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AIMS: To enhance the fermentation of maltotriose by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. METHODS AND RESULTS: The capability to ferment maltotriose by an industrial yeast strain that uses this sugar aerobically was tested in shake flasks containing rich medium. While the presence of maltose in the medium did not improve maltotriose fermentation, enhanced and constitutive expression of the AGT1 permease not only increased the uptake of maltotriose, but allowed efficient maltotriose fermentation by this strain. Supplementation of the growth medium with 20 mmol magnesium l(-1) also increased maltotriose fermentation. CONCLUSIONS: Over expression of the AGT1 permease and magnesium supplementation improved maltotriose fermentation by an industrial yeast strain that respired but did not ferment this sugar. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work contributes to the elucidation of the roles of the AGT1 permease and nutrients in the fermentation of all sugars present in starch hydrolysates, a highly desirable trait for several industrial yeasts.  相似文献   

D-xylose utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although it is generally accepted that Saccharomyces cerevisiae is unable to assimilate D-xylose, four strains were found to utilize xylose aerobically at different efficiencies in the presence of a mixture of substrates. The degree of D-xylose utilization by S. cerevisiae ATCC 26602 depended upon the presence of other substrates or yeast extract. The greatest amount of xylose (up to 69% over 7 d) was utilized when sugar substrates such as D-ribose were co-metabolized. Much lower degrees of utilization occurred with co-metabolism of organic acids, polyols or ethanol. A mixture of D-glucose, D-ribose, D-raffinose, glycerol and D-xylose resulted in greater xylose utilization than the presence of a single substrate and xylose. The absence of growth on a co-substrate alone did not prevent the utilization of xylose in its presence. Xylose was co-metabolized with ribose under anaerobic conditions but at a much slower rate than under aerobic conditions. When [14C]xylose was utilized in the presence of ribose under anaerobic conditions, the radioactive label was detected mainly in xylitol and not in the small amounts of ethanol produced. Under aerobic conditions the radioactive label was distributed between xylitol (91.3 +/- 0.8%), CO2 (2.6 +/- 2.3%) and biomass (1.7 +/- 0.6%). No other metabolic products were detected. Whereas most xylose was dissimilated rather than assimilated by S. cerevisiae, the organism apparently possesses a pathway which completely oxidizes xylose in the presence of another substrate.  相似文献   

Two haploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae viz. MATalpha and MATa were grown in glucose and trehalose medium and growth patterns were compared. Both strains show similar growth, except for an extended lag phase in trehalose grown cells. In both trehalose grown strains increase in activities of both extracellular trehalase activities and simultaneous decrease in extracellular trehalose level was seen. This coincided with a sharp increase in extracellular glucose level and beginning of log phase of growth. Alcohol production was also observed. Secreted trehalase activity was detected, in addition to periplasmic activity. It appeared that extracellular trehalose was hydrolyzed into glucose by extracellular trehalase activity. This glucose was utilized by the cells for growth. The alcohol formation was due to the fermentation of glucose. Addition of extracellular trehalase caused reduction in the lag phase when grown in trehalose medium, supporting our hypothesis of extracellular utilization of trehalose.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) is synthesized by multiple pathways located in different subcellular compartments in yeast. Strains defective in the synthesis of PtdEtn via phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) synthase/decarboxylase are auxotrophic for ethanolamine, which must be transported into the cell and converted to phospholipid by the cytidinediphosphate-ethanolamine-dependent Kennedy pathway. We now demonstrate that yeast strains with psd1Delta psd2Delta mutations, devoid of PtdSer decarboxylases, import and acylate exogenous 1-acyl-2-hydroxyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (lyso-PtdEtn). Lyso-PtdEtn supports growth and replaces the mitochondrial pool of PtdEtn much more efficiently than and independently of PtdEtn derived from the Kennedy pathway. Deletion of both the PtdSer decarboxylase and Kennedy pathways yields a strain that is a stringent lyso-PtdEtn auxotroph. Evidence for the specific uptake of lyso-PtdEtn by yeast comes from analysis of strains harboring deletions of the aminophospholipid translocating P-type ATPases (APLTs). Elimination of the APLTs, Dnf1p and Dnf2p, or their noncatalytic beta-subunit, Lem3p, blocked the import of radiolabeled lyso-PtdEtn and resulted in growth inhibition of lyso-PtdEtn auxotrophs. In cell extracts, lyso-PtdEtn is rapidly converted to PtdEtn by an acyl-CoA-dependent acyltransferase. These results now provide 1) an assay for APLT function based on an auxotrophic phenotype, 2) direct demonstration of APLT action on a physiologically relevant substrate, and 3) a genetic screen aimed at finding additional components that mediate the internalization, trafficking, and acylation of exogenous lyso-phospholipids.  相似文献   

A variety of leucine-containing di- and tripeptides and two lysine-containing dipeptides supported the growth of strain Z1-2D, a leucine, lysine auxotroph of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, (Lys)2, (Lys)3, (Lys)4, and (Lys)5 as well as Gly-Leu-Gly, three tetra- and one pentapeptide containing leucine were not utilized by the mutant. Cellular peptidases released leucine or lysine from all of these non-growth-supporting peptides, suggesting that the failure of strain Z1-2D to utilize these compounds reflects their failure to enter the yeast. Competition studies employing phenylalanine or non-leucine-containing peptides showed that the uptake of peptides into S. cerevisiae Z1-2D is distinct from that of amino acids and that di- and oligopeptides may share a common transport system. The failure of strain Z1-2D to utilize any peptide larger than (Leu)3 may indicate a transport size limit. Such a size limit would influence the construction of models that explain the action of yeast mating factors.  相似文献   

There are several kinds of regulation that enable microbes to cope with rapidly changing supplies of nutrients. This is exemplified by sugar metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Some readily reversible controls affect the activity of enzymes, either by allosteric activation and deactivation, which often occur within seconds, or by covalent modification, within minutes. Other controls regulate the amount of enzyme present in the cells, either by irreversible proteolytic inactivation of the enzyme, or by influencing enzymic synthesis. The nomenclature of these processes is often confused.  相似文献   

Sugar transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Sucrose is the major carbon source used by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during production of baker's yeast, fuel ethanol and several distilled beverages. It is generally accepted that sucrose fermentation proceeds through extracellular hydrolysis of the sugar, mediated by the periplasmic invertase, producing glucose and fructose that are transported into the cells and metabolized. In the present work we analyzed the contribution to sucrose fermentation of a poorly characterized pathway of sucrose utilization by S. cerevisiae cells, the active transport of the sugar through the plasma membrane and its intracellular hydrolysis. A yeast strain that lacks the major hexose transporters (hxt1-hxt7 and gal2) is incapable of growing on or fermenting glucose or fructose. Our results show that this hxt-null strain is still able to ferment sucrose due to direct uptake of the sugar into the cells. Deletion of the AGT1 gene, which encodes a high-affinity sucrose-H(+) symporter, rendered cells incapable of sucrose fermentation. Since sucrose is not an inducer of the permease, expression of the AGT1 must be constitutive in order to allow growth of the hxt-null strain on sucrose. The molecular characterization of active sucrose transport and fermentation by S. cerevisiae cells opens new opportunities to optimize yeasts for sugarcane-based industrial processes.  相似文献   

A recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, secreting -galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis, grew efficiently with more than 60 g lactose l–1. The growth rate (0.23 h–1) in a cheese-whey medium was close to the highest reported hitherto for other recombinant S. cerevisiae strains that express intracellular -galactosidase and lactose-permease genes. The conditions for growth and -galactosidase secretion in this medium were optimized in a series of factorial experiments. Best results were obtained at 23 °C for 72 h. Since the recombinant strain produced less than 3% ethanol from the lactose, it was also assayed for the production of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate from cheese whey, and 0.06 g l–1 h–1 were obtained.  相似文献   

Aims: We performed an analysis of maltotriose utilization by 52 Saccharomyces yeast strains able to ferment maltose efficiently and correlated the observed phenotypes with differences in the copy number of genes possibly involved in maltotriose utilization by yeast cells. Methods and Results: The analysis of maltose and maltotriose utilization by laboratory and industrial strains of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces pastorianus (a natural S. cerevisiae/Saccharomyces bayanus hybrid) was carried out using microscale liquid cultivation, as well as in aerobic batch cultures. All strains utilize maltose efficiently as a carbon source, but three different phenotypes were observed for maltotriose utilization: efficient growth, slow/delayed growth and no growth. Through microarray karyotyping and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis blots, we analysed the copy number and localization of several maltose‐related genes in selected S. cerevisiae strains. While most strains lacked the MPH2 and MPH3 transporter genes, almost all strains analysed had the AGT1 gene and increased copy number of MALx1 permeases. Conclusions: Our results showed that S. pastorianus yeast strains utilized maltotriose more efficiently than S. cerevisiae strains and highlighted the importance of the AGT1 gene for efficient maltotriose utilization by S. cerevisiae yeasts. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our results revealed new maltotriose utilization phenotypes, contributing to a better understanding of the metabolism of this carbon source for improved fermentation by Saccharomyces yeasts.  相似文献   

Aims:  The main objective of this study was to identify amino acid residues in the AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporter (Agt1p) that are critical for efficient transport of maltotriose in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Methods and Results:  The sequences of two AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters with different efficiencies of maltotriose transport in two Saccharomyces strains (WH310 and WH314) were compared. The sequence variations and discrepancies between these two proteins (Agt1pWH310 and Agt1pWH314) were investigated for potential effects on the functionality and maltotriose transport efficiency of these two AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters. A 23‐amino‐acid C‐terminal truncation proved not to be critical for maltotriose affinity. The identification of three amino acid differences, which potentially could have been instrumental in the transportation of maltotriose, were further investigated. Single mutations were created to restore the point mutations I505T, V549A and T557S one by one. The single site mutant V549A showed a decrease in maltotriose transport ability, and the I505T and T557S mutants showed complete reduction in maltotriose transport. Conclusions:  The amino acids Thr505 and Ser557, which are respectively located in the transmembrane (TM) segment TM11 and on the intracellular segment after TM12 of the AGT1‐encoded α‐glucoside transporters, are critical for efficient transport of maltotriose in S. cerevisiae. Significance and Impact of the Study:  Improved fermentation of starch and its dextrin products, such as maltotriose and maltose, would benefit the brewing and whisky industries. This study could facilitate the development of engineered maltotriose transporters adapted to starch‐efficient fermentation systems, and offers prospects for the development of yeast strains with improved maltose and maltotriose uptake capabilities that, in turn, could increase the overall fermentation efficiencies in the beer and whisky industries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a method to optimize expression levels of xylose-metabolizing enzymes to improve xylose utilization capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A xylose-utilizing recombinant S. cerevisiae strain YY2KL, able to express nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced (NADPH)-dependent xylose reductase (XR), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+))-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH), and xylulokinase (XK), showed a low ethanol yield and sugar consumption rate. To optimize xylose utilization by YY2KL, a recombinant expression plasmid containing the XR gene was transformed and integrated into the aur1 site of YY2KL. Two recombinant expression plasmids containing an nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP(+))-dependent XDH mutant and XK genes were dually transformed and integrated into the 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sites of YY2KL. This procedure allowed systematic construction of an S. cerevisiae library with different ratios of genes for xylose-metabolizing enzymes, and well-grown colonies with different xylose fermentation capacities could be further selected in yeast protein extract (YPX) medium (1?% yeast extract, 2?% peptone, and 2?% xylose). We successfully isolated a recombinant strain with a superior xylose fermentation capacity and designated it as strain YY5A. The xylose consumption rate for strain YY5A was estimated to be 2.32?g/gDCW/h (g xylose/g dry cell weight/h), which was 2.34 times higher than that for the parent strain YY2KL (0.99?g/gDCW/h). The ethanol yield was also enhanced 1.83 times by this novel method. Optimal ratio and expression levels of xylose-metabolizing enzymes are important for efficient conversion of xylose to ethanol. This study provides a novel method that allows rapid and effective selection of ratio-optimized xylose-utilizing yeast strains. This method may be applicable to other multienzyme systems in yeast.  相似文献   

The rate of fermentation of glucose by a polyploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing in a defined salts medium depends on the availability of NH4++. Its decline after exhaustion of the nitrogen source corresponded with the ability of the cells to accumulate the glucose analogue 2-deoxyglucose. Addition of NH4++to a nitrogen-depleted culture stimulated both glucose utilization and 2-deoxyglucose uptake. Since stimulation was inhibited by cycloheximide, maintenance of glucose transport during fermentation is dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Allantoin uptake in both growing and resting cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs by a low-Km (ca. 15 micrometer) transport system that uses energy that is likely generated in the cytoplasm. This conclusion was based on the observation that transport did not occur in the absence of glucose or the presence of dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide-m-chloro-phenyl hydrazine, fluoride, or arsenate ions. Normal uptake was observed, however, in the presence of cyanide. The rate of accumulation was maximal at pH 5.2. In contrast to the urea transport system, allantoin uptake appeared to be unidirectional. Preloaded, radioactive allantoin was not lost from cells suspended in allantoin-free buffer and did not exchange with exogenously added, nonradioactive allantoin. Treatment of preloaded cells with nystatin, however, released the accumulated radioactivity. Allantoin accumulated within cells was isolated and shown to be chemically unaltered.  相似文献   

Proline transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is capable of utilizing proline as the sole source of nitrogen. Mutants of S. cerevisiae with defective proline transport were isolated by selecting for resistance to either of the toxic proline analogs L-azetidine-2-carboxylate or 3,4-dehydro-DL-proline. Strains carrying the put4 mutation are defective in the high-affinity proline transport system. These mutants could still grow when given high concentrations of proline, due to the operation of low-affinity systems whose existence as confirmed by kinetic studies. Both systems were repressed by ammonium ions, and either was induce by proline. Low-affinity transport was inhibited by histidine, so put4 mutants were unable to grow on a medium containing high concentrations of proline to which histidine has been added.  相似文献   

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