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A. Mirimanoff 《Protoplasma》1953,42(2):250-260
Résumé Le présent travail expose quelles sont les réactions de la cellule végétale lorsque cette dernière est soumise à l'association d'un toxique et d'un « mouillant » (Netzmittel).Les variables sont: la nature de la cellule végétale, celle du toxique et celle du mouillant.Alors que les mouillants cationiques, eux-mêmes toxiques, exercent une simple action additive, les mouillants anioniques révèlent dans de nombreux cas une synergie de toxicité. Celle-ci se manifeste surtout avec les champignons et les bactéries Gram+, les végétaux supérieurs se montrant indifférents. Cette synergie varie également avec la structure moléculaire du mouillant.Les mouillants non ioniques peuvent au contraire exercer une action antagoniste, c'est-à-dire diminuer la toxicité.Ce dernier phénomène se produit dans certains cas à la suite d'une réaction chimique entre le mouillant et le toxique; la nature de la cellule est alors indifférente. Dans d'autres cas, il y a absence de réaction chimique et le phénomène ne se produit qu'avec certains types de cellules (champignons surtout).La nature chimique du toxique joue, dans la synergie, un rôle moins important que dans l'antagonisme.Des hypothèses sont formulées pour tenter d'élucider le mécanisme des cas de synergie et d'antagonisme.  相似文献   

E. Thibout 《BioControl》1988,33(4):439-452
Résumé La spécificité deDiadromus pulchellus vis-à-vis de son h?te habituel,Acrolepiopsis assectella, est testée à l'aide de 3 autres espèces de Lépidoptère,Plutella xylostella, Ephestia kuehniella etPlodia interpunctella. D. pulchellus parasite spontanémentA. assectella etP. xylostella, que les chrysalides soient nues ou avec leur cocon et que les larves soient élevées ou non sur leur plante h?te. Les 2 autres espèces ne sont parasitées que si elles sont introduites dans un cocon d'A. assectella ou deP. xylostella. Le cocon est donc un des éléments de la spécialisation deD. pulchellus. Il pourrait s'agir de facteurs physiques liés à la structure du cocon, mais également de composés chimiques insolubles présents dans la soie et les glandes labiales mais absents des glandes mandibulaires. La spécificité deD. pulchellus, essentiellement éthologique, semble renforcée par des facteurs physiologiques nutritionnels, la mortalité deD. pulchellus étant plus élevée dansP. unterpunctella que dans les autres espèces h?tes, en particulierA. assectella etE. kuehniella. La base trophique des larves est donc plus large que la base de ponte des femelles. Les parasito?des entièrement élevés surE. kuehniella ouP. interpunctella étant incapables de pondre spontanément dans les chrysalides des espèces dont ils sont issus, l'hypothèse d'Hopkins est ici infirmée.   相似文献   

Résumé La persistance des conidiospores deNomuraea rileyi (F.) Samson à la surface du couvert végétal a été étudiéein situ en culture de féverole (?Féverole 1 et 2?) et de chou. L'effet du rayonnement solaire sur la survie du germe a été analysé, d'une part, dans des microparcelles recouvertes d'écrans sélectifs arrêtant les radiations de longueurs d'onde inférieures à 320 nm (UV A+) ou à 400 nm (UV) ou par un écran total vis-à-vis du rayonnement direct (RYT) et, d'autre part, dans une microparcelle découverte (RYT+). Les conditions microclimatiques ont été suivies pendant toute la durée des expérimentations et le contr?le de l'activité résiduelle du champignon a porté essentiellement sur le dénombrement des spores viables sur milieu nutritif après mise en suspension d'un broyat des échantillons de feuilles prélevés sur le terrain. Dans le cas des variantes expérimentales (RYT+) et (RYT) le potentiel infectieux a été éprouvé sur des larves deSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lépidoptère Noctuidae) alimentées pendant 24 h avec des rondelles de feuilles recueillies dans le couvert. La durée de demi-vie de l'inoculum sporal est étroitement liée à l'ensoleillement; par temps clair elle peut atteindre un minimum de 3,6 h (?Féverole 1?), alors que dans les microparcelles totalement protégées du rayonnement direct, elle est supérieure à 40 h. Les données d'activité pathogène confirment l'inactivation de l'inoculum soumis au rayonnement solaire. Parallèlement, le recours aux écrans transparents (UV A+) ou opaques (UV) au proche ultra-violet (320–400 nm) a permis de démontrer clairement l'effet léthal de l'UV A naturel sur les conidiospores deN. rileyi, dont les demi-vies peuvent être réduites jusqu'à 4 fois (?Féverole 1?: XUV A +=11,6 h au lieu de XUV−=48,2 h). A partir de ces résultats, on estime que par temps ensoleillé en été, le potentiel d'inoculum deN. rileyi exposé au rayonnement solaire direct peut chuter de 104 fois en une semaine, alors que par temps couvert cette réduction n'aurait été que de 100 fois. Avec la collaboration technique deH. Vermeil de Conchard.  相似文献   

The Huhner test is an easy, unpainful, unexpensive test which must be done first at the time of unfertility exploration. His clinical and prognosticated interest is much debated because many imprecisions in its realisation and interpretation occur. Our multicentric study proves that this test is quite standardized in his realisation but a loss of its efficacity appears by the fact of a inadequate collaboration between attending physicians and biologists.  相似文献   

Anne Fournier 《Plant Ecology》1984,57(2-3):177-188
Leaf renewal of two species of Graminae under natural conditions was followed during 1980 in the Lamto savannas (5°02W, 6°13N; Ivory Coast) by using a marking method.A demographic analysis of the leaf populations is presented: fluctuations during the year of birth, mortality, survival curves and life expectancies of successive cohorts, age structure of the populations.The conclusion is that except rainfall and soil moisture other factors are important, such as the physiological conditions of the plant, annual burnings, and architectural features.



To assess the efficacy and safety of percutaneous testicular biopsy to provide sperm cells for ICSI in male patients with azoospermia not amenable to surgical treatment.

Materials and methods

From October 1995 to December 2001, 175 biopsies were performed in men with azoospermia to provide material for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Azoospermia was obstructive (OA) in 41 cases and non-obstructive (NOA) in 134 cases. Open biopsy was performed in the first 15 patients in the series and percutaneous biopsy was performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, with a Biopty Gun® (14G needle), in the subsequent patients as the first step in management. Open surgical biopsies were performed in another 15 patients following a sperm cell-negative percutaneous biopsy.


All biopsies performed for OA were positive, but only 51/134 biopsies (38%) were positive in the NOA group. The material provided by percutaneous biopsy, when positive for sperm cells, was always sufficient to perform ICSI. When percutaneous biopsy was negative, open surgical biopsy failed to give better results. Five men developed minor complications (acute hematocele) following percutaneous biopsies requiring reoperation for hemostasis (3.12%). No major complications were observed. Results were comparable in terms of fertilization and pregnancy rates whether fresh or frozen-thawed sperm was used.


Percutaneous testicular sperm extraction is a safe, well-tolerated and cost-effective procedure in the management of male-factor infertility related to azoospermia.  相似文献   

The soil dynamics of old-fields, characterized by the early establishment of broom (Cytisus scoparius L.), is analysed in the Breton bocage. The role of former land use practices is estimated by comparing two similar plant successions, post cultivation and post pasture. Different variables (organic matter, mineral N content, microbial biomass, total microbial activity and mineralization) are measured within the soil layer disturbed by farming (between –5 and –25 cm). One year after abandonment, the parameters taken into account show similar values for both series. After 8 years, in broom thickets, the two soil series are characterized by an increase in microbial activity, organic matter and mineral N contents. However, the post cultivation thicket differed by higher N content and mineralization rate than the post pasture thicket, but also by a smaller microbial biomass. It appears that, if the development of similar vegetational communities promotes the same kind of soil dynamics, the former land use practices significantly modify this evolution, for at least the first 8 years following abandonment.  相似文献   

Freléchoux F., Meisser M. and Gillet F. 2007. Secondary succession and loss in plant diversity following a grazing decrease in a wooded pasture of the central Swiss Alps. Bot. Helv. 117: 37 – 56. Reduced cattle grazing pressure in the Alps has caused the reforestation of many subalpine pastures during the last decades. To understand the dynamics of natural reforestation and to evaluate how this change affects plant species diversity, we described the vegetation of a wooded pasture in the central Swiss Alps (Sembrancher, Valais) using the integrated synusial method. Based on stratified vegetation relevés in 27 plots,we defined 11 community types at the synusial level (two tree-layer, five shrub-layer, and four herb-layer synusiae), and four community types at the phytocoenosis level (pasture, tall forbs and scrub, wooded pasture and forest). The spatial distribution of these four phytocoenoses suggests that they represent successional stages after abandonment, and that the pathway of vegetation succession depends on the aspect. We suppose that on northern oriented, cool and shady locations, abandoned pastures first develop towards tall-forb meadows and scrub with Alnus viridis, and then to a preforested stage with Picea abies and Larix decidua. In contrast, on western oriented, warm and sunny location, Larix decidua (mainly) and Picea abies directly colonize the abandoned pastures, but further succession finally leads to the same pre-forested stage as on northern slopes. Plant species richness was highest in open areas and decreased by 25% as tree cover increased from 6% to 65%. According to our successional model, plant species diversity is lost more rapidly on northern slopes (with species-poor green alder scrub) than on western slopes (with species-rich young larch forests), suggesting that northern slopes most urgently need an appropriate grazing management. Manuscrit accepté le 28 mars 2007  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of our study was to describe the epidemiological profile of ectopic pregnancies (EP) in Côte d’Ivoire and to show the utility of ultrasound Doppler in the early diagnosis of EP.Patients and methodOur prospective study had been carried out for 24 months (from February 2006 to January 2008). It concerned 32 cases of ectopic pregnancy discovered at the suprapubic or endovaginal ultrasound scan with or without Doppler use.ResultsThe frequency of ectopic pregnancies was estimated at 1.7%. Patients’ mean age was 26.2 years. The personal history was dominated by abortions (32%) and adnexal infections (20%). Most of the patients were nulliparous (52.5%). Requests for ultrasound scans were motivated for most of them by metrorrhagia. The ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed at the ruptured stage in 65.6% of the cases (21 patients) and at the nonruptured stage in 34.4 % of the cases (11 patients). In six cases of nonruptured stage, we used the Doppler. The elementary lesions found were hematosalpinx in 40.6% of the cases, embryonate ectopic gestational sac (31.3%) and nonembryonate ectopic gestational sac (18.7%). In three cases (9.4%), no elementary lesions were found.Conclusionin Côte d’Ivoire, the ectopic pregnancy concerns a very young nulliparous population with abortion and adnexal history. The use of color signal of Doppler added to the endovaginal ultrasound scan, allows establishing the diagnosis at the early stage.  相似文献   

Newly recognized specimens reveal the occurrenceof an agriotherine ursid, Indartos aff. arctoides, in the Late Miocene fauna of Menacer (ex-Marceau), Algeria). The identification of these specimens and their chronological and biogeographical significances are established by comparison with other agriotheres in the Old World. The major features of the agriotherine radiation in Eurasia and Africa are defined.  相似文献   

Résumé 45 Anguilles sont maintenues (32 h. à 46 jours) en eau déminéralisée (désionisée ou distillée). On note un assombrissement de la pigmentation, une hypertrophie importante de la vésicule biliaire et des modifications du système hypothalamo-hypophysaire.Dans la pars distalis rostrale, les cellules à prolactine subissent une régression, ne semblant plus élaborer de granulations. Les cellules corticotropes sont faiblement stimulées, partiellement dégranulées, en accord avec la légère activation de l'interrénal. Les cellules thyréotropes apparaissent souvent peu actives après 46 jours; cependant, l'examen préliminaire des thyroïdes ne montre pas d'hypoactivité. Dans la pars distalis proximale, les cellules gonadotropes ne sont pas modifiées; les cellules somatotropes sont stimulées: hypertrophie nucléaire et nucléolaire, développement de l'ergastoplasme, sans dégranulation complète. Leur rôle dans l'osmorégulation est discuté. Dans le lobe intermédiaire, les cellules du type 1, hématoxyline au plomb positives, prédominent chez les témoins; elles subissent une stimulation avec dégranulation partielle correspondant peut-être à l'assombrissement de la pigmentation. Le type 2, PAS positif, s'hypertrophie et s'hyperplasie rapidement en eau déminéralisée. Cette hyperactivité indiquerait un rôle dans l'osmorégulation. Le neuroséorétat s'accumule, puis tend à diminuer, la neurohypophyse étant de volume réduit. Le noyau préoptique paraît peu actif. L'hypothèse d'une faible utilisation des produits élaborés par l'axe hypothalamo-neurohypophysaire est envisagée. En plus de l'interrénal et des corpuscules de Stannius, l'hypothalamus et l'hypophyse interviennent donc dans la réponse de l'Anguille à une déminéralisation du milieu ambiant.
Summary 45 male silver eels were kept from 32 hours to 46 days in demineralized (distilled or deionized) water. They show a darkening of the skin, a hypertrophy of the gall-bladder and some modifications of the hypothalamo-neuro-adenohypophysial system.In the rostral pars distalis, the prolactin cells regressed and appeared chromophobic. The corticotrophic cells are slightly stimulated and partly degranulated, in correlation with some activation of the interrenal, previously described. The thyrotrophic cells do not appear active at the end of the experiment, however the thyroid glands are not often inactive.In the proximal pars distalis, the gonadotrophic cells remain undifferentiated. The somatotrophic cells are strongly stimulated: a cellular, nuclear and nucleolar hyperactivity, without degranulation and a development of the ergastoplasm are observed. Their role in osmoregulation and metabolism of potassium is discussed.The pars intermedia is composed of two cell types: one of which is predominant, leadhematoxylin positive. It could elaborate the MSH (intermedin). In demineralized water, it is partly degranulated and progressively stimulated, perhaps in correlation with the darkening of the pigmentation. The other cell type is PAS positive, and not abundant in the control fish. In the treated fish, rapid hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur, with cytoplasmic degranulation and mitotic activity, so that it becomes predominant in this lobe after a month or more in demineralized water. Cytologic criteria indicate a great hyperactivity which seems to play a role in the processes of the osmoregulation; this hypothesis is discussed.The neurosecretory material tends to increase, as a storage, then to decrease in the neurohypophysis which is of a reduced volume. The preoptic nucleus does not appear active. In addition to the modifications of the interrenal and the corpuscles of Stannius previously described, the changes in the hypothalamus and the pituitary constitute evidence of their important role in the reaction of the eel to a demineralized environment.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle Jacqueline Olivereau, du C.N.R.S., que nous remercions bien vivement: elle nous a beaucoup aidée au cours de ces expériences, en particulier lors des changements quotidiens de l'eau distillée ou désionisée, et a réalisé toutes les préparations histologiques et les microphotographies illustrant cet article.  相似文献   

M. Gilbert 《PSN》2007,5(1):72-76
The question of personal identity is central to any reflection on mankind and, therefore, immediately relevant to clinical anthropology. The notion of the continuity of personal identity over time represents Ric?ur’s contribution to the question. Upheaval and continuity in life are integrated into self-narrative, enabling temporal permanence of identity, which generates reflective consciousness and its concomitant ethical dimension. But from this anthropological point of view, the subject doesn’t construct a self and world through narrative. On the contrary, it is narrative elements that construct the subject, allowing the subject to make sense of his or her subjective life in the world. Through this narrative conception of the suffering individual, Ric?ur makes a distinct contribution to discourse in clinical anthropology in positing that suffering is a part of a person’s effort to recount their lives.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):165-171
Since the end of the XXth century, the palaeontological site of Archingeay-Les Nouillers (Charente-Maritime, western France) continued to afford Albian-Cenomanian (ca 93–113 Ma) plant meso- and macroremains. The successive excavations provided numerous specimens useful for the reconstruction of mid-Cretaceous coastal forest ecosystems. However, one of the most remarkable features of this locality is the diversity of plant preservations. Unique in Europe from this point of view, the fossiliferous site of Archingeay-Les Nouillers yielded compressions with or without cuticle, impressions/imprints, and silicified permineralizations/petrifications. The quality of the silicified tissues and the cell preservation allow this locality to be considered as a plant Konservat-Lagerstätte.  相似文献   

Osteonecrosis is the most frequent complications of sickle-cell disease (SCD) whose prevalence in Côte d’Ivoire is 21%. The main of this study was to compare scintigraphy, clinical and radiological observations to assess earlier diagnosis in SCD osteonecrosis. It was a prospective study about 45 SCD patients who presented coxopathy and had radio-labelled diphosphonates bone scintigraphy. The results revealed 49% of lesions whose 48% appeared wiyh homogeneous hyperfixation, 11% homogeneous hypofixation, 5% of hypofixation contourned by hyperfixation. Eighty-one percent of lesions concerned femoral head, 6% femoral condyle and 3% humoral head. Fifty percent of osteonecrosis was not visible in radiology and corresponded to the earlier stade. These invisible radiology aspects were observed in 100% hips without lameness, and in 43% permanent lameness. Scintigraphy (sensitive in 100%) isolated 38% more than conventional radiography. In main to improve SCD osteonecrosis prognostic in Côte d’Ivoire, this preliminary study outline that scintigraphy is fundamental in management.  相似文献   

According to the classical stratigraphical conceptions, the Belgian Heersian was classified in the Landenian, and assigned to the basal Lower Eocene. It is composed of marine Sands of Orp-le-Grand, which contain a riche selacian fauna, also of Gelinden Marls covering and interpenetrating the Sands.Among the vertebrate remains recently discovered at Maret en Brabant in the marl facieswithin the Sands was a small tooth which represents the first mammalian remain from the Heersian, and attests the occurence of the insectivorous genus Adapisorex, hitherto known from the paleocene localities of Cernay-les-Reims and Walbeck. The specimen from Maret en Brabant reopens the question of the age of the Belgian Heersian and supports its classification within the Paleocene, according to paleobotanical data and indications obtained from the selacian fauna.  相似文献   

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