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A papain-binding protein (PBP) resembling human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) but of Mr half that of alpha 2M was purified from plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) plasma. The plaice protein displayed most of the distinctive inhibitory properties of the human macroglobulin, and was therefore considered, despite its smaller molecular size, to be homologous with alpha 2M. Plaice PBP was shown to consist of four dissimilar subunits; two I chains (Mr 105 000) and two II chains (Mr 90 000). Each of the larger I chains contained a "bait region" sensitive to proteolytic attack by a variety of proteinases, and an autolytic site analogous to the autolytic site of alpha 2M. Subunit I, almost certainly at the autolytic site, formed SDS-stable, covalent links with methylamine or a proportion of the trapped proteinase molecules. A scheme is proposed for the evolution of human alpha 2M from the smaller fish protein, and the possibility of a shared evolutionary origin for alpha 2M and the complement components C3 and C4 is discussed.  相似文献   

A papain-binding protein (PB-protein) was purified to homogeneity from the plasma of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). PB-protein inhibited the activity of trypsin and pancreatic elastase (serine proteinases), thermolysin (a metalloproteinase) and papain (a cysteine proteinase). Presaturation of PB-protein with trypsin prevented the subsequent inhibition of thermolysin, and vice versa. Only catalytically active endopeptidases were bound by PB-protein. The catalytic activity of trypsin bound by PB-protein was inhibited by 95% against an insoluble protein substrate, but only by 38% against a low-molecular-weight synthetic substrate. The remaining activity of the bound trypsin was partially protected against further inhibition by soya-bean trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin bound by PB-protein showed a decrease of 67% in its reactivity with antibodies. The inhibitory activity of PB-protein was inactivated at pH 8.0 by methylamine (0.2M) or dithiothreitol (1 mM). The inhibition of proteinases by plaice PB-protein shows the distinctive characteristics of inhibition by human alpha 2-macroglobulin, and it is concluded that the plaice protein is a homologue of the human macroglobulin.  相似文献   

Native human pregnancy zone protein (PZP), a close homolog of alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M), can be obtained in approximately 20% yield from pooled late pregnancy plasma or serum by a combination of polyethylene glycol precipitation, euglobulin precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography, zinc-chelate affinity chromatography, and negative affinity chromatography on insolubilized antibodies against human serum proteins. Both proteins are similarly organized as disulfide-bridged dimers of 360 kDa containing 180-kDa subunits. These dimers constitute the proteinase-binding units of PZP, and in contrast to alpha 2M, they appear to be only loosely associated, indicating a subtle difference in the quaternary structure of these alpha-macroglobulins. The preparations contain functionally intact beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thiol esters, located in the same nonapeptide sequence as found in alpha 2M, and form complexes with a variety of proteinases in which a large fraction of the proteinase is bound covalently. Proteinases bound to PZP are still active and poorly accessible to reaction with large inhibitors like alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. The structural and functional features of PZP indicate that PZP and alpha 2M, although extremely similar, may have different yet overlapping sets of proteinases as targets. It is possible that PZP mainly controls the activity of cellular proteinases released under conditions of increased cellular turnover and that PZP could be the human equivalent to the acute phase alpha-macroglobulins known in other species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that human plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2 M) possesses a single subunit chain (Mr approximately 185,000) when incubated with dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol at 37 degrees C and analyzed by dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. The present study details the observation that heating alpha 2 M to 90 degrees C under identical conditions produces at least two additional polypeptide chains, termed bands II and III, with apparent molecular weights of 125,00 and 62,000. The generation of these fragments is enhanced by increasing the time of incubation. The appearance of band II composition of the buffer, dodecyl sulfate concentrations, or alpha 2 M protein concentration in the incubation mixture. The electrophoretic bands II and III of alpha 2 M have dissimilar 125I-labeled tryptic peptide digests and also differ in their amino acid composition. The heat-induced fragmentation of alpha 2M is not affected by the inclusion of a variety of low molecular weight protease inhibitors, suggesting that the appearance of bands II and III is not due to enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis. When the subunit chain of alpha 2M is first cleaved by trypsin into the previously described Mr = 85,000 derivative, neither band II nor III material, nor other lower molecular weight products are generated by heat treatment. Furthermore, preincubation of alpha 2M with methylamine prevents fragmentation of the subunit chain. These results indicate that these fragments are neither pre-existing subunits of alpha 2M nor derivatives formed prior to treatment for gel analysis. These data provide evidence that a covalent bond in the alpha 2M molecule is unusually susceptible to heat-induced cleavage.  相似文献   

By means of immunoperoxidase technique staining localization in the mature placenta of a number of highly molecular proteins--alpha 2-macroglobulin and associated with pregnancy alpha 2-glycoprotein and protein-A--has been determined. These proteins are predominantly determined in syncytiotrophoblast and decidual cells. Similarity in distribution of the proteins in question is determined not only by identity of their receptors, but is evidently caused by community of their functional properties.  相似文献   

Primary structure of human alpha 2-macroglobulin. V. The complete structure   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The primary structure of the tetrameric plasma glycoprotein human alpha 2-macroglobulin has been determined. The identical subunits contain 1451 amino acid residues. Glucosamine-based oligosaccharide groups are attached to asparagine residues 32, 47, 224, 373, 387, 846, 968, and 1401. Eleven intrachain disulfide bridges have been placed (Cys25-Cys63, Cys228-Cys276, Cys246-Cys264, Cys255-Cys408, Cys572-Cys748, Cys619-Cys666, Cys798-Cys826, Cys824-Cys860, Cys898-Cys1298, Cys1056-Cys1104, and Cys1329-Cys1444). Cys-447 probably forms an interchain bridge with Cys-447 from another subunit. The beta-SH group of Cys-949 is thiol esterified to the gamma-carbonyl group of Glx-952, thus forming an activatable reactive site which can mediate covalent binding of nucleophiles. A putative transglutaminase cross-linking site is constituted by Gln-670 and Gln-671. The primary sites of proteolytic cleavage in the activation cleavage area (the "bait" region) are located in the sequence: -Arg681-Val-Gly-Phe-Tyr-Glu-. The molecular weight of the unmodified alpha 2-macroglobulin subunit is 160,837 and approximately 179,000, including the carbohydrate groups. The presence of possible internal homologies within the alpha 2-macroglobulin subunit is discussed. A comparison of stretches of sequences from alpha 2-macroglobulin with partial sequence data for complement components C3 and C4 indicates that these proteins are evolutionary related. The properties of alpha 2-macroglobulin are discussed within the context of proteolytically regulated systems with particular reference to the complement components C3 and C4.  相似文献   

NMR and ESR spectroscopies have been used to examine the plasma protease inhibitor pregnancy zone protein (PZP) and its complex with chymotrypsin. The 1H NMR spectrum of PZP shows relatively few sharp resonances, which, by analogy with human alpha 2-macroglobulin, probably arise from the proteolytically sensitive bait region. Upon reaction with chymotrypsin to form a 1:1 protease.PZP tetramer complex, there is a large increase in the intensity of sharp resonances due to an increase in mobility of these residues. 35Cl NMR has been used to follow binding of zinc and manganese to apo-PZP. Zinc binding causes a linear broadening of the bulk Cl-, consistent with access of Cl- to PZP-bound zinc. Since zinc in the two highest affinity sites in human alpha 2-macroglobulin causes no broadening of Cl-, it is concluded that these zinc sites are absent from PZP. The mobility of chymotrypsin in the PZP.chymotrypsin complex was examined by covalently attaching a nitroxide spin label at the serine residue in the active site of the enzyme and examining the appearance of the ESR spectrum. The chymotrypsin is rigidly held by the PZP to which it is covalently bound. In an analogous experiment performed previously on alpha 2-macroglobulin, chymotrypsin, bound in the presence of methylamine and therefore largely noncovalently bound, was found to be free to rotate inside the cage formed by the protease inhibitor.  相似文献   

The interaction between four Crotalus atrox hemorrhagic metalloproteinases and human alpha 2-macroglobulin was investigated. The proteolytic activity of the hemorrhagic toxins Ht-c, -d, and -e against the large molecular weight protein substrates, gelatin type I and collagen type IV, was completely inhibited by alpha 2-macroglobulin. The proteolytic activity of Ht-a against the same substrates was not significantly inhibited. Each mole of alpha 2-macroglobulin bound maximally 2 mol of Ht-e and 1.1 mol of Ht-c and Ht-d. These proteinases interacted with alpha 2-macroglobulin rapidly at 22 degrees C. Rate constants based on intrinsic fluorescence measurements were 0.62 X 10(5) M-1 s-1 for interaction of alpha 2-macroglobulin with Ht-c and -d and 2.3 X 10(5) M-1 s-1 for the interaction of alpha 2-macroglobulin with Ht-e. Ht-a interacted with alpha 2-macroglobulin very slowly at 22 degrees C. Increasing the temperature to 37 degrees C and prolonging the time of interaction with alpha 2-macroglobulin resulted in the formation of Mr 90,000 fragments and high molecular weight complexes (Mr greater than 180,000), in which Ht-a is covalently bound to the carboxy-terminal fragment of alpha 2-M. The identification of the sites of specific proteolysis of alpha 2-macroglobulin shows that the cleavage sites for the four metalloproteinases are within the bait region of alpha 2-macroglobulin. Ht-c and -d cleave only at one site, the Arg696-Leu697 peptide bond, which is also the site of cleavage for plasmin, thrombin, trypsin, and thermolysin. Ht-a cleaves alpha 2-macroglobulin primarily at the same site, but a secondary cleavage site at the His694-Ala695 peptide bond was also identified.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The molecular weights of alpha2-macroglobulin and its non-covalent subunits have been determined by equilibrium centrifugation. The secondary structure of the native and the thermally denatured molecules has been analyzed by circular dichroic measurements. In contrast to most proteins the thermally denatured form contains a slightly more highly organized polypeptide chain than the native form. The relaxation time of the native protein, as determined by fluorescence polarization measurements, indicates that alpha2-macroglobulin is composed of domains smaller than that of the two subunits. The transitions in acid, alkali, and at high temperatures have been explored in order to establish the pH and thermal range of stability of alpha-macroglobin.  相似文献   

Different conformational states of human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) and pregnancy zone protein (PZP) were investigated following modifications of the functional sites, i.e. the 'bait' regions and the thiol esters, by use of chymotrypsin, methylamine and dinitrophenylthiocyanate. Gel electrophoresis, mAb (7H11D6 and alpha 1:1) and in vivo plasma clearance were used to describe different molecular states in the proteinase inhibitors. In alpha 2M, in which the thiol ester is broken by binding of methylamine and the 'trap' is closed, cyanylation of the liberated thiol group from the thiol ester modulates reopening of the 'trap' and the 'bait' regions become available for cleavage again. The trapping of proteinases in the cyanylated derivative indicates that the trap functions as in native alpha 2M. In contrast, cyanylation has no effect on proteinase-treated alpha 2M. As demonstrated by binding to mAb, the methylamine and dinitrophenylthiocyanate-treated alpha 2M exposes the receptor-recognition site, but the derivative is not cleared from the circulation in mice. The trap is not functional in PZP. In native PZP and PZP treated with methylamine, the conformational states seem similar. The receptor-recognition sites are not exposed and removal from the circulation in vivo is not seen for these as for the PZP-chymotrypsin complex. Tetramers are only formed when proteinases can be covalently bound to the PZP. Conformational changes are not detected in PZP derivatives in which the thiol ester is treated with methylamine and dinitrophenylthiocyanate. The results suggest that the conformational changes in alpha 2M are generated by mechanisms different to these in PZP. The key structure gearing the conformational changes in alpha 2M is the thiol ester, by which the events 'trapping' and exposure of the receptor-recognition site can be separated. In PZP, the crucial step for the conformational changes is the cleavage of the 'bait' region, since cleavage of the thiol ester does not lead to any detectable conformational changes by the methods used.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is one of the major cadmium-binding proteins of human plasma. As determined with equilibrium dialysis, alpha 2M bound 4.6 (+/- 0.7) mol Cd2+ per mol protein with an apparent dissociation constant of (9.6 (+/- 5.0] X 10(-7) M. Methylamine-modified alpha 2M (alpha 2M-Me) had a similar affinity for Cd2+ (Kd,app = 5.3 X 10(-7) M), but fewer binding sites. Cadmium produced a small increase in the amidolytic activity of trypsin in the presence of alpha 2M and soybean trypsin inhibitor. Using the binding parameters determined from the equilibrium dialysis studies, the Cd2+ concentration which produced a half-maximal increase in amidolytic activity corresponded to saturation of all Cd2+-binding sites in one-half of the alpha 2M molecules. From these results, a model is proposed in which one Cd2+-binding site is present in each of the four polypeptide chains which compose alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Interaction of human plasmin with human alpha 2-macroglobulin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The steady-state kinetic parameters of plasmin and the alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M)-plasmin complex toward the chromogenic substrate Val-Leu-Lys-p-nitroanilide (S-2251), in the presence and absence of plasmin competitive inhibitors, have been determined. At pH 7.4 and 22 degrees C, the Km values for plasmin and alpha 2M-plasmin for S-2251 were 0.13 +/- 0.02 mM and 0.3 +/- 0.03 mM. The kcat of this reaction, when catalyzed by alpha 2M-plasmin, was 6.0 +/- 0.5 s-1, a value significantly decreased from the kcat of 11.0 +/- 1.0 s-1, determined when free plasmin was the enzyme. KI values for benzamidine of 0.50 +/- 0.05 mM and 0.23 +/- 0.02 mM were obtained for S-2251 hydrolysis, as catalyzed by alpha 2M-plasmin and plasmin, respectively. When leupeptin was the competitive inhibitor, KI values of 5.0 +/- 0.65 microM and 1.0 +/- 0.1 microM were obtained when alpha 2M-plasmin and plasmin, respectively, were the enzymes employed for catalysis of S-2251 hydrolysis. The comparative rates of reaction of the peptide inhibitor Trasylol (Kunitz basic pancreatic inhibitor) with plasmin and alpha 2M-plasmin were also determined. A concentration of Trasylol of at least 3 orders of magnitude greater for alpha 2M-plasmin than for free plasmin was required to observe inhibition rates on comparable time scales.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Treatment of normal human plasma with methylamine resulted in the discovery of an interleukin-1 beta(IL-1 beta) binding protein. The protein was labeled with 125I-IL-1 beta and the relative molecular mass (Mr) determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein-IL-1 beta complex had a Mr of approximately 400,000 in non-reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis but became dissociated when exposed to beta-mercaptoethanol. The 125I-IL-1 beta labeled protein complex could be immunoprecipitated from plasma by using an anti-alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) antiserum. Similarly, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for electrophoretically fast ("F")alpha 2M was able to adsorb the 125I-IL-1 beta labeled complex from plasma. The mAb was also capable of adsorbing "F" alpha 2M-125I-IL-1 beta complexes from binary reaction mixtures, but failed to adsorb free 125I-IL-1 beta. Experiments carried out with purified plasma alpha 2M established that IL-1 beta became bound to alpha 2M only upon reaction with trypsin or methylamine, which results in the appearance of free thiol groups in alpha 2M ("F" alpha 2M). There was no binding of IL-1 beta to the native form of alpha 2M (electrophoretically slow or "S" alpha 2M), which lacks free thiol groups. Pretreatment of "F" alpha 2M with N-ethylmaleimide or [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)] tetraacetic acid prevented complex formation between "F" alpha 2M and IL-1 beta. In contrast, the yield of "F" alpha 2M IL-1 beta complex formation was increased severalfold in the presence of 2.5 mM Zn2+. These findings indicate that "F" alpha 2M interacts with IL-1 beta through a thiol-disulfide exchange reaction. Zn2+ may play a major role in bringing together the reactive domains of the adjoining peptide backbones into proper orientation. The ready complex formation between "F" alpha 2M and the pleiotropic cytokine IL-1 beta suggests a novel biological role for "F" alpha 2M, since "F" alpha 2M-IL-1 beta complexes, but not "F" alpha 2M alone, retained IL-1-like activity in the thymocyte costimulator bioassay.  相似文献   

Ligand affinity chromatography was used to purify a cell surface alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) receptor. Detergent extracts of human placenta were applied to an affinity matrix consisting of alpha 2M, previously reacted with methylamine, coupled to Sepharose. Elution with EDTA specifically released polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 420 and 39 kD. In some preparations, small amounts of a 90-kD polypeptide were observed. The 420- and 39-kD polypeptides appear specific for the forms of alpha 2M activated by reaction with proteinases or methylamine and do not bind to an affinity matrix consisting of native alpha 2M coupled to Sepharose. Separation of these two polypeptides was accomplished by anion exchange chromatography, and binding activity was exclusively associated with the 420-kD polypeptide. The purified 420-kD protein binds to the conformationally altered forms of alpha 2M that are known to specifically interact with alpha 2M receptors and does not bind to native alpha 2M. Binding of the 420-kD polypeptide to immobilized wheat germ agglutinin indicates that this polypeptide is a glycoprotein. The cell surface localization of the 420-kD glycoprotein was confirmed by affinity chromatography of extracts from surface radioiodinated fibroblasts. These properties suggest that the 420-kD polypeptide is a cell surface receptor for the activated forms of alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Human alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is a unique 720-kDa proteinase inhibitor with a broad specificity. Unlike most other proteinase inhibitors, it does not inhibit proteolytic activity by blocking the active site of the proteinase. During complex formation with a proteinase, alpha 2M entraps the proteinase molecule in a reaction that involves large conformational changes in alpha 2M. We describe the molecular cloning of alpha 2M cDNA from the human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2. The cDNA was subcloned under control of the adenovirus major late promoter in a mammalian expression vector and introduced into the baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell line. Transformed clones were isolated and tested for production of human alpha 2M with a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Human recombinant alpha 2M (r alpha 2M), secreted and purified from isolated transfected BHK cell lines, was structurally and functionally compared to alpha 2M purified from human serum. The results show that r alpha 2M was secreted from the BHK cells as an active proteinase-binding tetramer with functional thiol esters. Cleavage reactions of r alpha 2M with methylamine and trypsin showed that the recombinant product, which was correctly processed at the N-terminus, exhibited molecular characteristics similar to those of the human serum derived reference. Moreover, r alpha 2M-trypsin complex bound to purified human placental alpha 2M receptor with an affinity indistinguishable from that of a complex formed from serum-derived alpha 2M and trypsin.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical properties of human plasma alpha2-macroglobulin.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Alpha2-M (alpha2-macroglobulin) was purified from human plasma by two different procedures. As well as having no detectable impurities by the usual criteria for testing the homogeneity of protein preparations, these alpha2M preparations showed a single component, after reduction in urea, of 185000 daltons by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the alpha2M was found to be 718000 by sedimentation equilibrium experiments using the gravimetrically determined -v of 0.731 ml/g. The interaction of several proteinases with alpha2M was studied by using a novel discontinuous polyacrylamide-gel system, which showed clear separation of the enzyme-complexed alpha2M from the free alpha2M. These studies indicated that urokinase, as well as trypsin, chymotrypsin, plasmin and thrombin forms complexes with alphaM. The cleavage of the 185000-dalton subunit to a 85000-dalton species on interaction of trypsin with alpha2M was demonstrated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis after reduction of the alpha2M-trypsin complex in urea. The amino acid composition, carbohydrate content, absorption coefficient at 280 nm, the specific refractive increment and the sedimentation coefficient for these alpha2M preparations were measured. The stability of the trypsin-binding activity of the alpha2M preparations was also studied under several storage situations.  相似文献   

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