flow to be ruled out (in almost all instances) as a factor maintaining similar gene frequencies across populations. The Lewontin-Krakauer test indicated magnitudes of heterogeneity among standardized variances of gene frequencies inconsistent with the neutrality hypothesis. The question of whether or not to correct this statistic for sample size is discussed. Observed equitability of gene frequencies of multiple allelic loci was found to be greater than that predicted under the neutrality hypothesis. Genetic differentiation persisting through two generations was found between the one pair of populations known to exchange significant numbers of individuals per generation. Two matrices of genetic distance between populations, based on the eight loci sampled, were found to be significantly correlated with a matrix of environmental distance, based on measures of fourteen environmental parameters. Correlations between gene frequencies and environmental parameters, results of multiple regression analysis, and results of principle component analysis showed strong patterns of association and of "explained" variation. The correlation analyses suggest which factors might be further investigated as proximate selective agents.  相似文献   

种群既是生物繁殖的基本单位,也是生物进化的基本单位.它是生态学中一个核心概念,现已成为每年高考必考内容之一.其中有关种群增长的问题是多年高考命题热点,种群增长率与种群增长速率虽然只有一字之差.  相似文献   

On the Ordered Development of Plants 1. An Hypothesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is hypothesized that each growing-point on a plant requiresa minimum flux of assimilate for growth to continue, and thatthis flux differs for different types of growing point. Thissimple concept provides cohesive explanation of the observedpatterns of plant development during both vegetative and reproductivegrowth. It also provides a qualitative explanation of the effectsof the aerial and rooting environments on shoot and root morphology.Some implications of the hypothesis are discussed. Development, morphology, root, shoot, branch, tiller, pod, grain  相似文献   

Thus far an individual height growth curve hij(t) of the i-th person in the j-th period, t being his (or her) age, has been studied as a function of t associated with its velocity curve. In this note we introduce a natural scale X(t) in place of t, which linearizes this personal curve and facilitates its analysis, in the sense that this equation of growth contains apparently two personal parameters for one period but one of them plays an essential role. The effectiveness of this approach will be seen in four figures.  相似文献   

树木高生长限制的几个假说   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
树木生长到一定年龄后高生长停滞,对这一现象的解释存在很多争议.成熟假说认为树木顶端分生组织分裂活性下降导致树木高生长减慢.营养限制假说认为土壤中营养元素(特别是氮素)在植物活体或枯落物中积累使土壤中可利用的养分含量降低,细根生物量增加和叶片光合能力下降导致了地上部分生长的减缓.呼吸假说认为边材呼吸消耗随个体发育的增加使投入到高生长的碳减少.水力限制假说认为水分运输阻力随高度增加而增加导致了叶片总光合碳同化下降,分配到高生长的生物量减少.树木发展假说认为植物用多种调节机制克服随个体发育增加的水力阻力,包括叶片结构和生理特征的变化,叶/边材面积比降低,边材渗透性和树干储水能力的增加等.水力限制假说得到了较多的关注,对不同高度树木的叶比导率、光合特征和树干生长量等测定结果支持这一假说.但对这一假说也存在很多的争议,主要表现在:水力阻力是否确实随高度的增加而增加,水力阻力的分布,补偿机制的作用和生物量分配转变等.本文综述了树木高生长限制的4个假说以及争论的焦点,并总结了目前研究的热点问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

范泽鑫  曹坤芳 《植物学报》2005,22(5):632-640
树木生长到一定年龄后高生长停滞, 对这一现象的解释存在很多争议。成熟假说认为树木顶端分生组织分裂活性下降导致树木高生长减慢。营养限制假说认为土壤中营养元素(特别是氮素)在植物活体或枯落物中积累使土壤中可利用的养分含量降低, 细根生物量增加和叶片光合能力下降导致了地上部分生长的减缓。呼吸假说认为边材呼吸消耗随个体发育的增加使投入到高生长的碳减少。水力限制假说认为水分运输阻力随高度增加而增加导致了叶片总光合碳同化下降, 分配到高生长的生物量减少。树木发展假说认为植物用多种调节机制克服随个体发育增加的水力阻力, 包括叶片结构和生理特征的变化, 叶/边材面积比降低, 边材渗透性和树干储水能力的增加等。水力限制假说得到了较多的关注, 对不同高度树木的叶比导率、光合特征和树干生长量等测定结果支持这一假说。但对这一假说 也存在很多的争议, 主要表现在: 水力阻力是否确实随高度的增加而增加, 水力阻力的分布, 补偿机制的作用和生物量分配转变等。本文综述了树木高生长限制的4个假说以及争论的焦点, 并总结了目前研究的热点问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The origin of the genetic code marked a major transition from a plausible RNA world to the world of DNA and proteins and is an important milestone in our understanding of the origin of life. We examine the efficacy of the physico-chemical hypothesis of code origin by carrying out simulations of code-sequence coevolution in finite populations in stages, leading first to the emergence of ten amino acid code(s) and subsequently to 14 amino acid code(s). We explore two different scenarios of primordial code evolution. In one scenario, competition occurs between populations of equilibrated code-sequence sets while in another scenario; new codes compete with existing codes as they are gradually introduced into the population with a finite probability. In either case, we find that natural selection between competing codes distinguished by differences in the degree of physico-chemical optimization is unable to explain the structure of the standard genetic code. The code whose structure is most consistent with the standard genetic code is often not among the codes that have a high fixation probability. However, we find that the composition of the code population affects the code fixation probability. A physico-chemically optimized code gets fixed with a significantly higher probability if it competes against a set of randomly generated codes. Our results suggest that physico-chemical optimization may not be the sole driving force in ensuring the emergence of the standard genetic code.  相似文献   

Two simple models of the ecology of population growth are described: "exponential" growth with "r -selection," and "logistic" growth, with "K- selection." Various methods for estimating the parameters of these models are presented in detail, along with statistical methods of evaluation and comparison. Also briefly discussed are more complex models of population growth sometimes used by demographers and ecologists. The two simpler models of population growth are then applied, by way of illustration, to two episodes of population growth in protohistoric southwest Iran, dating from 4000–2350 B. C. Interpretation of the results and the implications for future research are then discussed . [population growth, statistical models, exponential growth, logistic growth, early Iran]  相似文献   

种群增长的分段指数模型及其参数估计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文给出了种群增长的分段指数模型其中N(t)是在时刻t种群的密度,No=N(t0),r0和rl是群群的内禀增长率,t0是转变点,H(t-t0)=1,t≥t0,H(t-t0)=0,t<t0.利用非线性模型的正割法(DUD,Doesn’tusederivatives),可同时确定模型的所有参数(包括交点t0在内).并用于描述长爪沙鼠种群动态.  相似文献   

Abstract: Age-specific reproduction has been suggested for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and has been hypothesized as a factor contributing to population irruptions. However, little research has been conducted on the subject. We conducted a laboratory and field study to determine if age-specific reproduction occurred in northern bobwhites. Our objectives were to compare 7 reproductive measures (% F nesting, date of first incubated nest, egg-laying rate, nesting rate, clutch size, egg mass, and egg hatchability) between first- and second-year breeders and determine if differential reproduction was impacted by diet quality. The laboratory study consisted of a 2 × 2 factorial experiment with age and diet quality (low protein [12%] and high protein [24%]) as the factors. Data for the field study represented a 6-year data set of bobwhite reproduction (May-Sep 2000-2005) obtained from an ongoing radiotelemetry study in southern Texas, USA. We documented similar productivity (i.e., % F laying, egg-laying rate, and egg mass) and timing of laying (i.e., date of first egg) between juvenile (n = 33) and adult bobwhites (n = 27) in our laboratory study. However, females on the high-protein diet exhibited a greater egg-laying rate than females on the low-protein diet. Under field conditions, we also documented no difference in productivity (% F nesting, nesting rate, clutch size, egg hatchability) and timing of nesting (date of first incubated nest) between age classes (n = 59 juv and 32 ad). Our findings do not support early suppositions of age-specific reproduction in quail. Quail irruptions should not be influenced by population age structure as it relates to age-specific reproduction.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3):153-162
Iron in the free ionic state is very reactive as it generates and reacts with free radicals of the type HO, LO, LOO', O?2 and C. These are highly reactive species and participate in reactions that are mostly deleterious to cell components, including DNA, proteins and lipids. In association with a complexing agent such as bleomycin, Fe2+ degrades DNA into soluble nucleotides'. In the presence of oxygen and a reducing agent, DTT, Fe2+ inacativates enzymes by peptide bond cleavage2. Chelated to ADP, Fe2+ promotes peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and breakdown of membranes3. These do not occur in normal cells as they are kept under check by antioxidant devices, and more importantly by keeping free iron concentration low.  相似文献   

The medical literature describes Lipoatrophia semicircularis (L.s.) as a rare, idiopathic condition characterized by semicircular impressions of the skin, at the front and sides of both thighs. A few years ago, L.s. was diagnosed in hundreds of people, mainly women, among the administrative personnel of two large companies in Belgium. Afterwards, other cases were reported to us in numerous other companies, also in other countries including the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy. L.s. is thus not as uncommon as previously thought and apparently seems to become an important job‐related illness. We investigated the occurrence and cause of Lipoatrophia semicircularis by registering all recently known cases and paying particular attention to the working conditions of the persons with L.s. Following the elaboration of a working hypothesis, a number of measures were taken inside offices in an attempt to prevent new cases and/or obtain remissions. Some measurements were also performed with regard to the electromagnetic environment of the workplaces. Lipoatrophia semicircularis occurs preferentially in administrative female personnel working in new or renovated office buildings. All afflicted persons work with computers or are at least working in the proximity of electrical devices. It soon became evident that this electric environment plays a major role in the occurrence of L.s., although other factors (e.g., inadequate sitting posture and dry ambient air) may further facilitate L.s. According to our observations, L.s. finds its origin in the electromagnetic environment of work places. It apparently occurs as a result of galvanic coupling between charged materials and the body.  相似文献   

An hypothesis about the control of flowering is advanced. Thehypothesis may provide a unifying explanation of the differentresponses of both short- and long-day plants to changing daylengths. flowering, short-day, long-day, mathematical model  相似文献   

The rate at which genomes adapt to environmental changes and the prevalence of adaptive processes in molecular evolution are two controversial issues in current evolutionary genetics. Previous attempts to quantify the genome-wide rate of adaptation through amino-acid substitution have revealed a surprising diversity of patterns, with some species (e.g. Drosophila) experiencing a very high adaptive rate, while other (e.g. humans) are dominated by nearly-neutral processes. It has been suggested that this discrepancy reflects between-species differences in effective population size. Published studies, however, were mainly focused on model organisms, and relied on disparate data sets and methodologies, so that an overview of the prevalence of adaptive protein evolution in nature is currently lacking. Here we extend existing estimators of the amino-acid adaptive rate by explicitly modelling the effect of favourable mutations on non-synonymous polymorphism patterns, and we apply these methods to a newly-built, homogeneous data set of 44 non-model animal species pairs. Data analysis uncovers a major contribution of adaptive evolution to the amino-acid substitution process across all major metazoan phyla—with the notable exception of humans and primates. The proportion of adaptive amino-acid substitution is found to be positively correlated to species effective population size. This relationship, however, appears to be primarily driven by a decreased rate of nearly-neutral amino-acid substitution because of more efficient purifying selection in large populations. Our results reveal that adaptive processes dominate the evolution of proteins in most animal species, but do not corroborate the hypothesis that adaptive substitutions accumulate at a faster rate in large populations. Implications regarding the factors influencing the rate of adaptive evolution and positive selection detection in humans vs. other organisms are discussed.  相似文献   

In most cases, patients with Bowen disease lesions can be easily treated by surgical excision and direct closure; however, the ultrasonic surgical aspirator, an instrument in common use in many fields, offers a good treatment alternative with few drawbacks for patients with lesions that are large and/or located in joint areas, areas that are hard to heal, or areas that are surgically problematic such as the ears, nose, eyelids, and mucous membranes. The clinical application of the ultrasonic surgical aspirator in the treatment of Bowen disease promises considerable benefit in terms of patient comfort because removal of the lesion is easy, is noninvasive, and does not require hospitalization or result in restricted mobility. All of these factors, although benefiting patients, particularly the elderly, can also substantially lower the cost of treatment.  相似文献   

温度对八斑鞘腹蛛实验种群生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
八斑鞘腹蛛(Coleosoma octomaculatum)是农田害虫的主要天敌之一。它分布范围广、数量大,可捕食棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)、豆蚜(A.craccivora)、柳蚜(A.saliceti)、菜缢管蚜(Lipaphis erysimi)、麦长管蚜(Macrosi-  相似文献   

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