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The chromosomal DNA segment of human B cell stimulatory factor-2 (BSF-2/IL-6) was isolated and characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The human BSF-2/IL-6 gene consists of five exons and four introns and its organization shows a distinctive similarity to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor gene. The two genes have the same number of exons and introns and the size of each exon is strikingly similar. The BSF-2/IL-6 mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in a human T cell leukemia virus-1 transformed T cell line, TCL-Na1, a bladder cell carcinoma line, T24, and an amnion derived cell line, FL. The BSF-2/IL-6 mRNA was also found to be inducible with interleukin-1 beta in an astrocytoma line, U373 and a glioblastoma line, SK-MG-4. S1 mapping and primer extension analyses showed the presence of multiple initiation sites and the preferential utilization of a different initiation site for each individual tissue tested.  相似文献   

EBV infects human B lymphocytes and induces them to proliferate, to produce Ig, and to give rise to immortal cell lines. Although the mechanisms of B cell activation by EBV are largely unknown, the continuous proliferation of EBV-immortalized B cells is dependent, at least in part, upon autocrine growth factors produced by the same EBV-infected B cells. In the present studies we have examined the influence of monocytes on B cell activation by EBV and found that unlike peripheral blood T cells and B cells, monocytes enhance by as much as 30- to 50-fold virus-induced B cell proliferation and Ig production. Upon activation with LPS, monocytes secrete a growth factor activity that promotes both proliferation and Ig secretion in EBV-infected B cells and thus reproduces the effects of monocytes in these cultures. Unlike a number of other factors, rIFN-beta 2/B cell stimulatory factor 2 (BSF-2)/IL-6 stimulates the growth of human B cells activated by EBV in a manner similar to that induced by activated monocyte supernatants. In addition, an antiserum to IFN-beta that recognizes both IFN-beta 1 and IFN-beta 2 completely neutralizes the B cell growth factor activity of activated monocyte supernatants. These findings demonstrate that IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6 is a growth factor for human B cells activated by EBV and suggest that this molecule is responsible for B cell growth stimulation induced by activated monocyte supernatants. We have examined the possibility that IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6 might also be responsible for B cell growth stimulation by supernatants of EBV-immortalized B cells and thus may function as an autocrine growth factor. However, IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6 is not detectable in supernatants of EBV-immortalized B cells by immunoprecipitation. Also, an antiserum to IFN-beta that neutralizes IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6 fails to neutralize autocrine growth factor activity. This suggests that autocrine growth factors produced by EBV-immortalized B cells are distinct from IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6. Thus, the continuous proliferation of EBV-immortalized B cells is enhanced by either autocrine or paracrine growth factors. One of the mediators with paracrine growth factor activity is IFN-beta 2/BSF-2/IL-6.  相似文献   

Induction of IL-6 (B cell stimulatory factor-2/IFN-beta 2) production by HIV   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Polyclonal B cell activation is commonly observed in AIDS and in infection with HIV. The effect of HIV on the induction of B cell stimulatory factor 2 (BSF-2) production was examined, since BSF-2 plays an essential role in the differentiation of activated B cells to Ig-secreting cells. Increased BSF-2 mRNA levels and increased BSF-2 secretion were observed soon after exposure of mononuclear cells isolated from healthy donors to both "live" and inactivated HIV. HIV-induced BSF-2 production was seen in monocyte/macrophages, but not in T cells. These results suggest that the HIV-induced overproduction of BSF-2 might contribute to the polyclonal B cell activation seen in AIDS and in infection with HIV.  相似文献   

Recombinant human IL-6 (rhIL-6) is a potent inducer of the synthesis of acute phase proteins in adult human hepatocytes. A wide spectrum of acute phase proteins is regulated by this mediator. After labeling of rhIL-6 stimulated human hepatocytes with [35S]methionine acute phase protein synthesis was measured by immunoprecipitation. Serum amyloid A, C-reactive protein, haptoglobin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin and fibrinogen were strongly induced (26-, 23-, 8.6-, 4.6- and 3.8-fold increases, respectively). Moderate increases were found for alpha 1-antitrypsin (2.7-fold) and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (2.7-fold). RhIL-6 had no effect on alpha 2-macroglobulin, whereas fibronectin, albumin and transferrin decreased to 64, 56 and 55% of controls. In the cases of serum amyloid A, haptoglobin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, alpha 1-antitrypsin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, dexamethasone enhanced the action of rhIL-6. We conclude that rhIL-6 controls the acute phase response in human liver cells.  相似文献   

T cells can be subdivided based on cell surface markers, MHC restriction, function, and production of soluble factors. Analysis of the ability of cloned, Ia-restricted, L3T4+ T cells to induce an in vitro anti-hapten antibody response to hapten-carrier conjugates allowed the definition of three functional subtypes. To examine whether these functional subtypes also differed in the production of soluble mediators, supernatants of the cloned lines were examined for the production of T cell growth factors and factors inducing increased expression of Ia glycoproteins on small resting B cells. All of the cloned lines produced T cell growth factors that could be further differentiated by inhibition with monoclonal antibodies. None of the Ia-restricted, L3T4+ cloned T cell lines that failed to produce IL 4/BSF-1 could provide helper function. Thus, the activation of antigen-specific B cells by helper T cells appears to require IL 4/BSF-1 as a necessary but not sufficient signal for differentiation into antibody-forming cells.  相似文献   

IL-6, which is also known as IFN-beta 2, hybridoma growth factor, hepatocyte-stimulating factor, and B cell differentiation factor, mediates acute phase responses including fever, has lymphocyte-stimulating capacities, and antiviral activity. IL-6 is produced by monocytes, fibroblasts, certain lymphocytes, and various tumor cells. The present study demonstrates that this multifunctional cytokine is released also by normal human epidermal cells (EC) and human epidermoid carcinoma cell lines (A431, KB). Accordingly, supernatants derived from freshly isolated EC, long term keratinocyte cultures, A431, or KB cells stimulated the proliferation of a hybridoma growth factor/IL-6-dependent plasmacytoma cell line (B9). IL-6 constitutively was produced in the presence of serum proteins. The addition of IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, or the tumor promoter PMA significantly enhanced the synthesis and release of EC-derived IL-6 (EC-IL 6). Like monocyte or fibroblast-derived IL-6, EC-IL-6 exhibited Mr microheterogeneity within 21 and 28 kDa. Similarly in Western blotting experiments an antiserum directed against human rIFN-beta 2/IL-6 detected the different Mr forms of EC-IL-6. Moreover, this antiserum was able to block the B9 cell growth-promoting capacity of EC-IL-6 strongly suggesting that this EC-derived mediator is closely related, if not identical with IL-6. This was further confirmed by Northern blot analysis detecting IL-6 specific mRNA both in long term cultured keratinocytes and A431 cells by hybridization with a cDNA fragment encoding for B cell differentiating factor 2/IL-6. Therefore, in addition to the production of other cytokines as previously reported, EC and in particular keratinocytes also synthesize and release IL-6. This further supports the important regulatory role of the epidermis during the pathogenesis of inflammatory, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of rIL-6 on the growth and differentiation of highly purified human peripheral blood B cells was examined. IL-6 alone induced minimal incorporation of [3H]thymidine by unstimulated or Staphylococcus aureus (SA)-stimulated B cells and did not augment proliferation induced by SA and IL-2. Similarly, IL-6 alone did not support the generation of Ig-secreting cells (ISC) or induce the secretion of Ig by unstimulated or SA-stimulated B cells. However, IL-6 did augment the generation of ISC and the secretion of all isotypes of Ig induced by SA and IL-2. Maximal enhancement of B cell responsiveness by IL-6 required its presence from the initiation of culture. Delaying the addition of IL-6 to B cells stimulated with SA and IL-2 beyond 24 h diminished its effect on ISC generation. However, increased Ig production but not ISC generation was observed when IL-6 was added to B cells that had been preactivated for 48 h with SA and IL-2. This effect was most marked when the activated B cells were also stimulated with IL-2. IL-6 in combination with other cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-4 did not induce the secretion of Ig or generation of ISC in the absence of IL-2. Moreover, antibody to IL-6 did not inhibit the effect of IL-2 on the growth and differentiation of B cells stimulated with SA, but did inhibit the IL-6-induced augmentation of Ig secretion by B cells stimulated with SA and IL-2. IL-6 alone enhanced T cell dependent induction of B cell differentiation stimulated by PWM. Part of this enhancement was related to its capacity to increase the production of IL-2 in these cultures. These results indicate that IL-6 has several direct enhancing effects on the differentiation of B cells, all of which are at least in part dependent on the presence of IL-2. In addition, IL-6 can indirectly increase B cell differentiation by increasing IL-2 production by T cells.  相似文献   

The effect of culture supernatants of endothelial cell (EC) lines on the immunoglobulin-M(IgM) synthesis by human B cell line, SKW6-CL4 cells, was investigated. Supernatants of human EC stimulated IgM synthesis, as high as 6-fold, but supernatants of bovine EC did not. This enhancing activity was completely blocked by addition of anti-human B cell stimulatory factor-2/interleukin-6 (BSF-2/IL-6) antibody. These data suggest that human EC might participate in the human antibody production system by producing soluble factor, BSF-2/IL-6.  相似文献   

B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1)/interleukin 4 (IL-4) has striking effects on colony formation in soft agar by small resting B lymphocytes. BSF-1 alone induces colony formation in this cell population, presumably in costimulation with a mitogenic substance present in bacto-agar. In costimulation with anti-IgM antibodies, BSF-1 caused initial proliferation of 8 to 10% of B cells, resulting in a large number of cell clusters (10 to 40 cells/clone) after 3 to 4 days of incubation. However, substantial number of colonies (greater than 40 cells/clone) developed only from these clusters when IL-1 was added to the cultures. Using a modified immunoperoxidase staining technique for the determination of IgM allotype, evidence was obtained that B cell colonies stimulated with BSF-1 are derived from a single progenitor cell. Neutralization of BSF-1 with 11B11 after a culture period of 1 to 4 days inhibits further proliferation of B cell colonies, indicating that the action of BSF-1 extends for several cell generations beyond initial stimulation from the resting state. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the synergistic action of IL-1 with BSF-1 is confined to the late culture period, indicating a growth-promoting effect by IL-1 for activated B cells.  相似文献   

B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) stimulates resting B cells to increase in volume and prepares these cells to enter the S phase in response to anti-IgM and other B cell mitogens. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) blocks both the volume enlargement and preparation for DNA synthesis caused by BSF-1, although it has little effect on B cells already stimulated by BSF-1. The capacity of IFN-gamma to inhibit the action of BSF-1 on resting B cells suggests a mutual regulatory interaction between these two T cell-derived products.  相似文献   

Interleukin 6 (IL-6; also referred to as interferon-beta 2, 26-kDa protein, and B cell stimulatory factor 2) is a cytokine whose actions include a stimulation of immunoglobulin synthesis, enhancement of B cell growth, and modulation of acute phase protein synthesis by hepatocytes. Synthesis of IL-6 is stimulated by interleukin 1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), or platelet-derived growth factor. We examined the role of the cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent signal transduction pathway in IL-6 gene expression. Several activators of adenylate cyclase, including prostaglandin E1, forskolin, and cholera toxin, as well as the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine and the cAMP analog dibutyryl cAMP, shared the ability to cause a dramatic and sustained increase in IL-6 mRNA levels in human FS-4 fibroblasts. Actinomycin D treatment abolished this enhancement. Treatments that increased intracellular cAMP also stimulated the secretion of the IL-6 protein in a biologically active form. Increased intracellular cAMP appears to enhance IL-6 gene expression by a protein kinase C-independent mechanism because down-regulation of protein kinase C by a chronic exposure of cells to a high dose of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate did not abolish the enhancement of IL-6 expression by treatments that increase cAMP. IL-1 and TNF too increased IL-6 mRNA levels by a protein kinase C-independent mechanism. Our results suggest a role for the cAMP-dependent pathway(s) in IL-6 gene activation by TNF and IL-1.  相似文献   

Angiotensinogen has been identified as one of the acute-phase reactants. In vitro studies were carried out using the Reuber H35 hepatoma cell line to identify the species of cytokines contributing to the increased synthesis of angiotensinogen in the liver. Angiotensinogen secretion by H35 cells was maximally increased 4-fold by the addition of 10(-7) M dexamethasone. Under this condition, angiotensinogen secretion was further stimulated by B cell stimulatory factor 2/interleukin-6 (IL-6, 50 U/ml), but not by interleukin-1 or interferon-alpha. In the absence of glucocorticoid, IL-6 did not affect angiotensinogen secretion by H35 cells, indicating that the presence of glucocorticoid is required for the stimulatory activity of IL-6. These results suggest that IL-6 is a mediator responsible for the increased synthesis of angiotensinogen in the liver during acute inflammation.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is a conserved, multisubunit complex first identified as a developmental regulator in plants. Gene inactivation of single CSN subunits results in early embryonic lethality in mice, indicating that the CSN is essential for mammalian development. The pleiotropic function of the CSN may be related to its ability to remove the ubiquitin-like peptide Nedd8 from cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases, such as the SCF complex, and therefore regulate their activity. However, the mechanism of CSN regulatory action on cullins has been debated, since, paradoxically, the CSN has an inhibitory role in vitro, while genetic evidence supports a positive regulatory role in vivo. We have targeted expression of CSN subunits 4 and 5 in human cells by lentivirus-mediated small hairpin RNA delivery. Down-regulation of either subunit resulted in disruption of the CSN complex and in Cullin1 hyperneddylation. Functional consequences of CSN down-regulation were decreased protein levels of Skp2, the substrate recognition subunit of SCF(Skp2), and stabilization of a Skp2 target, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1). CSN down-regulation caused an impairment in cell proliferation, which could be partially reversed by suppression of p27(Kip1). Moreover, restoring Skp2 levels in CSN-deficient cells recovered cell cycle progression, indicating that loss of Skp2 in these cells plays an important role in their proliferation defect. Our data indicate that the CSN is necessary to ensure the assembly of a functional SCF(Skp2) complex and therefore contributes to cell cycle regulation of human cells.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts synthesize and secrete complement Factor B, a component of the complement alternative pathway, when stimulated by mediators of inflammation such as lipopolysaccharide and various cytokines. Recombinant IL-6/IFN-beta 2 (E. coli) stimulates Factor B synthesis in fibroblasts but the effect is strongly potentiated by the addition of IFN-gamma. When both cytokines are added, the skin fibroblasts secrete significant amounts of biologically active Factor B detectable in a hemolysis test. This cooperative effect of IL-6, which is made by most tissue cells and monocytes and of IFN-gamma which is made by T-lymphocytes may play a role in local inflammatory processes. IL-6 and IFN-gamma also cooperate in the induction of (2'-5') A synthetase, a mediator of IFN action.  相似文献   

This study describes the generation of a monoclonal mouse x rat antibody (G-48) that recognizes a determinant on the serologically defined LFA-1 alpha-chain. It immunoprecipitates two noncovalently associated polypeptides of 176,000 and 95,000 Mr respectively from lysates of radioiodinated BCL1 cells, T cells, and B cells. G-48 mimics the biological actions of BSF-1 by inducing increased levels of Ia antigen expression on resting B cells, augmenting the proliferation of anti-delta-stimulated B cells, and in insolubilized form, inducing IgG1 secretion by LPS-activated B cells. G-48 does not have BCDF mu, BCGF II, nor IL 2 activity. These results demonstrate that LFA-1 plays an important role in B cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation.  相似文献   

Partial purification of murine B cell stimulatory factor (BSF)-1   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
BSF-1 was partially purified from serum-free culture supernatants of cells of the EL-4 thymoma line, which had been induced 48 hr earlier with 4 beta-phorbol-12 beta-myristate-12 alpha-acetate (PMA). BSF-1 in 10-liter batches was adsorbed onto and eluted from trimethylsilyl-controlled pore glass beads (TMS-CpG) and then subjected to reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The recovery of BSF-1 activity by TMS-CpG and RP-HPLC ranged from 52 to 55% and 187 to 227%, respectively. The specific activity in units per milligram of protein of partially purified BSF-1 was approximately 2600 times higher than that of the culture supernatant protein. The partially purified BSF-1 had a single isoelectric point of 6.3 and an apparent m.w. between 18,000 and 21,700 when analyzed by isoelectric focusing and gel filtration-HPLC, respectively. The ability to prepare large amounts of partially purified BSF-1 by a rapid and efficient procedure should be of great help in both biochemical and immunologic studies of this lymphokine.  相似文献   

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