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The following technic is suggested for staining cell walls in shoot apexes: After the usual preliminary steps through 50% ethyl alcohol, stain in 1 % safranin 0 for 24 hours. Rinse in tap water and place in 2% aqueous tannic acid for 2 minutes. After rinsing in tap water, stain for 2 minutes in 1 part Delafield's hematoxylin to 2 parts distilled water and rinse in tap water. Remove excess hematoxylin with acidified water (1 drop cone. HC1 in 200 ml. water), then place slides in 0.5% lithium carbonate for 5 minutes. Dehydrate through an ethyl alcohol series, then transfer from absolute alcohol to a saturated solution of anilin blue in “methyl cellosolve” for 5-10 minutes. Wash in absolute alcohol, rinse in a solution of 25% methyl salicylate, 33% xylene, 42% absolute ethyl alcohol and clear for 10 minutes in a solution of 2 parts methyl salicylate, 1 part xylene, 1 part absolute ethyl alcohol. Transfer through two changes of xylene and mount in “clarite” or suitable alternate. The resulting preparations will have clearly defined, dark-staining cell walls and will photograph well when “Super Panchro-Press, Type B” film (Eastman Kodak Co.) is used in conjunction with suitable Wratten filters.  相似文献   

The following technic is suggested for staining permanent preparations of meristematic tissues: Prepare and mount the sections by the usual paraffin method. From water, stain them 2-10 minutes in a solution made by adding 2-4 cc. of Delafield's hematoxylin to a Coplin jar full of tap water. As staining is progressive, the sections should be examined from time to time with a microscope. When the cell walls have become a deep purple, transfer the preparations, thru the usual series, to a mixture of xylol-absolute-alcohol in equal parts, and from this to a counterstain made by adding 4-6 cc. of a saturated solution of safranin in absolute alcohol to a Coplin jar full of xylol (75%) with absolute alcohol (25%). This stains the nuclei. Leave the sections in the counterstain at least 2 hours and then rinse them in xylol-absolute-alcohol (1:1) to remove excess safranin. Transfer them to pure xylol and then mount them in neutral balsam.  相似文献   

An improved schedule is suggested for staining plant materials in Delafield's hematoxylin and safranin. Tissues are stained first in Delafield's hematoxylin. A short bath in acidulated water (1 or 2 drops concentrated HCl to 100 cc.) removes objectionable precipitates, and at the same time serves as a destaining agent. The acid bath must be followed quickly by a thoro wash in tap water, or dilute lithium carbonate solution, to restore the original dark blue color (made reddish in the acid bath) of the hematoxylin and to “set” the stain. Once the hematoxylin solution is satisfactory, none of the reagents ordinarily used will remove it—unless they contain acid. Tissues are counterstained in rapid safranin (5 drops analin in 100 cc. of 1% safranin 0 in 50% ethyl alcohol); this materially lessens the time necessary for staining. The safranin is de-stained in 50% ethyl alcohol (which does not affect the hematoxylin) until sharp differentiation is secured. If destaining is too slow, or differentiation poor, a quick rinse in acidulated 50% alcohol usually sharpens contrast of the stains. This must be followed quickly by a wash in 50% alcohol containing lithium carbonate to neutralize the acid. Dehydrate, and mount as usual. This schedule allows each stain to be individually, and independently, controlled at the will of the operator.  相似文献   

Good differential staining of nuclei, cytoplasm and cell walls of angiosperm shoot apices is obtained by a hematoxylin-aniline blue sequence. First, follow a typical Heidenhain's iron-hematoxylin scheme so that the nuclei and cytoplasm are well stained, then bring the slides up through an ethyl alcohol series to absolute alcohol. Transfer to a saturated solution of aniline blue in methyl cellosolve for 10 minutes. Remove the excess aniline blue with absolute alcohol, and follow this with a mixture of 42 parts absolute alcohol, 25 parts methyl salicylate, and 33 parts xylene; next, a similar mixture but in the proportions of 1:2:1; then a xylene-alcohol mixture, 9:1, followed by pure xylene, 2 changes, and covering in balsam. Panchromatic plates or film are suitable for photomicrographic reproduction (Ilford Special Rapid Panchromatic plates were used).  相似文献   

For progressive staining 1 g mordant blue 3, 0.5 g iron alum and 10 ml hydrochloric acid are combined to make 1 liter with distilled water. Paraffin sections are stained 5 minutes, blued in 03% sodium acetate for 30 seconds and counterstained with eosin. For regressive staining, 1 g dye, 9 g iron alum and 50 ml acetic acid are combined to make 1 liter with distilled water. Staining time is 5 minutes followed by differentiation in 1% acid alcohol and blueing in 0.5% sodium acetate. Counterstain with eosin. In both cases results very closely resemble a good hematoxylin and eosin.  相似文献   

A simple method to enhance the staining of cell wall components for fluorescence microscopy is described. In stems of Nicotiana tabacum and needles of Pinus eldarica lignin, the cuticle and unsaturated lipids are indicated by a purple-red fluorescence while pectocellulosic components fluorescc pale blue.  相似文献   

A gradual deterioration of intensity of sequence ferrous sulfate hematoxylin staining was traced, after elimination of hematoxylin quality as a cause, to a deterioration of the metal salt, associated with caking of the crystals. Fresh samples were also partly caked and ineffective. Ferrous ammonium sulfate was found also subject to the same deterioration. Ferrous chloride freshly prepared as a 1 M solution from iron wire under anaerobic conditions at biweekly intervals proved to be satisfactory as a mordant source. Of several other mordant dyes tested: gallein, brazilin and chromoxane pure blue B were the best, but none was equal to good hematoxylin.  相似文献   

By means of auto-radiography and Feulgen-microspectrophotometry, a published technic using safranin and inago-picrocarmine was investigated for reliability in staining cells differentially in different stages of the cell cycle. The technic was found to be unreliable.  相似文献   

A staining technique for differentiating starch granules and cell walls was developed for computer-assisted studies of starch granule distribution in cells of wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] caryopses. Blocks of embedded caryopses were sectioned, exposing the endosperm tissue, and stained with iodine potassium iodide (IKI) and Calcofluor White. Excessive tissue hydration during staining was avoided by using stains prepared in 80% ethanol and using short staining times. The IKI quenched background fluorescence which facilitated the use of higher concentrations of Calcofluor White. Cell wall definition was improved with the IKI-Calcofluor staining combination compared to Calcofluor alone. The high contrast between darkly stained starch granules and fluorescent cell walls permitted computer assisted analysis of data from selected hard and soft wheat varieties. The ratio of starch granule area to cell area was similar for both wheat classes. The starch granule sizes ranged from 2.1 μm3 to 22,000 μm3 with approximately 90% of the granules measuring less than 752 μm3 (ca. 11 μm in diameter). Hard wheat samples had a greater number of small starch granules and a lower mean starch granule area compared to the soft wheat varieties tested. The starch size distribution curve was bimodal for both the hard and soft wheat varieties. Three-dimensional starch size distribution was measured for four cells near the central cheek region of a single caryopsis. The percentage of small granules was higher at the ends than at the mid-section of the cells.  相似文献   

Various mammalian tissues were stained en bloc with hematoxylin and eosin after fixation and prior to embedding in paraffin wax and sectioning. The choice of fixative is important and best results are obtained using Worcester's Fluid, a combination of saturated aqueous mercuric chloride, formaldehyde, and glacial acetic acid. After fixation, blocks of tissue up to 1.5 cm thick are stained for seven days in hematoxylin. Excess stain is removed by washing tissues in running water overnight. Tissue blocks then are dehydrated with graded concentrations of ethyl alcohols to 80% and counterstained, with further dehydration, in 0.5% spirit soluble eosin in 90% ethyl alcohol for five days. The tissue is subsequently transferred to 90% ethyl alcohol overnight to differentiate eosin staining; dehydration is completed in absolute ethyl alcohol. The blocks are cleared in cedarwood oil and briefly in xylene prior to embedding, sectioning, and mounting. Following removal of wax by xylene, coverslips are applied.

General morphological and histological features were particularly well differentiated and very selectively and reliably stained by this method.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa) root tips were fixed in a proprietary solution without aldehyde, toxic metals or acetic acid. Fixed specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned on a rotary microtome and mounted on detergent-washed slides without adhesive. Slides with ribbon segments affixed were immersed in 0.2% aqueous alcian blue 8GX in screw-capped Coplin jars in a water bath at 50 C for 1 hr. Excess alcian blue was rinsed off under cold running tap water and the slides were immersed in quick-mixed hematoxylin at room temperature for 15 min. Stained slides were deparaffinized, rinsed with isopropanol, air dried, and coverslips were affixed with resin. Thus, the traditional paraffin microtechnique has been modified at all steps from fixation to finishing slides with coverslips.  相似文献   

Two iron hematoxylin staining procedures were developed. Both use stable stock solutions and can be prepared volumetrically. The nuclear stain is progressive but differentiation is required for myelin sheath and elastic tissue staining. Histochemical procedures demonstrated that acid, hydroxyl, and aldehyde groups play no role in the staining but amine groups are essential. With both types of stains neither electrostatic bonding nor hydrogen bonding is essential but the nature of the union between tissue and the iron hematoxylin complex was not determined.  相似文献   

Mounted deparaffinized sections were stained for 30-60 minutes at room temperature in a mixture of equal volumes of 0.1% aqueous solutions of safranin O and fast green FCF filtered before use. They were then washed in distilled water for 5 minutes, blotted, washed in 2 changes of absolute alcohol (2-3 min) and mounted from xylene. The nucleic acids are stained purplish-red, half esters of sulfuric acid orange, and proteins green. The procedure is applicable to a variety of materials fixed in a number of reagents though best results are obtained after acetic-alcohol fixation. Bouin's fluid and 10% neutral formalin are not suitable fixatives for this procedure. After acetic-alcohol fixation, the staining procedure may be used in conjunction with enzyme or extraction technics in order to characterize certain chemical components of cells or tissues. The safranin-fast-green technic has proved useful in investigations of pathological changes in tissues; in the visualization of secretory granules and in studies of cellular differentiation. The technic also would appear to greatly facilitate mitotic index determinations.  相似文献   

Mordant blue 3 may be used as a suhstitute for hematoxylin in hematoxylin and eosin stains. The staining solution consists of 0.25 g dye, 40 ml of 10% iron dam, 5 ml of cone H2SO4, and 955 ml of dirtilled H2O. Staining the is 5 minutes, followed by differentiation in acid water or acid alcohol. After blueing, the seaions are counterstained with emin. Results closely resemble the hematoxylin and eosin stain.  相似文献   

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